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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 9, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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control such as rocket science and counter- uavs. today, taking into account the sanctions pressure by blocking the purchase of certain pcs or electronic components in particular, back in the twenty-first year we made a fundamental decision for ourselves, developed a program for import substitution of the equipped sector of the economy, and i note that the directions that we chose for this were today they are correct, but at the end of the twenty-third year we replaced imports. manufactured products worth more than 36 million us dollars, this is exactly those belarusian products that are jointly manufactured by enterprises of the ministry of industry, of course we involve the academy of sciences. in addition, dmitry pantus said that a decision had been made to develop a twin-engine multi-purpose aircraft, and specialists have already begun this work. this is a completely new niche, a team is being formed, experts are being selected for the design bureau.
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photos showing movements of military equipment, since this may have negative consequences, which are not specifically specified. in total, the training will involve over 3,500 units from 10 nato countries and 2,000 military personnel. four people were killed in a shooting at a busy market on the outskirts of tbilisi, and another person was injured. the shooter was detained, his motives are still unknown, as reported by the georgian ministry of internal affairs, an uncle was among the dead.
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red weather, in most areas tomorrow snow, sleet and rain are expected, at night from 0 to -15, in the daytime from five degrees below zero and up to four degrees above zero. on sunday, february 11, atmospheric fronts warm air mass coming from southern europe will determine weather conditions in the republic. the weather is expected to be cloudy with clearing in most parts of the territory, precipitation, snow, sleet turning into rain, the southeast wind has died. winter-spring weather is expected at
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the beginning of next week - up to +90 during the day, up to -12 below zero at night, precipitation will occur in most of the country, fog and ice in places, icy roads on the roads. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best and have a nice weekend. red prices, discounts on saturdays, goods good luck, we all like it when something becomes cheaper in stores without losing quality, it would be desirable to have these.
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what do prices in the talkshow studio depend on: economic environment plus. all recent years have become a storm for the global economy, sometimes radically changing the familiar picture of the world. 2020 brought a new virus to the planet, which ultimately resulted in the shutdown of enterprises, the rupture of international production chains, a reduction in trade and the collapse of economies. what is happening affects global financial instruments. currencies experience enormous fluctuations courses, and this cannot but be said.
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is associated with the panicky mood of the population and some enterprises, in anticipation of exchange rate jumps, the supply of currency turns into pure demand, and business puts ... maximum risks in the final cost of the goods, and this is felt by the consumer when visiting stores, inflation goes beyond the forecast. the economic war launched by the west is bringing a new round of instability on a global scale. sanctions disrupt the normal way of world trade, literally putting a pause on the usual logistics. all over the world, long-term anti-record price increases are being recorded. in the usa, inflation is the most significant since 1979. the european union is breaking records all the time. existence of a single european currency. imported goods are becoming more expensive, but this is not a reason to increase the price of your own. the president instructs to develop clear and transparent mechanisms for regulating and controlling prices. in belarus , a moratorium on their growth was actually introduced, later the well-known 713 resolution of the savmin.
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the document prescribes surcharges for importers and trade. almost 400 product groups, about 90% of products, regulation applies to almost everything. consumer basket, while the point is not a total freeze of prices or their feverish containment, the main thing is to avoid an unjustified increase, the regulator explains. this will insure against losses and shortages, trade, we read both, but time has shown that a filigree approach has allowed us to avoid distortions in business operations, shortages of goods and, most importantly, further acceleration of inflation. at the end of last year, it was below the target - 5.8%. and this is one of the lowest rates in region. we have guests in our studio, now we will get to know everyone. alexey bogdanov, minister of antimonopoly regulation and trade. andrey kartun, deputy minister of economy, inna medvedeva, chairman of the national statistics committee. alexander mikhailovich subotin,
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the governor came to us from vitebsk. mikhalev mikhail, general director of dorors and sergei klishevich, deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly. hello. hello. hello. everyone wants to understand trade and prices, and those who is in the studio, our viewers, so we connected them to the topic in advance, launched our survey, the chatbot worked on social networks, in the studio we have experts, journalists, analysts, store owners and production workers, join the dialogue right away, we don’t have any restrictions , so you don’t worry, if you want to say something, we immediately have a dialogue here, we will remind you, we are discussing an updated regulation on prices, in 2022 they were suspended and this process will continue.
