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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 9:20am-10:06am MSK

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20 and here we worry about anna sola, irina leshchenko, daria kudaeva and elena kulak. also today, belarusians yana dombrovskaya and nikita megdalev will perform in short track speed skating in chelyabinsk. follow the live broadcasts on tv channel belarus 5. that's all the news for now, all the best and see you at noon.
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in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is... a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who may be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure , almost 22 thousand residents of the gaza strip were killed, and the number of wounded exceeded. as for
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the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing up the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of the special military operation. the last one for them it's no longer interesting at all. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new releases at. on the tv channel belarus 24.
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good morning belarus. oh, dear viewers, look what's going on? hello. oh, there are so many of you, and you are all awake. oh!
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oh, the voice of my childhood, this is the voice of my childhood, you are still alive to touch you, but i could still announce in hockey, no, not a prize, maxim scored the puck. if you wake up every morning with the thought that something good will happen, it will happen. only with with positive thoughts, we are working on creating this program; for interesting contacts, useful tips, amazing stories, we go to mogilev.
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there are more than 150 of them, they can sit on your head, eat from your hands, live without cages, and you will do anything to make you feel fun and interesting in the morning. god, who sings this like that, what kind of heaven on earth is this, hello, hello, hello,
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this is not... everyone's paradise, this is a parrot, hello, my name is svetlano, oh, hello, don't be scared, they're in your mouth and eyes don't fly, no, never, never got caught, no, they are very neat, they sit on your head , yes, of course, you can’t do without it, come on, big and small birds too, oh, that ’s how calm he is, like me, for example, look how cute he is, what’s his name, these are kokariki , they are very calm, kind, easy-going birds , this is noticeable, look, here there are these same caches from the cartoon, yes, which are the ones that say, hide, come , we are fed well here too, of course, we have a large selection of different birds, they are not born here,
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they are not here, they are brought to us, but for parrots it is difficult history, getting married and having children, no, it’s just not here for them, there ’s such a situation here at the moment. tell me, which one is the most lively, bouncy, but she doesn’t sit well at all? oh, there are quite a lot of them, it seems to me, a lot, but, probably, these will not be homewreckers, they are more like playful birds, and there are such fighters, for example, yes, yes, this happens, we have birds, of course, it’s possible, yes , we also have birds that sometimes come into conflict with others, just like people, right? they look like people, yes, of course they look like birds they eat quite often, they peck at grains, yes, grains also eat grapes, seeds, nuts, they eat with us, yes, here you have, yes, our big birds like to eat fruits and vegetables more, this is their favorite, and meat
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they don’t lower, no, they sleep, it happens that at night they all sleep, like quiet time in a kindergarten, yes, when the lights turn off, our birds all sleep, because... the little birds don’t navigate in the dark, so they everyone sleeps with us, but the audience just likes the visitors, you see, the audience is my audience, yes, what shocks them the most, what is most impressive is probably the large birds, because it is very difficult to see large birds anywhere in our country, you know, in my place, i stood with you for a few minutes, i have a feeling that i i work in a kindergarten, all the teachers have a day off today, and that means all the groups. absolutely anyone can learn to talk, but here we can’t teach anyone, because the birds here are quite noisy, and they chirp among themselves, because of this we won’t be able to carry a bird, but at home you can have any bird,
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look, i'll rock you, la-la-la, look , they are trained, and he's a handsome guy, his name is tomi, this is our very, very, yes, this is our most favorite boy, this is your prima ballerina, yes, yes , one might say, he is our master here, he is everything. always listens to the birds, lives about 50 years, yes, and can learn about 200 words, about 200 words, well , for example, for example, short words, sometimes when we are not there, we go away, you can hear him mom, mom, mom, mom , main, mother, the main word, as we have quite often children come, they are always mom, mom, and he remembered this word, sometimes he says the word mom, you see, dear ones. daddies , you also need to come here, then the parrots will learn the word papa-pa, and apparently mothers take
