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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirova is with you and about the main events of this saturday: belarusian technologies, competencies in asia, are new. opportunities , a road map and reserves for growth, about the results of alexander lukashenko’s visit to uzbekistan, the fierce battle and heroism of soviet soldiers, tribute to the memory of soldiers, internationalists, veterans of the afghan war were awarded anniversary medals, and where the driver is saved only by winter, and where the tracks are, it’s a pleasure. our journalists continue quality control on the road line. see also in the issue.
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impressive contracts, a solid portfolio of final documents and complete determination to implement everything that was agreed upon, which was still in the luggage compartment of air force one following the results of the official visit to uzbekistan. the period of election campaigning is underway in belarus. this stage will last until february 24 inclusive. candidates for parliament and local councils will present their programs. we will show in a panorama who they are, the people’s representatives. and what problems are you ready to solve locally? fake sociology has traditionally been part of political technology that is used during election campaigns. sometimes even polls on social networks try to pass off as sociology and the opinion of the population. we will discuss why this is not true in the panorama. this year is special for belarus - 80 years since the liberation of the country from fascist invaders. against the background of everything that is happening around, it is especially valuable that. during this time
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, not the slightest of what was experienced in the forties was allowed to happen. this topic was discussed for a reason this week, we will summarize the results in the section panoramas. the frost got stronger, but this in no way cancels out the passion of the fans or the desire to win of the athletes themselves, and even in such difficult climatic conditions we will try to collect cool material in this panorama. the official visit of the president of belarus to uzbekistan ended today. it has already been called historic for... relations between minsk and tashkent. almost all areas were covered. alexander lukashenko noted that uzbekistan has become a stronghold for our country in central asia. heads of state for several days , the future of bilateral relations was discussed in different formats. board number one went to minsk with an impressive portfolio of final documents. the president was seen off at the airport by the prime minister of uzbekistan.
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welcome, we are fully determined to implement everything that we have agreed on, we are ready. the parties agreed on specific projects that should bring the final trade turnover to a billion dollars, and this is not the final figure. the main thing is that both countries and leaders are extremely interested in each other. in uzbekistan it has its own raw material base, but lacks technology. belarusians are ready to provide them, in agriculture, industry, healthcare, and education. in personnel training, all possible projects are spelled out in the road map until 2025. the program of this visit was very dense, the working part. tet-tet negotiations. lukashenko and mirziyoyev talked behind closed doors for almost 2 hours. an extended meeting, a joint statement, the signing of a road map, and informal communication were all preceded by a forum of regions of belarus and uzbekistan. based all the news, experts are sure. this kind of
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cooperation opens up asia in a new way. strategically, this is beneficial for both belarus and uzbekistan and will automatically provide access to third markets. katerina krutalevich will continue. in the information field of uzbekistan, the visit of the belarusian president is on the front pages and the mood is immediately felt. this is not a story about trying a new field of play. this is a story where leaders know, understand and trust each other. the economy is already working, trade turnover is about $600 million, proof of this, you just need to move faster and move towards billion. this is footage of the start of the official visit, it’s hard not to note such a meeting; in general, everyone will feel the eastern warmth. belarusians are considered brothers here. this is not just a turn of phrase, we are largely united by history, the president will lay flowers at the monument to the independence of uzbekistan, the two countries of the once
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great union, each in their own way , continue to fight for success in their independence. in the ussr, minsk and tashkent had their own role, we are technology, processing, they come first. everything is under your feet. belarusians are already participating in pilot project for cotton tractor assembly production. our large machines can be successfully used in the uzbek mining industry. in terms of copper reserves , uzbekistan is among the world leaders. in agriculture, even feeding the country itself is not an easy task. uzbekistan is 40
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million people. but in addition, you can sell products to third countries. official tashkent has great experience in the supply of substances for medicines - this is already a belarusian interest, which can also result in a common one.
