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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 13, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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sure that he was talking to his boss, he recognized both his german accent and the timbre and manner of speech. a year later, using voice deepfakes, they managed to defraud a large japanese company. the name has not been disclosed, nor the exact amount, but after the phone call, the scammers' account was spent with tens of millions of dollars. if you receive an unusual call, pay attention to the sound quality, unnatural monotony of the voice, slurred speech, noise. remember that the effect of surprise is the weapon of attackers who rely on cause you to panic, experts noted. experts advised not to trust suspicious calls, not to provide personal information; for serious cases, you can come up with code words that will help you understand who is on the other end of the line, a fake dep or a person you know. such pranks can lead not only to losses, but also become a formidable weapon to blow up society. the fakes haven’t started
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a relationship yet, but for some reason i want to add an alarming prefix for now, because the avalanche of artificial intelligence is only gaining revolutions the use of computer vision technologies, natural language processing, speech synthesis recognition, as well as intelligent decision support, can lead, in particular, to the collection of a huge amount of personal data, the replacement of real information messages with false ones, significant material damage due to erroneous actions should... high level, while for control systems of the nuclear industry, aviation, emergency situations or military infrastructure, the consequences of such actions may turn out to be irreparable. it is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize a fake face; the easiest option is to pay attention to facial expressions; based on its uncharacteristic features, one can suspect a fake. deep fakes have many other weaknesses; for example, they can be detected by poor synchronization. lips, skin with different
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shades, flickering at the edges of the face , unnatural eye movement, strange -looking hair and teeth, unnaturalness when slowing down the playback speed, inconsistency of highlights in the eyes, lighting in the frame, and so on. to remove these shortcomings in the video are then processed manually. deepfakes could be the most dangerous digital threat of the last decade. generating content using neural networks costs almost nothing, and the creation speed is very fast. given these factors, the spread of digital counterfeits may well become a national threat to the state, especially in the current realities of hybrid wars. what to do is obviously regulated by law, so individual countries are starting to follow this path. of course, fakes need to be detected, most likely this is semi-automatic, semi-manual work for serious groups of analysts, they must be protected as quickly as possible, tried to be shot down on takeoff, when... have not yet begun to rapidly
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spread, but exactly the same work must be done with propaganda in general, and not only political, all kinds. deepfakes today are like a time bomb, you never know what’s inside, when the countdown will start and what the degree of destruction will be with digital weapons, in other words, when interacting with artificial intelligence, you must definitely turn on your intelligence and trust only official sources of information, so there is less chance of drowning in... a fake world, happily.
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we have never strived for some kind of naked sensationalism, for something fried with some kind of yellowness.
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intelligence can never become a publicist, in january the coverage of the first channel reached 100 million.
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hello, you are watching the program “tell me not to be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today we are visiting. general producer of belarusian radio anton vasyukevich. hello anton borisovich. hello. we meet on february 13th, this is world radio day. is it worth celebrating, do you think, against the backdrop of the current geopolitical situation, because there is may 7, yes, we know the day of radio, television communications, and maybe we have enough reasons for radio operators. in the year of radio, belarusian radio celebrates three professional holidays at once. world radio day is february 13, may 7 is the day of radio and television communications workers, and on november 15 we celebrate the birthday of the belarusian radio. what about world radio day, which is celebrated all over the world, on the initiative of unesco, and, as you say, the geopolitical
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situation in the world, i can tell you this, our country is a founder of the united nations. in this organization , today there are 193 states out of... of these 193 states, our republic maintains relations with 183, this suggests that our country has been and remains open to the world, we are open to friendly countries, those that treat us with respect, those who respect our politics, our independence, our sovereignty, and accordingly, we cannot say here that this should somehow influence our public relations and our... professional contacts of some kind, therefore for us, for the entire community of birth-parents of the world, this is a very good reason to draw attention to radio, to remind the population of the globe that there is such a unique
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way of receiving information, that there is a way of communication, that there is a way of communication, so of course it is very important for us it’s interesting that there are such occasions in which we can declare,
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and how many of these initiatives and projects are being successfully implemented around the world. it was no coincidence that i emphasized the number of countries, look, if we look globally at the globe, then... countries that have unfriendly relations with us impose sanctions, there are a little over three dozen of them, that’s how many states in the world are members of the un there are 193 countries, and unrecognized states and territories, in total there are about 250 of them around the globe, and we are talking about the fact that after all global world, it is much more balanced than the collective west, which seeks to dictate its will and its policies, including to us, we are under...
