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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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in the 18th century , a paper doll is launched from the bell tower on st. mark's square, which explodingly showers those present with a rain of candy, and the celebration ends with a parade of costumes, a fireworks display of burning a straw effigy, which symbolizes the renewal of nature. in the family tree of the diva of the soviet screen, the initials of lev tolstoy, fyodor chaliapin himself prophesied an acting future for her, for the sake of meeting with her, there was
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a natural need to imitate the idol. during the war, she sang in hospitals, performed in the rear, and reigned not only in the hearts of the listener. the people's ussr and the winner of two stalins of the first degree served the stage of the musovet. the date of the week is february 11. birthday of the muse, soviet cinema by lyubov orlova. you looked around the planet. thank you for being there, stay with us. visit the website and watch your favorite projects of the television news agency. online, goodbye, how are you, how are you?
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services of western countries, they do not act independently, they have corresponding tasks.
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dealt specifically with covid-19, it is possible that we will see pandemics that will be more dangerous armed actions. belarus, our successful decision, repelling the attack of the coup, became a kind of vaccination, because the absolute majority saw that the promoted technologies of color revolutions could be resisted. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. we travel around belarus and discover new sights. i will visit a church that is almost nine centuries old. however, researchers of ancient russian architecture associate the personality of john with the flourishing polotsk school from the patronymic of the 19th century. let's get acquainted with the original belarusian traditions. and right now i'm heading to the weaving museum to learn more about this art. these are the longitudinal ones. the warps
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were threaded by two or three of the most experienced women, because it was important to thread every thread evenly, so that later our product would also turn out beautiful and not a single thread would get tangled during the weaving process. the most important thing is that we experience vivid emotions, they kiss, yes, they kiss, hello, i look like a seed, god, what... the most tender, lush, built in childhood, i want to go back, the project route has been built, watch it on tv channel belarus 24.
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hello, hello, you know, time is speeding up so much now, yes, everything that is happening around us, that, probably, the need has arisen, we meet often , i’m very happy about this, thank you for agreeing , there is a need, perhaps, to look somewhere
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for such deep, not momentary, but deep foundations of what is happening in the world today, because we often have the superficial impression is that we... interests and in realizing them, she will step over both the united europe and britain, not to mention the less significant vassals and satellites, but where are the sources of this selfishness? yes , if you look at current events, you get the impression that
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the american elite and the corporate political elite are making a decision in some kind of chaos, you know, like seven minutes, well, let’s go there, let’s support ukraine there. let's support israel and it seems that either they are in a madhouse they are there trying to hold on to something or do they still have a strategy, but in reality you need to read the classics , first of all their classics, to understand why they act this way, if you pick up those books, and those materials that the current ones studied with political leaders and ... corporate leaders, everything falls into place, and we will now literally briefly go through the founding fathers of their economic ideology, because what we see with you, all political processes, of course, they are some kind of derivative of economic basis, the main
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one, of course, is the secretary of the treasury, the first secretary of the treasury of the united states, alexander hamilton , who in 1891 issued the so-called report on manufacturing and thereby laid the foundation for the development of national production in the united states of america and the introduction of protective measures that he was the founder of protectionism, yes, which later began to be called protectionism, yes, that is, protection - protecting one’s market. why is it considered so important, because in fact it ideologically laid the foundations for the development of american. national economy, he actually rebelled against the supply of products from great britain to the territory of the united states of america; at the initial stage, few people understood him, but subsequently his policy was supported and already in 1830
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the number of protective measures in the united states of america exceeded any protectionist measures in europe , this indicated that they did everything to keep them out of their market. other people's products. the second main thing the ideologist of such a policy is, of course, the republican albert beveridge, who on september 16, 1898 publishes a famous treatise called the march of the flag, but in the english version it is the march of the flag. and in fact, he not only laid the foundations for the foreign economy of the united states of america, but also foreign policy. if we move away from deep ideological terms, the essence of this treatise is that he said the following: america experienced a severe financial and economic crisis in the seventies of the 19th century, in 1872-73, because of which
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steam propulsion was introduced for the production of goods, manual labor was replaced by steam engines, including... subsequently, if we take treatises, treatises of the same ideologists, yes, who
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adhered to this line, they say at whose expense it is necessary to travel in cases of such crises of overproduction, and the answer is simple, only at the expense of europe, you will say that these are all some old ideologists, yes, they are in no way connected with modern politics, foreign policy, economic policy. yes, but in reality, if you take those publication of the rand corporation , which in fact largely determines the ideology of the modern united states of america, we remind our viewers that in september of twenty-two , allegedly secret material from the rand corporation about the true goals of the war in ukraine appeared in a swedish publication, it caused a lot of noise when was published, yes, but please note, secret and...
