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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 3:45pm-4:16pm MSK

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gadzina has the smallest load on transport arteries to prevent congestion. calcify the artesian molasses with water and water . transition of frunzinsk and parts of the mask region of minsk to water supply from the underground roofs are dug out mostly like a fallow tree. from new sources that soften the minsk, dzyarzhyn and cherven districts. you will have to go to special stations, where you will go to the data center and then to the rescuers. at the sites , more than 300 workers and 150 technical skills are involved. the private sector has specialists rotars are dug out to create underground tunnels. on the way to the best of times - ilya tsvyatkov. 450 thousand cubic meters of drinking water, so much water flows into the taps of the residents of the city of minsk. two districts of the capital, maskoski and frundzinski pack. what flows from
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the top of the roofs, the water flows to the station from the water supply system of the vileisk-minsk water system, and here the situation changes and the whole city goes to the artez the iyansk water is not safe. every day we work 24/7, and new ones svіdravіn, which pastupova works in many cities, and minsk is working on a large-scale vadapravo system for dealing with large volumes of water. in the dziarzhyn, uzdzen and cherven districts, specialists have already acquired more than 100 new underground roofs. the main task of the justice of the pipeline is several dozen kilometers of water treatment stations in the city. technical processes are complex and assemblable. engineers clean the skin part so that the future system does not experience breaks or failures of water, under high pressure. provision is made for drilling wells deep-sea, this is the rise of water.
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let's call them the first lift station, then pre-processing and processing in clean water tanks, the preparation is all combined into one tank, that is, to one station in the islands, supplied to minsk, in minsk it is received at the third lift station in chomoslitsa, here is the final processing and distribution already across, let’s say, the territories of the city of minsk. the geta is called a metal case, iago budze has a plastic pipe with a diameter of 1200 mm, and... its spotty budze has a trap near the city, and for this, as soon as the straight line pipe is made of steel, specialists will dig out two rotors, replacing the same rotors, only on a larger scale will be the future branches of the minsk metropolitan. we have a fourth pump, our pacht pump, operating under a pressure of 220 megapascals, and then we directly record.
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of the building itself to install additional filters in order to increase the power of the station. naturally, in order to increase the productivity of our water intake, we have already drilled additional wells, artesian ones, means that existing equipment will be replaced. turbine hall , the volume of water that we need to replace is about 180,000 m3 per day, three water intakes of the southern group, they need to be expanded, here is the intake of ostrova, felitsanova and vitskovshchina, and about 100 wells - for this project it is necessary to re-drill or drill new ones, often water from underground sources contains increased amounts of iron and manganese, so rapid filters are used to remove these compounds, pressure, non-pressure, it is these systems for technological water purification that need to be expanded. according to specialists, the scale of
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the project is 60% complete. in the wake of the destruction of all elements of the pipeline, the system of justice will gradually develop systems, implement projects and launch new projects... minsk. to seize the government's right and to seize the sapraudnyh patrons, the gala material of the calculations and the education of the magiliyevskaya ekanamichnaya vocational-technical college. on the basis of almamatar, a great museum complex was built. exposures reveal the past centuries of daily masterpieces of the buttocks, darechs, formed by your own hands, for the sake of learning. both seamstresses and operators, mechanics, craftsmen, their talents are great, and the project is important for the daily worker. and the village return, furniture, furniture and utensils, which were mercenary in the past century, the heat of
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garad and vesak. over the course of a few years , the most magnificent museum of the people of the establishment of education was built here. geta celi is a museum complex that has 26 halls, from ethnography to contemporary art halls. gonar kaleja - spiritual-asvetnitskiy center, iago old people tell stories about the established religions, which peace meetings were held in the territory of belarus, and the most famous historical and cultural glories, of course, were published in belarus. there are many parameters, and there are a lot of old history. we recreated the church atmosphere,
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made our own iconostasis, filled it all with models of various monasteries, churches of all denominations, a total of 30 models. by the way, the diarama is from... from the words of my grandmother, from her stories about what horrors happened in the concentration camps, they ended up there in at a young age, together with her sister olechka, olechka was killed literally in a few days, the children had to walk in whatever they had to, it happened that they walked with a bull, my
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great-grandmother would like to forget those times, but i believe that our generation needs to remember this, so as not to repeat such events in the future, my great-grandfather, he was not 17 years old when he... went to war, became a partisan, got a job specifically on the railway in order to carry out sabotage, he was also a conductor in climactic forests, where his homeland is. we keep this history in our family and even shared some documents with the museum. the partnership between the college and the prosecutor's office is working, because everything is increasingly studied in the history of the country, opening new old ones. more than 2,300 people were committed for the criminal genocide of the belarusian people on the territory of the magilev region.
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this hour is on our website happy weekends and holidays.