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technology is an amazing achievement, at the same time absolutely self-sufficient, and there is no need to look around - something, and wait with your mouth open for someone to put something in your mouth, this is completely stupid , pointless now, and what is trying, well, the hegemon to maintain some kind of influence, but we we see who leads this country, how he leads, what is happening, look at those the same news, yes, as we see from there, and well, probably the head of state shouldn’t.
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such broadcasting has been going on for several decades, in general, this is not a new segment, but it has received special development right now, and here this decision was suggested to us, one might even say, by runaways who suddenly heard it somewhere in their foreign countries that radio broadcasts were coming from belarus, they began to call on the local authorities there to jam them, you can imagine what’s going on there, this is lukashenko’s propaganda.
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there's nothing better than this one of ours an island, you can even say so, yes, he found it, chose it as his home, sanity, i absolutely agree with you, here he and his children are settled, and he works, and he shares this information with our polish neighbors, you don’t can you imagine what we are reading in the comments, listen, you are from some almost...
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belarusian and russian channels , responsibility has been introduced, well, what kind of freedom are we talking about here, the words democracy can be discussed, requests have already been sent, but tell me us, like in your stores, we have the same feeling, well, you know, i also want to tell you here that our fellow citizens have tarnished the country’s reputation a little, so why go to poland to buy toilet paper, you tell me, if
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you can buy it here, i never understood that, or washing steam, absolutely stuffed. everything is in abundance, the prices are normal , the quality, well, well, you buy a tv somewhere abroad in poland, but what kind of guarantee will be supported for this tv in our country, for example, if suddenly there is something wrong with it will happen? this is crap, as long as it’s cheaper, but you know , there’s still such savings, it’s very conditional , absolute, but here the question is, here again they slammed the situation, if you look at the economic situation as a whole, but they slammed us because they don’t officially supply cars there something that in minsk or in belarus there are fewer cars, there are more cars, and more new cars are being sold, another thing is that new brands have appeared that are very difficult to pronounce and remember, but this is a matter of time, so here are the same there, you see, they go for so-called purchases, and you’ll notice that now they go from there to us for purchases, how
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everything has changed, here for gasoline, here for groceries, here for... something else, we we are not saying that they are starving there, we are saying that we are very competitive in very large groups of goods, we are winning in quality, and by the way, it is very appropriate and very symbolic that we have named this the year of quality, because a little bit more pull up, and the markets will expand even more, this is quite obvious, because demand there is, and we see this as our task, through this polish project of ours, to tell as much good news as possible.
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materials are those that are related to the head of state, this is traditional for all channels, yes , we translate, we do visualization of all these things, it is mandatory, in addition to the fact that we have a radio broadcast, we have a full-fledged youtube channel, we are developing telegram the channel, well, telegram is not very developed in poland, that is, it is not so popular, although in our country until the twentieth year it was also not at all
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popular, well , at the same time, everything has its time, on all platforms that are in demand one way or another
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... look, there’s another moment, the project has begun, it’s very young, we started last year on october 1, broadcast hour , well, if we are talking about the transmission of thoughts about poland, a discussion club, four, five, six experts who every day discuss the current agenda, the polish one, protests in poland, today we comment on this, tell, discuss, what problems, why, we're trying to figure it out ourselves. yes, what these problems of the pulsky farmers are caused by these problems , yes, how were the parliamentary elections held, why did they take place that way, the most interesting period is the post-election period, look, what in general? poland has transformed and what is happening there, relations with ukraine are something that the poles themselves are, of course, very interested in, but they are already tired of the one-sidedness that
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is presented to them there, from the correctness that was imposed, from one hour we gradually increased since november, we launched news releases, they come out every an hour during the day, during the day, plus everything, on january 1 we launched. a new project called free speech for poland. we already publish 18 hours of polish-language content per day. we have 6 hours of original broadcasting and naturally we repeat these blocks and the most successful programs, because it’s hard to guess at what time people will listen, and you understand, and we now also understand this very well from our internal listeners , which is already the era of a person turning on the radio at 6 in the morning and turning it off at 12. will never come back, it won’t happen anymore, thanks to this, precisely because there was interest, because there was a response, this, as you say, inspired us to
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develop, we constantly have original projects, here is one of our political scientists, also a polish refugee, recently discovered the minsk metro, an amazing video on tiktok, youtube, everywhere, and some poles are even surprised that there is a metro in minsk. because there is absolutely no point in this, but the fact is that people come here, again, look how they work for their audience in poland, don’t go there
