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tv   100  BELARUSTV  February 11, 2024 6:25am-7:21am MSK

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no matter how some of you don’t want to, and some may not want to, it’s time to take stock and understand who the two are who are going to our final fourth round, who are the ones we say to today, goodbye, we are a draw again, look, in the new season of the project i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel. how long have you held a book in your hands, flipped through page after page, greedily tasting every word, of all manifestations of human creativity, the most amazing and worthy of attention are books , thoughts live in books past times
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, the voices of people are heard clearly and distinctly, everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic on the pages of books, by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together. we value the past for our present. belarus 24.
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music, dj, hello everyone, children, are you ready for today's meeting? with our guests. evgenia and yulia, what do you expect from the children you meet now? well, i personally expect some kind of pepper, i would like something like this, simple, frank, even something that might be downright scandalous. i also have expectations of some sincere direct questions. in what mood are you going into this conversation? well me. interesting, well, yes
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, it’s fun to talk, to find out what, well, maybe, what’s really interesting, we don’t know, this is interesting, in fact, you promise to tell only the truth today, and we never lie, then good luck, dear participants program, today our guest is a creative family union of two authors and musicians, yulia bykova and evgeniy olenikov, meet the aura group. yulia evgeniy, today you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well, now you have exactly one minute to tell about yourself, time has passed, that means we are the authors, performers, we write songs, we have been writing them since 2002, some of the songs became popular, most of the songs did not become popular, this...
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we worked in different countries of the world, in china, in arab countries, in russia, in moldova, in germany, in france, in the usa we have a track. well, this is an interesting feature, neither zhenya nor i graduated from a conservatory or a music school, i am a doctor with a degree in banking, well, we love different music, we love our children, we have two of them, a boy, the first one went. in tenth grade, our second child is in first grade, we’re almost there, let’s move on to questions from our audience, we have 100 participants in the studio, each has their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer, let’s go, let’s start with the red sector, hello , my name is yulia and i am your mother-in-law, hello, do you think that success is luck or hard work, it's luck, that's it. this is luck at least once in
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your life, but you need to be prepared for this chance , according to my observations, people are not always given a chance, but you need to be ready for your chance, luck needs to be supported by hard work, something like this, examples of very talented people who, unfortunately, without hard work, well, they remained unknown people, yes, people are given a chance, they do not use it, but according to my observations, a chance is given to almost everyone, well, probably even everyone, yes to everyone, yes, we are moving to the yellow sector, turn right, hello, evgeniy, hello , yulia, what age do you think people listen to your music, well, i know exactly what age, i have statistics of all views on youtube, the main audience. 45 + 35 + 45 is the second largest audience, 25-35 over 55 is the third audience, i can even tell you by region which regions listen to the most, the mogilev, gomel regions, the city of minsk listen to us the most, the rest all then pull themselves up. we go to black
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sector, you are more than 20 years old - the scene, when you realized that you became popular is difficult to say, very difficult to say. whether you are popular or not, well, if in your store there , for example, people want to take pictures , you are probably popular, and so this actually began to happen not so long ago, but if a person considers himself popular after being shown once on tv, then yes , it happened 20 years ago, everyone has their own criteria, you know, i think it’s popular, well, at least it’s to gather people for your own solo concert, well, i don’t have a stadium there i know, well, there are at least 30 thousand people there , this is already so mo...
