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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 12, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm MSK

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every person is led by the lord god, he leads on his own paths, i entered to study first of all.
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everything, you see, it’s old, old, old, old gates, they will be green, now they are brown, but they remember everything, everything, and they received everyone here when the monastery was closed, i was little, my mother and i came up, so knock-knock-knock, my mother knocked , the door was opened, the monks and we entered there, my childhood memory imprinted it, of course, when i was 5 years old, here... there was a well where
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they drew water, my mother went to confession on communion, and they left me here to a nun, and i will never forget those eyes of that nun and that kindness and the warmth that she radiated, we began to often say, this monastery, because i was born here and this is my home, for today no less five times a year, but this is the least of what i say, this place
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is worried, like all students, it’s always interesting for me to see how they come to classes, especially exams, when a person, despite his age, begins to get nervous, begins to worry because there is an exam required answer, but he doesn’t miss a single one, he always comes, appears here in person, through this study it is clear that the spiritual inner life, the human condition, is also improving somewhere, developing somewhere. but what amazes me about her is that she is not embarrassed to testify that she is an orthodox christian, but we know her as a responsible, honest, decent, zealous christian, and i am sure that she only thinks about how to please god to butt our the dear fatherland has prospered, and of course, it is working vigorously. i
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firstly, i graduated from school and i actually entered the institute of foreign languages, i passed the first exam with a c, but since i thought that this was generally lower for me, they didn’t appreciate me, they didn’t underestimate me, i simply took the documents, my mom always said, lilya go study to become an accountant, i began to think about it, i drove to the toilet factory several times. yes, and i remember this plant in the eighties, when it was there, this building was built, when it changed, when the salary level here was very high, this plant had a very high rating, it was impossible to find a job here, here in 2000, 2010, 17, i look, driving past this plant and see, it was in such a depressing state, its appearance was like that, i understood , if the appearance, then it’s not very good here either, when i came here,
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the plant in general is our pride , hardening, hardening of parts takes place here, which will then be finalized, this is very important, i’m proud that i work at this plant , i’ve been working here for 6 years, it turns out that in in principle, yes, the entire soviet union built this plant, now we have chosen the reconstruction and modernization of our plant as an evolutionary method, for me it was very difficult to manage at first. i wanted everything to be just right, i said, they did it, that is, so that there wasn’t such firmness, there wasn’t such pressure, well, over time with the dogs i realized, no, you need to let them ask, the exactingness can be different , it may be justified, it may not be justified, it must be
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reasonable, any exactingness, it must be confirmed by calculations and meaning, if demanding with meaning, yes, this is the key to success if they see that you have knowledge. it’s very joyful to watch how people are transformed, people are transformed, we have a vivid example at our plant, just now we walked through the territory of the plant, and i saw so many happy eyes of young and mature people, they were all walking, they were smiling, i would really like , so that people become a family, such a united family, spiritual and moral education, education of patriotism. cannot be ensured without showing a personal example, a successful leader, first of all, is a leader who is thinking, loving, understanding and responsible, that is, it must be all in
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one, this is in a person, the level of wages over 5 years has increased by 300%, yes, ifo by 123.9, well, 124 let’s say averaged. over these 5 years i have learned a lot from him, because a person has enormous strength, enormous spiritual strength, enormous energy, which is constantly shared with all of us, you must be professionals in your field if you are a cleaner, you must be a professional if you are a tractor driver, you must to be the best tractor driver, driver , the best professional driver, the person will then open up, but if the leader is also a spiritual person, this is a great benefit to the whole team, he will always think about how not to harm this person, how to help this
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person and how to create an atmosphere of love in this team? for me the most important thing is faith in god, homeland, herself. the main thing that a person has, and what each of us, us, you, all our future generations needs to take care of, is to take care of our homeland, the most important thing is that a person has - this is his homeland. there are a lot of things that i like, for example , i love to relax in logoisk, we really like visiting nesves, we have been there several times, the world as well, in general i can say that the atmosphere is wonderful,
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indeed, my children, i repeat , they enjoy it , they love winter, they love playing with the snow, again, i thought that i would suffer, but no, the children like it, i see that they are happy from this, and i am happy together. with them, as for belarusian cuisine, i already fell in love with them, i really like potato pancakes, children just they love cheesecakes, i have to cook them every day, i’m already just an expert in making cheesecakes, of course i make them in my own way, so they turn out a little venezuelan, in fact , i can add a lot about the belarusian people, for the first time i visited brest and the brest fortress, in fact, i was simply impressed and amazed by the spirit of the belarusian people, who were not broken during all those difficult trials... the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our everyday task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million
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viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, bright and festival, generous, picturesque and monumental, sports, and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different. to to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. they are smart, enterprising and courageous. maxim, hello! well, i answered yes, but i remembered that minsk was founded in
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167, it was mentioned, you probably meant a thousand, and then you did the math and it turned out that most likely, i understand, their age is not a hindrance for them, because questions of an adult character, express 10 minutes and 10 seconds in seconds, 60 seconds in one minute, eh?
