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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] kahanna is clear, only this will be not an hour, there will be an eternal life, just as we live, bright words in our native language, a monthly expression on the grass, and no life is not a great sand, you, kama aychyny pain balіts, there is radzima, meaning yts budze song. there will be a song and a
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life of joy. with his monolithic body he is so huge that when mortally wounded, he will kneel and wilt, three hunters can sit on his forehead between the horns, but if i try to compare his neck and muzzle, then i’m afraid i won’t be able to find comparisons, perhaps a tuft of beard sticks out
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from... the jaw with a red machal, thunderstorms blazing in the eyes, frozen malice, the mane falls in braids from the very shoulder blades, down to the forehead and knees, and covering the chest, if you want to compare the great with the small, and if our local comparison is suitable here, this is a bearded goat with a well-fed body, that’s what it is, our season,
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called the bison. december 2022 belarus 100 km northern capital city of minsk. bisons are heading to the berezensky biosphere reserve. the animals were captured in the osipovichi forestry enterprise. we traveled 200 km in special boxes to the border reserve. then they were loaded onto a tractor
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along protected off-road terrain and taken to enclosures. the enclosure for the bison is a temporarily fenced area of ​​the reserve, half a kilometer by half a kilometer. the reserve's specialists tried to select a place where there is everything for bison to live in: old broad-leaved forests, dense spruce forests protected from snowfall, young pine trees, and
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birch forests rich in tasty food. onions with aromatic herbs, finally,
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a canal with watering holes and baths, a bison paradise.
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teeth, thank you. 2 days have passed. during this short time, all the bison united into a herd, headed by an experienced bison, we named her bella. it was she who attacked the tractor at night, apparently trying to take revenge on him for all the grievances of transportation. she immediately took upon herself all the main dental care, which included safety, rest and food. it's amazing how quickly the unification of animals occurred. the bison were torn from their usual life, torn away from their families, and thrown into new, unusual conditions. the zubryat children,
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six of them here, were deprived of maternal care, the adult zubryats were deprived of years of established family relationships. everything had to start again, they started. the herd included two males, 6 and 8 years old, seven adult females and six young bison up to two years old, the youngest of them is bertha, a charming creature, the favorite of everyone, young and old. and the eight-year-old male received the nickname baron. we continued the tradition of naming scientists.
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the newly created herd rested throughout the short winter day in a spruce forest with little snow, and in the evening, feeling pretty hungry, it went in search of food. the main route of the new bison herd from resting areas to feeders with hay, grain, silage and feed. all these every day or two, treats are taken to the subrami yagil enclosure of the berezensky nature reserve. animals must know to remember the place where they
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can always find food. was always moving ahead. 20 meters from the rest of the teeth, attentive, careful and fearless. the baron is always nearby. bertha, surrounded by everyone's attention and constant upbringing, at every delay in movement , was busy eating, playing, and exploring new territories. a child is like a child, active
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and proactive. bison are herd animals. the herd most often consists of two or three adult females offspring of the last 3 years. at the head of such
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a herd is always one of the older ones. the european bison is one of the most ancient modern animals. the genus bezons, to which the bison belong, appeared several million years ago in southeast asia. about 75 thousand years ago, representatives of this genus settled throughout almost the entire territory of asia and europe, and through the bering strait continental bridge, which in the past connected asia and north america, they entered the american continent. immediate ancestor
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the modern bison is considered to be a long-legged steppe bison that lived together with the mammoth, woolly rhinoceros and cave bears. in ancient times, the bison inhabited most of europe, the caucasus, and transcaucasia. in spain, greece, italy and england, zubor was exterminated in prehistoric times. in holland. belgium, southern sweden and denmark at the beginning of our era, in france in the 6th century. in the baltics , the last zuber was killed in 1755, in romania in 1762, in germany in 1793. rulers. always singled out the bison as the most
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valuable animal, they singled out and truly royal hunts. in the 19th century , vladimir monomakh hunted them. in the 14th century, the grand dukes of lithuania, gedemin, algert and keistud. in 1429, grand duke vytautas, during a congress of crowned heads, ordered that hundreds of bison, in addition to other animals, be killed daily. but the one who receives the right to kill can also be the first to protect. 600 years ago, the grand duke of lithuania and king jogaila of poland for the first time limited hunting and logging, and prohibited the presence of random people on the territory of belovezhskaya pushcha. these were the first european laws protecting nature. in
