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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 9, 2024 3:50am-4:21am MSK

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it’s been around for decades, look, our companies have all been on the market for a long time, and we , of course, accumulate what we can sell on march 8, on february 23, on the new year, we make estimates, this allows us, well, to keep our face in trade and be simple, but to be honest you are happy, for example, barkhim comes to you and says: we made a powder, it washes everything, we want it... put it on the shelf, the network is happy with this decision or the network, well let's see, no, the network is happy, but you know that according to this scheme, yes, it’s definitely very difficult to get on the shelf, you can imagine, well, barkhim produced, they brought two trucks, and then what, but the buyer is still looking for a yard, but he doesn’t know about it, he doesn’t know its quality, they didn’t tell , we have a representative from barkhim, please, barkhim has not been working with these methods for two or three years. not a method, this
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is clear, if we want to work with retail, well, this is wrong, we go to contract companies, we carefully, no, no, svetlana, this is not about what path you take, i’m talking about imagery, about whether the network is interested in the appearance of more belarusian and high-quality products, or whether the network is interested in the fact that they have their own interest, they need to earn money and so on, everyone understands perfectly well what the network is needed for, to make money, this is a business, this is certainly also.
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belarus is of very good quality, they actually allowed, to some extent , domestic producers and our retail to work more closely on this, but at the same time, what do we see as a result? last year, the share of domestic goods generally decreased.
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it’s then that they already go with an economic justification, the relevant government agency in exceptional cases can allow them to do this, plus everything else , a simplified notification principle has been introduced for new goods, new collections. he is simply notified by the government agency that they have released a new product, charged such and such a price, such and such a premium, so the rules of the game have been established for everyone. do belarusians generally approve of price regulation? we have survey data. as we can see, after the regulation came into effect, its supporters became more numerous. we have.
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well, probably due to some kind of prevailing, let’s say paternalistic attitudes of our citizens, they still expect some kind of firm and strong support from the state, this is what we are also seeing, since this probably not only applies to the healthcare sector , education, but also our financial and economic market, the market regulates it, but as soon as it happens, let’s let the president say what he says now, let him will say, this is what i wanted to say, that not a single person thinks. on the street will not say anything about resolution 713, and that’s right, that ’s normal, the average consumer shouldn’t, shouldn’t be immersed in that mechanism, which is quite complex, constantly changing, as we discussed in the first part, for which march is responsible, for which he is fighting any retail and so on, but every
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person will say what the president said, because it was spread across everyone’s news feeds, and i think that at the peak everyone was looking through it and what the task was before us. now we feel this result , what we were going for, this is a classic, and i ’ll add a little that citizens, of course , treat this situation with understanding, but still the main request remains, you know what, so that the rise in prices is somehow commensurate with the growth of wages, they said today, they presented statistical data regarding the level of wages, but there is, say , a subjective assessment, that is, what people have enough money for, and so, as a rule , the majority notes that they have enough money to purchase food and clothing. consumption of durable goods
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, it is clear that we have cars there, especially domestic ones , there is a unique offer, but we have gone further since january, by the way, one of our largest banks launched. such a program: national goods , which you can buy a refrigerator at a preferential loan rate, there is a list of goods , and this is also an additional incentive, there are already almost 20 million in loans, the figure is suitable, this is exactly what we will continue to do this in order to to support, on the one hand, the belarusian manufacturer, on the other hand, to stimulate the consumption of goods, the president, then at the meeting... said that no manufacturers, no businessmen, traders, etc., who are engaged in services, should not run in march to the ministry or government to agree on prices, in general it worked out, this happened, yes, this task that the head of state set, it has been solved - in the current version
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of the resolution, the maximum the growth limit per month, that is, 0.3%, which can be increased without agreeing on anything, without going anywhere, for fruit products this is a seasonal factor, a slightly different mechanism works there, 3.5% to the level of last year for the same month, here if these parameters are met, then you don’t need to go anywhere, but we still have a mechanism in place in case of some shocks, if something really happens, well, relatively speaking , coffee imports have become more expensive there, or some raw materials that the company brings, fertilizers conditional, yes from abroad and necessary in the cost of goods has increased, then with a clear economic justification, please contact the relevant government agency, which once...