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emphasize that in recent years , through joint efforts, we have managed to radically change the nature and content of uzbek-belarusian relations, bringing them to a qualitatively new level. level, never in the history of our relationship has there been such mutual understanding, such real results, which you and i discussed in detail, confidentially, and frankly in a narrow circle. the countries celebrated the turnaround in diplomatic relations last year; over the past 7 years, trade turnover has increased more than fourfold. legprom, personnel training for forestry industry , urban planning, housing and communal services, a new platform for negotiations, a forum of regions, has already been held twice, the last one preceded this visit, one and a half hundred representatives of regions and businesses came from belarus, contracts are currently worth 150 million dollars, this is just the starting figure. in comparison, when women businessmen met at the first forum in minsk,
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uzbekistan needs today tomorrow, we offer uzbekistan, come and see, in agriculture, so we agreed on the construction of factories for production of meat, chicken, eggs and not because... there is a lack of something there, maybe in uzbekistan, because we, as the president suggested, we can sell it to our neighbors, the usual earthly approach, we adhere to it, and are ready work together and sell there and raise meat, chicken, broilers here, even i suggested building more factories, it’s clear that grain is immediately needed, we will buy grain today in russia at cheap, low prices, there is enough grain. bought cheap grain, processed it here, sold it on third markets, our
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technology, we know how to do it well, so why not produce it here and sell it over the fence in afghanistan, that is, we proceeded in the negotiations from the earthly, and went from the needs of the uzbek people, the belarusian people and neighbors, they, as you know, are not chosen , they are from god, and i support the policy of the president of uzbekistan, who is trying... to build humane relations with his southern neighbors, with afghanistan. mutual understanding between minsk and tashkent simultaneously resolves the issue of the policy of bad neighborliness towards belarus and russia from our western neighbors, and this is even more than not bad, experts are sure. cooperation, it allows you to overcome sanctions, allows you to work more efficiently, in fact, not pay attention to the sanctions chaos that western countries have created. in relation not only to russia, not only to belarus, but also to many other countries, including china, iran, cuba, a huge
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number of countries, by and large, are experiencing such illegal sanctions pressure. belarus makes it easier for itself to enter new markets, of course, maintaining perfect quality. the president will say this: we want to increase the quality even more, this is about a high standard that works for the belarusian image. we are in almaty, we go here specially, my wife sends me to a store that... called belarusian products , there is even belarusian kefir, not to mention various sausages and cheeses, this is very popular here , that is, such cooperation has no alternative, it is not a move to asia, there is an expansion of the economic political and humanitarian process, europe itself is in fact, it ends its more than four-hundred-year historical cycle with triumph.
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interrogation of government members and ministers, this has been done, not done, why, why are you talking for a long time, but this has not been done and that has not been done, if we meet again this year and invite these actors to negotiations, i think we will significantly we will do more, today everyone understands in which direction to move and how quickly, the most important thing is to move and resolve issues. in addition to official meetings, the presidents were in the tashkent technopark, where... under one almost two dozen industries and the main idea of ​​import substitution were brought together,
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trees were planted, and in general lukashenko and mirziyoyev communicated a lot in the presence of cameras, but without journalists. this is called the informal part, you need to understand that it is at this moment that a trusting relationship, the basis of political will, is built. both presidents love and develop hockey in their countries; they watched the match together at the humuaren on the first evening of their arrival, but why bother watching if you can show a master class yourself. are standing, the complex is located very close to the capital, by the way, the leaders.
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the main guideline of our partnership is technological sovereignty. the countries will implement joint projects in this direction in the energy sector, agriculture, and industry. we agreed to create an assembly plant for cotton tractors in uzbekistan and sow experimental fields with belarusian potatoes. mutual understanding has been achieved in all areas, the state is ready to resist external pressure together. we discussed the topic. our joint production, and shukat miromonovich said, yes, we understand, that there are sanctions against belarus, that’s all , but in these difficult times there is always a way out, let’s organize joint production, joint assembly of your velaz, let’s do joint assembly of mazs, to which alexander grigorievich instructed the minister
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of industry that let us support your proposal, the minister of industry received the task of creating... a joint venture to assemble belaz trucks, to produce a joint vehicle, the same task was assigned to the minsk tractor plant and maz, that is, to today, in the conditions of fierce , let's say, competition, there is a way out, how to enter this market, and it is gratifying to note that it is the uzbek side that is not closing, but it is saying that...
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losing historically friendly relations is still possible for a trade turnover of a billion dollars. the main visit of the week is in the spotlight of experts and guests of the editors club. but i am sure that our president proceeds from that analysis of, well, the future development of geopolitical events. and here we need to ensure self-sufficiency. us an era of, so to speak, serious geopolitical redistribution is coming. and in a sense, we must close, but in one direction, in another case, on the contrary , open and unite.
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belarus is on the threshold of an important socio-political campaign. on february 25 , for the first time in the history of sovereign belarus, we will simultaneously elect deputies to the house of representatives of the national assembly and local councils. the dynamic development of the country, the solution of local problems, and the lives of people in large and small settlements will depend on our choice. how it was built work of a deputy in the district why this figure? an important link between the voter and the authorities, natalya ignatenko will tell. tatyana chityrka and irina prikhodko say that getting to work has become easier, instead of a broken gravel road,
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now there is smooth asphalt, but before there were just continuous problems. the commute to work was a real ordeal.
