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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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you are watching the news live, in the studio elizaveta lokotka, good afternoon, in this episode the development of small medium-sized. business, as well as
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cultural areas, belarus and bashkartastan discussed joint projects. the head of nato calls on allies to arm themselves. the alliance is preparing for confrontation with russia. germany's days as an industrial superpower are numbered. berlin is gripped by political paralysis and the energy crisis has hit businesses. bright colors, good mood and a lot of dancing. the famous carnival has started in brazil. belarus strengthens its presence in central asia. a very busy agenda and results of the official visit of our president to uzbekistan. from economics to the humanitarian sphere. the day before, the heads of state discussed the development of sports and tourism. alexander lukashenko and his colleague shavkat mirziyoyev visited the amersoy ski complex near tashkent, where in an informal setting they once again summed up the results of the past. negotiations
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, we compared plans for the future, the countries signed a program of cooperation in the sports field for 2 years, an action plan in tourism, agreed to assist each other in training athletes, with one of the emphasis on winter sports. alexander lukashenko got acquainted with the capabilities of the complex and tried out the ski slopes. i saw this beauty, now i will come here, i will be glad, alexander lukashenko had negotiations with the leader of this country, as shavkat mirziyoyev himself noted, it was a meeting of very close friends and brothers, in asia he is especially careful in choosing partner states, with which...
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you know, such people are already philanthropists, we are interested in the development of uzbekistan, because we have taken your country as a basis in central asia, a country with which we must first of all develop relations, almost 40 million people, very high competencies, you know how to do a lot, that we need to learn from you, those technologies that we have left from the soviet... union, we have added something, you
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know this, we are ready to completely transfer it to the territory of uzbekistan. creation of joint productions, trade with third countries in order to organize systemic mutual supplies, belarus and uzbekistan will create a joint foreign trade company. we are ready to provide assistance in modernizing agriculture and healthcare, and train specialists. a road map of cooperation for 2 years was signed between the countries , taking into account the objectives...
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in a multipolar environment, uzbekistan and belarus proceed from national interests, creating equal conditions for the export of imports on a large market. next is a joint product, the benefits will be much higher, industrial cooperation is an incentive to conquer the asian vector, do not waste time , maintain the momentum, the key message of the marathon of negotiations in tashkent, what is in the agreement and how the visit of alexander lukashenko will affect the development of the large eurasian market. we not only talked about this with our ambassador to uzbekistan leonid marinich. watch the tv news agency project question number one today at 7 pm. there are 2 weeks left until the single voting day in belarus. preparations are entering their final phase. precinct election commissions have already begun
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their work. every citizen can contact us to clarify the information entered about him. this also applies to those who plan to vote at a location other than their place of registration. the district commission works on weekdays. we have a category of citizens who are registered in other regions, permanently reside in the city of minsk, they have the opportunity to come to the polling station, show their passport, see where they are registered, but in order to vote in the city of minsk, they need several documents, one of the types of documents, as a rule, is an agreement on renting a living space, be it... an apartment, a dormitory, or someone renting an apartment in the private sector, an agreement is officially registered, with this agreement with a passport they can apply and come on the day of early voting and vote at a given polling station, but only citizens will have such a right during early voting; on the 25th,
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unfortunately, they will not have such an opportunity; one of the key stages in preparing for a single voting day is ensuring security; this was the topic dedicated to press conference. from february 19 , police personnel will switch to an enhanced version of their service; interaction has already been established with election commissions, executive committees, as well as other interested structures. additional measures have been organized to inspect the equipment of precinct commissions. by the start of voting, all facilities will be equipped with manual alarms and video surveillance. police units will be close to the voting sites, and mobile and rapid response teams will be provided. for special treatment work will move on and... nato secretary general calls on alliance members to arm themselves. en stoltenberg believes that it is necessary to prepare for a confrontation with russia, which could
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last decades, and also to build up military potential. he told the welt publication about this. the head of nato noted that the best defense now is support for ukraine and investment in the military structures of the organization. meanwhile, the course towards militarization has nothing to do with security goals, we are talking only about handouts to arms companies and power usa. irish mp claire daly stated this directly at a meeting of the european parliament. before russia invaded ukraine, nato was in dire straits. the european moral superiority scam didn't work. the exhausted force was discredited by decades of illegal wars. iraq, libya, afghanistan. and then russia appeared, took the bait, this whole sad saga sank into oblivion. european leaders chanting oslava, draped in flags, pretending to care about democracy and international law, flow around drooling over the arms contract, it's easy to understand why you want the war
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to continue, but it's over while you 're having fun, portrays churchill, there aren't enough people of hope in ukraine. the afghan war after the great patriotic war became the most tragic page in the history of belarusians of the entire soviet people. this was emphasized by secretary of state of the council of belarus alexander volfovich. events have started in minsk for the day of remembrance of internationalist soldiers , the thirty-fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan. there are 21 in total in the country a thousand afghan veterans. the entire activists of the regions and the capital gathered today in the house of officers of the armed forces of belarus. among the guests are schoolchildren and students of patriotic clubs.