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with supplies, with currency, with payments, and so on further, therefore, of course, and most importantly , prices were rising, inflation was predicted to be about 20% at the end of the twenty-second year, and accordingly, a completely non-market, so to speak, hole was formed in the wallets of citizens, which is why the decision was made to create a system price regulation, at the moment we see that it has proven its effectiveness, already at the end of the twenty- second year, inflation was reduced from the forecast by almost 6%, but in the twenty- third year, where are we...
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i’ll ask you, as for buyers , that's all they go to stores, you felt , it was such that since the prices stopped, alexandrovich, what are you buying in the store, what did you pay attention to, i , due to my maybe work commitment, my wife does this, but still from time to time an order arrives when you go home, stop by and buy bread, milk, and so on and so on, so it was noted that everything was stable, the price was at the same level, and you are already weighing how much money you have on your card and what you can afford , that's why.
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147%, so when i go to the store i of course, i pay attention not only to milk, but to household appliances or coffee, and tea, which or rice with buckwheat, which is just that...
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at the cost of a grocery basket, i won’t say who is the cheapest where, but it is much cheaper , well, significantly cheaper than in minsk, there is, there is a feeling, in different ways, in different ways, you can talk about the history of the issue, this is exactly the topic, because this is a resolution, this is a consequence of the presidential policy that was launched in in ninety-four, we were able to pass this resolution because we had such an economic policy, we had the opportunity to adopt it, what am i talking about, here... i recently rewatched, well , i came across it by accident, a video of the meeting of our head of state in ninety-six with
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labor collectives, how old were you in ninety-six year, i was 6 years old, but i reviewed it just last week, i accidentally came across this video on one of the social networks, i was interested in watching it as a historian, then the head of state set a task for the heads of enterprises, organizations and the government gathered together to prevent inflation from exceeding 2.5% per month in order to restore price increases, this was back in ninety-six, when there was no vertical yet. authorities, when these heads of some xhosa enterprises were still looking at all this, that’s when i, let’s say, with what confidence and persuasiveness the head of state urged to stop this, i mean that that’s when we started this policy, the head of state started the policy economic justice, economic justice, as a result, today we have food sovereignty, we strive, together with our allies, to ensure industrial sovereignty and, in fact, in many areas we have ensured it, it is these decisions that allow us to make such decisions on prices today. because then the imf advised us from all sorts of other advisers: sell, we will give you goods cheaper
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, we have everything, those cis countries that did this, today they cannot accept any such resolutions, because they buy goods at those prices , which determined by other producers , so this policy, economic policy, i say again, justice, laid down in the nineties - this is a huge work, thirty years of work, that means all the people, the government, i repeat once again, the policies of the head of our state allows us today to accept such decisions, in principle, there was always a very complex schedule, but this meeting was not postponed, everyone knows this for no reason, because
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it concerned all belarusians, he said that there should be a clear understanding in the country the price system, in my personal impression , it was as if it had already boiled over, that is , as if the problem was not today, it was not about freezing or even containing prices, it was about regulating pricing. i want you to understand that there will be no retreat to the left or to the right from this problem, this is a moral, political, strategic issue, whatever you want to call it, but the main thing is a question of justice, we cannot escape this issue , this is a question number one among our people, and there is no populism here, i draw attention to those who start blathering.
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kidneys? well, in general, i would like to note that the very resolution that today regulates the consumer market and pricing in it is built on such a principle that the main part of the income is distributed specifically towards the manufacturer.
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it seems that we need to raise prices by a higher parameter than is established today in the resolution, please, there is such a mechanism, a clear economic justification, you have the costs, what are they? you imported components, exchange rate differences went somehow differently, or something else happened, clearly submit documents to the relevant government agency, if this corresponds to the economy of the enterprise, as the head of state said, that it is not the task to stop economic growth, then government agencies accept decision and allow in this case to increase the cost beyond the parameters that are set.