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rest, a font, and there is also a chapel, here you can relax, pray, swim, whatever your heart desires,
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they have made efforts to improve the area near the village of selets the hand of not only the believers and orthodox parish themselves, but also a deputy of the district council, the farm helped with wooden buildings and young plantings, its director sergei losko gave his word, he kept his word, there are no insignificant requests, i repeat, they are all... societies on everyday issues and sociology allows you to find out your attitude to modern challenges; it is relevant during electoral campaigns; it is interesting to compare your opinion with the position of the majority. however,
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political technologies often come into play and they try to use them to manipulate public opinion through various tricks. sometimes they even try to pass off surveys on social networks as sociological studies. why is this not true? - said the director of the institute.
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in order to present the opinion of everyone , they allow you to very quickly get a certain cross-section of public opinion, but this opinion cannot in any way be claimed by belarusians, users of social networks, networks, they are certainly popular, because internet users are primarily young, active , advanced people, middle-aged people, the elderly are far from being so active in this relationship, and not only elderly people, there are other categories of people whose opinion it cannot be represented in such a way...
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including one can evoke a certain response from a citizen, this is, well, let’s say, hidden manipulation used by unscrupulous sociologists who, among other things, try to speculate on these issues? for a sociologist, the question he asks the respondent is the most basic tool for obtaining information, depending on how this question is formulated competently, to what extent it will be understandable to the respondent, to what extent it will correspond to the research design. the success of the research itself depends, therefore, there are really very serious requirements for this part of conducting surveys, when, let’s say, my
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colleagues... are creating the next toolkit, in addition to the fact that we follow the existing methodological rules and technical rules, we are testing this toolkit in order so that when we go out into the field in the so-called, we can guarantee that everything that we will ask was clearly interpreted by the respondents, was understandable and provided us with the necessary information, we are currently observing, among other things...
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how to try to disrupt the natural course of events to create confusion in the minds and consciousness of people, there are many other ways , well, the slogan not to go to the polls, it also appears as the most understandable in the opinion of those who pursue their own goals, and as the most understandable, it is replicated, although we should not forget that that there are a lot of other techniques, methods, technologies that... the order we follow is designed to simply try to destroy, destabilize the situation and thereby, well, extract the dividends that the organizers of such events plan to receive. thanks a lot. there are 2 weeks left in the work of precinct commissions until the single voting day - this is time to verify voter lists.
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generally. they have been formed, but there will be so -called additional lists, for example, it will include the names of those who wish to vote differently place of registration or at home. you can already submit applications; voting at home, as well as in sanatoriums and hospitals, will be organized only on the main voting day, february 25. yulia alferova will tell you what else this week’s information picture was filled with. this year belarus is celebrating an important date: 80 years since the fascist invaders left belarusian soil forever, during which time we have not allowed a repetition of even the slightest of what our grandfathers experienced. can this be considered a national treasure? how else do we divide it in union construction? i, yulia alferova, will tell you why this topic is firmly entrenched in the information agenda of the week. i've already
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been weighed. bread 250-125 g . the hand of a young man or an old one reaches over his shoulder, you don’t understand, he takes some bread from the scales along with cards and stuffs it into his mouth. and such stories become creepy, but such truth, when heard first-hand, chills even the youngest minds, a meeting with maria yagodnitsina, whose childhood was spent in besieged leningrad, was preceded by open screening of the film fabzaytsy. where the same teenagers who wanted to live and study found themselves in a blockade ring. half of the 24 thousand belarusian children died there, this is a common story that motivates action. during the week, the youth of belarus and russia agreed to create a single platform in the union state for projects to preserve historical memory. why is the west so aggressive, do we have the right to surrender , to retreat from our plans, from our plans, from union building. to the west, of course.
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such initiative is not good for you, there rewrote and distorted much of what was inconvenient, for what? obviously to hide the crime, but not time, not building barriers in this survey is not a problem when you understand why, in fairness - this is the main thing why the case of the genocide of the belarusian people is not closed, even when the neighbors are not particularly cooperative. unfortunately, our closest neighbors, poland, the baltic states, they refused to fulfill our requests, and on far-fetched grounds. i dare say this is based on the interests of national security. this is a common phrase that too often comes from western politicians, creating the appearance that they are busy with the interests of national security and do not point blank admit that there are much more threats within the european union. a good third of europe is covered in protests. i am forced to go out to protests, the government does what it wants with us. they treat our farmers like pigs, so we will be left without our agricultural producers. the rebellion is not
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empty. wages have not kept up with prices for a long time; to give you an idea, olive oil has risen in price by 75%, potatoes by 50%, than eggs have risen in price by 30%, unfair competition... is provoked by cheap imports from ukraine, in addition to rising prices for fuel, electricity and fertilizers, at this time the focus of attention of the rulers remains outside the contours. and today we are deciding how we can strengthen our european support for ukraine. germany will contribute to security. everyone knows that this year berlin has allocated more than 7 billion euros to support kiev with arms supplies. however, everything is according to the plan of the white house, to become impoverished, which is equal to starving europe by the way, anti-russian sanctions played a role in this matter.