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let me call urgently, who should i call you, valerie is feeling bad, who valerie, get out of here, swollen as usual, please help, i need to call, dim, what are you doing, what happened, valera is not breathing, everything is covered in blood, are you sure that what the neighbors saw on the landing plunged them into shock, in the entrance to...
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after examining the body of the pensioner, the criminologists could not to establish the exact cause of death: an accident, alcohol poisoning, murder by negligence or a brutal massacre of an elderly man, all these versions required careful verification. no one understood what really happened, the very scene of the incident, there was blood on the walls, were there any splashes of blood, on the floor
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, on clothes, well, it’s worth saying that, in principle , the victim himself, he was all stained with this blood, there was blood both on his neck and on his hands, on his clothes, in principle on the bed under him, on there were bruises on the neck, but nevertheless there were no clear obvious signs indicating that there had been death of vidus fixia, for example, a fracture of the hyoid bone, and there were none. accordingly, to establish the cause of death it was necessary to wait for the conclusion of a histological examination and a comprehensive conclusion a forensic medical examination that would show why our victim died. histological examination studies the features of damage to tissue organs at the microscopic level using special methods and research techniques. objects of research, biopsy from living people, internal organs of a corpse, blood, medical. documentation. the main task is to establish pathological changes in organs and tissues caused by violent
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influence, determining the duration of damage and other subtle transformations in the body. such an obvious cause of death was not established for us, since we have an elderly person, a number of chronic diseases, a strong degree of alcohol addiction, despite the fact that
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time has left this shelter and in order, let’s say, to hide from the cold in winter, he equipped himself with this houses made from improvised objects, things, clothes, blankets, a bed, where he lived permanently. residents of the said house, as well as residents of neighboring houses on rose luxembourg street, described the victim definitely as a non-conflict person, not causing any inconvenience, a calm, quiet person, yes, people said that... he had only one kind of passion - a craving for alcohol and he was regularly noticed at the entrance of the second floor in the company with strangers, where he drank alcohol. neighbors said that police officers sometimes came to him and offered him a place in the night house where he was officially registered, but
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the man refused and continued to live in the entrance of the minsk two-story building. i visit him every day came in. i asked if i needed anything? sometimes he made tea, sometimes he just gave him boiled water. the man was already elderly, my wife and i felt sorry for him, so we helped him as best we could. we came in today too, maybe we saw someone? i saw one, we were having a drink a couple of hours ago, i just came in to ask if i needed anything, and he attacked me. interviewing the residents of the yard, one of them told what happened here... a few hours ago, shortly before his death, valery mishutovich was singing in the company of a certain viktor galochkin. he was regularly seen in a nearby store. the man probably lived nearby. when a neighbor went up to the floor to check on the homeless man, galochkin attacked the uninvited guest. i just had time to say hello to valera, who
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fired into my head. well, that’s it, i had no more desire to stay there. i went home and quietly looked out the window, their light was on in the entrance, and then what happened? half an hour later - the light went out, i left the entrance and he also came out, quickly looked around, ran, saw that in the place where the accused had just wiped his hands with snow there were red stains colors, respectively... quickly went up to the entrance to the second floor, well, i saw our victim misha tovich there, in an unconscious state, with numerous bodily injuries on his face, the second floor landing itself was copiously covered in blood, and therefore, scared from what he saw, the eyewitness ran out into the street, began to run up to passers-by, asking them for a mobile phone to call
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an ambulance, but since he was emotional, uh... and scared, passers-by were also afraid of his reaction and walked away from him, phone for him they didn’t give it to themselves. at the place indicated by the eyewitness, in the snow, forensic scientists also found a bloody footprint, with a high degree of probability, this meant that the owner of the shoes was in the entrance where miishutovich died, which means that a certain viktor galochkin became a suspect. how did you get up, how should people walk, hello, who am i talking to, where there is free space, there became, but how should people walk, i don’t break the rules, these are not my problems, and not mine, meanwhile, the only suspect who
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indicated the neighbor of the deceased, viktor galochkin, got into another story, listen, who are you? in general, uh, what did you do, i’ll call the police now, come on, come on, call me, you almost hit me, you broke the mirror on me, i’ll call the police now, you hear , take your hand away, then i’ll really break your hand, about at 20:30 minutes - line 102 received a call from... from the driver of tuksi, in which the latter said that just a couple of minutes ago, an unknown man, for no reason damaged the left rear view mirror of his car, and then... then used violence against him, struck him a couple of times in the head. the attacker was detained that same evening; he turned out to be forty-year-old
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viktor galochkin. the police noticed the bloody clothes. he told them that shortly before his arrest he had fallen, injured his nose and was stained with blood. during the search of galochkin, a passport was found, along with a registration certificate. a certificate in the name of mishutovich, valery aleksandrovich, as well as bank cards in the name of the indicated person, and immediately at that time at the site in house 191 on rose street an investigative task force was already working in luxembourg in the city of minsk following a report of the discovery of the corpse of an unidentified man. soon, viktor galochkin was interrogated by researchers. he honestly admitted that he met miishutovich at the store; he was a pensioner himself. approached him and asked to buy food, in addition to groceries, galochkin was generous with alcohol, since he himself was not averse to drinking, a new acquaintance suggested going to him, only
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then did victor galochkin find out that valery was homeless, explain how you ended up with the documents of the person you were with just now met, he did not complain about his life , about his friends, when he was in prison, his daughter sold the apartment, so he remained homeless, lived on... everything, when he received his pension, he drank everything with his friends, but he had to live somehow, just ask for nothing, and he and i agreed that his card would remain with me, well, at least i would come to him to buy groceries, so that at least he would have enough money to live on, it’s a pity for the man, explain, and you he was beaten, it happened, i somehow dozed off, i remember and feel...