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1803, emperor alexander ii issued a decree that stated: due to the special rarity of the game breed called the bison, it is prohibited to cut down trees in belovezhskaya pushcha. but the persecution continued; at the end of the 19th century, pitiful remains of teeth were preserved only in belovezhskaya pushcha in the caucasus. despite the protection and feeding of the royal cattle in belovezhskaya pushcha, wars, devastation, and poaching interventions took their toll. back in... about 800 bison lived in pushcha, by 1919 there were no more than twenty of them left. the last one the european bison was killed in 1919. in 1927
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, the last zubar of the caucasus died. the bison has disappeared in nature. then there was a long, painstaking work to revive the species in zoos and nurseries in europe; in the early twenties of the 20th century, 45 bison were preserved. 10 years after the destruction of the last bison in the pushcha, the bison were returned there, placing them in a special nursery. in 1946, from belovezhskaya pushcha across the border, the bison returned to belarus. there were some. five, five bison, which marked the beginning of the revival of the species in our country, painstaking work began to save the species. now zubar is an example of how a person can help nature and correct his crimes
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against it. beloveshskaya pushcha, southwest of belarus, huge oaks, tall maples, centuries-old pines. today it is the only forest in europe with over a thousand centuries-old trees. the average age of all trees is 90 years, and the patriarchs reach 200, 300 and four hundred years of age. now there is a national park here, and pusi also has
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biosphere status, which means it is a reference for europe reserve. belovezhskaya pushcha is included in the world heritage list. this old forest is so unique that it is on the same list as the moscow kremlin and red square, the egyptian pyramids and the great wall of china. the forests of the forest, crowded by humans, were the last habitat of the bison in europe. therefore, it is no coincidence that the history of bison and beloveshskaya pushcha are intertwined, and as professor severtsev noted, the pushcha was preserved because bison lived in it, and bison were preserved because there was a pushcha. so alone
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beauty protected the other. the first authentic information about the number of teeth in the forests of belovezhskaya pushcha dates back to 1809 , when the first official census of these animals was carried out, then their number was about 350 individuals. 10 years later in february. in 1919, in the 375th quarter of belovezhskaya pushcha, the last bison from the once large herd was killed. fortunately , a few years later work began to restore the bison population. in belarus, by
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1953, the number of teeth in enclosures reached 19 and it was decided to conduct their sample. release into the wild. young animals were initially released. the bison managed well without any human care until mid-autumn. and with the onset of cold weather, they returned to the place of their former detention, where they began to lay out succulent hay for them. all winter they stayed close to the enclosure, and with the appearance of the first spring greenery they again rushed into the forest. gradually all the other animals were released into the wild. since then... the number of bison in the pushcha has constantly increased. in 2023,
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there were already 730 living in belovezhskaya pushcha. animals living here are constantly exposed to elevated levels of radiation. on the other hand, a complete stop of economic activity, the absence of a factor of concern, the re-wetting of territories that existed. previously drained led to a rapid increase in the numbers of many animal species, including
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endangered ones in europe. the animal and plant world found itself in an unprecedented experiment. nature, in the absence of humans, develops largely according to laws unique to our planet. maybe, today this is the most important thing here, behind the barbed wire. the richest biological diversity, a completely unique set of animal and plant species. over the past 20 years, the number of ungulate animals here has increased tenfold. the increase in ungulates affected the number of predators, both feathered and four-legged. the most common of them is - but at the same time , there are no fewer potential wolf victims, nor the gray robbers themselves. this is
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another paradox of the chernobyl zone. love visiting nesves, we were there several times, the world too, in general i can say that your atmosphere is wonderful, in fact, my children, i repeat, enjoy it,
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they love winter, they love playing with the snow, again i thought that i would suffer, but no , the children like it, i see that they are happy from it, and i am happy with them , as for belarusian cuisine, i have already fallen in love with it, i really like potato pancakes, the children simply adore cheesecakes, i have to cook them every day, i’m already just an expert on making cheesecakes, of course, i make them in my own way, so they they turn out a little venezuelan. in fact, i can add a lot about the belarusian people. the first time i visited brest and the brest fortress, in fact, i was simply impressed and amazed by the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all the difficult trials that befell them. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes.
