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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 9, 2024 3:10am-3:41am MSK

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it has been said repeatedly that it will be necessary to especially devote enormous influence to the promotion of our quality products, so that we ourselves know what quality our products are, look at specific examples, our shopping center is the capital or the first national one, it’s impossible to get there on weekends, weekends, and so there are queues, here you go, a specific marketing policy, for example, i want to come buy barkhim, because everyone around me will tell me, it’s a cool powder, try it, this is what marketing is all about, i don’t i know what it’s like...
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working with imported goods not only on store shelves, but also in online trading, which is also important, very important, this is very important, i want to comment, this is indeed the situation, today we see , that at the expense of the twenty -third year we were able to carry out serious negotiations with networks by providing additional discounts, the conditions are indeed introduced by advertising campaigns, but i hope that this work does not end with us. i would like to emphasize once again that 713 in the final product on the shelf allowed reduce, that is, the price on the shelf has become lower, we have become more accessible, but in order for you to buy our washing powder, it must be there, so we are putting effort into this, i’m done, i’ll find you, now that’s it, now i’ll use barkhim, vladimir valchkov, my colleague, let’s not lie, a cheap product is always beneficial to the buyer, but it is not always beneficial to trade, so an expensive imported product with a markup is... beneficial to trade,
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network trade works that way , what they have 250 marketing methods, how to sell what is more profitable for them, is imperceptible to us, so we need to look at some strategic points in controlling prices, in my opinion, and uh reserves, well, first of all , manufacturers face the task of import substitution, increased the share of domestic goods, which is absolutely correct, such a task would be set before trade. because we observed when in the twenty-second year, well, in the twentieth, when there were breaks in supply chains, large networks lined up to our manufacturers, as soon as imports opened , the queue somehow dried up ; according to my information , not everyone wanted to conclude long contracts, but trade has one wonderful specificity, as they know how...
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networks cannot strictly dictate their terms as soon as he begins to do this, the big one runs to the government bodies and says: tomorrow our shelves will be empty, and this is a way out, the fact is that the manufacturer is under social tension, well then, naturally , the entire social burden falls on the producers, so perhaps it is necessary to in some regulatory or non-regulatory documents, well, state that the task is to increase. the share of import substitution, increasing the share of domestic goods in the growth trade turnover, and so on and so on, but it should probably be a common task of both producers and trade, and social responsibility should, well , be spread out more evenly, i’ll get ahead of you, let me add to that , we already have such plans, this year we are testing this approach, the share of domestic goods is such a classic indicator for...
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manufacturer, they told him point blank, i ’ve already said this, i’ve produced a new product, no one knows about it, and he’s sitting at a meeting, i produced this product, so don’t come here , don’t talk to the meeting, go to advertising, tell all consumers about it, and it really is necessary, this is joint work, the ministry of antimonopoly regulation, the government is orienting both market participants to work together, and i will say one thing here, that in my opinion, my opinion, that uh, the most basic and main partners of each other are the most must become reliable... our manufacturers , our trade will be based only on this union , success will be based, of course, you know , we will have a representative of the networks in the next block a little later so that we can talk honestly and directly, we have a certain opinion , it is collected by the academy of sciences, every year it asks what people care about, they have
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an institute of sociology, every year the question of prices is at the top, and if we look at the graphics, they remain at the top, but the last one... 4 years , the trend is a little falls, well that is a topic that is discussed often and a lot in the kitchen, but we have a representative of the academy of sciences, alexander vladimirovich, please tell me, comment on the situation, and every year we conduct research on those problematic issues that concern our population, but here you need to understand that on the one hand there are problems that require resolution, intervention of executive bodies, there are problems that people simply think, reflect, discuss, if we talk about... think about it, can talk about it, of course, they may notice this, they may, but if we look directly at the
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data that we are analyzing in dynamics, starting from the twenty-first year, there has been a positive trend in that there is actually no social tension in this regard... , that is, in actually 3 years, this figure has decreased by 12% , the figure is 30% today, this is, in principle, an absolutely natural indicator, because of course people will be interested in this issue, they will discuss it, but this is in no way an indicator of social tension, on the contrary , in the conditions of external sanctions pressure and the fact that this entire post-covid period and despite all these consequences that took place on...