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, they will recruit you, the reaction of the head of state was wonderful, so you don’t get recruited, go, just go, go as tourists, why are you there ? in this regard, i think the project will develop, we are very it’s interesting to do it, because we have grateful spectators and listeners and so... i would like, of course, for you to expand throughout europe , i would really like, you know, there’s another question, but now we’re trying to be present at the maximum quantity information platforms, because we understand that classical radio broadcasting is very limited by the territory of distribution, place transmitters in those areas where we would like to be heard, we had transmitters in germany, we rented them, we had partners in
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we didn’t receive any reaction from there, and honestly, i’ll tell you that we’re even a little worried about the people who work with us. yes, because there were cases in poland, our polish friends who work for us say that, among other things, threats, if not directly from the so-called leader of public opinion, come through their relatives, especially to those who, for example, come here, and i say, you know, well, we could develop there... i’m worried that my mother stayed there, yes, i have a family left there, i’m here for now, but i’m very worried , i say, you say, this is about a european state, this is a member of the european union, you
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are a citizen, you worry about the safety of your citizens, what what’s going on there, how can we understand it, have your authorities really reached the point that they threaten their citizens, i say, it’s crazy for me to listen to this, he says, you can’t imagine how we... it was scary and curious to see how this happens in belarus, we saw that there is no such thing in belarus. there is much more democracy and freedom in belarus than our country could or could not, at the moment it is even a model in many ways for those who are strangling both freedom of speech and freedom of opinion at home. look, this is what happens with the same, well, we have slightly different weight categories in our country. russian federation, for example, yes, this is a global trend towards the abolition of russian culture of everything russian. and look, monuments are being demolished. war on
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monuments. this is the very first indicator that monuments don’t say anything , they symbolize, they fight with symbols , they fight with reminders, they fight with history, monuments did not just appear like that, in poland, why, here there are very serious and legendary pages of history, when the soviet army, together with polish soldiers, liberated the territory and...
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an information or news resource that could have acted as some kind of, well, irritant for ill-wishers, but it turned out that everything connected with the state and the media, as a communication channel, is very attractive to those who carry out the pursuit, there are surveillance hacks, and we are faced with the fact , well, what happened there, national hit parade, leadership.
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we are well aware that as soon as they appear, new threats and attacks will appear. and even more, i want to tell you that we have elections that will be held in parliament now, yes, this is a springboard to elections that will be exactly through a year-long rehearsal, absolutely, and here there are a lot of things that will be tried to be practiced - this is shooting, it was exactly the same before the twentieth year, when they took place before the tenth and before the fifth.
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it’s interesting for the election to watch how the company is going, of course, look now, it’s a very election race in russia, everything has been licked one on one, it’s just that everything has been tarnished, everything that happened.
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our other radio stations, but that’s not the question, we strive to get everywhere in order to be as accessible as possible, what are our enemies doing, they do exactly the same thing, it’s important for them to get into the phone, which everyone has in their hands now, scrolling through the feed, and there’s
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coverage, we talked about coverage, in january the coverage of the first channel reached 100 million, for which i congratulate you , let 's continue this interesting topic of coverage in the next part, but for now let's take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and
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suggest guests, we are connected! the “say don’t be silent” program is on air again and today our guest is the general producer belarusian radio anton vasyukevich. anton borisovich, well, coverage is still influenced by exclusive content, in fact, as evidenced by watching tucker carlson’s interview with vladimir putin, and application x has become the most downloaded in the app store. on the eve of the release of this conversation, these are large companies that own popularly.
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a very good way to convey information, so as soon as this appeared for radio, for example, it became a new opportunity to show ourselves on a new platform, because it is no coincidence that we are completely recording this
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open data that radio listenability in general in the world of traditional radio broadcasting is gradually decreasing, we are not talking about any collapses, but people have stopped listening to the radio, this... is happening, this is until now, until now, this is good, a good habit of listening to the radio in the car, at home, on vacation, when exactly these appeared... the opportunity for business appeared, yes, that is, here a lot has been done to develop these projects from a business point of view, promotion some goods and services, and of course , when communication is so well established, well, it would be a sin not to take advantage of these opportunities, you just need to be a little...