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i just dreamed of first becoming a drummer, then, uh, a super metal guitarist, fate took me a little in the same direction, but pushed me a little to the side, that is i was 16 years old, if i saw myself now, i would say wow, pop music is all that, i had such long hair, longer even than yours, that is, i played music no lighter than metallica, that is , well, in principle, i’m very pleased that my childhood dream is... coming true, i can’t say that it came true, then i have, as it were, global dreams , it’s all the same than fantasizing about small things, it’s better to fantasize about big ones, anyway only part of it is fulfilled, like this, well, it’s better to have world-class ones, there’s popularity, all that stuff, don’t fantasize for yourself, slowly go towards it,
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i have it too just like that, well, it’s impossible that i had more specific dreams, but i remember all the time there, starting from the age when i began to recognize myself, remember, i had so different dreams and hobbies that i... god i just didn't like mine, but the creative component was always present , that is, there i wanted to do rhythmic gymnastics, then i wanted to be a figure skater, i finally got my hands on rhythmic gymnastics, we had a number and we finally took this ribbon and i did something with it what i wanted , so of course, somehow dreams still come true, maybe not as you planned, but someday, when you no longer care about it, it will still come true for you, sometimes at the wrong time, sometimes not then, when you... want, but it will come, turn to the left again we see curious eyes, how does modern music differ from the music of your childhood, which is better and why? that we look so old, and
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to be honest, i still listen to different music, because well, i often listen to music, well, the one that sounded in my childhood, because there are eternal classics, like the beatles. the same abba, yes, i would say, nothing has changed at all, if we took khabib into our childhood, the same thing, that is, we recently just performed at the same concert, excellent guy, so very positive and efficient, it seems to me, you know, that music stays for a long time, for a long time with people, then it lives there in different performances, in different covers, if it’s not made for 5 minutes, yes, that is, so that someone then you quickly liked it and forgot about it, when it was made straight from the heart, oh let it be, that is, you listen to the music a little louder and the music a little faster, yes, but with age it seems to become calmer, you just want to, but the music itself, well, the texture doesn’t change , and we move to the yellow sector, please turn left, i have
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i have a question for you, you were often punished by your parents, zhen, have you been punished by your parents at least once, i was a terrible child, at school we... we had a very, very smart class, an advanced class, in a special francophone school, and we were like- then so, if we felt weakness in the teachers, somehow we... if so, well, now children, these are our children, compared to us, at your age, but these are
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just angels, you just understand, our childhood fell on the collapse of the soviet union, and well, the adults had no time for us at all, they were looking for an opportunity to feed, because well, there was nothing in the shops , it’s hard for you to imagine, here’s the avenue where the studio where we’re filming is located, yes, there were three or four grocery stores there, and people took the metro from one to another to find where you were they threw it out there... or something , that’s how the housewife’s day went, that is, in search of food, naturally there was no time for children, that is, i remember when i was 12 years old, we started the fashion of going to the nearest parking lot to wash in the yard with buckets cars to earn some money, well, naturally, well, hooligans there was much more than now and there were more fights on the street, and it was less safe there in the nineties, ninety-five, these are the intervals, well, of course i got into trouble, but well , you punish your children, and now the eldest even... you know , the most important punishment is how in our house there is a switch that turns off the electricity due to growth
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, only i can reach it, in fact, whoever is at fault in that room , everything turns off the electricity and the phone is taken away like that, some kind of physical and physical methods punishments, they are absolutely meaningless, well, why, that a person will understand that dad’s hand is heavy and that, and if, well , a person is because he is sitting on the phone and does not react to what is there for him. says or dad, so you take this remedy that prevents him from reacting, with the eldest, we also experimented somehow, and of course he got more, and the little one, with the little one, well, we already kind of know with vova, vova sanya , i love you, left turn red sector is next in line, at the beginning of the program you were announced that you creative and family duo. is it easy to combine family life with work? the only way? well, yes, in our, in our business, it is very
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difficult not to combine. well, imagine, we don’t have a certain period of the day, or a day without work, that is, we all, well, that is, what we do is, well, this is part of life , and not just a part, probably, this is life itself , well , in general, even my closest friends don’t understand what we do, except when we perform, yes, that is, it’s really difficult to explain what it is? the work of a composer, producer, singer and band, yes, roughly speaking, an artist calls me, let’s say victoria oleshka and says: “zhenya, i need a song, yulia and i are starting to compose this song, as we discuss all day long, listen, let’s talk about this, let’s talk about this, it’s always a process of communication, it’s always a process work , that is, well, it’s difficult to break up, i don’t know how it would be different, but what you asked is very..." of course, you often argue about work, well, we often kill each other at
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work , of course, of course, there are conflicts of interests, but here it is important to remember that you love this person and how unfortunately, we don’t have any questions about who in your family earns more and how you divide the fees .