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this is yet another technological breakthrough that will make it easier and easier for us to pay our trading partners, and their geography is becoming wider before our eyes due to investment cooperation. they are coming to us from the very center of the african continent to establish interstate relations. south sudan is located in the very center of africa, and if the government of belarus wants to cooperate with africa, then we are ready for various types of partnerships so that you can develop a presence in the countries of eastern africa. yes, belarus has not been a stranger in central asia for a long time, this was once again confirmed by the visit to uzbekistan of the belarusian leader. alexander lukashenko called the country a fulcrum in the region and expressed confidence that...
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belarus and uzbekistan for 2024-2025. it is important that we look at all global processes in one direction. taking this opportunity , the presidents called. ilham aliyev, the newly elected president of azerbaijan, to congratulate him on his victory in the presidential elections. according to exit polls, 94% of voters supported his candidacy. the high turnout was confirmed by observers from belarus who worked in the capital of azerbaijan. the process was open and accessible. also, as it plans to organize elections in belarus, it is expected that about 150 international observers will work with us; the cis mission has already started. we ask questions, including possible violations, they are open to us everywhere and provide all the necessary information. now the precinct commission is checking the voter lists, everyone can apply to clarify the information entered, up to 24 february. until this time, you need to provide documents to the commission for those who
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plan to vote not according to their registration, this could be a rental or purchase agreement, you will be added to the additional list without any problems. this week was memorable. see you. another one of the main events of the week, the loudest, brightest and most colorful, the new year 2024 has finally come into its own, now according to the eastern calendar. in china, colorful celebrations are taking place in honor of the new year or spring festival, which will be celebrated on 15 days of february. by the way, about 2 billion people on the planet celebrate it. person, but it is based on chinese. lunar calendar. chun ze is the most beloved spring holiday for the chinese; it is associated primarily with the hope of good luck, happiness and prosperity. and they will come only through peace, goodness and creation. despite the frosts,
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an atmosphere of warmth and celebration now reigns in the celestial empire. our president congratulated the chairman of the akpr sidin pina and the friendly people of china on the holiday; the patronage of the dragon traditionally promises better times for making wise, far-sighted, bold decisions. the year of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the founding of the people's republic of china will be marked by comprehensive implementation.
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events and achievements, i am confident that in 2024 we will strengthen technological and investment cooperation and will successfully spend a year of cooperation. in the field of technology and innovation, we will enrich humanitarian interaction. one of the key foundations for the future will be the approval of a development plan for applied belarusian-chinese cooperation until 2030. as part of our agreement with you, we are ready to offer a number of new directions in the context of establishing belarus as an important investment site china in the region. according to the belarusian leader, china is playing an increasingly important role in
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ensuring balance and a world of justice in the international arena, holding high the great banner of socialism with chinese characteristics, beijing is successfully implementing centuries-old paradigms and new strategic priorities. events for the day of remembrance of soldiers have started in minsk. create a region of instability near the borders of the soviet union, with the subsequent transfer of hostilities to its territory , failed, it was thwarted by heroism and courage soviet soldiers. this was stated by the minister of defense of belarus viktor khrenin, as the head of the military department noted, today history is repeating itself. a hot conflict unleashed by the west is blazing at the southern borders of belarus,
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the military potential of neighboring states is increasing, but thanks to the policies pursued in the country, the security forces and the cohesion of society, belarusians can be confident in protection. in total, there are 21 thousand afghan veterans in our country, the entire active population of the regions and the capital gathered today in the house of officers of the armed forces of belarus, here a thematic exhibition dedicated to...
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being faithful to military service has also opened, for us today this is especially important, to be loyal to one’s country, they are a shining example of this loyalty. shows how you need to love your homeland and how the afghan war after the great patriotic war became the most tragic page in the history of belarusians of the entire soviet people. belarusian soldiers and internationalists fully fulfilled their duty in afghanistan, and now they are making an invaluable contribution to ensuring the national, including military , security of belarus, veterans were awarded anniversary medals, memorable gifts. the nato secretary general again calls on nato members to arm themselves, essentially putting the world on the path of war without alternative. jens stoltelberg believes that it is necessary to prepare for a confrontation with russia, which could last decades, and also to build up military potential. he told the welt publication about this. the head of nato noted that now...


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