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you raise prices when you need, for example, refurbishment or you understand that this is the maximum on the market right now the price is low and you want to make money, that is , what is your reason for raising it, but the goal is not to make money, because if you take the same problem, why are these also collectives, stores, it means that today, first of all, we are looking at those social consequences price increases that may occur today, for example, if we exported in february. to the russian federation cucumber on additional lighting at 7:14, then we sell retail chains today at a little over 5-30, that is, you feel the difference, and of course, with a production of 1,200 tons per month, some the difference could be for the team, but it would be to the detriment of our country, the population,
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there are also shops buying these on the other hand, let me remind michal ivanovich, the higher the price, the less purchasing power. cucumber and up to 15 rubles, the increase to 15 rubles was ensured exclusively by imported goods, imported goods, yes, because domestic producers gradually increased the price, and this is true, and this was the topic of additional lighting, work with completely different economic conditions, that is it wasn't natural light, there was special additional lighting, this is the use of gas, well, of course, this is
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reflected in the cost of the product, and as for cucumbers, there really was an increase. which was to a certain extent due to the import of imported goods, because they assumed that our producers would not be able to meet the demand for cucumbers before the new year at the expense of domestic producers, but our domestic producers really worked very well last year, and the instructions given by the head states repeatedly at meetings, it was completed, today the share of domestic cucumbers on the belarusian market is...
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already from the first year we have fully provided ourselves with our own cucumbers, now we are even exporting today, we don’t need so much today, our cucumbers have already started exporting, then by the end of next year, within a year we will have perfected all the technologies, all the nuances without interruptions , by the new year there will only be a belarusian cucumber, you know, this is a topic that really worries our viewers, and the questions that came to us from the chat bot: why belarusian apples cost as if they were imported, why our tomatoes, cucumbers cost more than bananas and oranges, why strawberries online...
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held back importers because people vote in rubles and no one wants to overpay, of course, you want your own and you want him to just have variety, i asked you a question myself, i thought about the fact that i don’t look at what is written about turkey or belarus, conditionally, yes, that is, you just take the latest, you have to look, i understand.
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what do they generally say, there is some kind of resonance in the region, taking into account the fact that your region such complex farming, you know , there was, of course, a resonance, there is, i think it will be, because this mechanism that we all together, all together, i repeat once again, came up with, invented, it is for the first time, we are moving forward as if thin ice and... our task is to try to optimize it so that the first thing does not disappear, the manufacturer’s motivation to produce goods does not disappear, so that
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there is money left for its development and so that it has some kind of financial interest - to invest something else - then something similar can be done in other regions, well, the second one side of the coin - this is necessary, as the president demands, social justice, including in prices, so that god forbid no one rips it off. and greed did not take its toll and did not impose 200-300% on this price, that is , so that cucumbers, which the manufacturer sells for 5 rubles, are not sold for 15 in chains, i would like to complement alexander mikhailovich, because resolution 713 is generally a living organism , which is constantly being improved, that is, there is an endless process of work between manufacturers and retailers with this document, for example, if we saw quite a negative financial trend... at the beginning of last year, then by the end of the year , taking into account the latest changes adopted, the financial situation leveled out in retail chains, and, for example, we have already received
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preliminary data for 2023, and the number of unprofitable organizations is even lower , than last year, 2022, yeah, please tell me, andrei mikhailovich, but somehow the ministry of economy is naturally involved in these processes? well, of course, we don’t go shopping, there are regulatory authorities for that, but still. investing in investments could raise wages, the level of income of the population , respectively, on the other side of the country of demand - this is so that the population, coming to
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the store, could pay for it and was ready for the quality that is presented individually, they could pay, but in general, of course, inflation, which is why it is a difficult category, is that colleagues said that we could reach 5.8, that’s right, 5.8. there are a lot of factors, and this is exactly what we said at the beginning of the program about what is in stores, how the consumer feels, of course, this is then the so-called perceived level of inflation, individual inflation, because, for example, everyone probably noticed that italian grapes have risen in price by one and a half times, for example, yes, that is, but if you start delving into the reasons, then there is drought and so on , we were on italian plantations there, as a result, italian grapes became noticeably more expensive, that is, i understand you correctly,