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from ecuador lives here for 8 years and travels through our towns and villages, we call cabbage our belarusian pineapple, because the vitamin composition is not inferior, what do you think? he’s great and happy to talk about the most colitis-prone places in the country. i need to remember how i am, how are you freaking out about your lady? can you show me your place a little, this is our home, and there we are...
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the television news agency is presented in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. pramyslovs babruisk uzbekistan yashche adny pradoms, new garbarny kombіnat. on the right, the fee for uladzimir paley and iago syabrў, give only high quality results. it’s very easy to practice tasks with atk. brakavat nyama chago. when working with such
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small details, even the most insignificant adhesion transactions and marriages, the man has to take care of unnecessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices is essential for pharmaceutical devices. the details are adjusted to the control templates dozens of times. machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. gray creativity. the most violent planing machine with automatic machine for finishing parts with a machine of 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from the minsk brand paspyakhov compete with molded foreign designs. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts
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of the patrymans of the patryyatichny of the delegate of the 25th congress of the cpsu, the former shvachka of mary pleskaya, the pyatsygodtsy of the yakasts. to the drummer of the stoneworks, czeslav kazimiravich bagensky persham at the plant it’s a cruel stigma. yakasts. under these mottos, the abbotniks were working , and the hell was lying there for the head of
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ramualda strow and hell for the clerk of galina kandymavay. hell, all the charmers who walked around this day bring joy to the purchasers. zaruka tamu, gety ganarovy henagon. minsk and tashkent have reached a new level of relations, do not waste time, maintain the momentum, the key message of the large negotiation marathon in uzbekistan. it is industrial cooperation, the ambassador of belarus to uzbekistan leonid marinich is sure, that is an incentive for
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conquest of the asian vector. by 2025 , the countries plan to implement more joint projects. for a billion dollars, it is planned to open joint ventures in the agro-industrial complex, agricultural and automotive engineering, meat processing and dairy production, and also intend to work together in the markets of other countries. this is the private creation of joint ventures in the dairy industry to produce dairy products and baby food here, with their subsequent supply to afghanistan and other central asian countries, so this frank the conversation about... was not only a report from ministers about what has been done and what needs to be done, it was an open conversation in the form of finding new solutions for economic cooperation. the parties agreed to create an assembly plant for cotton tractors in uzbekistan, sow experimental fields with belarusian potatoes, mutual understanding was achieved in
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all areas. forestry enterprises of belarus increased the export of lumber by almost... 40%. trade flows are reoriented to the market of friendly countries. the results for last year were announced at the board of the specialized departments, among the promising areas of housing construction. in particular, the trade network of the ministry of forestry under the lesnoy domik brand is planned to be replicated abroad. 15 such sites have already been opened in our country. this method, this method, which we have already worked out in the republic of belarus, needs to be scaled up and transported outside the territory of our state. again, the southern regions of the russian federation, this is azerbaijan, this is uzbekistan, that is, to create such powerful bridgeheads that would allow us to dramatically increase our timber production.
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commissions have already begun their work, every citizen can apply to clarify the information entered about him, this also applies to those who plan to vote at a location other than their place of registration, changes to additional lists will be able to be made until the single voting day, precinct commissions work on weekdays from 17 to 19, on saturday from 12 to 14, on sunday is a day off, you can find out the address of your precinct commission on the website of the district administration. we have a category of citizens who... in other regions, permanently reside in the city of minsk, they have the opportunity to come to the polling station, show their passport, see where they are registered, but in order to vote in the city
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of minsk, they need several documents, one of the types of documents, as a rule, is a rental agreement for residential premises, be it a rental apartment, this is a dormitory, or someone rents an apartment in the private sector, an agreement is officially registered, with this agreement with a passport they can apply and come on the day of early voting and vote at... at this election polling station, but only citizens will have this right during early voting. on the 25th, unfortunately, they will not have such an opportunity. the belarusian pipe culture claims to be a unesco world heritage site. the expert community together with the ministry of culture is at the final stage of preparing the dossier. a presentation film is being edited , the bagpipe itself with deep belarusian roots dating back to the 12th century. and before the war she could have become the main musical one.