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galochkina, yes, but the circumstances that we established, did not allow, at that time, to initiate a criminal case. there were procedural obstacles to initiating criminal cases of this category. damages that galochkin told about. there were no other suspects in the murder of the seventy-year-old homeless man. investigators were waiting for the results of the examinations.
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soon the results of the examinations appeared on the investigator’s desk. they showed that valery miishutovich was strangled. death occurred as a result of mechanical. asphyxia due to compression of the respiratory organs. version of murder became key, and viktor galochkin again became a suspect. as soon as the results of the expert’s conclusion were received, under the pretext of familiarizing himself with the expert’s conclusion, he was summoned to the moscow operational police department, where he was detained on suspicion of committing a crime. during a comprehensive examination, it was determined that the victim’s blood was found on his right pant leg, right sock and right sneaker. a trace directly seized from a section of terrain could have been left by the right sneakers, galochkina, in this very trace there was also
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the victim's blood was found. despite the evidence presented, galochkin, in his characteristic calm manner, insisted on his innocence. he was at the crime scene, he beat the pensioner, but when he left, the man was breathing. during the investigation, investigators did.
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crime, and after the commission of the crime at the time of the crime, in particular they asked him how he could have had the documents and things of our victim with him, he also indicated that the victim allegedly gave him his documents while drinking alcohol and bank card so that the accused would keep them for some time, they asked until what time he
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could not indicate when the victim... the accused also did not have information on how to find the victim, how to return that card, he did not know from communication, it became clear that galochkin, the victim mishatovich , was essentially strangers to each other, and accordingly, galochkin, even if he wanted to, could not take any measures to return the property; in fact, he was caught in such petty lies. the neighbors claimed that valery mishutovich never complained to his drinking companions, and it was unlikely that they could spend money homelessly. in the beggar's office, the pensioner carefully hid his passport and bank card, did not show them to anyone, his granddaughter helped him restore the previous lost cards, and in order not to bother her, he only withdrew money from an atm, which also went against the suspect's testimony. most likely, galochkin stole the documents to complicate the identification of the corpse. it was in the little things that galochkin got lost.
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that the lights on the floor were turned on because he dozed off, so the neighbors claimed the man said that it was dark in the entrance, there was not the slightest rustle or noise. having learned that valery meishutovich died from strangulation, he said that he lifted him by the neck for a few seconds while beating him, while insisting that after he left, the pensioner was alive, although... although a neighbor discovered the lifeless body a few minutes later, there are many inconsistencies looked more like an attempt to shield oneself than to repent of cooperating with the investigation. the suspect could not clearly explain to her the motives for the fight with the taxi driver. galochkin claimed that he did not broke the mirror in the car, on the contrary, the driver tried to knock him down and hit the man with the mirror. galochkin did not ask for help and...
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did not call the driver, which seemed strange for a person who had previously defended his rights with fists, in the state of exchange, he is quite an aggressive person, well, which is confirmed by the administrative offense protocol, in the presence of law enforcement officers he started there behave defiantly, did not respond to the remark, interfered with the investigation at the scene of the incident, for which he was brought to justice administrative responsibility, well, that probably characterizes him. as a fairly aggressive person, well, an eyewitness who observed him shortly before committing the murder of a company with a victim also says that for no reason he somehow showed aggression towards this victim, and our eyewitness, beat him there for no apparent reason him, galochkin had previously had problems with
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the law from 16 to 18'. for years he was registered with a narcologist for substance abuse, snorted solvent, at the age of 18 he first found himself in colony and thus was able to avoid military service; in his adult life he used drugs, mainly apiates. for the last 5 years , i haven’t officially worked anywhere, doing odd jobs. it is worth noting that galachkin had previously been convicted several times, including his first conviction when he was 18 years old, so he knew. what a preliminary investigation is, he knew certain investigative procedures , and in every possible way provided intellectual resistance, presenting himself in the necessary and favorable light. at trial against a number of charges were brought against galochkin, first of all, the murder of an elderly person with particular cruelty. for an incident with a taxi driver, malicious hooliganism and violence against the person performing.


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