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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 8:05am-8:11am MSK

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thousands of cars are stuck, rescuers are dispatched to help drivers, and hundreds of bulldozers and excavators are trying to free cars from snow captivity. a multi-day snow storm led to the formation of drifts up to one and a half meters high. in a number of regions , the supply of electricity was stopped due to broken wires. strong winds knocked down trees. dozens of republican and regional roads are blocked by snow debris. difficult situation in neighboring regions. russia. there is fog in belarus today and the roads are icy. pedestrians and drivers should be extremely careful and attentive. showers in the morning with a chance of sleet in the northeast . the air temperature in the daytime is from 7 to 11°c. the task before us these days is to ensure the safety of winter fishing enthusiasts on the ice. rescuers regularly go out for inspection, conduct preventive conversations with fishermen and check availability. means
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of rescue, despite the frosts, the ice covers the reservoirs unevenly, so the coating does not always reach a safe thickness of 7 cm in order to choose the right route, you should seek advice from the nearest rescue station, the thickness of the ice on the zaslavsky reservoir is about 20 cm, safe ice is 7 cm, it should be blue , light green, dark ice is dangerous for the fisherman, there are underwater currents. there is a discharge of warm water from a hydroelectric power station there near the dump, well, this all needs to be looked at and anticipated. children are also asked to pay attention to the rule regarding the behavior of osvod water. minors should stay near water areas only under the close supervision of their parents. frost snow is not a problem, race a non-running run is not an easy jog, it is a real struggle with nature against oneself.
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sustainable tested the strength of spirit on the snowy track in silichi, as always, there are natural obstacles on the way, fallen trees, ice, branches , snow on the ankle, but brave runners definitely cannot be stopped, they come for bright emotions and adrenaline, this cannot be put into words, you have to run and try , this is the hardest race, there is snow right away. you constantly work to the bone, fail, communication, acquaintances, positive emotions, cool track, adrenaline, endorphins, a lot, the hormonal surge is just off the charts, yes, there is a lot of snow, slides, snow descents, so it created a special winter mood, and we got the coolest impression, each runner could choose a distance according to his strength, or 10
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km, in total more than 400 people took part in the race, at the finish line, according to tradition, everyone received a commemorative medal. further on the morning broadcast we will tell you about the developments of events at 9:00 on a successful day. belstat announced the january inflation rate. the eurasian union is working on opening trading houses in iran and a car market in belarus shows growth. we will not only talk about this in the coming minutes. economic news is on air. in the studio of alena lopo. good morning. belstat calculated the january inflation rate in belarus. so, the consumer price index for goods and services, compared to december, amounted to 0.8%. and in relation to january 2023
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5.9%. among the groups of goods , food prices have risen the most. the minsk wheel tractor plant has resumed serial production of neman buses. the first models have already set out on the route, grodnensky said regional executive committee the vlide company suspended production in 2021 due to the cessation of supplies of western chassis and aggregators. over the course of 2 years, mzkt developed its own platform and resumed production of the most. popular mid-size buses, restyling affected the front and rear headlights, bumpers, trunk and wheel arches. the eurasian economic commission is working on an initiative to create yas trading houses in iran and other partner countries. as a result of the signing of a full-scale agreement on free trade with iran , exclusive conditions for access to the market of this country were achieved. the plans for the next 3 years include $12 billion in mutual trade. the commission was also informed. free
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trade with indonesia and the united arab emirates is being actively pursued, plus we have reached final agreements with egypt. in addition , the commission hopes to intensify the indian track, given the significance. of this country for the north-south economic corridor. the american currency closed trading at 3 rubles, 22 kopecks. euro exchange rate according to nasbank is 3.47. behind 10 yuaniya gives 4 rubles. 43 kopecks 100 russian costs 3.54 belarusian. january sales of new cars in belarus were 2 and a half times higher than at the beginning of last year. according to the automobile association , almost 1,900 new ones were sold in just the first month of this year. passenger cars, however, compared to the previous month, sales decreased by a third. the belarusian manufacturer still remains the leader among brands. experts note that, given the growth of the automobile market last year and the arrival of new brands in our country, it is possible wait for more.


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