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and i had a friend lena bykova, so she introduced us, she played kvn with me in narkhoz, and yulia played in kvn in med, and as if we needed them for a phonogram, i remembered, yes, and i asked, i say , len, well , they say there, the guy is writing something, she says, yes, i’ll turn you on, she took me away and climbed onto my sofa with her feet, i remember it just now, and he
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played the guitar for me, this solo, this gorgeous one, and he said: hi zhenya, this is yulia, do you remember me? i say, well, yes, i remember , she says, listen, i’m here with the girls - i’m going to a contract in bahrain, and it seems to me that she ’s telling me that our manager is the head of the team, that he’s somehow very decent, slippery, dishonest, i say: listen, i’m just putting together a team, they all came to me with the girls, we went to a contract, great we worked, yes, well, we arrived there already, looked at each other and realized that it was fate - we kind of returned there, then we already met, we already lived together, that’s how we met, a wonderful, beautiful
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love story, i listened to everything, let’s move on to red sector, turn left. please tell me, how did you get married? by chance, also by chance, yes, we had already lived together for 4 years, that is, after bahrain in 2001 we had no doubts that this was our everything, and the work was common, and the interests were common, we started writing songs, then it's like we are well, they just performed, well, cover, cover, cover and cover, but i wanted to do something of my own, that is, music, words and everything there. we’ve already worked hard, we’re already rushing , so my wife and i started writing our own songs, and, wait, isper didn’t do that after that, we started writing to other artists, so we’ve already lived together for 4 years and somehow our parents didn’t rush us, like oh, when will you get married there, when will you get married there, well , one day we had our passports with us, went to the zak, submitted an application, and it was also so interesting
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it worked out, we submitted an application somewhere in april, we were told, well, september is the date, we are young. on july 8th there is a free window, we will sign up for you and then many years later all these people began to buzz that july 8th is peter and fevroni’s day, family day, there is our family day, so it happened by chance that we are on this very day, yes didn’t know, but is the stamp in your passport the most important thing for you, or does it... change nothing, but there must be some moments that you need to rely on in life, that is, you already understand that this is yours responsibility , this is this, well, it’s not just love, this is already a family, this is already me, society, his family has rights, everyone in the family has responsibilities, well, that is, this is a little different, let’s turn left,
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return to the black sector , my name is ksenia and i would like to ask: what was the last time you gave each other for no reason? i don’t know if it’s just us or all artists, we generally have holidays that don’t coincide with human holidays, yes, that is, i had one incident with our neighbor valera, they, they were probably even offended, we had work on december 30, the next work on january 2, on new year’s day we were just sleeping, that is, they were with a cake, a christmas tree, toys, a cheerful company. they knock on our house and we open the door like, why? they are like, what, new year, guys, we are sleeping, in fact, our holidays are when there is no work, on the main holidays, there is valentine's day, may 1, uh, new year, february 8, february 23, here there are concerts all the time, we celebrate valentine's day, well, on february 16 or 17, we
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celebrate there a week after the day birth or in general this is in this. year, my birthday on may 11 was celebrated after the slavic bazaar in july, because it was not possible to find a couple of days to relax, and accordingly gifts, then accordingly they are gifts for no reason at all, that is, they are always without reason, that is, well, you’re just thinking that, well, yes , hypothetically , there might be something nice there for a birthday, yes, but in reality it happens there at any time, and that’s what they gave, usually some kind of romantic trips, some, you know, some... there is such a cool saying, the coolest things in life are not things, but just something like this, not not touch the next one. question - this is the purple sector, turn to the left, the following question for you: have you ever been jealous of each other?
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well, it’s hard to be jealous in a family in which both are on stage, that is, imagine, yuli and i have known each other since 1999, so it turns out we’ve known each other for 24 years, uh, what happened to our psyches, if we were jealous of each other, then it's difficult to eat. it would be with us i have many acquaintances in those families in which someone is very jealous, the second partner, well, just wants to change, you know, that is, when you have a free field for activity, that is, at some point you begin to ask yourself , yes, that is , these are so many problems in fact, that is , you undermine the trust of your loved one, you have some kind of obligations to a person who... you don’t really know, well, well, what does jealousy mean? jealousy is most often some kind of random connection, some kind of mistake, that is, if it consciously, then this is no longer jealousy, this is already the collapse of the family, this is completely different, i
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am for such relationships, for trusting ones, here is complete trust, a wonderful answer, applause. they are distinguished by their kindness, ingenuity , hard work, those people who are ready to surprise, surprise, first of all, themselves. without fantasizing, without living any illusions of your life, why then, a small country, but big people with the same
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heart and soul, a dream from school, to become an artist and singer, came true 1 march eighty-seven, i don’t regret it at all, and they are belarusians, whom...