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made in chile 22 rubles 88 kopecks for a mass of 1 kg , this is such an assortment of natural dairy products and the prices are just this: it costs 1 dollar roughly, so that you understand what happened, why cucumbers are 14 rubles, it’s in the neighbors, even pepper is cheaper. look at the scale, and this is all just one department, but here the cheese is 15 rubles, the slonim one is 15.78, what
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do you hear about the sanctions, your eyes just run wild, as we see, there is something to be surprised in the stores? we have someone to ask these questions, we have new faces in our studio, welcome, let’s get to know each other, and natalya shablinskaya joined us, a representative of the retail chains association, andrei labovich, deputy chairman of the state control committee. and elena mankevich, deputy chairman of the federation of trade unions of belarus. the first question for you, andrey valentinovich, tell me how often do you do you record any violations in trade, and are there any such glaring things? issues of compliance by trade entities, trade rules, pricing, they are under constant control in the committee, last year about more than a thousand 100 entities were subject to inspections and monitoring, and if we talk about...
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play by these rules of the game, which are established by the state, respectively , there will be a corresponding reaction from the control authorities to those violations that are allowed, what i want to say is that in in the twenty-second year, in a quarter of the subjects we established violations of pricing, then in the twenty-third only 12%, that is , in fact, we see that in this part the business that operates in retail has become more responsible, but this does not cancel other violations that are established , this is with...
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in general, yes, the business takes this responsibly, but there are facts and what are the consequences, so the inspection came, they looked, they saw that the prices were inflated, what immediately happens? committee - when identifying gross, he reacts quite harshly to the most flagrant facts of violation of the current legislation, and to the gross ones it’s like the price of cheese there was increased by a ruble? no, that’s not the point, even a ruble or two is too high, we see when there is a systemic violation in the organization of trade, when there is a large range of goods that are presented. price discipline is not observed in the subject, there is dirt in the subject
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of trade, or other violations are revealed, then the committee until the activity of the subject is suspended; last year, about 53 subjects were suspended until the establishment of order in the object of trade, while such a suspension may take a day, and the maximum, probably up to 80 days, was suspended for individual entities. the most detected violations, as already noted, are violations of assortment lists, somewhere trade rules, price regulation, a fine for violation of price regulation in double the amount of the violated turnover, that is, the difference between the inflated price and what should have been established, and we have already fined almost 1 million rubles for last year’s crime. such non-family business entities, but in general, again, i will support, indeed,
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discipline has increased significantly over the past year, and we also note a serious decrease in the number of detected violations, tell me, just like that, humanly, with your eyes, when you go into a store, you have there is a store near mart on karl marx, so they told us that the trout there has grown by 20%, yeah, just in a very short period of time, you must have such a check so that it is official or maybe a person who this is engaged in going to look at this... every person can come in, look, think, analyze, and both trade unions and the deputy corps are doing this, but the specific case that you just mentioned really happened, but again there is a nuance, i think that natalya sergeevna, this is her trading network, she will tell you about it in detail, very important details, and , by the way, there were no violations, sergeevna, yes, our company received this information with alarm, of course, karl marx is a store , already a big story, yes. and of course there was simply a buyer who was
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simply not informed that there is a range, a model range, so to speak, of this same chilled trout, a size range, a size range, yes, for this reason there is a price that still exists today, 59 rubles, and there is a price , which is 79.99 because it's bigger, because it's bigger. well, it’s like sorting the same vegetables, the apple is so calibrated, it costs more somewhere, it’s bigger and, as it were, better, so please explain to me as a buyer, the point is yes, of course, of course.
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the state audit office explained that if you count 800 the price went up, they couldn’t explain it, and to me there’s a chain of stores, multiplying it by approximately the number of sales of these cheesecakes per day, it turns out to be very decent amounts, obviously they’re decent for the buyer, that is, it’s not clear how it’s possible within the chain, but you’re right in saying that reputational losses are more expensive than forty again i will connect our viewers with...
