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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 8, 2024 11:05pm-12:01am MSK

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the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions , they kiss, yes, they kiss, hello, i look like a grain, god, what a tender, lush, stricter childhood i want to return to, the project route has been built, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel . the program say don’t be silent is on air again our guest is mikhail rusy, member of the council of the republic, chairman of the standing committee on regional policy and local self-government. mikhail ivanovich, they often come to the council of the republic. and collective appeals of people
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are concerned about the fate of the enterprises where they work, is there any general message in these appeals? a person is always worried about one thing: a person wants to have a permanent job, a good salary , the opportunity to live normally, so where there are collective appeals, we have the closest attention to these groups, there were even several such that the pursuit .
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this milk is not enough for a lot, so instead of thinking about how to increase milk yield by these 20 tons, let’s close this enterprise, quickly get our bearings, everything has been restored, the enterprise is working, people are working, this is what it means, let’s say , to promptly intervene, give advice, sit down with a pencil, calculate the feasibility, so that after closing this enterprise in this region, we must then fulfill the request of the head of state. according to the sixth all-belarusian meeting on development, that there are five main directions, one of the directions is the main thing, this is the uniform development of the regions, that is, one region, one investment project, we need to look for money to create an object that exists, so we have one concern people, they want jobs, they want wages, a decent life, well, with their own one,
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a young president, very young, we will say in 1996 at the first all-belarusian meeting, he identified three main directions that would lead the country out of that swamp , in which , well, our belarus was located at that time, he named food, export and housing, here are three programs, look, each is a little train, the first thing is food, it’s a quiet life for people, it’s... complexes livestock in order to sow and plow normally, we need to preserve the tractor plant, this is about preserving gomselmash, our entire chemical, petrochemical industry, housing, housing is a construction complex, the production of building materials, a person got an apartment, he needs furniture, he needs a refrigerator, he needs a gas stove , other industries are reaching out, and the crown of everything, if there is this, is export, if there is... that is, for the ruble,
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for the dollar that we bought something, we must sell at least a dollar and a half in order the country lived peacefully, here is the head of state in those distant ninety-six years.
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the question is 8,300 tons of milk received, we need 2.5 million in the country to fully provide our population with all medical standards, everything else is exported, the head of state in soligorsk has now instructed, the government has developed and is now finalizing and polishing the program for the next loop development of the dairy industry, we already need to think about what we can complete to process. milk into a product that is in great demand, remember, head states, powdered milk, well, we had it there for different types, razhenka there somewhere, he says: give candy, give a confectionery, give something else, other types, how people consume, this is strategy and tactics, and also me i believe that
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we will add one and a half million milk in a short period of time, this will precisely ensure export potential, create new jobs, wages and additionally. no, he works from dawn to dusk, yes, you have to carry food in your hands, we are moving away from this, new and cutting-edge technologies are coming, everything is we have, this is already the main thing, we can produce ideal halls of any kind and parallels, carousels, robotic ones,
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all this was created from the fact that, under the guise of one thing, that food, and food gives impetus to itself, well, to all types of our industry. well, as you say, the most interesting thing is that we must always present facts to our youth so that they can be proud of their country. recently , economist irina novikova visited us and she told us that her friend. lives in dubai and there is also belarusian sour cream there, but in terms of our money is worth quite a decent amount, well , it seems to me that this is also a reason for pride, of course, a reason for pride, i ’ll admit it, well, for me it’s belarusian - that’s the main thing, and i’ll say that i’ve traveled a lot around the world, when you say, i’m from belarus , they’ll definitely tell you, or i’ve been to belarus and want to come here, or i’ve heard very good things and... i want to go see or try this or that product, that ’s right, and the head of state, i
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was still young , also maybe an inexperienced minister, he called and said, that’s it, the order, here are two, we signed by two ministers, an order, only gost products, everything according to gost, and we didn’t take a step back from there, but it was possible , we could have sold it, earned some penny, but lost our image. after being ill for two or three years, people still move from quantity to quality, this is the basic law of philosophy, there are three of them, but here is one from quantity to quality, at first just to eat something, and then not, show me, give me that , wrap it for me like this, for me this is the gradation, and all this already costs other money, so we earn image, and money, so it was modernization, the most modern processing that came to... our dairies, meat processing plants, confectionery factories, precisely under the patronage
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of the head of state, every trip of the head of state, there were 20, 25 of them a year, at a minimum, in addition to meetings, meetings of various forms, tough, normal, it is targeted, after each trip a new direction for the development of one or another sector appeared in us, whether it was poultry farming or pig farming. look, this year all our stores we received processed turkey meat, next year 22 thousand of that turkey meat, in the most accessible processed form will be on our tables in belarus, but we are 6.5 somewhere around 7,000, the rest is for export, and by the way, everyone makes very cool products a new range is appearing,
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there were plans to remove barriers between our countries specifically for medicines and veterinary products, but six months or even more have passed, have these barriers been removed? yes, we managed to remove these barriers, and not only within russia and belarus, but went wider in within the framework of the eurasian-economic union, from january 1 we finalized it and switched to certification of the mgp system, that’s why today.