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their children more often, and there was another very handsome one, these two are also very orotings, a boy and a girl, this is a couple, yes this is a boy and our girl, you can offer it, she can take it from your hand, look, i’ll give it to you, they love grapes here, they love them very much, we love nuts. and you also want something it’s his tongue, it’s so colorful, shake it, don’t be afraid, just take it, i’m giving it to you, listen, he’s a prins, of course, he’s just a prins , i want to eat, go hungry, don’t want to go hungry, we have these birds that are absolutely tame, but how unusual god, how beautiful she is , take it, baby, and look at this
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, she moved her, like good girlfriends, you know, it happens, one pushed the other in marriage, and what is the cost of these prettier ones, which are prettier, our dear tommy, of course you can’t buy him, but only if under order, our tommy costs almost 3. a lot , well, it’s already on, so it happens, there is some kind of guarantee, otherwise, for example, look, tommy came home to the new owner, they gave him a cutlet, he felt bad , before this we tell people how to take care of the bird, that’s why our birds don’t eat like cages, they love our only bird, i’m a trainer, oh, papug, almost, but tell me, does it happen that a bird... flew over us and marked you and me a little, this is for money, it happens,
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of course, yeah, you have to be careful, don’t be afraid, and this is who was shouting, and this is our most important one, yes, yes, and why was he shouting like that, he’s putting things in order, listen, even i and even i was scared. almost fell silent, i’ll give you some grapes, amazing, but i’ll go for another walk, listen, there were 38 parrots, there was such a cartoon, 30, so, well, well, let’s eat already, eat, listen, they’re not hungry , i’ll tell you this, there are birds that may already be hungry, there are birds that are still ready to eat, look, you see, an attraction of parrots in mogilev, for the first time in the arena trained parrots. oh
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, dear viewers, look what’s going on, how he sits, how beautiful it is, oh, oh, his wings are trembling, and this is what they call, oh, oh, he sat on my hand, listen, like that. hello, extraordinary, as they say, well , i’m off, yes, he’s still spitting with these seeds, all sorts of kittens, he just started talking to you, good morning, that would be it, well , someone can talk, comrades, that’s how they look, says, no, not today, not today, oh, well, wonderful, but what if they fly out by chance to door, will they come back? to you, no, but we haven’t had such cases, we
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look very carefully, attentively, imagine, if you had some kind of night watchman, well, you took a new one there, uncle vasya or uncle kolya, so he thinks, well, what these birds, i feel sorry for them, and he opens the door, they fly out, mogilev is all covered in parrots, we would have a lot of parrots, then, in the city, how they could live in the city, they would survive now. feed a beautiful bird, no, this gray mouse is crawling towards me, let’s try this now, excuse me, no, oh, look, they are quarreling , like, it says, let me eat, and this says, oh, they are quarreling, they are straight fighting, oh, look, what a fight they have here, like in life, you know, for a piece of bread, as they say,
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yes, so we preferably recommend that people pour it on their hand as they fight, nothing, now the third is all. she'll figure it out, oh , now, this is a beauty, oh, look, and this knocks her out, you're impudent, i 'll give my rope to another bird, i don't like such impudence, you know, she's somehow gray and faded such, yes, in fact , we have a lot of character, we have some fatter ones, but these beauties are not allowed to eat, oh, listen, they have... don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, he really doesn’t bite, he’s the kindest bird, you can , we are apparently a little afraid of each other, he
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feels it, he feels that there is something wrong with me, something i don’t understand, he pinches me so much. by the hand oh, well, he’s a handsome guy , we’re smart enough, yes, that’s why she feels if her character, oh, my full eyes are already scared of food, my dear, how handsome you are, you’re insanely beautiful, oh, listen, it’s just that you didn’t all sit down with me, no, i can’t do that. what a shamelessness you are, you just have to take me, nastya, be afraid that you’re scaring, baby, they’re scaring you, oh, oh,
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oh, no, so big, i won’t feed you, you’re a horse, tell me, well, they that they can live in a cage for 50 years? well, there are wavy birds that are completely different in age , let’s say, like this one you ’re looking at now, it will live up to 15 years, uh-huh , uh-huh, oh, our sound engineer has you as the most beautiful, oh, she’s finally arrived, beautiful, i was waiting for you, i was waiting for you, look at the color, my favorite color is green! thank you very much, where should i pour it so that the goodness doesn’t go to waste, while the baby, oh , is almost not afraid, almost not afraid, may everything work out for you and your parrot story, family, prosper, well, i don’t know, maybe you will have such a story, somewhere where they will be born, that will also be a separate story, yes, happily, thank you, oh, as
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much of a savior as possible, let’s have them try. do, oh, let 's fly, let's, let's all fly in honor of the good wound and people, oh, fell, dispersed everyone a little, but there’s no one to sit , we need to stretch our wings , stretch our wings, here, here, here, we’re stretching our wings, so, dear tv viewers, every morning we’re stretching our wings, we’re flying, we’re singing, we’re screaming, as one hero of our program said, don’t let freeze your head, well, all your arms, legs and the rest, be healthy.
