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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 12:20am-12:51am MSK

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do not resist under any circumstances , because they will kill you, i had a gun, i didn’t have it loaded , i was carrying it with the barrel, holding it by the barrel in my hand, when i saw the border guards, stop the border service, i threw it on the ground, i said, i surrender without any movements, because the guy there was probably young, he was nervous, he was about to shoot him, and i had no intention of dying at all, i want to raise children. i brought it home, put it in the garage, i put it upstairs, well, in the attic, that’s it, i wanted to come home from work and discuss dumping, well, how what next, tomorrow i went to work, and in the evening it was all over, when we were driving, i asked him, kolya, where is all this, he answered me that it needs to be buried, it needs to be somewhere in the muzersky district, i say, bury it now, well, because... it was already evening, he said,
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no, in the evening, when the employees had already detained me, well, he showed it, and they opened it in front of me, there were weapons and explosives, but there were some on the power banks, knocked out electric detonator, here are four magnets installed on the sides, that is , again, this is an object alone, by the way, what’s interesting?
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they say that the tanks are already standing there, the colonies are roaring, there are no tanks, no, i’ll come home, everything is fine there, no one is advancing anywhere, there were no attacks, the family returned from europe in september of twenty -two, i’m still three years old once i took my family out of warsaw, off the highway, because everyone was calling, they were coming, they were advancing, they were leaving, well , we’ll go with this car, we’ll sit there for two days, no one will come anywhere, we’ll come back.
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that’s why i know russian very well, i remember how the relations between our people went in borderland, it was a single people with a single culture, with single songs, and today politicians are trying to set us up for such a wave of hostility to each other, we must clearly understand that these are not citizens of ukraine, not the people, but these are western countries, western intelligence services . don't go to belarus.
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why? because no one here is going to fight with anyone. the committee identified the curators from among the employees of the ukrainian special services who were in charge. activities of a criminal group, and based on these facts, the investigative department of the committee initiated and a criminal case is being investigated, in the actions of the defendants there are signs of crimes provided for in article 356 of the criminal code - this is treason to the state, article 358 note, undercover activity, as well as article 289 of the criminal code - this is an act of terrorism, and the sanction of the last article provides for punishment in the form of the death penalty, i understand that i made the most... the most terrible mistake in my life, which i still can’t digest , understand what happened to me, and how i got to this point, how can i atone for it all, yes i would change a lot of things in my life,
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i don’t know how it would be, there were no thrills, there was fear, fear that they would shoot you, fear... that they would kill you, it’s better, of course, to be a family, regarding the charges brought against you, there undercover activities and so on, how would you agree with what you, of course, agree with, i came here with weapons, what can i say, i came, that means i came, i admit my guilt, for which i repent, and don’t be afraid to return to ukraine , i understand that there is a criminal case against you there, but i’m afraid, i’m afraid for i would like to go skiing with my family, which i promised him, apparently
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it won’t work out, please, please. this was a brilliantly executed operation, i worked with the sbu. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria. jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. we'll tell you how. choose quality products for healthy dishes, the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have breakfast. quiche - with spinach, red fish, will be surprisingly, exquisitely tasty. don't forget about invigorating exercises. this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day. watch in
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the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . we talk about the most fascinating things in the world sciences. magic turned out to be powerless, who made the first attempts to create a precious stone. the world's first peach diamond was grown by belarusian scientists. synthetic stones, they are close enough. in its characteristics to natural ones, so here are all the myths that exist, that if you put it in a glass of water, if you support it with your hand, we conducted experiments and how many people have so many opinions. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions, and look for answers to them. scientists created a press thanks to which made it possible to extract cocoa beans into oils to ultimately produce solid chocolate. actually from.
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this is a socio-political talk show in essence, today half an hour earlier, let me remind you that since the 31st there has been a campaign campaign in the country, on february 25 we are electing deputies of all levels, so our broadcast is also provided...
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to see how people live program and off-air editors. let's get started, hello, what's called the cooler? in general, when we choose the topic of the next program, we try be guided either by the current agenda, what belarusians are talking about right now, or raise some topics that, well, in our opinion, are important, but deprived of attention. it’s just that the story about a house in a village for belarusians
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seems to be widely known, it seems like they constantly talk about it, and the head of state regularly remembers and mentions it, but it seems to be rumored, but all week and many resources wrote, considered, how much can you buy houses in belarus for 40 rubles, well, that’s arithmetic, let’s do the math, let’s let's see, but at the same time, from the very moment when...
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petrovna, it seems like - people go to the local authorities when they want to acquire that very house or land or plot, i know that you are a record holder, if so one can tell by the supply of belarusians with this very housing, is everything as smooth as it was stated, is everything so simple, and what perhaps surprises the most at the first approach, well, for sure... they come to you and say: i want it, here's 40 rubles. maybe, give me a house. yes, you can. well, the decree itself
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it works, i’ll start with this, everything is written out, step by step, everything is fine until we reach the very logical end. as soon as we reach the very logical end, certain problems arise. i'll start with the problems, right? yes, let's do it, of course. yes , by the logical end we mean registration of the copyright holder, that is, he comes to the bti and begins to register the house, from purchase to... bti takes somewhere around 9-9 10 months, because while geprazim, while bti, the queue, well, probably , this is still the mogilev region, because that this is a region, because it is mogilev and the mogilev district, so it takes too long, but it begins, firstly, it is not written down, we are selling a house with or without
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an encumbrance, the history of the houses is different, some houses'.