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live, to communicate with the studio you can use the telegram messenger, also margarita, hello, hello, we we work in you can write a comment under the announcement of today's program in the group of the project show with current on vkontakte, and of course watch the video broadcast on our youtube, look for all the details on the website margarit, tell me, did you wake up? famous on saturday last week or not, how did you feel after the super final? honestly, like in a dream? well... what am i saying, to the fact that it is not much different from what we are doing
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here on television now, yes, we are interviewing you, this is exactly what radio looks like today , you know, if you put it into one playlist, here's our video, for example, that we make on youtube, yes, it could turn out to be a very good tv channel, i'm more than sure of that, and it will be a good full-fledged information channel with original content, the same actual microphone that we have already talked about that may have become one of the reasons for blocking our site, right? well, if you consider that the fugitive and so to speak, those resources that are already recognized as extremist often quote this current microphone, but this means that it really does the right thing, and moreover, we even now intend to make a special television version for the belarus24 tv channel we need to develop this business because we see that there is a demand as soon as we started posting our video versions on the belarus24 platform at the current microphone.
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not to be missed in any case, because we have already accustomed our listeners to us, here is the audience, they are already waiting for this information from us and we try, of course , to maintain the framework into which these resources are driving us, they have their own some kind of internal ones and everything else, well , from time to time, well, one of such striking examples there is also international radio belarus, one of the programs, thoughts about poland was simply not that access was limited, it was simply
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deleted because we suddenly criticized the education system, in which our polish colleague said that lgbt propaganda in western schools, including primary schools, yes, is something abnormal, and talked about that in belarus they still adhere to the values ​​of the traditional family, if only... there is such a fragment, yes, and we got the video deleted for this fragment, you know, we did not call for violence to war, we did not call for anyone’s feelings .
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i’m currently in the learning stage of this this, to such an extent , is attractive on the one hand, but on the other hand it is all very alarming, because we already see that weather forecasts have now appeared using artificial intelligence,
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entire radio stations have appeared on which news broadcasts are voiced by artificial intelligence, it is almost impossible to distinguish one from another... performance, yes, in russia it has received tremendous development, very great popularity, a project has received what is called a radio station that completely shapes content with artificial intelligence, with these developments, we turned to some of the residents of our belarusian high technology park with a question: is it possible for us to implement such a project, they say: formulate a competent technical specification, we can do it... in a very short time -this period of time, if you really need it and are interested, you know, i can’t yet say how much we need it, but we are already very interested in it, because this is the trend, some of such things, including in your
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program it was said about this, that we use some fragments there and materials to translate into polish and... it turns out very well, although i will tell you that the poles recognize neural networks so far, well, of course, i think that this is an example of a google translator, yes, when the words are still a bit far away, so basically, of course, the translation is done live, and we still try to do it with human resources, but what we we can come at some time, i still, you know, stick to this traditional journalism, that is, i see... there is a lot of humanity in it, artificial intelligence can never become a publicist, a publicist can only be a person who will pass some event through his own consciousness and will be able to interpret it for his viewer or listener, and artificial intelligence is still just a set of something, despite the fact that they learn enormously quickly, that is
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, look, now in minsk you go to some prestigious medical center, private, state, and they will meet you... now belas, for example, yes, remotely , there is no driver, he drives in the quarries, we are mastering these technologies, one way or another this will affect the radio, including, but so far i don’t see that this will happen in the very near future, well , it seems to me that what saves us is the socially oriented nature of our state,
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because this is not rabid capitalism, yes, where they throw you right out onto the street tomorrow, here we are still something. by the way, look at another very interesting touch, coming back to the events of august 2020 and these sanctions periods up to now, the buildup to the shutdown of enterprises, the dissatisfaction of people with all elections, now they are throwing up a topic, but now it is very popular to shake up the fact that in belarus they are supposedly going to gather again they are increasing the retirement age there, there are some other restrictions there. the general motors plant, yes, the company shut down several plants, 75
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thousand people around the world found themselves on the streets, can you imagine, oh what, what numbers does he talk about, we perceive this to such an abstract degree, but these same people also have families, children, salaries, tomorrow he simply has nowhere to go, his plant has stopped, because this company has no profit, because this company stops production sanctions. level of well-being, so that this stratification between the openly poor and
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the oligarchy, so that in principle it does not exist at all, because this is the right path to any shocks, this immediately shows that what kind of social policy this is, this pure business is nothing more, these are the people who are workers leaving these, no one is giving them a place at another enterprise. remember the election programs of individual candidates, these factories need to be closed, everyone goes to work in call centers and enter, that’s it, yes, they need to be closed, they are unprofitable, i recently read one of the comments, just recently i was there, there is indignation on our youtube one of the spectators says: you give such credit to lukashenka, that he saved the enterprise, that he provided everyone with work and so on, well, he says: don’t you see that he is pulling something that, in principle, may not even be profitable, they argue with him quite openly, so our people all
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work, they have something to go to the store with, yes, indeed, some things in our country are purely social, because it is very important for us that starting from some small village, district center, now a very good project, one project, one district, a wonderful project, what does this mean, the creation new jobs, so look at the contrast we have. it turns out there businesses close and people find themselves simply alone with themselves and with their problems, because there is nothing else there, he then goes to get this soup at the points of free distribution of hot food, you can imagine, this is what this is about at what level this speaks to civilization, and when we strive, perhaps even contrary to some reasoning from the point of view of economic benefit, we still strive to preserve our jobs.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent in our studio , general producer of belarusian radio anton vasyukevich has been in charge since he was 25 years old, and anton borisovich from a very early age , somehow this figure surprises me, well, the experience has been accumulated now is enormous. will you have three arguments in favor of belarusian radio, what is its strength? you know i...