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russia, this is not even china, this is europe, everything must be done to ensure that the european economy is destroyed, european enterprises, mechanical engineering, chemical, electronics, were destroyed, yeah , that’s not enough... the next thing will happen is the so-called good labor force effect, they call it, what is a good labor force, these are young people under the age of 35-37 who have knowledge, education in the field natural sciences, they sometimes call it a stem of science, and these young people will flow from europe, the united states of america, dash great britain, then we remember where it is... we have already seen, and we saw this in the us national security strategy of december 2022
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year, where it is written in black and white: the main task of the united states of america is to maintain a technological advantage over the rest of the world, at the expense of what? due to the maximum flow to the territory of the united states of america, scientific personnel in the area of ​​stem. and now everything seems to be falling into place. they started the operation...
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our chinese friends criticized, for western capital africa is the same china
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of the seventies, only now, what is the period of the seventies, after the second world war the flow of capital went where, to japan, and we saw this japanese miracle, then south korea, also a korean miracle, and then germany, western germany and the german miracle, but all of this seemed to have... an element of a certain limitation, limitation, and this capital had to be withdrawn where, where there is cheap labor there is a huge market, and where there is a huge market, there is an overflow. went to china, in the seventies in china over the past 50 years it has developed remarkably, but now the most important thing has happened in china, the rise in labor costs, high social standards that corporations cannot meet; naturally, they need points for the application of capital, where the most important thing will be ensured, and, as according to karl marx
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, maximum marginality, where it can be, that’s exactly africa. and the main thing is that there are deposits of carbon, rare earth metals, that is, on this raw material base, you can create a powerful production, and most importantly, all these products that will be produced.
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these are ideas or ideology of justice, because the african continent, of course, over the period the 450-year history of capitalism, and if we take it further, has suffered greatly from all those who want to make money on this continent, yes, the slave trade, wars for resources, now
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the african people are demanding not just the arrival of a corporation with their money, they all know what will this ultimately lead to? ideology, here is our president, when visiting african countries, he comes with his fair ideology, how it is expressed, he has more than once raised the issue at meetings that we do not just supply you with agricultural equipment, we we provide an opportunity with its help through the mechanization of agriculture. increase the productivity of your lands, your farmers and thereby feed your people, remember and give work, we are planning joint production there. there are even statistics already, our viewers can see that the supply of our agricultural machinery has led to a sharp increase in agricultural productivity, and what
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does this mean for african countries, this is a solution to the key issue, everyone must be fed. take the country away from the abyss, take it here continent from the abyss, why not, but look, the processes that are happening now in israel, yes, in africa, in ukraine, in europe are very interconnected, that’s why we are talking about...
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well, there is work, there is, inflation is insignificant, insignificant, the fact that rates are high , because the federal reserve raised them, well, never mind, they will go down soon, we need high rates, because at the expense of them we are putting pressure, strangling the europeans, because they are looking at us and are also european banks increase these interest rates on loans, whom those who die are strangled, of course, by the same farmers, no, well, this is such a cynical ideology of the hegemon, let’s be blunt. well, look, here, when we talk about alternative opinions, which also exist in america today, let’s say straight out, yes, in many ways the conductor of these opinions, the mouthpiece in certain circles
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, has become the well-known tyker kals, he is now in moscow , yes, and he announced an interview with putin, explaining why he was doing this, promised that everything would be honest, without editing, without splicing, and raised the whole american bomor. there is one question left out of the equation, alexey, who does this pro work for besides himself, are his interests limited only to journalism, yes, in fact, if you look at carlson’s work, yes, then you can definitely characterize the goebbels system of the united states of america with one thesis or there the collective west collapsed, uh-huh, then the question is, who allowed carson after all.
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this is your policy, the policy of aggressiveness, it no longer works, you don’t make more money that way, forget it, it’s you who make money in the old way, it’s the same thing, as you know, like the bandits, they say, you know, the rules have changed, no need to kill anyone, we will earn money differently, your methods are outdated, leave the scene, america must be different, therefore, most likely, these same forces are now financing the action, as...