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based on the inflation criterion, so if we take purchasing power, along with the low inflation that was last year, uh, growth in real incomes was ensured , the economy worked well in terms of growth rates, and accordingly , our purchasing power has increased significantly, if you measure it , it can be measured by how many goods you can buy for the same salary, but we are already measuring specifically belarusian goods, that’s right, yes, well, it doesn’t matter how you measure it, well, i’ll give an example
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from memory. there, for example, uh, with today’s salary, which was formed at the end of the year and a year ago, we, for example, can buy almost 40 kg more birds, pork, almost 30 kg more, yes, there are potatoes, even an interesting fact, we can buy 700 kg more, there is 11 kg more cheese and so on, this is an indicator that you can feel that we can buy a standard set of goods more, and this just shows what it means we are in the right direction,
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maybe history from the point of view of the role and place of the state, i would like to counter a little, respected expert, we are not making excuses, but we are explaining how it is calculated, for example , belstat explains how inflation is calculated, every time we we are talking about the fact that personal inflation, the inflation that belstat calculated, are two big differences, it is your subjective and specifically individual inflation, or it is
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the weighted average for the entire country. everything that is on the table is tasty and belarusian, it seems to me that these external factors, their importance is decreasing, well , it is clear that everyone is working on it, in general it seems to me that it is easier to buy when you understand what the price is made up of, my colleagues prepared the plot, now we will see how much this opinion coincides with what it was said in the studio why it’s so expensive or why it’s so cheap, ilona volynets. why are tomatoes and cucumbers more expensive than tangerines and pineapples, and why is your favorite sausage suddenly
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sold suspiciously? cheap. each of us sometimes asked ourselves such questions. let's figure out what makes up the price that we see in the store. essentially, it is the sum of three terms. manufacturer's price plus. trade markup plus vat. for example, when buying a liter of milk, we pay not only for the product itself. the main share is occupied by this raw materials. this is about 60% of the total price of this product. for its processing and modification, auxiliary materials are also used, which also take up about 20% of this price. electricity accounts for about 3%. payment of personnel - well, no more than 2% of the total price, each enterprise also incurs its own additional costs, other expenses associated with the production of products, including depreciation, which also amounts to about 10% of the price of the product. a small example from
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personal journalistic experience, we are filming a report at one of the pasta factories, i see the packaging is familiar, i ask, your products are one of the most attractive in price, why perhaps they are inferior in quality? the answer turned out to be on the surface: enterprises with a full production cycle can offer a reasonable price, that is, those that grow and process raw materials, produce products and sell them themselves. now you understand why in branded stores the price is often better, although you can pay three times as much for a company, the brand is the same brand, it’s not for nothing that marketers promoted it, but there may be traditions, time-tested, as they say, a quality product cannot be cheap. price, the nimble lady reacts very quickly to interest in herself, the excitement equals an increase in value. therefore, when everyone is running for sugar, think again, maybe your life is not so salty as to spend extra money on what you don’t
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need. season: this factor is still relevant, even in the 21st century, when it would seem that fruits and vegetables can be eaten every day. if the country has three times more greenhouses, all tomatoes and cucumbers will be sold for next to nothing equals no. whether to maintain this in the off-season costs the manufacturer a pretty penny. the share of gas, electricity and heat in the cost structure can reach up to 60%. however, it is the president’s instructions to feed belarusians with their own tomatoes and cucumbers at reasonable prices. let’s not forget that this is still a matter of import substitution. all countries are involved in world trade, what happens outside our borders also affects the price tags in one way or another, and in the end it’s nice. discount in any frost will warm you up with a red price, there may be no catch, the secret is simple, the store minimizes the trade margin , the supplier, selling prices, everything in order to sell you even more, be in the black,
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any side of the counter, you know what i wanted to ask about the resolution, the chains didn’t offend them, because they acted as the main karabas -drums at some point, well, frankly speaking, they turned out to be not like networks, in general, the trading, trading link found itself on... more stringent regulatory conditions, i already said that they had a maximum maximum limit for setting premiums, for example, well depending on the product, it could be 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40%, this was all calculated, regulated depending on the life of the product on the shelf, its turnover, so to speak, and today we saw that last year, uh indeed, their profitability was very low - 0.4% in february last year, but then gradually the situation began to improve... at the end of the year, our profitability of products sold was more than 1.3%, that is, on the whole it is normal, and as already viktorovna noted, indeed we have the number of unprofitable retail outlets has decreased. svetlana valentinovna, as a manufacturer of barkhim at the moment, right? yes, please tell me, is it all true?