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kiev, vilnius and warsaw. belarus may be occupied and divided into three zones, in the name of the future of our peoples, in the name of peace. we will preserve our civilization, you can be sure of that. main topics on the main broadcast. channel belarus 24.
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red sector, please, how are household responsibilities distributed among you in your family? well , they are distributed, somehow it happened over time that i am more involved in business with clients, and yulia is more involved with the children home, that is, we, for example, wrote a song , recorded it in the studio, yes, we did this together, but then there is, for example, work on promoting the musical material, on relations with clients, on communication, and so on, this is zhenya does more, here i am at this time, of course, if i have it free, then of course this is a house, these are children, a family , of course, i... have a plot of land, that is, i will plant flowers there, take care of them there , that is , this is what concerns the distribution of responsibilities, plus or minus approximately, the lawn will be mowed
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yes. what did you do, what did you do? oh, i’ll start from the end , probably, if i had them, i can’t imagine it at all, well, honestly, it ’s impossible for me now, well, i would probably, well, pursue a career, well, how would i pursue a career, i i wouldn’t have met zhenya then, but honestly i can’t imagine this situation, because i always wanted children, a family and children, and i wanted two, well, really, maybe i still
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want a girl, well... already, well, probably , i can’t, because we have so much work to do, in this regard, of course, it will be very it’s difficult, i’ll tell you this, yes, in fact, yulia is speaking now after the fact, i remember how it was initially, initially there was no talk about any children, i had my first child at 32, the second at 40, and honestly i if not , well, i can’t imagine at my 18-19 years old, what i would do, well... how i had such a completely different life, which did not imply, well, caring for children, well, honestly, i had to to get really pissed off, just let off all the steam, and then calmly, seriously get down to all this. we move on to yellow sector. what is your relationship with your mother, do you have secrets with her? there are no secrets, you know, so again we return to the topic of children when our own appear.
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uh, children, relationships with mom, ah, it’s probably getting closer than ever before, yes, because we’re starting to understand each other more, but you always know that this is the person you’re looking for you can count on when, for example, my wife and i go somewhere together, then mom is just a godsend, a holy person who will lovingly take care of your children. that's why relationships when a mother becomes a grandmother, for some reason they become much better than before this happened, who wants to ask a question, please raise your hand if you have some kind of bad habit that directly interferes with your life, julia, what bad habit do you have, no, come on first, i remember what bad habit i have that interferes with my life, because all my bad habits
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somehow, on the contrary, decorate my life. the fact is that this is what is usually found, yes, it is considered bad habits, smoking, we don’t smoke, then alcoholism, the maximum that we allow ourselves, yes, that is, this is dry red wine in some normal, well, dosages allowed by medicine, that is, it’s not that we are just holy people there, we don’t eat, we don’t drink, and there in general, well, smoking and alcoholism are definitely not about us, probably sweets are about me , probably maybe sweets, yes, i would like him a little bit...
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this is generally, well, hard to believe, but believe me, yulia went to the garden to weed, and 40 minutes later she called me, said: listen, that’s it, write it down, right there she hums a song, ready... already completely, that is , the country somehow charged her, then yes, then the blue-eyed song sung by anatoly ivanovichka, vika oleshka, yes, i worked in china, yulia stayed here because she was pregnant, she i gave birth and i received a text message: hello, i gave birth, i have tears, joy, a lot of emotions, and we wrote the song blue-eyed, at a distance of 10,000 km, such a lyrical song, every time in its own way, here is a favorite song doesn’t give back...
