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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 12:00pm-12:16pm MSK

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do you feel that belarus is closer? live news, elizaveta lokotka is with you, hello, in this episode. equal
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conditions for import and export, which belarus and uzbekistan agreed upon, negotiations between the two leaders. the european economy is unable to recover; the process is hampered by high bank rates and expensive energy resources. the wooden dragon has come into its own as china celebrates the new year or spring festival. congratulations from the president of belarus. belarus is strengthening its presence in central asia. very busy agenda and the results of the official visit of our president to uzbekistan. from economics to the humanitarian sphere. the day before, the heads of state discussed the development of sports and tourism. alexander lukashenko and his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev visited the amirsoy ski resort near tashkent, where in an informal setting they once again summed up the results of the past negotiations and compared plans for the future. the countries signed a sports cooperation program for 2 years. plan of events
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in tourism, we agreed to assist each other in training athletes, and one because of the emphasis on winter sports, alexander lukashenko got acquainted with the capabilities of the complex and tried out the ski slopes. i saw this beauty, now i will come here, i will be glad, alexander lukashenko had negotiations with the leader of this country, as shavkat mirziyoyev himself noted, it was a meeting of very close friends and brothers. in asia, they are especially careful in choosing partner states with which they set a course for long-term cooperation, and as the president of uzbekistan emphasized, such openness as -
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carry into the territory of uzbekistan. creation of joint production, trade with third countries in order to organize systematic mutual supplies, belarus and uzbekistan will create a joint foreign trade company. we are ready to provide assistance in modernizing agriculture and healthcare, and train specialists. a road map of cooperation for 2 years was signed between the countries, taking into account the set economic goals, work both at the level of governments, parliaments, and regions. the main guideline is technological.
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how are the conditions? multipolarity, uzbekistan and belarus proceed from national interests, creating equal conditions for exports and imports on a large market. next is a joint product, the benefits will be much higher, industrial cooperation is an incentive to conquer the asian vector, not to waste time and maintain the momentum, the key message of the marathon of negotiations in tashkent. what is in the agreements and how alexander lukashenko’s visit will affect the development of the large eurasian market. we not only talked about this with our ambassador in uzbekistan by leonid marinich. look. so why is this vector so important for us today, what the presidents of belarus and uzbekistan agreed on, how not to lose historical friendly ties and still reach a trade turnover of a billion dollars, the main visit of the week is in the spotlight of experts and
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guests of the editors club. but i am sure that our president proceeds from that analysis of the future development of geopolitical events, and here we need to ensure our self-sufficiency. even before publication, like putin’s conversation with carlson blew the minds of american politicians and officials, look at... there are 2 weeks left until the single voting day in belarus.
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one of the key stages in preparing for a single voting day is ensuring security. the press conference was dedicated to this topic. from february 19 , police personnel will switch to an enhanced version of their service; interaction has already been established with election commissions, executive committees, as well as other interested structures. additional measures have been organized to inspection and equipment of precinct commissions. by the start of voting , manual alarms and video surveillance will be installed at all sites. all facilities where polling stations are located will be equipped. cctv cameras, some of them will be connected to the republican public security monitoring system, in addition, there will be police officers at all stations, we will provide round-the-clock security starting from february 19,
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from the moment we receive ballots, and will carry service until the closure of all polling stations for the delivery of ballots. there will be squads close to the voting sites, mobile and rapid response teams in full equipment will be provided. the traffic police will also switch to a special mode of operation. preparations for a single voting day are at the finish line for precinct election commissions - this is the time to reconcile voter lists. in general, they have been formed, but there will be so-called additional lists of those who wish to vote at a location other than their place of registration. or at home. about 150 international observers will work at the elections in belarus. the process is as open as possible. yulia alferova will talk about important events of the week.
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this year belarus is celebrating an important date: 80 years since the fascist invaders left belarusian soil forever, during which time we have not allowed a repetition of even the slightest of what we experienced. stuffs it into your mouth, such stories make you feel creepy, but such truth, when heard first-hand, chills even the youngest minds, a meeting with maria yagodnitsina, whose childhood was spent in besieged leningrad, was preceded by an open screening of the film pabzaitse, where the same teenagers who wanted to live and study ended up in the besieged
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ring, half of the 24 thousand belarusian children died there, this is a common story that motivates action. this week, the youth of belarus and russia agreed to create.
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without their agricultural producers, the rebellion is not out of nowhere, salaries have long been unable to keep up with prices, to understand the years, olive oil has risen in price by 75%, potatoes by 50, more than 30%, eggs have risen in price. unfair competition is provoked by cheap imports from ukraine. in addition, the rise in prices for fuel, electricity and fertilizers, at this time the focus of attention of the rulers remains outside the contours. and today we are deciding how we can strengthen our european support for ukraine. germany will contribute to security. everyone knows that this year berlin has allocated more than 7 billion
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euros to support kiev with arms supplies. however, everything is according to the white house’s plan, to become impoverished, which is equal to starving europe, by the way, anti-russian sanctions played a role in this matter one of the key kings is again not in the eu's hands. we trade with those who are interested, simplifying payment technologies. the creation of a digital belarusian ruble is already a near future; digital will give the green light to cross-border transactions.
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documents, including the signing of an action plan for the development of cooperation between belarus and uzbekistan for 2024-2025. it is important that we look at all global processes in one direction. taking this opportunity , the presidents called ilham aliyev, the newly elected president of azerbaijan, to congratulations on your victory in the presidential election. according to exit polls, 94% of voters supported his candidacy. the high turnout was confirmed by observers from belarus who worked. in the capital of azerbaijan, the process was open and accessible, just as they plan to organize
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elections in belarus, it is expected that about 150 international observers will work with us, the cis mission has already started. we ask questions, including those related to possible violations, they are open to us everywhere, they provide everything we need information. now the precinct commission is checking the voter lists; everyone can contact them to clarify the information entered until february 24. you must provide it by this time. documents to the commission for those who plan to vote not according to their registration, it could be a rental agreement or a purchase and sale agreement, you will be added to the additional list without any problems. this is how i remember this week. see you! high bank rates and expensive energy are slowing down europe's post- pandemic recovery. bloomberg writes about this based on a survey of world experts. probability recessions are highest in germany and the netherlands at 38%. for comparison
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, the united states, which forced the eu to renounce russian energy resources, has 26%. among the eurozone countries, only spain and italy have strong gdp growth, and for germany, an economy that is based on industry, the crisis is no longer temporary, it is systemic. in addition to the problem of expensive energy resources, the situation is aggravated by the uncertainty of the country's political future. there are also difficulties in the auto industry. germany's competition is china. estonia received an anti-ship missile system whose long-range firing covers almost the entire baltic sea. this was reported. ministry of defense of the republic. the new generation bluespear 5gm system is the most modern weapon in the arsenal of the estonian army. the maximum range of the rayba is 290 km. the complex is capable of operating in any weather and allows it to hit moving and stationary targets. the rockets were supplied by a company from singapore.


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