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has become a place for us to concentrate more the number of carriers of this element, accordingly, the minsk region can plan to hold such a festival in the coming years, and we hope that in the future this event will become traditional for us. a dowry chest, towels, spinning wheels, irons, samovars, and a historical and ethnographic museum were opened at the minsk college of crafts and design named after kidyshka.
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the children and teachers brought most of the exhibits from different regions of belarus, their small homeland. this is already the 144th museum in educational institutions of the city of minsk. most of them are located in schools and gymnasiums, but also in the college and city systems. has begun this serious active work to preserve historical memory, exhibits are being collected , history, life, traditions are being studied, the most important thing is that serious local history research work is being carried out and students and teachers of our educational institutions are involved in it. the museum’s plans include replenishing batleyk’s main fund, organizing ethno-expeditions and theatrical reconstruction of belarusian folk rituals. we follow the sporting life of our country, congratulated and promised to buy the medals himself. this is how
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the captain of the belarusian men's biathlon team , anton smolsky, reacted to the gold and bronze of his partners in the team race at the russian championship. we review the most interesting event. the central council of the presidential sports club approved the list of its scholarship recipients. these are 349 athletes and coaches.
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historical expedition. lifan lifvanyanya. and all the gety lifan lifvanyanya dazabіў shchykal kamtsial. and everything went to hell. as if to give the skin a characteristic. i'm local i'm telling you what language to use. and why its origin?
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watch the scientific project science nearby on our tv channel. nikolai gostello, soviet military pilot, commander of a bomber squadron on june 26 , 1941, on the fifth day of the war, the crew under the command of captain gostello flew out to bomb a german mechanized column moving along the molodechno radoshkovichi road. the attack began, the crew managed to accurately place several aerial bombs into the accumulation
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of german equipment. and shoot at the enemy. enemy anti-aircraft artillery fire, aircraft gastello was hit. an enemy shell damaged the fuel tank. but instead of evacuating, the soviet pilot made a fiery ram. gostello turned the burning plane towards the enemy column and sent the car straight into the thick of german equipment. until the last, the crew fired at the enemy from a plane intoxicated with flames. none of...
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gostello was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. you are watching belarus main on the belros tv channel. in the studio of pavel lazovik. hello.
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actions to consolidate the trend of convergence when distance is not an obstacle, kamchatka today is the eastern gate of the northern sea route, allowing logistics to be doubled.
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south, so the main areas this week were identified for new projects in central asia. in relations between minsk and tashkent, special attention is paid to the development of cooperative ties, including thanks to them, the growth of trade turnover in recent years. details were discussed during
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the official visit of belarusian president alexander lukashenko to uzbekistan. as expected, they affected not only the internal agenda, but also global, including prospects for interaction in integration structures. in tashkent. the second forum of regions was held, what is in the agreement between belarus and uzbekistan and how lukashenko’s visit will affect the development of the large eurasian market. the main theme of the program. don't waste time, keep your pace. the key message of the large negotiation marathon in uzbekistan, specific agreements on joint projects and...
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alexander lukashenko will go straight to a meeting with his colleague, they decided to hold it in the format of free communication in the huma arena, it is there that shavkat mirziyoyev greets the belarusian president at a hockey match at the kazakhstan open championship. all this is more than just protocol moments of an official visit. morning starts in uzbekistan. symbolic moment, alexander lukashenko arrived at the monument to the country's independence, only after that the cortege went to the kuksara residence of the uzbek leader for negotiations.
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it was not difficult for belarus and uzbekistan to talk, this is not only a personal feeling, the meeting between lukashenko and merziyoyev lasted almost 2 hours behind closed doors doors, that was it. relationships, bring them to a qualitatively new level. never in the history of our relationship has there been such mutual understanding of such real results, which you and i discussed in detail, confidentially, and openly in a narrow circle.


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