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there is a trout of this size, this, this and this, it seems that for a simple consumer it is the same thing, but in fact different goods, apples, take a different variety, here adreto, here is a belarusian sweet, here , for example, gold, it seems like one apple, but each is picked at its own time, each has its own size range, sorting, calibration , or washing, for example, packaging and so on, it goes accordingly, well, that’s how it is same price is different, it turns out that you have to explain to the buyer the seller, right, that is, so that the buyer does not have an internal one.
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through the prism of price regulation, we had the task of keeping inflation at 7-8%, but if we take all free prices, with the exception of fruit prices, the so-called base inflation, so it has been growing within 4% since last spring. and if we take producer prices, especially not the food group, and the non -food group differs from others in that it is very elastic in demand, that is, it is subject to elasticity in demand. well, that is, in other words, it’s a very competitive environment there, and so the prices for non-food products in general have increased on average by about 3%; price increases have dropped in annual terms during the year, therefore.
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on the contrary, consumer goods decreased, this is also a plus for inflation, and the prices of intermediate imports are like, this is what producers of raw materials buy in order to produce their goods, just by imposing these prices on the russian ruble, otherwise , that we buy a lot of raw materials from russia, so this acted as an incentive and played an additional role in terms of the possibilities of producers, just like that, and we see that the situation has developed in such a way that...
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elena nikolaevna, how would you comment and what in general included in this basket of products that this is minimal, we have a lot of inspectors , our regulators check, and
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we check the trade union as buyers, so we come and see what is available in stores, we are not tied to a specific name, that is, who the manufacturer is, we look at what is available at what price first of all, we look at those products that are most in demand among the population and that are on the table.
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of our country we look at convenience stores and chain stores, we transmit this information to the state control committee in march, they look at what caused this increase, but for us it is also important that this, if there is a justified increase, that it is evenly divided, that something goes to the network, something to processing, but that our those who grow productive farmers receive from this, well, i have then another question, if we are talking about the fact that there is also logistics, here is alexander mikhailovich, well, in vitebsk there is excellent milk, and the region in general is like this... this will close the gap,
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because, firstly, the networks, they , as a rule, all are large and they are republican, and the networks it’s more inconvenient if, for example, i’m in vitebsk, it’s more convenient to buy everything from vitebsk, rather than bring it from bre, but still someone demands that there be brez milk, someone wants grodno milk, this is an assortment list, in any store we we can not only find vitebsk milk, but there will be a line presented from grandma’s krynka to savoshka’s product, manufacturer competition, no one has canceled it, some have prices. well, the thing is that we choose, of course, so that there is no excess, but so that there is enough so that there is a proposal in each it was enough for the subject to ensure that buyers who have attachments to this trade network, the object, so that they are
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permanent. quite a small number, yes, and we , of course, hone in every case and every possible one, we try to reach perfection, which is what we mean, of course, all networks are looking for something new, exclusive, a good offer, we price and we always measure quality, this is the main criterion, i must say that our...
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representative of the belkopsoyuz, you are also socially oriented, how do you deal with this do you understand? you know, we probably did not feel the work within the framework of resolution 713, because, as we will already say , maximum trade markups were already applied in our country, and, uh, let’s say, in the twentieth year the doctrine of national food security was approved, which recommended maximum trade markups, taking into account the specifics of the population that we serve, we understand that taking into account
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the income of the population, and what is the specificity of the population that we... that is, well, let’s say, we differ from chain retail due to the fact that that 70% of our facilities are located mainly in rural areas, and yes, that’s why today we are focused on serving rural areas and let’s say, taking into account the income of the population, it’s a little less yes in force, so we were already regulated by exactly the doctrine that was approved in the twentieth year , well, before that, that is, the resolution already had everything, yes, yes, so here we will say the resolution it played, probably on equal terms, they put all the players. subjects, and producers, commodity distribution network, because today the same inflationary processes, they due to the consumer price index, they treated us as if they were on the commodity level, yes, but today we are involved directly with producers, if we carry out the function of serving the village in order to work with the manufacturer so that today there is maximum delivery of goods before our facilities it was at the expense of the manufacturer, here.


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