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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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particular attention of visitors was focused on the health pavilion. the minsk pharmaceutical plant also presented its products. result: a diploma from the ussr exhibition of economic achievements for mastering an industrial method for producing polyglucin, and he was sent to belarus. and then came the resolution of the cpsu central committee and the council of ministers, according to which.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people. many bastards are in a foreign land , and these people are estranged from their native land. and the happy hour has arrived. residents from the western regions of ukraine arrived from argentina and ades. belarus, packaged yashche yes 1939.
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there are many things to do here, it is necessary to publish yashche adzin kalgasny sviryn, this time ivan koshar is busy. geta has a praising moment, ivan gaurylavich kobrynets remembers all his life, as if he had never known it. there are rumors of happiness in argentina and as soon as we know it in the land of our native pinsk, happily living, working, studying, and not giving up to the kamunists. city of grozna, herding the 19-gadovag blukannya. on this day
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, the americans came here with ivan yakaulevich-semyanovich. yes, i'm tired of them hands on work. now all the members of the getai are working at the grodzen fine cloth factory. ivan yakaulevich himself works in the locksmiths workshop. iago son albert is the prafessed weaver. this workshop has the oldest son, ivan yakaulevich, peter. good creative haste in a short hour , the wife of pyatra yaugeniya vasileina simanovich was born. yana is much ahead of the established norms. pratsouny zen. passed away, only those who were not at dzesyatsіgodzi on radzim can understand how glad the rightful people were free for an hour on the shores of their native neman. let us be successful in life and practice.
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hello! with you the project everything is clear with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we are talking about who we will elect on a single voting day, how much deputies earn and how to find one of our own so that he can help solve the problem. go! very soon we will determine the names of the people to whom we will entrust our choice for the next 5 years. on february 25, a single voting day will be held in belarus, already...
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a democratic, social, legal state, and first, look at the diagram management systems: the president, the legislative branch, the executive branch, the judicial branch; the key role in governing the state in our country belongs to the president; he has the right to decide how other government bodies interact with each other and what functions each of them has. immediately after the president comes the legislative branch, this is parliament, we call it. national assembly of the republic of belarus. this body consists of the lower house, the house of representatives, and the upper house, the council of the republic. the lower house is a group of deputies who accept bills for consideration, the top - experts who polish them and
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decide whether they are thought out enough to work effectively in the interests of people. there are 110 deputies in the house of representatives. they are elected by the people, which is why they are called representatives. in the parliament of ordinary citizens, an applicant for the post of deputy of parliament must be at least 21 years old, he must be a belarusian and does not have the right to work in any other branch of government while working in a deputy position. what do members of this chamber do? parliament, consider draft laws, call presidential elections, approve the candidates whom the president proposes for the post of prime minister, evaluate the work of the government. now about the upper house of parliament. the council of the republic, it includes deputies, eight people from each region and minsk, who these eight people are decided by the deputies of local councils in order to elect their representative to the council of the republic, they meet and vote, plus another eight people are appointed by the president. we have
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six regions and minsk is seven regions performances, each with eight people. we multiply 7 by eight - 56 elected plus eight appointed by the president, we get. 64 members of the council of the republic, 110 people in the lower house of parliament and 64 in the upper house - this is our legislative power. next along the vertical is the executive branch, this is the council of ministers , also known as the government, simply all the ministers of the country headed by the prime minister and the heads of some other departments and departments, for example, the state military industry committee and the border committee. ministers not only they each lead their own department, but they accept together. regulations that are binding on all citizens of the country. therefore, when we hear that a new resolution of the council of ministers has been issued, we need to understand that this is a document that concerns everyone. the government is responsible for developing the directions of internal foreign policy, distributing the republican budget,
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organizing the fight against crime, managing state property, ensuring the implementation of the constitution, decisions of the supreme national assembly, and much more. it goes further. this constitutional court and the system of courts of general jurisdiction. the supreme court is the highest judicial body in civil, criminal, administrative and economic cases. so, on february 20, 5, we will elect deputies of the lower house of our parliament, the house of representatives, the very same 110 of them who accept bills for consideration and who are entrusted with assessing the work of the government. in addition, we will elect members of local councils of deputies. local councils of deputies are groups of people, literally from the people, called upon to listen hear citizens in small areas for which they are responsible. and the mission is to solve the basic everyday needs of the population, exactly how: once in a certain period,