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let’s move on to the yellow sector, please tell me how many minutes you can compose a song? in fact, there are several
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songs when you need just enough time to just write it down, or type what you have at hand, sing the words into the recorder and sing the music, well, there are 10-15 minutes there. right now can you compose a song about our program , one hundred questions for adults? let's experiment, please take out your guitar and pen and paper, do you hear what rhymes with? come on, let's go higher here, and just like that and make the guitar louder. 100 questions for an adult, how to answer everything, adults answer,
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the children ask, they are all so different, but together today, the adults answer, who are the children? it seems to me that we simply had the anthem of our program, thank you, applause, it was great, how do you feel about internet addiction in children? well, i’m calm, for example, because, you know, uh, i saw those times when it was considered harmful to read a lot, my mother loved to read, and read at night with a flashlight under the blanket, for which her grandmother, my mother’s mother , scolded me very much, it was an addiction to books,
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now it is believed that books are the most the best thing that can be, like, it develops the imagination, this is a benefit, the bad thing is computers, it seems to me that at all times, adults are a little... hesitant about the passions of their children, this can generally be traced in music, that is any previous generation criticizes the music of the next generation, this was always the case in the 16th and 14th centuries, there are records from ancient russia that like young people listen to something, they play something on their tambourines and balalaikas, they play something there, well, that’s me i'm kidding, but it was always me... i'm even more i want to say, i read yesterday that one of the celebrities forbids their children to use social networks, so i think that
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this is wrong, because it is part of life, you need to get used to it from childhood, from the point of view of a doctor, yes, of course addiction is any addiction, it’s bad, because addiction to anyone, to anything, coffee. problem, zhen, no, regardless of coffee, well , i’m addicted, but this is already a problem, it’s really from sweets, yes, the problem, here, let’s applaud this sweet family, 180°, red the sector is already greeting you with a raised hand. did you have any complexes as a teenager, and if so, how did you deal with them? well, i wouldn’t... it’s somehow a complex, but
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i never considered myself a beauty at all as a teenager, i didn’t have any kind of mega-popularity in this regard at school, well , i just somehow took it calmly , but now i’m not, that is, i can calmly come somewhere without makeup and well , i feel fine, i feel great, that is , now you love yourself, yes, okay, yes the only thing is that, of course, like any woman , i want to stay young as long as possible. means, then it seems to me, well, the only thing, this is normal, if you have time that you don’t need to get hung up, well, this again comes to the question of addiction, but i don’t like it, any addiction is bad, that is, if you, for example, you can give up coffee at any time at any time, but you can’t, i was pregnant, i didn’t drink coffee for 9 months, i gave it up,
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do you consider yourself progressive people? if yes, then let's check how much you close to us, to the youth. can i name you a couple? can i ask you? why do you consider proximity to young people to be progressive? maybe you’ve already galloped away, but you haven’t caught up yet? so let's check, you just know, youth is not a guarantee of fresh decisions, in general? i’ll tell you now a few slang youth.
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here i am, you see, i, i, i, i said about this, yes,
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what does it mean to be aggressive, probably, like to get drunk there, and england, yes, to flex, i don’t know, well, flexible is flexible, to flex, yes, there is two meanings, well, these are all anglicisms like, it’s stupid to look in the dictionary, probably, yes, no, flex, well, it’s flexible. and now the correct answer: flexivity means twitching to the beat of music, which is what we do throughout the program, you guys are great, you didn’t guess just one word, it’s just amazing how well you know the modern generation, you are the very progressive people that only what they said, thank you.
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they say that god gave the polish people a piece of heaven on earth, a forest, as if it were a temple. the universe of all mankind, you have no idea how many guests come here to this forest, picking berries, blueberries, strawberries, but they themselves create paradise with their hard work and incredible thirst for life. polashikov has such a well-trained character, everyone you don’t know, they have years, so he wanted, he did, they don’t have such a deer, he stood up, he did, the younger generation, i
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showed this drawing that it comes, it plants a tree, as if it were a continuation of these... watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . well done, well done. and to applause we move to the red sector, and i think that you know what hate is and give advice on how to deal with haters. oh, well, i’ll tell you this, when i was your age and older,
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because i’ve been trying to make music all my life, and you always end up on stage somewhere, you always become a field for hate, for hatred. at the age of 15, when i just started playing the guitar there, of course there were insulting people there, and yes, you don’t know how, but this is not yours, but this is what you are, where are you going, here i am at the age of 7 , when i entered music school, they said yours a boy to his mother will never study music, that is, this is it, you know, it probably accompanies you in any profession, but with age you begin, firstly, to listen less to people around you, to listen to yourself more, but about this particular one hatred in...