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a year, which everyone uses with pleasure, as my colleagues told me, now i’ll introduce you to television slang, the assembly will be over a very wide geography. they haven’t given me peace for a year and a half, i can’t stand the price of sour cream, three sour cream is actually
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a fucking bastard, look, it costs 10 kvar, there it costs 2 rubles, damn it, in general, for cheap milk, i really miss it, it’s huge, guys, it’s great, look, in short, i went into the store, after germany it opens, you see there is no end, they say that they are belarusians. they live, look at the abundance of smoked raw milk in the store , it’s just so much, and guys, it’s really delicious, i ’m telling you, it’s just fucking delicious, you can find such horseradish in germany, look what’s being done, you see these endless rows of choices , this is not germany for you, it’s not germany, it’s difficult to tell at all.
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since the twentieth year, when all supply chains simply broke down, and just business, he is in a business that is looking for opportunities , just trade - this is exactly the example when they are forced to look for those logistics routes, this is quite lightning fast, one might say, because if you are delayed, your shelf is immediately empty with all the ensuing consequences, so if they talk about the red sea, then of course we are not surprised.
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for tomatoes and cucumbers to meet the full needs of our country
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in the off-season period, this is classic import substitution, but that’s exactly what we said in the first part, when if you remember, from year to year the cost of a cucumber there was always 10 rubles, even on average, now you look at the belarusian cucumber, well done, our belarusian producers began to grow it almost year-round in december and now the cucumber is 7 , well, 7 and a half. accordingly , we will also raise the quality of our products so that the consumer votes, as they say, in rubles for domestic goods, then everyone will be interested, so what can i say, some domestic positions just gave way to competition, lost - to our partners, for example, china, russia, they
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aggressively, so to speak, entered our market enough, offered a product that can be bought or that suits them in terms of consumer qualities, well, and accordingly, our manufacturers failed, so to speak, to reorient themselves and produce those goods that the market needs, but on the other hand, let’s do this, we need to support our workers, producers, here is one small thing, but very important. the moment is missed a chinese company, when it produces larger market volumes, the cost of products produced by a large russian company or the volume that is involved, their cost of these products is much lower than ours, ours we...
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in europe or america, sellers and manufacturers simply agree among themselves. my colleague veronica buto studied world experience. we 'll look at the plot now. in many developed countries of the world, mechanisms are used to stabilize the price situation in the food market, as well as in the drug market. for example, in the basis of the swedish economic model is a system of additional prices. products that fall into this category have special red price tags. the state strictly regulates agricultural purchase prices. the price level for food products is set annually, so approximately 30% of all products and up to 90% of meat products are sold in stores at reduced prices assigned to regulatory authorities. in japan, the state regulates about 20% of consumer prices, including for grains, meat and milk, electricity, gas, education and medical care. in spain
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, pricing control is exercised in relation to essential goods, as well as manufactured goods and... a similar situation in denmark. the austrian ministry of economics has the right to introduce price regulation for up to 6 months, and for any product or type of service. in france there is a law on fixed prices for books. they also set a maximum rent ceiling per square meter; in 2020, during covid, they limited prices for hygiene products. to in the country reduce the inflation rate. the russian ministry of finance has to regularly bow to private companies that actually control the domestic energy market with a request to limit the upper ceiling on fuel prices, for example, last year it was set at 1.99 euros per liter, they agreed to keep the price at that the same level until the end of the twenty-third year and extend to the twenty-fourth. price regulation in
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the uk began in the eighties, when the thatcher government carried out earlier privatizations. nationalized industries, primarily energy, utilities, transport. the trend continues now: companies, together with investors, often make a fuss at the next price revision, saying that they do not have the opportunity to continue to work effectively, persuading the regulator to make concessions. as a result , it is almost always possible to achieve the required indicators by reducing the size of the resulting margin. as with prices in germany, for some reason we are guided by this. this is what our expert tells me firsthand: i lived in germany for 20 years and for 15 years i didn’t i was thinking about prices, specifically the first case - it was when the corona began, and some products disappeared, some became more expensive, and then, when the special operation began in ukraine, here it’s simple - there was such an inflationary explosion, although we have a government he says that not