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barkhimevsky powder in the networks really became cheaper, because working 713, 40% in the networks’ markups, and we became more accessible to our consumers. the only thing i want to say is the meaning of a fair price for... is , first of all, that we produce a quality product that meets all safety standards and regulations that are provided for by our state, in particular gost, when a belarusian manufacturer puts washing powder on the shelf at a fair price, then the question arises about what kind of imported one is on our shelf, this is a moment that today, as a plant director, as a belarusian manufacturer, worries me very much. it seems to me that your question here is in marketing, seriously, in order to compete with them, let’s say, today i draw your attention to the fact that belarusian manufacturers actively advertise their products on television, on the radio, in the metro, and we really work with
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our consumers, each manufacturer has widely declared itself as a belarusian brand, so in terms of promoting products on the shelf, i don’t seem to see that in order to compete with imported ones, and we have more than enough imported ones, we need to somehow... somehow attract, well, here the guests said that today the buy belarusian brand contributes quite well to the promotion of belarusian goods, from my point of view. we need to make sure that we have the opportunity on shelves in networks to present our belarusian brand, the resolution itself, indeed, as already noted , price regulation has introduced an additional advantage for our producers, that is, the price of imports is higher than that of belarusian goods, and of course the consumer begins to buy more of our goods, and accordingly the volumes are larger, growing more, this is part of the competition that we have today, the second is a very correct thing, and you noted correctly. marketing, promotion, because you can make a wonderful product, but
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no one knows about it, because the wide there is a shelf on the products, and which one is correct, we need to help the consumer today recognize their product, and of course, you are correct in noting that in the year of quality, this has already been said many times, it will be necessary to especially devote enormous influence to the promotion of our quality products, so that we you yourself knew the quality of our product, look at specific examples, our capital or national shopping center, go there for the weekend.
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ends, i emphasize once again that 713 but i hope that this work is not with us the final product on the shelf has been reduced, that is, the price on the shelf has become lower, we have become more accessible, but in order for you to buy our washing powder, it must be there, so we will make an effort to do this.
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it’s structured in such a way that they have 250 marketing methods, how to sell what is more profitable for them, unnoticed by us, so we need to look at some strategic points in controlling prices, in my opinion, and reserves, and, first of all, the producers face the task of import substitution, increased the increase in the share of domestic goods, which is absolutely true , such a task would be set for trade, because we observed when in the twenty-second year, well, in the twentieth, when there were breaks in the supply chains, large networks lined up to our manufacturers, as soon as imports opened, this. ..
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well then, naturally, the entire social burden falls on producers, so perhaps it is necessary to state in some regulatory or non-regulatory documents that the task is to increase the share of import substitution, to increase the share of domestic goods in retail turnover and so on and so forth, but it should probably be a common task of producers and trade, and social responsibility should, well, be spread out more evenly. i 'm ahead of you, let me add to myself, there are already
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such plans, just this year we are testing such an approach, the share of domestic goods, such a classic indicator, for trade, we have, so to speak, raised the level in certain documents, but even this year we brought this level to manufacturers, to government agencies, which are subordinate to these enterprises, just the same task is mutual, you need to work and produce. and trade, because trade, yes, you are right , they have enough tools, but still the manufacturer must also turn to trade in person and offer some of his own conditions, negotiate, and not just that. this is really how it works out here, i don’t agree with my colleague on everything that was said above, that trade right there doesn’t have a human face, in fact , belarusian trade has long been built in a civilized manner, probably many guests coming to our country, coming to our supermarkets, shops, they are simply
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amazed at how many belarusian goods are really presented, we will only note that in the food products segment we provide our share of...
