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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 2:25am-2:56am MSK

2:25 am
yes, you can, well, the decree itself works, i ’ll start with this, everything is laid out step by step, everything is fine until we reach the very logical end, but as soon as we reach the most logical end, certain problems arise, i’ll start with the problems, yes, yes, let's, of course, that means what we mean by logical, by logical end we mean design. that is , he comes to the bti and begins to register the house, from purchase to bti it takes about 10 months, because while geprazim, while bti, the queue, well, probably it’s also the mogilev region, because it’s a region, because it’s mogilev and the mogilev district, so it’s too long, but it’s starting, firstly, it’s not written down, we’re selling a house with an encumbrance.
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the history of the houses is different, some houses were sold, somewhere the owner died, everything is clear there, yes, and there may be no debts, but somewhere houses at one time were sold on receipts, without registration, and people lived accordingly , and these debts accumulated, well, debts conditional payment for electricity, yes there yes, you charge for 40 rubles, but for example, i looked on the website, you buy a house, and you also have to pay for electricity since 2013.
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make an input and so on, first having received that certificate, yeah, vicious circle, vicious circle, it turns out to be a vicious circle, the matter is in the decree or not in the decree, maybe it’s not in the decree , i won’t say this, perhaps other legislators should navigate here , yeah, this is a huge question, and it ’s the most important one, tell me in the brest region, the other end of the country, it was said here, maybe in mogilev, in mogilev area like that. in the brest region
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it’s different, or the story is the same, so you’re selling , i was just looking, it’s clear that menchan is very attracted to the conditional beloyezh pushcha, let’s go there in your direction, and somewhere there is kamenets, brest, we’ll buy a house for 40 rubles, do such questions arise there, or is it somehow different there, i want to say that for the brest region the issue of purchasing empty housing is less relevant, because the brest region is located. with the regional center and mostly empty housing definitely found its owner, we have several ways for a person to buy a house in the village. the first is the classic one, when we build a development block, build complete infrastructure there, supply gas, electricity, water there, make a road, then we distribute these presidential houses among the people, who say, well, not exactly presidential houses - this is when the economy . any resident of the brest
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district, the city of brest or other regions of the republic of belarus can, that is, a person first in turn, we provide large families with land plots for housing construction, then along the general line, this is the first classic path, when a person acquires a building site.
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we have decided by the regional executive committee to decide on the settlements where we will auction off these empty houses, those with plots located further from the city, they are also being sold. for one basic, if only one buyer came to the auction, he may well buy for one basic, listen, look, i just got in this morning to this site, which actually shows the state committee on property, now we will return to you, well, just from the point of view of the executive branch, it means that i come as a guest and look, i just have an understanding, i perfectly well think that many people who may be somewhat incompetent begin to look, and a large number of houses appear there, which... are sold at auction, which are sold at one base price, that’s the difference, what to look at, what do i need to find there, that’s if i'm just not deep again i’m immersed in the topic, but i’m just, relatively speaking, trying to realize a dream for myself , where to start, what will i see here, how to work with it, today there are empty houses,
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the implementation is in a single database, state property, anyone can go to this database and look at the territory of the republic of belarus, where at the moment there are just 287 houses that... are sold according to one base, this is how it differs from everything else, there are 14,500 - the base was created in order to display the entire entire procedure for recognizing a house as empty , at each stage this work, here the house can be located, when you open the base, look at any of these stages, the first stage the house is revealed, you see the inscription residential in front of the house.
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this means that when you go into this database, you need to select the box for sale, and only those houses that are currently displayed there will be displayed, do you have some statistics, what are being bought, what are being sold more often , or, well, , let’s say, an analysis was carried out for 2023, in the whole of the republic about 400 residential buildings are involved in economic turnover, of which 3.00, well, approximately more than a thousand houses were demolished. more than a thousand sold, demolished to build something? well , this decision is made by the corresponding executive committee, if the house is the last one in the village, it can be attached to agricultural fields, then it is brought into circulation by demolition, and that is, we are talking about the fact that buying a house can be
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to increase the area of ​​​​land, since, for living there, two or three, well, relatively speaking, for creating almost some kind of enterprise there, it could be, well, i want to open a sawmill. to noise level, to emissions atmosphere, but that’s a different matter , we’re talking in theory, that is, you don’t have to buy it in order to live in it, no, theoretically, a store, for example, a hairdresser, any type of business activity that is not prohibited in populated areas , elena aleksandrovna, how are things going in the krupsky district with those empty on the border in the center.
