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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 7:05pm-7:35pm MSK

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city of grozna. while grazing on the 19th century for the fall of the amerits, ivan yakaulevich-semyanovich came here. their hands on the work have become tired. now all the members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory. ivan yakaulevich himself works for svesars. good creative haste in a short hour , the wife of pyatra yaugeniya vasileina simanovich, i have achieved much more than the established norms. pratsoўny days are over. only those who would not be...
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to celebrate this holiday, therefore this day is mainly dedicated to remembering the events associated with the birth of christ, we will introduce ancient relics and miraculous icons, it occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple, not far from the altar, people with their prayers always resort to this image, ask the mother of god to help with their needs, we will discuss issues related to life with ...
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this is what power, as they say, there was a time to scatter stones, a time to collect them. watch spiritual educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. the skin hero may become a creative person . i saw a concrete pot, i show it to roma and say, i need it. well, this is how our journey began.
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into the concrete world, i’m probably going something like this step by step, step by step, i manage to do everything , in general, everything in my life comes when it needs to come, and i’m very happy with my life, the fact that they are , great desire, to realize the potential of the ulas, all these krakovins, all these bubbles, all this is so unique, in the same way it is impossible to make a second one the same, it’s like a hall with artists, for example, i have my own opinion falls on something there.
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i am glad for this cossack land, between the forests and the pushchak dzikih hell of a long time ago, i am belarus, i am belarusian, because i have this name, and the good glory of belarus is known forever, for good reason, i am belarusian, and i’m happy that you gave me matsimov , that i can smell the songs of my relatives and close ones from afar. i am a belarusian, and even though the world is too small, i will say, i will be born into a tribe of ungrateful people, and i will never get upset.
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this week belarus set course to the east. the official visit of our president to uzbekistan is a new stage in relations between the countries well, here in tashkent they call it historical.
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leonid adamovich, you have been working and living in uzbekistan for several years now, according to your feelings, it is still far away, the distance is large, the people are different, the mentality is different, nevertheless, we also have a common soviet one, this is how belarusians are treated here is it easy to build, find a common language and dialogue? well, i’ll be the first to say that belarusians are treated kindly here, we are belarusians and uzbeks. our mentality is similar, very similar, we are hospitable, they are hospitable, we are good-natured, they are good-natured, therefore, we don’t see such problems here , always, if you say that they immediately admire belarus, about belarus, my
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brother goes there, sometimes our students study there now, that is, very friendly.
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passed at a high ideological political level, what is uzbekistan betting on today, where is it going? the goal of uzbekistan today is the development of the country, industrial cooperation, development of agriculture, education and the it sphere, the government is working on this, interest youth, country development, education, it is very large. well, you know that more than 5,000 students from uzbekistan study in belarus, these are joint universities, these are in minsk, in baranovichi, our higher educational institutions, we are expanding the list of universities
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that can provide educational services, so here is uzbekistan, the government is looking to the future and accepted. every effort is made to ensure that the younger generation is on par with world powers in terms of technical progress, it technology , and so on, so education is given great attention. the strategic interests of belarus are access to the markets of the countries of the global east and south. uzbekistan has become a stronghold for us in central asia. we build cooperation on mutually beneficial terms, especially conceptually, the views of the states coincide. thus, the main vectors of development for our partners have been determined. state programs for the implementation of the strategy of uzbekistan 2030. the population by this time will reach 40 million people and make up half of all residents of central asian countries. the goal is to become one of the countries with income above average through sustainable economic development. among the priority
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areas are the creation of systems of education, medicine, social protection, favorable environmental conditions, the construction of a fair modern state, and guaranteed sovereignty and security. we supply cars, we have created joint ventures here, we also work in
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the field of science, medicine, and this is probably a good foundation for the future, the students studying with us will already know our mentality, connections will already be established, so this new generation, i think, will give even greater impetus to our trade, economic and political relations. the big negotiation marathon is behind us, what were the main instructions given by the leaders, what did the presidents charge the government with? a frank conversation took place, all the ministers who arrived on our side were present, but it must be said that on the uzbek side there was an expanded composition, that is, all ministries and departments took part, everything was discussed.