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our colleagues work in this one of the oldest beautiful buildings in mogilev, the mogerev television and radio company is located here, and we are going to congratulate the ranyukhonka program on their twenty-fifth anniversary. kolichka, oh, listen, it’s so good that we can get to know each other, millions of years have passed bc, and we have not changed. how can i tell you, don’t flatter yourself, my dear, no, well , you’re only getting better, oh, what rude flattery, yes, good morning, good morning everyone,
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kolya komantsev, i’m visiting the studio, mogilev , our beloved, and in general this right , he didn’t go to minsk, comrades, you know, he didn’t go to minsk, he’s a faithful son of his city, thank you, thank you, thank you very much , it’s thirty-second now, oh, oh, he says, oh, how many it doesn't matter. oh, oh, i forgot to give you gifts, from our house, to your house, kolya, the main thing now is for you and me, as the two presenters, not to go down in history, how are you, and so are you? do you remember? no, because the scale of the country, so we will talk about the eternal, about the main thing, about our viewers, yes, it ’s about you, of course, about the program, thank you , how much has changed early on, this is a lot, this is a quarter of a century, it has changed, but it matured, so to speak, that’s what concerns the structure, like any morning tv magazine, it’s the same, news, funny news, interesting stories, interesting guests, of course,
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music, yes, music is important, sutra music is important , but you have cartoons, we don’t have cartoons, no, we recently showed cartoons that took part in the 2023 animation show, how many co-hosts did you have, yes but that’s all, as you don’t remember, i remember, i have 25. but i didn’t count, but i know that our director tatyana aleksandrovna larina, she was once my expert, you see what a wonderful career she has made, unlike you, no, i made a better career, believe me, listen, i also really like being a private soldier jane, yes, as they say, this is such a wonderful profession, i know that on thursdays there is news from mogilev, good morning on our live broadcast, all the interesting news, but in general, here you are leading early with girls like before? or one at a time? well, no, with girls, of course, yes , we have two couples working, that’s why my colleague, konstantin titomirov, when he came to us, he joined the team, he said that
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viktorovich, i went to kindergarten and watched you, i i'll reassure you about growing up, for example, i really like the compliment, one of my favorites, when i entered a cafe near inyaz in minsk, and i said, do you have such and such coffee, what did the boy who was... well, yes, he has such a story us here in our region, because as i already said, well , a generation has already grown up with our program, one generation has grown up, it’s for sure that you are already
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all three, it seems to me, well, okay, i don’t remember our first meeting, but we traveled around the regions, i worked with every boy in the region, then some boys were invited to minsk, and you were also among these boys, well wait, tell me, you have a family of children, you didn’t go because you couldn’t change. i understand this, i understand it very much, well, i’m just helping people, no, you’ll just be them, there’s this one expression, i don’t think i like it, but it exists on television, our job is to crow, but at least don’t flourish there, i ’ll tell you, i don’t agree with this expression, because we crow like this, good morning, someone i know tells me that you ’re yelling all the time, it’s cloudy, everything is somehow gloomy, and she’s at 6 morning, good morning people, good morning people, because... the way you shout, the way you look at the world, the way you smile at the sun, which is not there, but we know that it is somewhere and will definitely look out, then that’s it, i sincerely
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believe in this, we don’t work at all, kolya, we awaken, for me i awaken this world as much as i can, as a family, children, son, i’m proud, officer, how old is he, all of him are 25, 25, uh, he’s the only one you have, i realized when it happened, you’re still at work, right? yes, there was a period when you got up on the air at 40, then you would only arrive in the evening, well, are you a family member or groom, are you? no, i am this , excuse me, please, what is your wife’s name, i ask, ksyusha, forgive me, please, i just know, i know so many stories, these presenters, they are like that, they are so flighty, frivolous, but that’s how good it is, dear ksyusha, good morning to you, i am categorically married, like my colleagues, tell me, tell me a comparative analysis, now many adults say, oh, these young people, well, i’m one of them, because i teach, i understand everything, they say: oh , we are so busy, svetlana alekseevna, we are not today come, no, wait, and i mean freely, in my opinion, young journalists, they
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are now... we are fast-moving, and they are here, there, plus all these modern communication technologies, it’s simply incredible, but among them there are very there are a lot of such flighty ones , only the real ones remain in the profession, you have a christmas tree, i want to explain that we film the program very well in advance, that’s why there’s a christmas tree here , and here it’s almost march 8th, well, it happens, you know, we don’t hide it, kolya , how many people work in the ranyuhanan program, well our team is so impressionable , impressive to be precise, that is, the director, sound engineer, assistants, television cameramen, as for the creators, i have four people on my team, and you have a story that kolya sits there for 1.00 years and doesn’t let him in young people, no, no, let the young people in, sit on the sofa, i always welcome you, i just always say that guys, well, you