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we worked out step by step, we must do this within the framework of the union state, this is the first step, you said that the section would be interesting to improve the science, and i remember how they also raised the question of vegetable storage, there was no place to store it, a lot of it was rotten , yes, this is an epic story, and the academy of sciences was involved, so i myself witnessed two scientists in a cafe, drawing and drawing something
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and offered each other options for how it should be. today i read before meeting with you specifically that they exist and can even store more vegetables than we produce, in the beginning we had a problem, that is , we produced one and a half million tons of potatoes in the public sector, protect 150,000, november a month the potatoes are oval, there is nowhere to put them, well, you remember the piles and so on.
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put these so that not a single potato , not a single tuber rots, and during this year bring it to the volume that is necessary, therefore, we have built potato storage facilities for more than the volume that we produce , fruit storage facilities and vegetable storage facilities, and today there is no problem, we have laid it out, scheduled it conveniently for the buyer, the consumer, it’s as it should be, he outlined that i have enough in november, in december so much, but our price is slowly rising.
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say don’t be silent, subscribe, invite us guests, ask your questions, we are in touch.
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belarusian doilitstva, what kind of jumping is important and how to get around. shchuchansky palace of drudsky lyubensky prisoners. on old months, there was already a noble meeting, when it was broken, it seems, the famous park, and when the hand of stanislav yundziv, this nobleman of the belarusian batanik of the end of the 18th century, struck. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus: banks, if they come out, yes, the people of other architecture, yashche and
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the most beautiful architects. anyway, this was advertising, such an image. university is the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of medicine and pharmacy. we suggest spending one day with experts to find out everything. the intricacies of their work, when children feel good with each other, they feel good individually, so if the emotional background is stable in the group and
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each child is in a good mood with the teacher, then the child is happy to go to kindergarten. sixth-year subordinates at the belarusian state medical university are practicing the skills of providing emergency care in various clinical situations. watch on tv channel. belarus 24. we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us prayerfully and liturgically in this way to celebrate this holiday. therefore, this day is mainly dedicated to remembering the events associated with the birth of christ. we will introduce you to ancient relics and miraculous icons. she occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple.
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if you and i look at our temple, the thickness of the walls of this temple is 1 m 25 cm, what beauty, what power, what strength, as they say, there was a time to scatter stones, a time to collect them. look spiritual and educational projects on tv channel belarus 24. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest
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is member of the council of the republic mikhail rusy. mikhail ivanovich, you have already mentioned in passing about this program one district, one project, yes, what is its importance, let’s go into more detail, maybe not everyone knows what kind of project this is and maybe not everyone has heard that we need to move forward with this ...
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control, he set at least one region, one investment project, that is, to create an enterprise there for 15, 30, 40 people , jobs, these are jobs, these are wages payment, this is an income tax that goes to the budget of this region and develops, and he set the second task, uniform development, so that not only large districts develop, but small ones, i’ll use an example, let’s say slavgorod, to show how... let’s say slavgorod was accepted decision, that is, the region and chernobyl, and it was located in thirty regions where development is not as effective as it should be,
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a decision was made, here is a red food processor, he had to supply production, 3,500 tons of marmalade, marshmallows, this is what import substitution, well, as a rule, he is in babrysk, they tell him no, dear, here it is.
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food, look, the meat processing plant has done something new , they wrapped it up, they did it like this, this is how we should all work, so that you come in for one purchase, come out with it, i personally go, because it’s better, the program is on time , the program is extremely necessary, it will be under constant control...