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for example, once every two weeks, a deputy meets with citizens living in his area. they tell him that they cannot get the road repaired or get the long-term construction project off the ground. the deputy himself turns to the structures on which the solution to the problem depends, or together with the same colleagues in neighboring areas, sends a deputy request to government bodies so that the problem was solved. that is, a deputy of a local council is another connecting link between ordinary citizens who do not know which way to approach solving complex problems, and government employees who can solve most everyday issues, but are simply not always aware of them. in addition, deputies of local councils hold sessions where everyone proposes ideas to improve life in their area. this really works. in our country, many useful initiatives come from deputies of local councils. and by the way. they work on public basis, that is, free of charge, only the chairman of the regional and district
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councils of deputies receives a salary, because they are engaged in deputy work professionally, the rest perform it without interrupting their duties at their main workplace, so there are 12,514 such deputies needed for all regions of the country. on february 25, we will have to select 110 people... people who will work with the population in every city and town of belarus to quickly convey wishes and requests for help from people to the government and members of parliament. to the seats deputies of the house of representatives of the national assembly , according to the central election commission, 265 people are vying, remember , only 110 will be elected, there is a competition of 2.4 candidates per seat, 18,802 people are registered to participate in the elections of deputies of local councils,
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12,514 will be elected, there is a competition of one and a half candidates per seat, both of them we elect deputies for 5 years, we decided to elect deputies to local councils, to the house of representatives on the same day, in order to save time and money for taxpayers, because elections are always for... for equipping polling stations, the formation of commissions, the work of the central election commission, why spin up this whole machine twice if you can fit everything into one day. now about what the process will look like: the smaller the locality, the more ballots the voter will need to fill out. residents of minsk will receive only two ballots, with the names of candidates for deputies of the city council, because minsk is a separate territorial unit with the data of candidates for deputies of the lower one. you are the parliament. residents of regional and district centers will fill out three ballot for deputies of the city or
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district council, regional council and the house of representatives. but residents of the villages will fill out at least four ballots. in one it will be necessary to elect a deputy of a village or town council, in the second - a district council, in the third - a regional one in the fourth chamber of representatives. for those who may be confused, members of the election commission will help, for those who want... to thoroughly prepare for participation in voting , article 52 of the electoral code of the republic of belarus will help, the rules are described in detail there filling out the ballot and voting in general. by the way, it also states that photographing or filming a completed ballot is prohibited. violators will face administrative liability. if you don’t come to the elections, the choice will simply be made by those who come to them. there is no turnout threshold for council elections. republics or to local councils, no , deputies will be elected, even if
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10 people out of 100 registered at the polling stations turn up to vote, the deputy chair will simply be taken by the one who is chosen by these 10 people, and the remaining 90 will be forced to live with a representative who was not elected, to whom they will make things worse, think for yourself. voters who are busy on the main voting day will be able to indicate their choice early. the sites will be open from february 20 to february 24, from 12 noon to 7:00 pm without interruption. boxes with ballots accepted on these days will remain sealed until 20:00. 25 february. at this moment , voting stations across the country will close and members of election commissions will begin to open ballot boxes for citizens who voted early. first results of the elections of deputies of all levels will be known closer to midnight, not earlier. right now, it is very important for each of us to realize that we choose
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people who will become our voices and ears in the overall system. when considering a candidate’s profile, you need to determine for yourself: we are ready to cooperate with this person in controversial and sometimes stressful situations. his qualifications and life experience are enough to competently formulate our interests and quickly convey them to representatives of all branches of government; it’s worth choosing the one who best responds with this request. it is equally important to set up cooperation with the chosen person in solving assigned tasks of any level of complexity, that is, not easy. but to really turn to your political chosen one for help , when the need arises, to immediately find out where and how to get in touch with a deputy, the simplest way for those who did not immerse themselves in the election process in time: call your village council or city administration and ask in plain text , who is the deputy in the area where i live, they will definitely
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tell me to take the elections seriously any level and... carefully study candidates' profiles. our votes will determine who will represent our interests as we pass protective laws in the coming years. don’t be shy, and especially don’t be afraid to turn to local council deputies for help, because we elect them ourselves, because we believe in their ability to help us in a difficult situation. well , remember the thesis: we are the power here, these are not just words, this is daily responsibility for your choice, the power that... is not able to make it is weak, i am marina karaman and what to expect from the single voting day in belarus, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later.
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is known forever, for good reason, i belarus, and i'm happy that.. the news is now live, pavel is with you lazovik, good afternoon, details of the accident in the vitebsk region, seven passengers. the bus was taken to the hospital, an accident involving volkswagen and mass happened this morning. according to preliminary information, the driver of the car


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