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we have a certain opinion, it collected by the academy of sciences. every year he asks what worries people, they have an institute of sociology, every year the question of prices is at the top, and if we look at the chart, they remain at the top, but for the last 4 years the trend has been falling a little, well, that is, this is the topic, which is discussed often and a lot in the kitchen , but we have a representative of the academy of sciences, alexander vladimirovich, please tell me, comment on the situation, and every year we conduct research on those problems... issues that concern our population, but here we need to understand , that on the one hand there are problems that require resolution, intervention from executive bodies, there are problems that people simply think, reflect, discuss, if we talk about direct prices for products and essential goods, but people naturally talk about they wonder why, if only because
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they go to stores every day and even there is a change in the price of goods there by one by 5, by 10 kopecks, of course they can notice about it, they can think about it. they can talk about this, but if we look directly at the data that we study in dynamics, starting from the twenty -first year there has been a positive trend in that there is virtually no social tension in this regard, that is, for virtually 3 years we this indicator decreased by 12% indicator 30% by today this is, in principle, an absolutely natural indicator, because of course people will be interested in this issue, they...
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it is clear that, let’s say, december and january are those months when inflation increases, but we understand perfectly well that this seasonal goods are vegetables and fruits that we receive either from abroad or, as we have already discussed, are growing. the costs of domestic producers for this production are increasing, therefore, taking into account the current standards, taking into account the work carried out by the government and local authorities authorities, both according to resolution 713 itself, and according to the assortment list, which we also analyze when
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our registrars work, i can tell you for sure that you will buy everything you need, we have creative people’s opinions, we will look at them now , what is very good and what may not be very good from this point of view in stores, you see how 90% of everything is made in belarus. launching a new section, come to the ticket store, awesome kiwi prices , chili production 22 rubles 88 kopecks per mass 1 kg. here is a range of natural dairy products and prices. yes, this costs 1 dollar, roughly, so that you understand what happened, why cucumbers are 14 rubles, it’s in the neighbors, even. it’s cheaper than cucumbers, look at the scale, and this is all
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just one department, and here the cheese is 15 rubles. slonimsky, 15.78, what do you hear about sanctions, it just hurts your eyes. as we see, there is something to be surprised in stores, we have someone to ask these questions, new faces in our studio, welcome, let’s get to know each other, and natalya shablinskaya joined us , a representative of the association of retail chains, andrei labovich, deputy chairman of the state control committee and elena mankevich, deputy chairman of the federation of trade unions in belarus, the first question for you, andrei valentinovich, tell me, how often do you record any violations in trade and well are there any such glaring things, compliance issues? subjects of trade, trade rules, pricing, they are under constant control in the committee, last year there were about more than 1,100 subjects
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is subject to inspections and monitoring, and if we talk about the percentage of entities whose violations are detected, then pricing violations were identified in 12 with a small percentage of entities, but what should be noted are economic entities in the twenty- third year. they began to treat price discipline more responsibly, because the punishment is more serious, perhaps, perhaps , yes, most likely, probably, the realization came that there are rules of the game that must be followed, and if someone does not want to play by these rules of the game, which installed state, accordingly there will be a corresponding reaction of the control authorities to those violations that are allowed , what i want to say is that in the twenty-second year in a quarter of the subjects we establish a violation...