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sale, even though there are dilapidated houses and a second life, that is, we carry out demolition in the case when we understand that this house cannot be given a second life, it is simply being demolished, but we focus on selling, on selling why, because they buy a house, improve it, put things in order nearby, landscaping, move in or move in, this is a duty, right, absolutely right, and how much do they buy for, basic, 40 rubles more, but there are populated areas , 12 settlements.
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can he apply for the purchase of a house for one basic fee, why not, build a casino there, well , that’s also an option for special enterprises, we offer the basic one at the same time, but if you apply within a month and... this is where the decree allowed us to carry out work purposeful, planned, and here how
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they will work on the ground, that is, we see that during this time there is a tendency to return to villages, there is, you know, there is a parental home, when such stories, grandchildren, and children return, you know, to their parents at home, grandchildren and children, after all, yes, to return one way or another, here we are talking more about the conscious. about a conscious move, i don’t know whether to buy a new car there or a house there for 250-300 km, you also need to understand right there, you just need to understand that 40 rubles - this is the price of the plot and the house , but relatively speaking, either with encumbrances, correctly, or with responsibility, which you must invest there within a year in order to a put it in order, b put the territory in order there, and even better, so that somehow, a year later, something would already be sprouting there and somehow it would smell like bread and comfort, what? statistics say, what research says, this is the effect there since
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twenty-one, yes, we can trace it, the belarusian institute of strategic studies became interested in the topic due to the fact that it is very relevant for the head of state, even this year he said twice that it is impossible, it is impossible not to pay attention to the village, we have conducted research in recent times, even the existence of our independent country is already minus one and a half million people from rural areas.
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by the way, but you have the mogilev district, the city is not far away, yes, that’s right, well, the thing is that our village council is located at the very extreme
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point of the mogilev district and we have 75 km to the farthest settlement from the last settlement, but the center of the village council simukache, an agricultural town, is located 60 km away, that is, it is not close, but the distance between settlements is up to 27 km, well, in any case, it seems to me that it certainly sounds beautiful.
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here, too, that is, one owner , relatively speaking, was abandoned, the state carried out a certain reorganization, bought new owners and he also did nothing, maybe there is something that can be added? about this, how to interact , how to deal with new hosts that are not born, what to do with them? well actually it seems to me that this issue needs to be resolved at the stage of concluding a purchase and sale agreement, and one of the conditions of such a purchase and sale agreement is to prescribe the consequences of failure to fulfill certain conditions, well, i also wrote on the website that it says that in a year
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- good, but it will not be fulfill, he will pay a fine there, 50 rubles or 100 rubles, how much is his fine, well... if, for example, these are residents of large cities, they really buy as a conditional dacha or something else, but the infrastructure, that’s how she 's pulling up because i'm leaving, like to the same dacha, we had a whole issue of programs here, we discussed, for example, the accessibility of shopping facilities, trite, yes, that’s what is being done for this, people accustomed to a certain comfort, move 60, there 30 km from cities, on
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the one hand, we are doing everything possible so that they buy these houses, on the other hand... this comfortable base of residence, does it exist? naturally exists, but in our case there are only isolated cases of failure, because almost all settlements have gas, electricity, water supplies, that is the basic communications that a person needs for a comfortable life, and a larger number of settlements are provided, respectively, these houses, yeah, viktor mikhailovich, well, in parahonsky it seems like a super positive example of attraction. those who want to live not in the city, but outside it, you have created conditions there for housing and for leisure, but our editors told us directly, yes, when we were preparing, when we were looking for guests, they said, this is the person and the story that can inspire the whole country,
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that's how you managed it, well, we have a little the situation is different, we don’t have empty housing. assessment, well, all procedures are as expected, as in the city, as everywhere else, and it will be a fairly high price, that is, not for one basic amount, it has always been like this in the village, we have had this for 15 years, we have been doing this since 2000 built on the farm 24'. apartment buildings , two four-apartment houses in your village, and 102 houses with an attached plot, from which 40 apartment houses have already been sold to farm workers during this time, that is, the essence of the purchase is the assessment in the bti, as it should be with all
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documents, look, look, people who leave
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the city, they... like to live in a big city, there is such a population, such people who like to live in the countryside, run their own farm, work on the land, so there are such people buy housing, put things in order, work on... the land with the help of the land code, or maybe, or maybe, here we really are talking about the fact that life in the village, revive, people should
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return, live and work, there is one story, but no less a contribution indeed the same summer residents, no, i’m talking about something else, our task is to ensure that the lands are not desolate, that’s right, that they are well-groomed, that this is the corner of the earth that people will take care of, well, in general. .. a dacha could very well be such a corner, you know, a dacha, for example , in the eighties, early nineties , was a means of survival for most belarusians, then in this piece of land, there , for example, six acres of land were under chausas, that’s how i understand that we really grew almost all of it there provisions for the winter, well, throughout , i don’t know, the entire early nineties, now the mentality has changed and the dacha is already needed for relaxation, now no one...