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this has been accepted as the norm, then why don’t we use it more freely, more liberated, that is, speak with people in
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the language in which they are used to speaking, therefore. that we deviated from some canons, yes, but we did not deviate from the most important thing, from competence and reliability, we still check the information, we are still responsible for this information, despite the fact that you look, this is what a cruel joke turned out to be, which was played by many so -called scammers, yes, people are, in principle, very gullible, so he gets a call , they start telling him something there, can you even imagine that... a person consciously goes, withdraws all his money there, takes out a bunch of loans and gives them to someone, but to what extent is this developed? manipulation and to what extent is it developed? technology, in the media we also need to interact somehow, we are not talking about manipulating public opinion, we are talking about the formation of public opinion, public opinion should be formed on reasoned information and facts and verified, because otherwise we
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can turn away from ourselves those who trust us, it’s interesting to study what things our colleagues do, it’s just very curious, if there’s some interesting creative discovery, i’ll definitely share it with the guys in the student audience, we discuss it, we share it, here, you see, this is a question of dislike, i always try to teach students this, don’t listen to the radio like amateurs, you should listen to the radio like professionals and understand how this radio
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is created, that’s why the word like or not like. completely inappropriate, you should pretend to be a critic and an expert who understands how it was done, here i have a group, yes, i teach master classes, last year before last we hired half of the group , guys, amazing guys, most interesting, and i want to tell you that sometimes i catch myself thinking that in the student audience, not only am i teaching them something, but i’m learning more and more from them, because they already... now they can suggest a lot of things, i see, that’s how he , for example, relates to his studies, how disciplined he is, and what is ether? broadcasting is a responsibility, i must be sure that my reporter has left and he will bring material, he will complete the task, he will not let you down, because this is teamwork, it still starts from the student bench, well, if he is a truant he doesn’t go somewhere, well, they’re all students, it’s all clear, it’s one thing that, for example,
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he didn’t come to class because he had an editorial assignment, so he can get 10. for that and not a reprimand, because he is being formed as a professional, it is completely different when there is a child who came to the journalism department only to satisfy the ambitions of his mother or father and get, bring them a diploma, and i understand that he will never be a journalist, and you give him a diploma or say, you know, i’m generally against it this, i’m not ashamed to tell the guys about it, because they should know, we shouldn’t level our profession,
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let’s just say, geta dzeviz nashaga glado, dzyakuy, vyalik tsud.
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lieutenant grigoriev, your regiment has been seconded, mr. lieutenant colonel, allow me to register your arrival two days later, i have a fiancée, i want to get married, that’s how life will pass here, nothing, nothing, at first... everyone is scared, but if you listen for six months, you’ll get used to it, yeah , i’ll shoot myself, i won’t shoot myself, as always, who is mr. stakhovsky’s niece, local rich man, lives in their house , stakhovsky, pavel sergeevich, very glad, grigoriev alexander nikolaevich, thank you for the invitation, actually mr. porodchik, i have a fiancé, why are you looking around, are you missing something or someone , nina?
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remember, what happened will never happen again, momentary weakness, anger at the whole world, i can’t, i shouldn’t, i don’t have the right, and you refuse, don’t go, disappear, i can’t, i want to see you, watch the series love for love, on the belarus 24 tv channel, in all international acts it is black and white. written: the murder of civilians and unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost people died...
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and ksenia lebedeva’s project is different, watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . live main news at noon, at studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue.


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