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medical care was provided at a high level, great emphasis was placed on this,
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the head of state set the tasks that we need to study in belarus, we need to go , we need to look, we need to adopt their experience, so healthcare was practically, well , the main issue, but the issue of industrial cooperation was also considered, a road map of cooperation was signed between the countries for 2 year, the document contains almost hundreds. projects worth more than a billion dollars, this includes organizing export supplies and creating joint productions. the main guideline is technological sovereignty. countries will implement joint projects in this direction. the package of documents also includes agreements in the energy sector, agriculture, science, education and sports. belarus and uzbekistan will continue to make efforts to develop the partnership. we discussed the topic of our joint production and shlokat mi'. said, let's organize joint production, joint assembly of your belaz trucks, let's do joint
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assembly of mazs, to which aleksandrovich instructed the minister of industry that let us support your proposal, the minister of industry received the task of creating here is a joint venture to assemble belaz trucks, to produce a joint vehicle, the same task was set for the minsk tractor plant... maz, that is , today, in conditions of fierce, let's say, competition, there is a way out how to enter this market, and it is gratifying to note that it is the uzbek side that is not closing down, it says that production cooperation is the way of the future, and we are ready for all the countries that surround us, tajikistan, turkmenistan, pakistan and...
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its supply to afghanistan and others countries central asia, so this frank conversation was not just a report. that they went through literally all areas with a pencil, yes, the head of state said that we went through the meeting in a 1:1 format, we went through all the points with a pencil, noted what we needed, what else, and this was said and corresponding instructions were given, i say that it was precisely the emphasis on joint production cooperation,
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the significant issue of medical care was also especially noted, so in december we underwent a medical belarusian-uzbek forum , in which more than 200 specialists from uzbekistan, doctors were present, there was an appeal from the head of state of uzbekistan, president shavkat miravanovich merzeev that we are grateful to you for your assistance in training our personnel, but we want to receive from you on an ongoing basis consultations, work together with you, conduct master classes on conducting.
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to transport ore to processing plants and from there obtain those rare earth metals that are here, we also know that uzbekistan is the leader today among the cis countries in the production of copper, in the extraction of gold as minerals, it is the mining industry, it has priority, and this is the locomotive.
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now, well, it was some kind of debt of the soviet union to the belarusians for what happened during the great patriotic war, then the republic was completely destroyed, and you and other republics helped us recover, there was nothing alive, every third person died, then the main industrial base was created high-tech, i emphasize again, we did not destroy it, we preserved it. they were not cut into pieces and distributed to private owners , today belarus, due to the conditions that prevailed then, and now has everything that is needed today, technologically, uzbekistan needs today tomorrow, the president of belarus correctly said and the uzbeks are very similar people, tolerant, flexible, they they don’t look into the garden
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of strangers, they don’t take anything away from anyone, they don’t intend to fight, we are hardworking...
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we were, they were given the opportunity to speak out and touch on issues that are not are resolved, as well as to outline the prospects for cooperation. it was truly an open business conversation. the forum of regions of belarus and uzbekistan is already the second in a row; the state tested this format in 2019. one hundred and fifty representatives of business areas came from our country alone this year , and not empty-handed. more than a hundred documents have been signed.
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uzbekistan feels itself in the region, now there is such close attention, little by little it is changing different countries, this is how uzbekistan feels here and how they are building their policy position? well, it should be noted that
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today uzbekistan here is the political center of the countries of central asia, there is a regional headquarters of the sco here, which means here. large forums of an international format are held and therefore uzbekistan shows itself very actively in international politics and, as shukus mirziyoyev noted, that belarus is a strategic partner, not just that it means that we are interesting to uzbekistan, they are interested in the level of development of industry, it technologies, agriculture. we are not we just trade, we work with them, we create a joint production here, in the field of pharmaceuticals, a new factory was built with
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an investment of 15 million dollars, the facility cost belarusian investors, yes, these are private investors, but they are still belarusians, they invested money here, now we we produce medicines that uzbekistan really needs. therefore, we are interesting to uzbekistan as an innovative country, we are interested in uzbekistan as a country that is the center of central asia, we intersect here all the ways, from here we can supply our products to other countries, enter a new direction that uzbekistan is developing, this is the construction of trans, we will be asian. highways, that is, from here there is direct access to the indian ocean through afghanistan, iran, pakistan, india, well, they are there to participate in the construction, well, i think that.
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permanent member of the sco, then this highway will be held there along with a member of the country, and i am sure of this we will take a worthy part in the construction of this highway with the exit to the indian ocean. what is
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the number one issue today for... will not stop us, we have shown the whole world that we are stable, that our economy is developing, this is also a great merit, probably, to the embassy, ​​especially since this is our primary task.
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to become part of a foreign country , you don’t have to be born there, i remind you of the hapik who was waiting for him near the station, i saw khaki films, and you’re my good fellow , he was waiting for us from venezuela, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the host of the show, at home, well this time... we have a stage, so that's it let's rock, let's rock, two foreign students will discover belarusian customs and introduce belarusians to the cultural characteristics of their countries, hello, oh, thai, look, and the tubes are waiting for us
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, watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news foreign countries. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous
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belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan , kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia.


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