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it is much better to appreciate those available and... in great demand throughout europe, ivan the terrible himself could not resist bykhov’s guns, in fact gedemin had seven daughters, but none of them they were not called lida. note that jogaila only gets younger over time, although at the time of the marriage he was 71 years old, if the castle was captured, or there was a traitor who opened the gates, or in some peaceful way to show how unusually wonderful our country is. the bykhovsky district is one of the richest in treasures in belarus, 32 and this is only officially registered. there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed in a fire. this 18th century image. watch the program "cities
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of belarus". bison are a symbol of the madness and greatness of man, in fact, like nuclear power plants. before the disaster there were no bison here, now the zone is their new home. in 1996, the tenth anniversary of the chernobyl disaster, people brought the first 16 teeth here to create another free herd in belarus. the bison nursery, the birthplace of the chernobyl bison, is where the first animals were brought, and in the fall and winter they are always fed. foresters provide food on a rotational basis, boats are on duty,
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then they rest, there is no other way. radiation. the life of teeth in winter and early spring here consists of two parts. the first is before feeding the bison nursery. the bison come here early in the morning and wait for a treat to finally be served to them. it’s not for nothing that in ancient times they were called the royal cattle. at this time, they are not wary of humans, but rather the opposite. in some ways during this period they resemble a herd of large cows. in primeval forests, bison found food all year round, but in modern forests, transformed by humans, in winter there is no longer enough food for them, that’s why
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the herd of bison heads to the feeders. “the bison were saved by man, each newly created herd was first kept in nurseries, areas of forest fenced off by people, they were watched there, they were fed there. the bison always remember these places. the second period for bison begins after feeding, they leave the bison nursery, with each with the new step they become more and more wild. one of the males received a leg injury. most likely, this happened because of the barbed wire, there is a lot of it in the polessky nature reserve, most of it is already on the ground. zubar left the forest and settled in the village of radin, awaiting human participation in his fate of recovery. radin is a village in
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the strelishchevsky village council of the khoiniki district, gomel region. known since the 15th century, immediately after the chernobyl disaster, residents of 306 families were resettled, now wild animals live here. 25 years ago there were 16 of them, the first teeth of the zone that populated this territory, a territory where radiation constantly, every hour, every second, affects those who... live here, now there are more than one and a half bison hundreds, by their very existence in the zone they will definitely help us, people, answer painful questions about how we can continue to live with
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this chernobyl reality. berezensky biosphere reserve. the largest complex of coniferous forests, which alternates with high and lowland swamps and river floodplains. unique wetlands in europe have been preserved here, with a total area of ​​more than 50,000 hectares. the reserve
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is the pearl of the belarusian lake region, one of the oldest protected areas. bella the bison leads her flock to the watering hole. in winter, bison can quench their thirst by eating snow, but if there is an ice-free body of water not far from their feeding or resting areas, the bison will definitely come to it. water from the river is incomparably
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tastier than just snow. the male baron has discovered several tree eversies that are convenient for scratching; young bertha
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preens herself with pleasure, imitating him. bison successfully overwinter in areas where the depth of snow cover reaches half a meter. without any particular difficulties, bison obtain food, pushing snow up to 40 cm deep with their muzzle. berezensky nature reserve, second after belovezhskaya pushcha is the territory of the republic where bison were released into the wild. bison in berezinsky. reserve were brought in 1974 from the nursery of the prioksko-terrasny reserve of russia, from five newly introduced animals, one male and four females, the first
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modern herd of bison of the berezinsky biosphere reserve was formed, consisting today of only a few dozen individuals, and there should be no less 100. over the past 45 years, the bison have developed not only the territory of the reserve, but adjacent there are agricultural lands with cultivated hayfields. only their numbers have not increased in recent years; on the contrary, they have decreased. it turned out that this is one of the most problematic groups in belarus. as a result of inbreeding, genetic degeneration occurs. the animals here are especially noticeable; in order to save the local
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teeth, new animals were brought into the reserve.
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the wolf is the main predator in modern europe. the bison ran away from the wolves that suddenly attacked them, but only for a short time, they ran away to return. gathered in combat semicircle, the bisons slowly but inevitably moved towards the gray predators. who
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hasn't seen him? having driven the wolves away, the bison remained near the dead bison, they tried to lift it, persistently pushing the lifeless body with their noses, they licked the baby as if it were alive, they cried. the bisons spent several hours here , leaving only late in the evening; the next day they visited again, this
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place, which had already become a kind of ritual place for the animals. spring comes to the reserve with the first snowdrops, extreme floods of birch trees, unbridled songs of robins and finches. the leader of the berezinsky herd, the bison bella , changed the resting place of the bison, the gloomy, but little snow spruce forests ceased to be cozy for the animals, and the herd migrated to the tall coastal pine trees, sparse, blown by the wind. here you can enjoy young branches of willow and blueberries yourself. the main thing is that here
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you can swim in the sand; for the young mischievous berta, sand playpens
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are the most convenient place for fun. so, in play and struggle,
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bodies are tempered from infancy. at the end of may and june, the bison have their calves; before giving birth, the females leave the herd, they return by the end of summer with newborn bison, the animals are very careful during this period, the bison feed for the first two to three weeks. only milk, the fat content of which reaches 12%. then the tender young leaves of bushes and trees are included in their diet. the bison feeds the calf with milk up to its age, sometimes
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more. after returning to the herd, the calves quickly get used to the company of their own kind and form their own children's group, where they stay together almost the entire day. in case of danger. the ancient valley of the pripyat river, between its rivers right tributaries, stvigi uberti. belarusian woodland, an amazing land of forests and swamps, penetrated by numerous rivers, rivers and
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streams, slowly carrying their waters into its main water artery, pripyat. the homeland of all modern bison from belovezhskaya
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pushcha; bison feed in summer. mainly with herbs, partly diversifying its menu with branches and tree bark. the forest giant's diet includes 14 species of trees and eight species of shrubs, as well as about 350 species of grasses. adult bison eat up to 60 kg of green mass per day and drink up to 50 liters of water. in the natural realities of teeth, the most disturbing things are various insects, flies, gadflies, horseflies, and mosquitoes. fleeing from bloodsuckers, bison
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go out into clearings where the wind blows away annoying insects or climb into the thicket of the forest. very often, to escape insects, bison rub against trees or roll on the ground, taking real sand baths.
