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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 10:55am-11:21am MSK

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if we do not address his aspirations, yes, his experiences, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can be patriots, beautiful, excellent, alexey, thank you, thank you. the total volume of declared investments exceeds 1,400 million us dollars; in general , we have already invested more than 850 million us dollars in the project from various sources, so we are developing and indeed, as you said, we are rightfully the pearl of the economic food of the silk road. most of our residents, of course, are companies with chinese capital.
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belarusian companies take second place, followed by russian companies, companies from eu countries and non-cis countries. russian companies, how actively are they approaching us today? you know , recently russian companies, russian business in the belarusian market have become very active, we often receive delegations of russian business, russian regions, we have a number of advantages, we offer tax benefits, customs benefits, in general we have preferential policies, we probably occupy a leading position, we absorb the best practices, we study world experience, we constantly improve our legislation in favor of residents, by the way, we already have several decrees of the head of state advertising the activities of our project, which indicates high attention from the leadership of our country, and of course, these are the conditions for business that we offer, these are ready- made production sites, this is land both for rent and private ownership, this is the entire infrastructure. by the way, we have
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all conditions have been created for the priority development territory, that is, we have all the land prepared for transfer to investors and residents, all communications have been created, luxury roads have been created, more than 300 km of various communications have been laid there, and we are developing further. russian companies, what innovative product will they produce in belarus? you know, russian companies come in with a different range of areas of activity, here is a major project we started last year, this...
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these are companies from china, with chinese capital, what should be noted here, what are the trends , various businesses are coming from the field of logistics, in the field of new materials, so we have one company that will produce products from carbon fiber, this is a very interesting material, new to us, a number of companies in the medical field, one from chinese companies will produce orthopedic dental... everything that modern belarus lives on today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is the country's news from abroad. broadcasts o'.
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live broadcasts from the scene, current ones interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan , uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran , iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel
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and discover belarus. everyone. hello, my name is karan, and i am from india, the city of dali, i have already lived in minsk for almost 9 years, and i have a family and my own business here, i really like it here. well, i’m from india, from the city of delhi, the capital of india , well, india is a country that’s hard not to know, it’s such
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a bright, big, huge country that the whole world knows india as a country of yoga, a country of a... brightness and a country of culture, religion, spirituality , we lived, in english it’s called a joint family, so together, then our family is dad, me, sister, mom and family dad, brother, these are my three uncles, we all lived in the same house, everyone children, all relatives, big, big house and lived together, so i only have a sister and dad, olya and i, well, olya is my wife, well then we met, i... was there for a month, well, olya sees, she was in india, then i was again for a month, and i liked it here, even before the wedding we decided that we would try to live here, because we were still, how to say, young and there was an opportunity to try something
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new, especially for me too, and therefore there was a plan to live here for 2 years, if everything is ok, then we will continue, it worked out so... now before business is here, that's why we live here, everything is fine, calm, everything , when my relatives found out the truth, they already understood a little that we would live here, well, everyone was fine, no one said anything and even well, dad, he was also happy, the main thing for him is that we were happy, so everything is fine, the first answer will be very, as probably banal, everyone says about this that it ’s very clean here, and people, of course, if you compare with india is not enough, but this is also a plus, and i like the architecture here, i like that everything is very neat, everything
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is very simple, but beautiful, it’s similar - it seems to me that it’s a family value, here family is also one of the most important factors in life, we also really appreciate it, which is different between india and belarus, this is of course the weather here is colder now and probably different, probably celebrating holidays here, well, almost every day we have a holiday somewhere in some part of india, one of the reasons why i like living here is the people are very kind, very simple, without aggression, and i’ve been to several countries near belarus, now i can say. yes, that the people are different, and i like it better here, the nice people are more, and this is like 100% true, i think that many foreigners felt this, in india
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it’s usually a sacred place or at home there’s b... everything home everything will be dirty , plus this is respect for god, that you leave your dirt on the door, and the idea of ​​​​opening a center - this somehow, one might say , already appeared in my head when i first came to belarus, i was just interested in knowing like before people's opinions and who am i with flared up, everyone knew the india that was 30-40 years ago, that’s all... here’s jimi jimmy, sitagita, old bollywood, and that india
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is dirty, that there are a lot of poor people there, and somehow this also pushed me a little to tell about my country, when we just got married, i found my directions, i thought that we need to open some place where under one roof you can tell, show, feel all the different aspects of our culture, we have a lot in the center ... this is also a disco dancer, when i see that people here learn more about our culture,
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our country, this makes me very happy, because there are a lot of myths that are on the internet and shown somewhere, but it makes me happy because i see interest, and people are happy when they learn about real culture. .. some useful real directions that improve their lives, these are our small steps, this is a good connection between india and belarus, and i think that in the future we, as a cultural country, as economic states , will be closer to each other when i come to india, i also talk about belarus, what it is like the country is beautiful, small, but... very beautiful, with very good people, a lot of
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opportunities, we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform. without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we are having quiche for breakfast, with spinach and red fish, it will be amazingly delicious. let's not forget about the invigorating one. this will be a good complex for morning exercises,
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which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day. watch in the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus tv channel 24 services of western countries, they do not act independently. they have the corresponding tasks of the political establishment, corporate elites, this. that we will still see pandemics that will be more dangerous in armed actions, belarus
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our successful decision to repulse the attack of the coup d'état became a kind of vaccination, because the absolute majority saw that the promoted technologies of color revolutions could be resisted. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . well, when i arrived in belarus, i knew exactly what i would do.