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571 people did not return, 12 people remain
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missing to this day. belarus has always valued and remembered people who fought for their country, for their freedom. we educate our generation using their examples. as defense minister viktor khrenin emphasized during the event, the events in afghanistan were, first of all , a tough fight for geopolitical interests. the internationalist soldiers fulfilled their duty to the end, the veterans were awarded commemorative medals . present. in europe , the wave of protests by farmers against rising costs, taxes, and the bureaucracy of foreign imports does not subside. the day before, on the streets of rome, protesters rode out on tractors with posters reading “agribusiness is dying.” and green europe hands over food producers. the action took place after a week-long rally involving approximately 250 agricultural vehicles. hungarian farmers opposed the import of duty-free products from ukraine. and polish farmers block. a checkpoint on the border with nezalezhnaya. tractors lined up on the roads to protest against the eu’s agricultural policy;
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farmers intend to do so for 30 days, with the support of the polish minister of agriculture. according to him, the country requires a complete blockade of imports from ukraine, primarily grains. and french farmers are protesting against unfair pricing. a protest demanding a review of the sources of profit for supermarkets took place near lyon. food manufacturers have also been criticized. high bank rates and expensive energy grids are holding back europe's post- pandemic recovery. bloomberg writes about this based on a survey of world experts. the likelihood of a recession is highest in germany and the netherlands at 38%. for comparison , the united states, which forced the eu to renounce russian energy resources, has 26%. for germany the economy. which is based on industry, the crisis is no longer temporary, systemic, its days as a superpower are numbered, bloomberg emphasizes.
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in addition to the problem of expensive energy resources, the situation is aggravated by uncertainty political future of the country. there are also difficulties in auto production; germany faces high competition from china. the baltic countries are the eu leaders in terms of electricity price growth. imitation of energy independence is disastrous for... the economies of lithuania, latvia and estonia. how do authorities ruin their citizens? author's commentary by maria petrashko. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, tv news agency. the baltic countries have one of the highest wholesale prices for electricity, and i didn’t come up with this just now. these are the data from the north poll exchange. and that's the point here not only in the short-sighted decision of the lithuanian authorities to close the ignalina nuclear power plant back in 2009. well, what are you talking about, because at the end of november twenty- third, baltic politicians did nothing. they went to claim the darwin award, but how else can they explain their decision to leave
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the brela energy ring, due to which electricity prices have increased significantly, in lithuania, latvia, and estonia. the idea of ​​leaving brela looks even more adventurous against the backdrop of the difficult situation in the economies of the baltic republics. ongoing crisis this is largely due to the high cost of electricity, which inevitably suppresses economic activity. technically exit the brela energy ring. possible only by february 2025, then residents of the baltic states will pay up to 1 euro per 1 kw, which is unaffordable for most citizens today. what then are the politicians of the baltic countries counting on for a miraculous, marvelous, marvelous, practically, they plan to connect to the energy system of the european union through poland, but they are not outraged by the outrageously expensive russian belarusian electricity as much vilnius and tallinn and riga as brussels. exactly. the european commission is pushing for the creation of a single european energy system and a common electricity market with uniform
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rules, and the baltic authorities are behaving just like a nervous cook, yelling that we want to be energy independent, running into even greater dependence on european operators, it’s doubtful, but okay, the same energy bridges from finland, sweden and poland may not be reliable enough and turning off at least one of them is a failure, look for... prices in the already not the richest baltic countries emirates, but this is not the main risk, the main link of the plan to create a unified european energy system, the harmony link sea cable can be put into operation. not until the next decade. a more economical ground-based alternative can be built no earlier than 2028; domestic generation in the baltics can cover only 40% of the electricity consumed. i suspect that the authorities of the baltic countries hope that all local residents will stupidly emigrate to more prosperous countries in the next year or two.


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