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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel lazovik is with you, hello, in this episode. difficult weather conditions
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affect road safety, a serious accident in the vitebsk region, seven passengers of the minibus were injured. on the anniversary of the signing of the minsk agreements, russia has requested an extraordinary meeting of the un security council for today. there are more and more actions to protect life in ukraine against the general mobilization and inhumane policies of the kiev regime. botlake's plans include ethno-expeditions and reconstruction of belarusian folk rituals, a new museum with objects of rural life was opened in minsk college. a serious accident in the vitebsk region, seven passengers of the minibus were injured. the accident occurred this morning, according to guy, a sixty-two-year-old volkswagen driver , after changing lanes, flew into a passing mass. as a result of the accident, seven passengers were transferred.
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campaigning continues, with candidates introducing voters to their election programs. the cec notes the broad public interest in the political process. there are more and more creative people on social networks videos in which people share their plans for a single voting day. and they explain why they are going to the polls. athletes, doctors, rescuers, teachers, tractor drivers, representatives of various professions are actively participating in the challenge dedicated to an important day for everyone. citizen of the country, we
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choose unity, we choose victory, we choose belarus, we are confident in our future, the future depends on us, while the traditional calls of western political strategists are being broken.
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our society has received a serious vaccination from the technology of color revolutions, even those who previously, they took the belarusian way of life for granted, realized its value and take an active part in the socio-political life of the country. deepfakes. poses a serious danger to the truth, and they are used by the political elite of the west and its satellites. why is this the most dangerous threat to the truth, where neural networks almost disrupted elections, and where they helped to become president, what professions can artificial intelligence bury, when to expect a tsunami of disinformation, and most importantly, how to recognize digital lies. see the features of the shared world in understandable politics today after the panorama.
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finland sums up the results of the second round of elections. the race for the post of head of state is won by the former prime minister of the country. alexander stup received 51.5% of the votes. the new president is a hawk, a supporter of finland's active participation in nato, promises to provide assistance to ukraine and pursue a policy of confrontation towards russia. at the same time , the stupa allows transits. placement of nuclear weapons on the territory of the country. it is characteristic that during the campaign for accession in finland, all political forces in nato categorically rejected the very possibility of weapons of mass destruction appearing in the country. but politicians' past promises are not worth much. and the experience of finland once
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again convincingly confirms this. an extraordinary meeting of the un security council will be convened today. russia requested it. agreements the meeting is scheduled to open at 6 pm moscow time. russia wants to achieve recognition by the international community that the minsk agreements were maliciously violated by ukraine and its european allies. the agreements concluded in the belarusian capital made it possible to avoid bloodshed in the donbass. but kiev, brussels, berlin and other players chose in favor of a destructive conflict. but not western ones. demanding the return of the mobilized men, they chanted the slogan life for the defenders,
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popular anger did not bypass kiev, the protesters called for the establishment of reasonable terms and procedures for mobilization, because now it all comes down to the fact that adults and... a thirty-eight-year-old resident of the capital, who details the case regarding last summer he seduced teenagers on a beach near minsk. investigators provided details. the accused agreed to take a group of nine guys, the oldest 15 years old, to the river in two stages. having settled down with them on the shore, the man
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undressed until gala began to have obscene conversations and with dirty thoughts persuaded two boys, 11 and 13 years old. for children's silence, so that's it. remained secret, paid with alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, in the opiate case, after 2 months it became known to the schoolchildren’s teacher. teacher about everything told the police. initially, the accused admitted to the crime, but subsequently, in order to avoid responsibility, he began to deny committing any acts of a sexual nature against minors. victims of sexual violence, due to their age and individual psychological characteristics, did not understand the nature of the illegal actions. a clearly familiar man, conducted during a preliminary investigation by an inpatient complex forensic psychologist-sexologist and xychophysiologist, and a psychiatric examination, it was established that the attacker suffered and is currently suffering from multiple sexual preference disorder, a combination of masochism, pedophilia,
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fetishistic transvestism and necrazophilia. it is known that 8 years ago the defendant was already serving a sentence for depraved acts and trafficking in pornography, soon he will... again testify in court, he has been charged under two articles, the man is awaiting the start of the trial in custody. a dowry chest, towels, spinning wheels, irons, rural household items, six thematic sections, both ancient objects and modern products made of clay, wood, straw, diploma works of college students. the children and teachers brought most of the exhibits from different regions of belarus, their small homeland. this is already the 144th museum. in educational institutions of the city of minsk, most of them


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