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’ve come, you’re on the team, it’s great, that is. getting into the team is also a test, first of all, we develop further, we develop together. please tell me what are you proud of? is there some project that is dear to your heart? well, the first project was a little early, because we had four people who actually came up with it all. the second project is, well , what our tv channel came up with, it’s a big charity marathon, we’ll warm children’s hearts, it runs for 6 hours live. great, in 2023 , 120 people visited this studio in 6 hours, these were children or people who give warmth, these are those who give and those who receive, it was it’s just a record, really, so the fact that our studio tv channel belarus 4 magiliov did this marathon and the fact that more and
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more people are helping us are joining us, that’s fair. i’ll say, this is what i’m good for, thank you very much, thank you very much , by the way, and now, look, you’ve worked for my program, and now i’ll work for yours, and now i’ll definitely sit in silence, okay, let’s check. i'll tell you, i'm not so brave that i dreamed of a hedgehog, but i didn't dare, you should have an open face, good, big, here you see, but no, well, straight forward, cool , imagine, such a handsome director, spin around, spin around. thank you, there is a husband or
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there are matchmakers, but there are, such beautiful ones don’t lie on the road, thank you, thank you, thank you, mogilev won, hurray, mogilev won on his site, of course, oh and they beat, they are here, oh and they beat, oh , can i , or can i, or can i, or can i, or can i , the ice sports palace in magilevo is the venue for hockey matches, figure skating competitions, short track speed skating, i forgot why. but i don't play hockey belarus, we follow the sporting life of our country, congratulated and promised to buy medals himself, this is how the captain of the belarus men's biathlon team anton smolsky reacted to the gold and bronze of his
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team partners at the races at the russian championship. we review the most interesting event. the central council of the presidential sports club approved the list of its scholarship recipients. these are 349 athletes, coaches and teachers. arin sbalenka held on for her most devastating victory in a grand slam tournament. at the start of the australian open. world number two met with the representative of the second hundred , german ella seidel, and gave her opponent only one game. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists.
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he worked on and excavated such treasured elements of that old architecture, which had already become different, wood here, stone here. materials, and there was such a thing, well, it looked imitation. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. shchuchansky palace of drutsky-lubensky prisoners on the old month. there was already a noble meeting there, such as it seems that the beautiful park was broken, but when the hand of stanislav yundziv was struck, this nobleman knew the belarusian batanik of the end of the 18th century. cultural-asvetnytskiy project architecture of belarus banks to produce and a lot of other architectures yashche and hire the best architects in the world if you like this was an advertisement with an image like this rap to publish the jumps
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from the competitor ў. glyadzice on our tv channel. the ice sports palace in magilevo is a venue for hockey matches, figure skating competitions, short track speed skating and other winter sports. types of sports.
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hello, my name is svetlana, andrey , it’s very nice, andrey, i just, when i came in, i heard that maxim borovsky scored the puck,
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well, except, well, of course, hockey, yes, it takes up most of the time, this is a training process, but besides this, we also have skaters training in the arena today, and mass skating is organized for city residents, yes, that is , well, the weather suits us, yes, it’s good for us , there are a lot of people, it’s nice, of course, but you skate yourself, of course , well, not like that, maybe be as much as we would like, well, let's ride, yes, here we come too? two, two demo girls, one is six, the other is nine, oh, it’s time for you and dad to come, we are already skating with almost the whole family, all that remains is for mom to learn, and mom is still cleaning, well, she doesn’t know how to do it yet,
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the hockey tournament is about to start right now, yes well , yes, the ice is being prepared now, now they will install the gates back, they will get lost in oh, rehearsals at training, but you see who has what, relatives also get sick for training or just for the tournament, they come, well, usually more parents. is present when little children, yes already, when children there are 14 years old, 15, well , parents already fade into the background a little, they are more independent, well, for young children , the tournament always comes right away, they shout something with they come with drums, with banners, support, it can be very noisy , what do you think, i think it is very important for the players when they are cheered for, they shout for them, i don’t know that a mother or a sister or a girl is sitting there , here we won’t even take age or the level of the championship or...
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everything that's why i wanted you not to be an institute i finished physical education, well, i’ll be there now , and i’ll also have retraining, i have a pedagogical education in education , i worked for a very long time, well, on the other hand, you don’t need to be a referee on the ice, you need everything. gently perhaps, well, we will do everything, thank you.