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a person comes to the bti, where it is registered, there are no questions, the right to transfer ownership, where it is not registered, the question arises, you must first make input, heating, and so on and so forth, put it into operation, then we will issue it to you id, impossible, because input is already done further, having first received that certificate , yeah, it’s a vicious circle , tell me in the brest region, the other end of the country, it was said here, maybe in mogilev, the mogilev region it’s like this, in the brest region
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it’s different, or the story is the same, so you’re selling, i was just watching. it’s clear that menchan is very attracted to the conventional beloyedzhskaya pushcha, let’s go there in your direction, and somewhere there will be a stone, we’ll buy a house for 40 rubles. do such questions arise there, or is it somehow different there, but i want to say that for the brest region the issue of acquiring empty housing is less relevant, because the brest region is located next to the regional center and mostly already empty housing has definitely found its owner. we have several ways for a person to buy a house in the village. the first is the classic one, when we build a development block, build complete infrastructure there, supply gas, electricity, water there, build a road, then distribute it, this is the presidential houses program among the people, which people say, yes, well, not really, presidential houses - it is when
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the farm builds houses, takes out a loan from the bank on a preferential basis, builds a house and gives it to his worker for living, and we... for 8 years he could not build a house there, or he left somewhere, or he did not have enough funds , or he changed his mind about building a house, by a court decision, we confiscate these plots, and then the village executive committee disposes of them, either putting them up for auction, or providing them to a large family, also by decree, when empty housing, the same procedure there, it is not complicated, around the city
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us by decision of the regional executive committee adopted by the population points where we will auction these... empty houses, those plots that are located further from the city, they are also sold for one basic value, if only one buyer comes to the auction, he can easily buy for one basic value, look, i just climbed onto this site this morning, which, in fact, is a display of the state property committee, now we will return to you, well, just from the point of view of the executive branch, it means i come in as a guest, i look, here i just understanding, i’m fine, well, i think that many people, who may be... to some extent incompetent, begin to look, and there appears a large number of houses that are sold at auction, which are sold for one base, that’s the difference , what to watch, what should i find? it’s necessary there, so if i’m just, again, not deeply immersed in the topic, but i’m just relatively speaking, trying to realize a dream for myself, where to start, what will i see here, how to work with it? today, empty houses
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for sale are in a single database, state property, anyone can go into this database and look at the territory of the republic of belarus, where at the moment there are 287 houses that are sold at one base price, this is how it differs from everything else there. let's say it's sold, well, the database was created in order to display - the whole - the entire procedure for recognizing a house as empty, at each stage of this work, the house can be located when you open the database, look at any of these stages, the first stage of the house is identified, you see opposite the house there is an inscription residential building, corresponding to the signs of an empty one has been identified, that is, this house is not yet for sale, we can see. as ordinary people, that work is being done with this house and in the near future, perhaps, if the owners are not found, i understand the inhabitants, but now look,
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tell me this question, if, for example, i clearly understand what i will buy, i want to buy in in such and such an area, such and such a house, this is one story, yes, but if i just want to buy myself a house for 40 rubles, this means that when you go to this database, you need to select the checkbox for sale, and only those will be displayed there. houses, which at the moment, do you have some statistics, what are they buying , what are they selling more often, or, well, let’s say, an analysis was carried out for 2023, in the whole of the republic about 4.00 residential buildings are involved in economic turnover, of which 3.00 of them, well , approximately, have been demolished, and more than a thousand houses, a little over a thousand sold, are being demolished in order to build something, well, this decision is made accordingly.
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when we understand that this house cannot be given a second life, it is simply being demolished, but we focus on selling, on selling why, because they buy a house, improve it, put things in order nearby, landscaping , move in and don’t set it on fire, this is a duty, that’s right, absolutely right, and how much do they buy for, basic, 40 rubles, but there are settlements, 12 settlements in our area, where is the auction, yeah, and how much can it cost, well, how many people?
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basic why not build a casino there. well , can one apply for the purchase of a house for one ? also an option for special enterprises, we offer at the same time the basic one, but if within a month there will be a few more people , then it will already be an auction, but please tell me, this story, this is called a look from the inside, it really helped somehow draw attention to the fact that villages are emptying, that houses remain lonely, and then , that people really come, or in fact it is, well, while i ’m talking honestly, i come to the conclusion that there are a lot. the story is good, but how will it work to give a second life to the village? this is a decree to us here allowed us to carry out targeted,
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planned work, and this is how it will work. locally, that is, we see that during this time there is a tendency to return to villages, there is , you know, there is, to parents’ homes, when such stories return, grandchildren and children, you know, grandchildren and children will still return to parents’ homes one way or another, here we are talking more about a conscious, conscious move, i don’t know whether to buy a new car there or a house there for 200.
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we can trace it, the belarusian institute of strategic studies is interested topic due to the fact that it is very relevant for the head of state, even this year he said twice that it is impossible, impossible not to pay attention to the village, we have recently conducted research even on the existence of our independent country, already minus one and a half million people from the rural area, that is to say that all people want to live in the countryside, affecting the whole world, true. not unique in this matter, i agree, and there is such a topic as suburbanization, when people already begin to live near large cities, because in the city they uncomfortable, in belarus there are also such point-by-point facts of presence, your statistics, yes our statistics show that we are no different from the rest of the world and the population in the countryside is falling, this is also a problem, okay, does it make sense,
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is there the meaning is straight... do belarusians see the point, let’s call it that, of moving from the city outside its borders, we conduct surveys, people note both the pros and cons of living in rural areas and one of the main disadvantages of living in rural areas is unfortunately is the lack a highly paid job, that is , people are ready even without getting a house for 40 rubles, if they have a job, they are ready to live in the countryside, but here the question is 50...
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