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they hardly have the right to rest and sleep, even though the giant is patient, but it takes a lot of effort , as soon as he tames his thirst for movement, he loves to see how light he is in his rapid run, through forest clearings, along swamp paths, with the place will jerk, as if thrown by someone else.
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autumn days are quiet and clear, in the mornings and evenings it’s already a little cold , so fog is increasingly hanging over the meadows and fields, however, in september it is still cheerful, completely permeated with the sun , shining and glowing, even if you close your eyes, somewhere it hangs like a soft cloud, where somewhere it flows like a stream or spring, somewhere it hangs in wisps of white cotton wool on
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the meadow... plants. in august and october, the bison have a rut, or as scientists also call it, yar. now they are in all their glory, powerful and swift, they are ready to fight with others males for the palm for more than one hour, until complete victory. but an incomparable spectacle in a herd of bison, the fights of bulls over females in
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a bloodless fight. the festival of venus takes place at the height of leaf fall, every autumn, and the nuptial pranks last more than a week. during the period of such pleasures, one can only hear how the forest moos invitingly and tenderly everywhere, the stirrings of the earth are barely audible, the centuries-old oak groves rustle with tremulous leaves. who saw this? heard, he will probably say, the music of our forests, the sweet sound of the lyre and the thunderous sound of the corpse and calling and
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stricter. with the onset of deep autumn, bison battles are replaced by tournament fights between male red deer. in places where deer and bison live together, an interesting opposition arises between the already calm giant bison and the deer that are aggressive at this time. bison are the most myopic among all their relatives. the bison always
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walks slowly and confidently to the place with food; the deer seems like a teenager compared to the bison. and yet, protecting his harem, the deer rushes at the approaching bison. this is an action. and the bison are just calm. deer teeth emotions is an interesting movie to watch. you don't have to watch it. in any case, you need to prepare your teeth for the seasonal changes that first the golden autumn brings, and then the frosty winter. of course, much about the fate of the bison is not yet entirely clear. already now there are bison in 35 countries of the world with a total
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number of over 8 thousand animals. more than half of them live in the wild. to date, the first one has been completed. stage of work to preserve the bison, the threat of extinction of this rare species has been eliminated. nevertheless in the world, zubar belongs to the category that is in a state of threat. and it depends on the person whether our descendants will see him the same as he was thousands of years ago, healthy, powerful, beautiful, a real king of european
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forests. june 7, 2023. the enclosure is open, and the teeth are released, first the tyrannical, impetuous, attentive, and gentle bella, then the mighty baron, the playful bertha, all 15 teeth, another step has been taken in saving this unusual beast. animals graze in the wild, enjoying freedom by right. by common effort the bison defend themselves, and the guards vigilantly ensure that there is strict order in the herd, in front of the enemy in the herd, in the corral everywhere. in mortal combat, the strongest usually wins, and
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not a minute in the forest is without anxiety. the prince's decree, protecting the mother's offspring, thereby increases. our people will not exchange these treasures for red gold, their convictions are firm, our forests are a
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bottomless storehouse of wealth, the benefit of the country. we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the countryside.
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which one is yours? there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but somehow for a long time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch of other countries to appreciate us, supposedly more democratic than all of the above states. the most psychologically difficult thing is to monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently do your regular work every single day. and this... it seems to me that the country needs from us in 2024, if someone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself, here with this word they are constantly trying to prick
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lukashenko and his government, they say you need stability, does biden want stability, he wants stability more than anyone, because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and even belarus, but there is a nuance: the stability of america provided by the instability of the
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