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they buy a house for the basic price, and they register the land plot, they write here we are buying house , and a plot of land they formalize separately, and of course , an application, the case is formed , then the procedure goes on, but there is a difference, for example, between buying a house, conditionally for a dacha, or i really want a house, a plot of land to start farming, let’s say . well, when a person buys, if we are now talking about an empty residential building, when he buys an empty residential building, after the purchase he
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applies to the relevant village executive committee with an application for the provision of a land plot, and he writes in the application for the construction of a service for a residential building, so here is the maximum area 1 hectare, from january 1, 2023 , we released. an updated land code, which made it possible to provide up to a hectare in rural settlements. if a person plans to engage in more activities in the future farm, then he accordingly submits an application for the provision of land for farming. and if there are free plots of land, of course they can give him at least up to 100 hectares, but this is provided that they are available, that is , these are two different stories, today i am an example, i studied the list of these houses today, relatively speaking, i found a house in rosonskoye.
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now, taking into account the fact that i want to go there, my starting capital is to invest, supply electricity there, drill a well, do something else, and then start farming, this stage, usually how many, or rather this process is divided into how many stages, how long it takes.
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yeah, and even more so, the decree stipulates that the plot is guaranteed to him, it will be provided without an auction, so no one will deprive him of his plot when buying a house, he just chooses what area to take, for example, the house had 15 acres under the previous owners, and he wants a hectare, please, if a hectare is allowed there, take a hectare, if not allows, well then excuse me, but we have settlements in belarus in which, well, for example, or regions of belarus in which either...
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well, 40 plus are also young people, in general, the world is changing, a second life , why for this it is necessary to oblige to duplicate documents, in one case the contract works, but you must have a certificate of the copyright holder, if the contract can have one, although we do not register it anywhere, it remains, we give it
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to the people. connecting electricity, supplying water, even registering with the bti, does everyone understand, or everything happens on equal terms, this benefit for buying a house, it will then...
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get your own home, otherwise you could sell it the way you sold it before, in general, not worry about it. it turns out that what i spoke about at the beginning, it turns out such a story, as if the head of state loudly declares that dear belarusians, please, our land should be valuable, we should have it, buy houses, we have created the conditions, everyone is fully confident that it is easy and simple, when they collide, it turns out that there is problems, the decree... has not been in effect for a year, that is , it has been in effect since the twenty-first, twenty-first year, that is, during this time, during these 3 years , a certain layer of issues have probably already appeared that, well, probably , it could be adjusted, tweaked and solved , it just turns out that among us present today, only tamara petrovna saw some nuanced issues there at the local level, in other cases everything is perfect, well, somewhere they may simply not exist , for example, yes,
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yes, somewhere they may not exist. not always simple, do you need to do it for people who want to move in with you, or when you invite people to work, do you help them with housing? with us everything is much simpler, in principle we always have some vacancies available, every person who works for us during the year is a guarantee, if he is a conscientious worker, fulfills his job descriptions, the farm sees what he can do he will get the results anyway.


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