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peaceful, but we will protect ourselves, there is a family, there is a father and mother, work, earn decent money so that the family can live with dignity, work that's enough, behave yourself kindly, be patriots, love your country , respect and preserve all our national treasures, our identity, this is a strong country, and third, but if someone
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goes, then the man must protect his... family, no one, family, i’m mine, you’re yours , in the end we will protect the country, that’s how the head of state seems to be, he clearly shows what it is, what ay-ay-ay, they will call on everyone, everything, but men, in - firstly, they must serve, this is unambiguous, secondly, well, it’s precisely from such primary motives, that’s how it is with the primary cell of our society, start from the family, create conditions, well, the second he says, plant a tree, right? just sweep around you, put things in order, and even without civil initiative, you’ll already have something. mikhailovich, well, let’s talk about women, about beauty. in mid-november , the second republican forum “toiler of the village” was held in minsk. this forum gathered more than 300 participants. why do you think village workers were given a separate day on the calendar? after all, we have a long-standing tradition of dozhinki, where the toiler is also honored.
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they celebrate it in 2008, but we have maybe 25-26% of all women, women occupy a place in production, yeah, from milkmaids, pig farmers, poultry workers, very trained ones, to leaders of thousands of teams that produce food, food products, but besides, how do they have a family?
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in which they do their work, this applies to all professions, but the villagers are special, this is your special love, i remember your biography, mikhail ivanovich, unfortunately, our program is ending, but it’s so interesting with you, next time we will have many questions
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we didn’t have time to discuss it, of course i would like to know the secrets of your longevity in the profession, about your family traditions and so on and so forth, because you are memoirs, living, walking, don’t you remember the history of the latest? autograph as a souvenir wishes, thank you, well, let's start like this
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, read: we are belarusians, our hearts...
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a trap for belarus, how a military analyst became an accomplice, i loved him very much, i mean, how can i say, i treated him like a stealer, he he called me his big brother there, well , it’s a shame to admit yourself, you know, so what? you were used and abandoned, what will you find out, of course he... journey into the past, why the ukrainian meat grinder was inevitable and where was belarus being pushed? and the same thing awaits us when
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it’s simple. history of the collapse. first the special services deteriorate, then the whole country. larapai at that time: a service gourmet apartment. was sold to him for $170,000, but everything is different there, they have armed forces on their own, the sbu itself is dismantled, you know? the most interesting details of a classified
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case: i am the only thing that is very strong i’m afraid that i will end my earthly journey here, i don’t have a good prospect, i understand this, the bitter truth, a traitor to his homeland who has lost everything, a film by the kgb counterintelligence of belarus, the failure of gurmo of ukraine, the traitor varopai, watch it right now. modern ukraine is the story of the decomposition of the collapse of the state, behind which the west stands, the betrayal of friendship in which belarusians, russians and ukrainians were brothers and built relationships based on these native lips. however, at some point, long before the crisis of the twenty-second year, ukraine, with its own hands
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leaders, as well as the intelligence services, changed its trajectory and embarked on a path that led to a complete breakdown in relations between our peoples. we will tell the story of betrayal, which is convincing evidence of these conclusions. 2004, the presidents of belarus , russia and ukraine, in such a symbolic place as the friendship monument, popularly nicknamed the three sisters, launch a youth festival, at that time it had been held for 30 years at the junction of the borders of three states, a large-scale forum of three nations in the center having an analogue geographic triangle gathers thousands of participants, president alexander lukashenko has repeatedly focused on the fraternal aspect.
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history teaches that when belarusians, russians , ukrainians, and other peoples combined their efforts, success was guaranteed, and what happens is the ukrainian... the elite, the ukrainian presidents, shook hands, ate bread and salt, agreed, advocated fraternal relations, but in in reality, everything happened the other way around, the country plunged into chaos, and family ties were severed, the ukrainians were deceived by their elites, the last time three peoples truly festively gathered at the three sisters was in 2013; due to events in ukraine, the format of the festival and its location had to be changed . on october 17, 2017, in minsk
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at the address communist 34, passers-by could observe an unusual picture: a short, elderly man was detained, he was thrown to the ground, but it was not only about him, it was about the document that was in his hands a few minutes ago. the detainee turned out to be nikolai stepanovich varopai, he had a document with a stamp top secret, he bought it a few minutes ago for ukrainian intelligence, a respected man in belarusian military and security circles. an intellectual, by the way, one of
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the authors of the first concept of national security of belarus, but he was detained as a traitor and traitor to his homeland, how could it happen that a person with such a track record as his took everything to zero, betrayed his people, loved ones, comrades with whom i ate more than a foot of salt. at the beginning of the 2000s , the kgb foreign intelligence received information that that gurmo ukraine now has a source from among the high-ranking belarusian military with access.