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hello, hello, my name is svetana, artem aleksandrovich, you are just a coach, yes, just a hockey player, yes, these guys who came, they have been training for how long, this is 2014 , already around 6-7 years. someone comes from four, someone from five, from four, i don’t even i can imagine, well, in general, we recruit from the age of seven, 6-7 years, and look, they should already be skating, no, they come again, this is how you should look at a child at home, that he is suitable here, what he should be like so that he would be selected, active, a hooligan , a little daring, absolutely true, that is, well, this is hockey, this is not chess, that is, let’s say, well, of course, so that there is a child.
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would you like more children to take up this sport? what do you think? after all , they bring parents, or there are boys, who want, at 6 years old, at 6 years old, which children come, yes, at 6 years old, he doesn’t understand that he was brought into hockey, and he, i want to be a hockey player, that is, therefore, he likes to skate on ice, well, yes, he saw it, they came for the first time, let’s say to our team, hello, can i talk to you for a minute, what ’s your name, danya, danya, danya, listen , how many years have you been training, well, four, four, so this already a lot, you are already a cool hockey player. but tell me please, when the guys come, someone
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wants to be a goalkeeper right away or someone just strikers, or how is it distributed in the team? well, how did you become an attacker, now you see how i guessed, you are a striker, whose speed is normal, but tell me, it ’s obligatory to slap everyone’s palms, such a tradition, oh well, yes, you have to get up early for training, like you with this ? well, my girlfriends, who have sons, tell me, they wake up at about 6 am, right, it’s difficult, probably, well, yes, sisters, they should already be standing tall, amazing, and you don’t whine, like mom, i won’t go today, i’m coughing a little, la-la-la, this doesn’t happen, parents, parents, okay, say hello to your parents, tell me why you sent me here, maybe i wanted to draw, no, you’re happy, right? wave to mom and dad and let's play happily, thank
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you, thank you, well listen, artyom, you have a great opportunity to contact your parents, if you want more children on the ice, tell them about it, well, dear parents, bring your children to hockey, it’s fun, perky, and we’ll make real men out of them, in general, but this is traumatic, so what do you see in everyone there is a sport. let’s say so, but of course there are questions about this, but tell me, fights , when they break out there, are they not encouraged in such situations or is this a necessary thing for the show no, these are emotions, but emotions that are not, well, we don’t beat emotions girls leading each other over the head with folders, well, of course, but still there are still emotions, this is hockey, this is possible. well, it’s impossible to do this, it ’s immediately sent for deletion, the player sits
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for 2 minutes, the most emotional, but here they are at once, that’s why i don’t play in the ode, thank you great, excellent students, so that your heart sings as they score 20:00, bye, thank you, all the good guys, we believe in the strength of desperate guys, these are the ones who play... real men, in rus does not play hockey, in rus does not plays hockey! that's all for us, this is how it turned out on saturday morning, february 10, which we spent in
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mogilev, this is not the first time that residents of this city have become heroes of the morning broadcast, but i think not the last, thanks to everyone who helped us prepare. this program, see you in a week, your svetlana borovskaya is always with you, and wait for a visit, if it’s a long, long, long time, if it’s a long time on the drop , if it’s a long time along the path, to drive and run, then perhaps, then of course, then probably, right, right, then perhaps, it is possible, it is possible. can you come to africa? hello, my name is svetlana. oh, in africa rivers are this wide. and in africa the mountains are so mousey. and he opens the door, they fly out, mogilev covered in parrots. ah, crocodiles, hippopotamuses, ah, cashelot monkeys.
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comrades, how am i doing? green parrot. a... and a green parrot, and as soon as, only, only, and as soon as on the path, and as soon as on the path, i meet someone, a ring, light, hello, whoever i meet, i even believe, believe, believe, i won’t forget, i will , i will, i will say hello, my dream has come true with... our guest is svetlana borovskaya tadam-taram and hello this is the width and hello the mountain is this high and i found begelots and shelot monkeys and a green parrot and a green one populgay,
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of course, of course, if you are so lazy, if you are so timid, come and hang out with me, it’s impossible to force , but it’s possible to persuade the snow, you don’t need roads, a spit of mountains , mountains, mountains, beetroot, rivers, crayfish, arms, legs, take care, bring your children to hockey, it’s fun, perky, and we’ll make real ones out of them men, why? you have a sea this wide, why do you need a sky this high, and the hippopotamuses squandered, and the monkeys are stupid, and the green parrot, and the green parrot, oh,
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listen, i’m singing tar-rarara, but very, oh, so i knew, i knew. good morning belarus. good morning belarus. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force has become the main argument in building interstate relations. who started the escalation first, nato, is crying out.


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