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chicken center, i conducted a lot of master classes there, and i saw the interest that people wanted to try to learn something, some new taste, so the idea came up that to open - a place where you can try real indian cuisine, but i try to cook like in india only without the chel, when you try an indian dish, you understand, you just feel a lot of flavors on your tongue right away, if you feel like that, then you are eating in the right way place, because the cuisine should be spicy , not necessarily spicy, but pleasant, well, i have chefs, they are all experienced, and the senior chef , he has been working in this field for more than 20 years, so he has enormous experience, not
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it would be completely correct to say that, as i taught, i just have my own preferences, what taste i want to convey. because in india there are different states, each state has its own cuisine, its own taste, i am from northern products, so i have my own taste, i think that most tourists who have been to india, they eat their first course it turns out in delhi, here - the northern direction - tasteful cuisine, how to say, probably more popular, uh, it turns out, it seems to me that we... were received very well in minsk, when i ’m in the hall, then of course i talk, i also study the interest , there are people who, especially people who have been to india, they have their own favorite dishes from india, i think that this is the only way you can improve yourself and your service, your kitchen, well, there is a plan to open another place, because carrying
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a kitchen , i believe that this is one of the most useful, cuisine, just few people... about this, everyone has a recipe that cuisine is only spicy, but i want to break it down and want more people to know, try to cook indian dishes, because it is not at all difficult, the most important thing here is a desire and spices and as my wife olya sometimes jokes, that if you have spices, then you can even cook grass. so, this is one of my favorite dishes, it’s called karkhair, why i love it, because there is a very good proportion of sauce and spices and plus
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the most important ingredient is our homemade cheese, and... it’s called paneer, we prepare the cheese ourselves, these are our peculiarities and people who do not eat meat, for them it is very satisfying, and you get the feeling faster, and due to the spices, well, in india they are considered spices, this not just for taste, spices have been medicine since ancient times. spices grow in india, probably use more than 70% of the spices that we know in the world, they grow in india and i have this version that why do we add spices everywhere, and as i said, spices are medicine and how not to forget and how to add and how to take medicine every day, the easiest way is to add it in
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the kitchen, in food. people have probably heard about ayurveda, everything is also written there, remedies, how spices affect our body, how they good ones, and how to take them , everyone should use at least a couple of basic spices, because it’s good for immunity, which is very important now, i want people here, too , to take a little more, understand the importance of spices in our cuisine, if . very good - a drink that i myself, when i’m sick, even sometimes just for profilata, i drink, it’s a drink with turmeric, black pepper and... or you can add honey, we’ll let it all sit for 30 minutes or so, then it’s full we monitor everything and add a little honey,
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it helps very well if there are any minor illnesses, colds, runny nose, throat, i advise everyone, but you just need to understand a little and be careful with spices, because turmeric and black pepper are all hot spices and... what there was not a very strong fire in our body, but we need to know the measures when and how much to add spices, well, in belarusian cuisine, i think that this is no secret, everyone knows it and i think that everyone thinks that the most delicious thing is these are potato pancakes, and i really love the combination with this, well, i love crusty.
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and we eat it with cold yogurt, then this combination of hot flatbread and cold yogurt, potato pancakes give me the same feeling, and i can eat it any time, plus i like all soups, in our culture there is no water-based soup, we have soups that we call dal, these are beans, and there are also spices, how it turns out thicker and... based on water with vegetable soup, as it is here, like borscht, but we, like me, don’t i eat meat, but we cook vegetarian borscht, vegetarian, and many
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other soups that i really, really like i like it, and of course, pancake, i like it better in belsky cuisine. this is my wife, olga, son kevin, 6 years old, and daughter kaya, one and a half years old, now , we met, in fact, very banally, as everyone meets now, karan wrote to me on the internet, at that time i was already in india and me, as i always say, love for india happened. right away, and then love happened with karon, so he wrote to me, and my girlfriends and i were just about to fly to india, this was the second time, that’s why karol wrote to me, he already needed it
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to ask, there was such a, how to say, group on the internet, where people from different countries discussed, well, in general there was a whole group about india, and olya was there and i was there, and i was just interested to know the opinion of foreigners, that we had them only one day, well, we had there modestly only 400 people, because it’s like there are only scares on the sides and not all of them there, in general, we have
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official documents, all of them are indian, yes, but since it’s clear to india, that not everyone could travel from belarus, but we had one more wedding in belarus, but it was like , well, a wedding dress, there was a forchette and so on, that is, there was not only a zaksa, there was the same toastmaster and the same customs were all there, at that time... i didn’t yet know the russian language, and i remember, then i sat in my ear all the time whispering, or explaining some traditions why there, now everyone is screaming, golka, yes, or why there now - the toastmaster says: well, let's kidnap the bride and so on, that's it, but it was fun, in fact, and indians are such a people, they love to have fun, they love to dance, and i just remember when the bride was kidnapped, then instead of money, karen simply danced a dance in order to be given away, now - our family is also growing, we have two children, kevin, and kaya, probably a boy and a girl, such a wonderful combination.


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