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these are sanitary and epidemiological conditions not being observed, expired goods, they are probably , they don’t abuse it, so in belarus you can take the shelves first and are not afraid, in russia you need to dig a little, no, this is understandable, but such facts come to light, in general, yes, business, it treats this responsibly, but the facts there are, but what are the consequences, then the inspection came, they looked, they saw that the prices were inflated, what immediately happens, the committee, when gross, gross facts of violation of the current legislation are identified, reacts. it’s quite harsh and rude, it’s like they increased the price of cheese there by a ruble? no, that’s not the point, even a ruble or two too high, we see when there is a systemic
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violation in the organization of trade, when, for a large range of goods that are represented in the subject, price discipline is not observed, there is dirt in the subject of trade, or other violations are identified, then the committee until the suspension of the activity of the entity, last year about 53 entities... the activity was suspended until order was restored in the trading facility, and such a suspension could take a day, and individual entities were suspended for a maximum of 80 days . the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade is also a supervisory authority. over the past year, we monitored and inspected more than 4,400 retail properties. the most detected violations, as already happened noted, this is a violation of assortment lists, somewhere rules. trade price regulation, a fine for violation of price regulation in double the amount of the disrupted turnover, that is, the difference between
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the inflated price and what should have been established, and we have already fined such non-genuine business entities by the end of last year by almost 1 million rubles, but in in general, again, i will support, indeed , discipline has grown significantly over the past year, and we also note a serious decrease in the number of detected violations, tell me, here so simply human, with your eyes, when you go into... the details and, by the way, there were no violations, natal sergeevna, yes, our company received this information with alarm, of course,
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karl marx is already a store. not informed that there is a range , a model range, so to speak, of this same chilled trout, a size range, a size range, yes, for this reason there is a price that still exists today, 59 rubles, and there is a price that is 79,999, because that she is more. yes, it is larger, yes, the size range, well, it’s like this sorting is also the same vegetables , the apple is so calibrated, it costs more somewhere, it ’s bigger, it’s kind of better, so as a buyer , please explain to me, the point is yes , of course, of course, these are standards not introduced by the network, this is a generally accepted norm, which we carried out, these prices were fixed, all
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trade margins were recorded in accordance with the trading rules, that is, as soon as possible...
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for approximately the number of sales of these cheese curds per day, very decent amounts are obtained there, of course, they are decent for the buyer, that is, it is not clear how it is in within the network, but you’re right when you say that reputational losses are more expensive, not serious, than forty, i’ll connect our viewers again with questions from the chatbot, they also ask why fish prices have increased, why do prices for the same product differ within the same shopping center? alexey igorich, it can actually happen that within the same shopping
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center, goods differ in price tag, well , the prices for... each product is built depending on what price it went for, what price you paid for it, what trade price was made for it surcharge, so if this product different, like here is a vivid example with fish, that there is a different size range - trout of this size, this, this and this, it seems to be the same thing for the common consumer, but in fact they are different products, take apples of different varieties, here adreta , here is a belarusian sweet, here, for example, gold, there seems to be one apple, but each is picked at its own time, each... has its own size range, rotation, calibration, or washing, for example, packaging and so on, accordingly it goes, well such the same different price, it turns out that the buyer you the seller must explain, correctly , well, that is, so that the buyer does not have any inn. today the seller is not in a self-service store, he does nothing, today, on the contrary, the consumer is given the opportunity to independently choose a product from a wide range, if you want something cheaper, if you want a mid-price segment, if you want
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something premium, well, that is, this should just be an educational program so that people understand that if it...
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has not risen in price there and objectively , it has also increased by 30%, that is, those shock moments that were in inflation, you see the share is quite large, but if we talk about all inflation in... in general , just through the prism of price regulation, then we had the task of keeping inflation at 7-8%, but if we take all free prices, with the exception of fruit, the so-called inflation base, and so it has been growing within 4% since last spring, and if we take producer prices, especially not for the food group, but the non-food group differs from others in that it is very elastic in demand, that is she...
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the fact that we buy a lot of raw materials from russia, so this acted as an incentive and played an additional role in terms of the producers’ capabilities, and we see that the situation was such
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that producers did not try to raise prices there by more than 7%, eight per in general, if you look at the market, you see 3% in the non-food segment, the food segment there is a little more, still, for the macro indicator, we must not forget about the product range. according to inflation , specifically for each group of goods, because we we see that with inflation of 5.8% for certain food products, prices have increased much more, for the same cabbage there by one and a half times on an annual basis for grapes and other product items, so if this analysis and timely adoption of measures in relation to individual if some commodity items were accepted, then inflation would be even lower.
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