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everything is so scary, something even falls here, but when you go into a store and see those goods that have been there for 15 years, for example, here’s a simple example, red, salted fish there cost 200 g, always 2, 99, for 15 years it cost 2.99, now it costs 5, for example, and well, the fact that refueling has become incredibly expensive, this is already clear, that is , when i came here, gasoline cost 1 euro, now it costs 80 euros, 90 euros, when there was a peak in 2022, gasoline cost 2 .50 and 2.60. per liter per month this turns out to be such a good expense item, just for fuel and electricity, that is, now everyone in germany mostly thinks about utility costs, because when we arrived here, we paid somewhere like an ordinary three-room apartment, we always paid somewhere around 50, at most 70 euros per month for
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electricity, we never saved , but this was the amount, now, when there was an increase in prices, they sent me a bill for the same apartment, for the same expenses, 180 euros per month, that is, they don’t say our inflation there is 5-6%, but the bills look like this, taking into account. all that has been said, of course , the numbers are simply cosmic, we sum it up , it is clear that all interested parties are now in the studio, and it is clear that if we rise to the level of a national idea, we all want everything in our stores from eggs to kamchatka crabs at normal prices, of course, there will always be something more expensive, something cheaper, but i would like belarusians themselves to say about belarusian food that our stores are good, so let’s briefly summarize what is needed for this from the outside. state, what is needed from retail for this, perhaps, what is needed from local authorities for this, briefly based on what we have already talked about here, the two factors that you outlined are
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the availability of the product, its presence on the shelf, especially domestic, it works for this a decree that regulates prices, it regulates the entire chain, from the manufacturer to the trading link, it has proven its effectiveness, and we will continue to work in the same vein in the twenty -fourth year, perhaps polishing some things... depending on the changing economic environment, the second, of course, is the availability and accessibility of belarusian goods on the shelf, a number of tools have also been made for this, and mandatory lists of goods, and the policy that is being pursued today, including in the checkout area, we have dealt with it, starting with it work, so these two parameters will be ensured by the availability of stock in our stores, i will probably support this thesis, and the only thing i will say is a positive, unexpectedly positive, but supposed point in the same resolution: that this probably turned out to be a measure, probably one of the toughest, but most effective in motivating an enterprise to optimize its own costs, so that the price
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does not go off scale even at the very beginning level and the product is competitive, there are rules of the game that are clear to everyone, and indeed, if manufacturers and our retail trade will comply with these rules, which means there will be less work for controllers, and what about the networks? and i would say now this: a high degree of responsibility, making decisions in executive discipline and in the performance of our direct official duties, will allow us to always be at the level that the buyer expects from us. you know, for my part i will add that it seems to me that all this will work when we think about each other. uh-huh, yes, well, because, yes, because that no matter who does what, it’s still our parents, our children go to stores, look at it all, i would, of course, really want
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my son to say that we have everything, we have everything, and kamchatka speck, i ate, and so on, thank you very much for the valuable discussion, and we will monitor the market, stores and price tags in them together with all our viewers in life on our broadcasts, we hope that this talk show was interesting for you and answered... your questions, all the best to you, thank you again.
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we are belarusians, a big people, ladies and gentlemen, earth, let us have such strength.
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with this mostino, live forever and shine belarus, our beloved mother, live forever, prikleru, friendship of peoples, strength. our people for the victorious, victorious march, the mountains of our earthly earth , the fear of faith, the joy of faith, the evil earth, our bright name, the evil.
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live panorama, in the studio elena
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sacheva, hello! from the joint release of belaz vehicles to interaction in healthcare and the agro-industrial complex. the leaders of belarus and uzbekistan discussed ways to develop the partnership, and we will tell you the results of the negotiations. farming epidemic protests in europe. the products of latvian farmers no longer withstand competition with goods from russia and belarus. according to all the canons of democracy, dissatisfied spanish farmers are sprayed with tear gas. and why the west leaves the extremist belsaad afloat, even if it is ineffective, will be revealed in the new series of the project, the wrong side. straightaway. after u.s. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. negotiations between the presidents of belarus and uzbekistan in tashkent aim for a billion. our products and technologies, industrial cooperation and road map cooperation for the next 2 years. officials on the political sidelines in the first report of the panorama. the principle of inevitability of punishment in action in the supreme court of belarus began.


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