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in reality we see that there are other forces that are, in principle, ready to format the entire model of the united states of america, which is currently outdated, and they say, here beveridge's politics there, yes or there's hamilton, well, this is all wonderful, everything is good, but let's go to some other level, the most interesting thing is that bezrukov was in this studio, when we talked to him about the prospects for the us presidency, he... when he indicated, that in this election , not in the next one, elon musk will not just jump out like a jack-in-the-box, he will already come to the prepared politicians, and we are now
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noticing that he is also a businessman. turned into a definite mouthpiece for a new type of propaganda, yes, and indeed a person with ambitions, political ambitions , let's see , we will bring the viewer closer to science, and today we will understand how science, and specifically biotechnology, in... our lives, and today our scientists make discoveries every year, which quite possibly will become the basis for a scientific revolution in the world . how talented scientists changed the future. i have been dealing with this problem for 15 years, how i laugh, i am a pediatric surgeon by vocation, and
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my hobby is... burn injury, so i love to treat wounds, treat wounds for everyone, children, adults, in the new episode of the program, we will talk about this or that subject or discovery without which the world today is difficult to imagine, your development from the first minutes of the presentation is beyond competition, watch the scientific project, science is nearby on our tv channel. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force has become the main argument in building interstate relations, who started the escalation first, nato is shouting about war through the cover of the build and is preparing to begin the largest exercise. we lived quietly and peacefully until it turned out that they were practicing simulated nuclear strikes on us. we don't play games in europe, because we are waging a war against
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russia. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. it is clear that since we have already touched on the topic, at the expense of what america or at the expense of whom it strengthens its financial and economic position as a whole, poor
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old europe. and fondernen, our wonderful leader, we wo n’t call her a gynecologist, we won’t assign this wonderful term, but she found those to blame for the farmer protests that are now sweeping all of europe, she voiced, this is not brussels’ policy is not economic sanctions and restrictions on the supply of rutted fertilizers, but rutted fertilizers, let’s say, are quite inexpensive.
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i don’t remember that they overwhelmed the whole of europe, the entire european union. yes, our viewers probably need to translate the statement a little into russian, what is she talking about? she says: my god, when will those times end when russia fed us with cheap electricity, gas, oil, we supplied our products there, when will this finally end, that is, she is crying out. this already, you know, a cry for help, uh, if you interpret all this, that is, our farmers are on strike, our economy is collapsing, and of course putin is to blame for all this, why? because he took it and cut it off, he just took it and cut off their opportunity to live well, that is, they lived wonderfully for centuries, then they cut it off, they are all indignant, now, naturally, they are stewing in their own juice , they understand that they themselves cut off the umbilical cord ,
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which... that's the thing, that's the point, and they, well, why did they cut it off, they thought that the russian economy will fall and they will carry out the corresponding maneuvers, there will be something like... the collapse of the soviet union, yes, when they were able to supply, seize resources, conditionally, control over them through their energy corporations and supply huge volumes of their products to the market of the post-soviet space, including second-hand products, now this is not happening, and naturally they not only began to boil in their juice, but this entire liquid began to evaporate, they already understand that they are turning , we see this liquid that is evaporating streets and the largest european ones. what happens to farmers? in reality, these are all farmers, farmers, they are limited there by some kind of subsidies, so they are indignant, but what is their main message? the fact that ukrainian farmers are supposedly to blame for all this
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, well, they name these reasons, yes, well, let ’s look at the situation with the ukrainian economy and just ask ourselves the question: what if these ukrainian farmers are on the territory of ukraine, well, of course not, well, all of them.
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scholz macron for the main positions and of course, when the farmers start to strike, they go bankrupt, they cannot compete with the prices that come from ukraine, yes, we call prices, not products, just prices, there are
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low prices, and what’s more, the state, france, germany, reduce subsidies to farmers when they go on strike, macron is flying to sweden to discuss something there, that is, he... is not interested in questions, but will a real national leader do this? no, of course, that is, when he carries out tasks that come from washington or london, of course, they understand perfectly why farmers are on strike, well, you can’t call them national leaders, people, one is called a telephone hooligan, another is a liverwurst, well, really, after that , to say that these are leaders, henchmen, let’s say, curators, not well... you know, there are more one point, probably , it seems to me, it is necessary to remind about it: russia, belarus, canada, the three main world exporters of potassium fertilizers, two were cut off, yes, canada sharply
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inflated the prices for potassium, sharply inflated, i remember there was information when in in africa in one of the african countries, prices for potash fertilizers doubled in one month, yes, come on. one way or another hangs over many european processes, but, be that as it may, ukraine comes to mind. zelensky canceled the elections, rada approved his decision, and zelensky will soon become a usurper in the month of may. but this did not cancel the battle for power. so i
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believe that zaluzhny’s fate has already been decided. zelensky is not there yet. this is what you see behind this confrontation between zaluzhny and zelensky, as he says? well. we we definitely consider these processes as not an independent political game, you know, there is a nation, there is a sovereign state. the united states of america, which constantly flies in every week and tells zelensky what he should do, what the armed forces and intelligence should do, in these conditions to say that some kind of conflict has arisen between them.
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just this political confrontation, yes, because ukraine, let’s face it, has turned into a testing ground, military equipment is disposed of here and new models are tested weapons, and radioactive waste is disposed of here by the ukrainians themselves, too, from the latest news, fizer is testing a new vaccine on ukrainian children, the number of dead is already counting the children who have died from this... the vaccine goes into the dozens, in general there is a limit to
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the hellish imagination of those who are in charge today ninety-fifth quarter? imagine, that is , the fizer corporation is testing on children, well , it is clear that they did not come of their own free will, so that 5 billion doses of vaccines for europe could be purchased from it, husband vonderijn.