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december 1956 in the city of belopole, sumy region, ukraine. in 1974 he graduated from the kiev suvorov military school, served in the central group of troops as a commander of a motorized rifle platoon, and then as a commander of a motorized rifle company. in 1983 he was sent to the belarusian military district and served in command positions. in the 50th guards motorized rifle division in september 1991 he was appointed to the position of officer of the first department operational management. after the collapse of the ussr , the creation of the ministry of defense of belarus in june 1992 was appointed senior officer of the newly
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created center for military research. he held the position of head of the military policy implementation group, from... germany , after leaving the reserve, he continued to work in the security bloc in civilian positions. non-profit organization, there are so many hidden meanings in this abbreviation, often the funding of such structures is foreign, and if you dig even further through dozens of organizations. the road may lead to exploration of one state or another. an excellent form of influence, establishing contacts in a foreign country, some train activists under the pretext of developing civil society, some recruit officials and the military, the tools here are the widest. in 1999
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there was a conference dedicated to the problems of european security. at one of the overflows he came up to me.
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he was even shell-shocked, well, that is, in terms of the fact that he climbs into hell, then yes, he has it behind him, i say an adventurer, well, well, we exchanged phone numbers, i repeat, and somehow between us such, well, let’s say, a friendly relationship began, if i’m not mistaken, either at the end of 2001 or at the beginning of 2002, he left belarus, well, it’s clear that we still had good, friendly relations with him. the curator has not forgotten him, peter knows, so to speak , the status of our man, well, a citizen of belarus, congratulated him there every year on february 23, on some military holidays, such people will not go crazy, in principle, i will wait for any convenient moment for that, in order to
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develop an intelligence contact, which, in fact, happened, he invited me to visit. himself to kiev, me and my wife, we went there , he told me that he was getting ready, now he was learning the bulgarian language, he was going, well, i mean , he had the opportunity to leave for further service, to bulgaria, somewhere in the sixth or seventh year he went there already and became the military attache of ukraine in bulgaria. byr pyotr anatolyevich, born on may 6, 1968 in the village of zelenki, mironovsky district, kiev region, ukraine. graduated. kiev higher engineering radio engineering school, currently registered at addresses in kiev, as well as in the village of khotov, kiev
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region. his addresses and passport details are given below, as well as contact numbers, military id number and other related information. married. voropai’s words about what is happening in ukraine through the prism of the local intelligence services are very interesting. pyotr bob, apparently, was there. greatly impressed by the seething processes in large offices, he willingly shared his impressions. firstly, the local security forces understand that they have fallen under the west. secondly, this is the big state policy of ukraine. moreover, they believe that war with russia is inevitable, so they are preparing for it. and under this bench the whole psy is being stolen. this was what varopai said to the belarusian military man, whom he tried to recruit before the ukrainians.
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14 rooms, cozy, safe and trusting environment. pyotr bobor built very close friendly relations with varopay, such that the client believed that bobor was part of his family, practically a dear person. how can one refuse such a person if he asks strongly? he suggested that we think about this option and come on holiday to bulgaria, in city ​​of suzopol. this is a good resort town, quiet, without any young people there.
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ur relationship, this is solely from the point of view of the safety of the device, its future agent. sat with him, talked, he
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said that it’s difficult for now, the work is hard, because the region is quite, well, how to say, tense, so he said that his main task, he must periodically provide military-political materials, that is, about the installation military-politically in this region and in terms of the military-political situation militarily, specifically in the eastern european region, when i he asked him, why do you need this, you are here
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to answer for your questions, why are you bothering there? well, that’s how it is now. everything is built, that everyone is getting everything they can, from where they can, well, somehow it turned out that i didn’t refuse him, i said, okay, i’ll help, well, that’s where it all started, yes, well, a weak man, i agreed once , and then, well, so to speak, as they say, someone got all the birds, it’s hard to say exactly when a person got it.
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so i still feel somehow needed somewhere, firstly, secondly, there’s a certain head, at least at least i earn money for myself, and why can’t you earn money, what i said, we work purely on a 50/50 ratio, i wouldn’t do it any other way, i ’m very glad that we met, i’m very glad that we discussed everything, in general i’m very happy so far , what is happening, but some stimulus has appeared in life.
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well, yes, also for me, when i was on my own , it was much easier for me, i only knew that i was on my own and that’s all, and if, roughly speaking, well, i’m sorry , of course, i messed up, it was my own fault, here we are already alone, so i’m not so much for myself, now i have responsibility for you, and i do this for i’m even more scared than for myself, you see , i don’t know how you make me bored, eats me up without this, but for me...
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we can’t even talk about this topic in my opinion, then he told me that you understand , if i just take it in a friendly way, no one will believe me that you gave it to me in the sense of well, as a patron’s help, i may have questions, but i don’t need it, let me pay you for your friend.


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