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why are we talking specifically about the network option, because it’s much more difficult to say to your face, you need to have courage or for the herd to come at you alone, here of course you need support, but this is already the criminal code, that is it's not your problem anymore. let's let's turn 180° and listen to a question from the black sector, would you like to be famous abroad? well, we took part in the selection. for eurostudies , they probably wanted 12 times, 12 times, well , no, a little about eurovision, you know, here we had a different position, since there is such a platform with such an audience, then we need to push our belarusian language, that is, this the likeness there, well, it’s a bad copy , it’s so popular, it won’t become popular,
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but there was such a period, well, really, well, i’ll say this, i still have these goals, that is, worldwide popularity for any artist. it’s out there somewhere, that is, there’s no need to be modest, but what’s what, everyone wants it, that ’s who came out on stage, you didn’t just come there, of course we would like it and we’re working on it, not that we wanted it, yes so gradually, maybe it will work out, any creative person can have it, it’s stupid if they don’t exist, well, it’s strange, yes, let’s go back to the red sector, do you think people can live in peace and what for this? needs to be done, well, i think not, history shows that this is impossible, unfortunately, yes, history, world history is the history of wars , it just so happened that for a very long time, almost the entire history of mankind, some people lived very comfortably at the expense of other people,
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using all these colonial opportunities there , africa, india, china, oceania, listen, well, it’s hard to refuse... to have the resources of other countries, well, that’s why these points of chaos are created and please tell us about the best advice of your life, we have such a businessman, alexander vasilyevich shakutin, and in 2005 , together with a number of creative people, we created the government center spomash, and i was 23-24 years old, and he was already a seasoned businessman. uh , at some point i was very lost in assessing creativity, that is, it’s difficult to write songs and understand whether you’re doing it right or wrong, so he told me this thing that... assessments are the result, but then it really mattered to me helped, i realized that if
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more and more songs are ordered from me every year, if there are more and more concerts and if as if the popularity in the form of views is growing, it means i’m on the right road, that is, this advice probably saved me from a lot of torment in my head, well, i actually have a lot of advice that was really useful to me, well... zhen, you told me, block people who harass you on the internet, this really saves you from unnecessary thoughts when you start thinking about something that has nothing to do with you, this was also good advice, and i i can recommend him to everyone again, this this helps a lot, if you have your own business, in which you are doing sports or something, the results are getting better and better, it means you are doing everything right, despite what they tell you, for example, the opposite, you can do as much... as you like says that you are bad, but if the result shows that you are good, then let them talk. we are moving to the red sector.
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hello, my name is alisa, i don’t have a question, but a request, can you please sing us a song that is right in your soul. please bring your guitar to the studio. applause, but i can feel your voice, this is the world, there, where it began, everything is over, so we will be molded, well, who is this... that tall, i will go back, and in
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the future, shake me, my son's whole same day, only in familiar moments, vigilant, floating beyond the sky. shut me up, i’m yours, you don’t even know, i feel what you want, and i’m shaking the sky. this signal means that the time for questions to the heroes has expired. evgeniy, yulia, now you
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have to choose the best question of this program. well, what, what most, well brought up emotions for discussion? in my opinion, everyone laughed at the prosumers more, let’s talk about progressive humanity, who is the author of that wonderful test that the guys successfully passed, tell us. about yourself, where do you study, in what class? i study at the first school in the city of fannepol, in ninth grade a. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift. yulia evgenia. now you have the opportunity to ask the children one question: i personally find it very
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interesting, do you generally understand that there is no boundary between children and adults, so everyone says: children, children, children, you are already people, just like us, you understand that you will become the same as us, without noticing this, as you already said, that a huge responsibility appears, when you have... i think that, of course, children should understand that adults are adults,
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that is, children should respect their parents, not perceive them completely as a friend or girlfriend, but... at the same time, adults should understand that that children are also individuals, but i honestly want to say, in fact, there is a difference, there is a difference in generations, well , it seems to me that now the generation is much smarter, but now it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, the aura group is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, evgenia yulia, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. this is where i’ll ask you to stay, how do you think you handled this audience? oh, the audience is cool, i just remembered this age at home, it also seemed to me that we were so smart, it seems to me that they are even much better than us. what question is for you today was the most difficult? there was a very difficult
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question about peace, the second question, it was difficult for me to remember just one piece of advice. i really enjoyed listening to their answers to questions and of course i would like to ask a lot more questions and hear a lot more answers. well, personally, i emphasized a lot of new things for myself, and it seems to me that the guys also think so, it was as simple as possible, open and very interesting. we have this rule:
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the last word always belongs to the heroes. summarize the conversation that took place, oh, that was cool, thank you very much, i wanted listen, well, see, find out, this is how our children live, and i had great pleasure, thank you guys for this project, belarus is one, they just made today a holiday for us, and guys, i remember everyone who asked the question, all your eyes, thank you very much, the aura group is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today. see you in a week.
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