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that their labor is being replaced when there are too many people, because machines, artificial intelligence, that’s right, something needs to be done with them, otherwise they will rebel. we need to constantly give them a socially guaranteed income , scatter helicopter money, in the end, at some stage they will still begin to degrade , they will still go out onto the streets, in this regard, the activities of the fazer corporation are very well invested in this ideology of extra people, let us remember the statement of the vice -the president of the united states, i think from july or june of twenty-three, when she...
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that this is a crime, only the international criminal courts that are operating now, they are also biased, they do not recognize it, but everyone... understands perfectly well that we live on planet earth, yes, humanity has experienced all this, it is well aware that there is good , and what is bad, and how the result may still be the emergence of a new system of courts, which clearly recognize all this activity as criminal, it is already
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criminal, but it will be carried out by appropriate investigative actions, and appropriate judicial proceedings will be carried out. here on our territory. alexey, what do you think about the announcement that a new pandemic awaits us all? it turns out that it fits into this outline, yes, some mysterious disease x, which is 20 times more dangerous than covid. where?
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yes, well, pay attention to how they know how to escalate the situation, yes, because this was a discussion back at the end of twenty-three at... a conference they developed models of how it is supposed to react if such a pathogen appears, yes there is a new virus x, which in its own way sperm will be 20 times stronger than covid, but the most important thing is that the information campaign that has begun to spin around this topic is forming the most dangerous virus, this... the virus of fear, this virus of fear, getting into the consciousness of society, what he does, he always blocks the will, and therefore the will to what, to resistance, to the desire to win, and thoughts, and everything, that is, it turns people not into
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sane people, but into a kind of biological mass that is very easy to control, in my opinion, all these topics with... these vaccines, then related topics, remember, we also once raised and discussed that departments are appearing in the united states of america that are studying the issues of the imminent arrival of ufos and encounters with aliens, yes, that is, all this is really being discussed, moreover, please note that social research shows that the larger the information campaign, the more people believe in the coming of aliens, the appearance of some terrifying ones. diseases, that is, it is clear that money is being invested, and these money gives results in the form of a kind of faith, so for us, for our listeners, of course, once again always turn to the primary sources, see who is the initiator of such ideas, yes, in whose interests they act, and
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do not immerse yourself in any case in a state of this fear, alexey, you know, it’s still there as always.
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refined capitalism, with another dialogue with civilization, that’s how you see this process and the main thing is our place in it, yes. "we are on the right side of history, yes, but we too
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, with all due respect to our viewers, still let's turn to the fundamental treatises, economic treatises that laid down the ideology of the same collective west and now the collective east, their ideologists are completely different, the basis of the ideology is, well, no matter how anyone criticizes, but..." these are classical economists, it is clear that adam smith, in all of classical economics , including karl marx, adam smith, rickard, man is only labor power, but under no circumstances should one compare a person, a living person, with the concept of labor power, labor power is only a set of skills that transform raw materials into...
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we don’t just care about economic indicators, we care about the person, his emotions, his thoughts, his experiences, now here is china, and the chairman of the people’s republic of china sindipin pays great attention to the popularization of this idea of ​​​​humanonomics. i think, here is our president, every time at the meetings at which we are present together, he has said more than once that the basis of everything is the economy, but... for us, for belarusians, the basis of everything is our people, our belarusians, if we don't address him
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aspirations, yes, his experiences, thoughts, feelings, then we turn into simple capitalists, and capitalists under no circumstances can be patriots, beautiful, excellent, thank you, thank you. every day, when we go on combat duty, we honestly and professionally fulfill our duty, working for peace and creation. i came to the ministry of emergency situations after serving in the army and always wanted not to save. yes, and to be useful, i strive in order to be ahead, to always show my subordinates how to master our profession, but
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this must be a person who is faithful to our state, devoted to my ideals in life and who is purposeful and ready to go, fulfill my duty to save human life, i have gone through every stage of our career, starting from an ordinary rescuer and ending now as the head of an entire detachment. our fire-emergency-rescue squad has 14 units of military equipment and, of course, we have specialized equipment for radiation and chemical accidents, our fire-emergency-rescue squad at nuclear power plant facilities, this is a unique unit designed and aimed at ensuring fire safety and preventing emergency situations directly at the nuclear power plant. we were trained,
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studied, developed along with the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant, went out, studied the facility, prepared to eliminate emergency situations directly at the facility. this was achieved through hard, persistent work. we have been striving for this for a very long time, our fire-military rescue squad -


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