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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 13, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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do not share scholz’s enthusiasm, in germany over 400 people took part in a protest against... the construction of a new enterprise of the rain metal defense concern, where it is planned to produce shells for the armed forces of ukraine. about 300 tractors of protesting farmers were driven to the site of laying the first stone in the city of unterlüs. a similar rally took place in zutheide, where dozens of people protested against the weapons policy and called on the government to de-escalate. local media note that rheinmetal is receiving serious benefit from the conflict in ukraine. according to the welt publication, the concern
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received 18% more orders in 2020 alone for the second year than the year before. latvia is sounding the alarm over the ongoing population decline. the country has an absolute record on the planet for population decline, local media report. the largest number of residents in the republic was in the nineties, back in the soviet period, since then there have been almost a million fewer. now there are just over 1,800 thousand left. we have closed 400 schools. 500 small populated areas disappeared from the map points, almost half a million people left, what kind of enemy did this, even during a war such damage cannot be done. instead of solving the demographic crisis, the latvian government is increasingly talking about attracting labor from third countries. economic and financial experts promote a similar point of view. on television on
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social networks, and if the official authorities convince citizens of the advisability of limited migration, then the expert community is already preparing them for the admission of a million foreigners into the country. state support large families is one of the priority areas for the development of belarus, including in housing construction. this year it is almost every third square meter. large families can take advantage of a preferential loan or subsidy. these are the priorities. will remain unchanged, the minister of architecture was noted, those in need of improved housing conditions can receive rental housing, there are plans to put into operation about 350 thousand rental meters. one of the, in my opinion, positive aspects regarding rental housing, this is still an opportunity to give our legal entities the maximum use of their resources in terms of construction, this is preferential lending, this is an opportunity to directly provide final support.
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the necessary specialists with housing, to keep them in the workplace, specifically for your employees, this is not necessary entrances, there are houses, although this is welcome, but several apartments and at a certain preferential tax rate, of course, this can be done, this is what needs to be done. such housing will be built for military personnel and citizens equivalent to them, for those who live in premises unsuitable for habitation, as well as a number of other categories. i wanted to make money on the stock exchange, but i only lost money, and scammers helped. a forty-two-year-old resident of slutsk contacted the police and said that last fall he saw an advertisement for the services of an intermediary on the stock exchange in a mobile application. everyone interested was offered to quickly and easily make money in stocks, oil, and cryptocurrencies. the man responded to the tempting offer. on the other hand, the scammers took the victim quickly. they said that communication will be built they convinced us on trust that the schemes were working. and...
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they created the illusion of winning and the man thought that he was really making money, it didn’t even bother him that he couldn’t withdraw money in a month for various reasons, in order to transfer money to the scammers, the man took out several loans. when the man finally realized that he would never receive any real income, he turned to the police. investigators have opened a criminal case for fraud on an especially large scale. a wholesale drug courier was detained in babruisk. he was identified as a nineteen-year-old college student. managed after working for a drug market for just over a month, the young specialist received a batch of goods from the curator , separated them into smaller doses and distributed them through bookmarks in the territory of bobruisk and mogilev. and in minsk, employees of the security department caught a 24-year-old foreigner red-handed, who was posting leaflets advertising an online drug store. the detainee explained that he permanently resides in a neighboring country. in one of the messengers he found an advertisement for a part-time job. the potential employer
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offered the young man a salary post in public places in the city of minsk. after the defendant agreed, he received a letter by mail.
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in addition to the official website and youtube, you can follow current news on tiktok and instagram. the content is very diverse, expert opinions, news from belarus and the world, and of course, music and entertainment. everyone will find a playlist to their liking. to hear the wondrous singing of birds in winter
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, an exposition of the feathered ones has opened in minsk. the exhibition features winged belarusian forests, as well as islands of africa, asia, australia and north america. visitors will be able to see more. in total, the exhibition brought together more than a hundred species of different birds; an interactive zone has been organized for young visitors; you can visit the singing exhibition until march 9. next is sports news, we are on air at 13:00, see you. ilya shimmanovich made it to
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the semi-finals of the 50m swim with bras. at the world aquatics championships. in bucharest. belarus, who competes in the weight category up to 87 kg, will compete in the medal fight with the winner of the confrontation between bulgarian ioan dimitrov and swede alex casidis. today , our gorekorim style wrestlers, gleb makarenko, maxim negoda,
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alexander aleonchik, stanislav shofarenko and abubakar khaslakhanov, will hold preliminary matches. watch the live broadcast of the evening session of the competition on belarus 5. internet. starts at 7 pm.
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palace and park ensembles, castles for which belarus is so famous, their rich decoration, peace, nesvesh, paskevich palace in gomel, dwellings, unique manor culture. preserved interiors from different eras and centuries. loshitsa, vankovich house. much
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made of wood, the main building material of the republic since time immemorial, and by belarusian craftsmen. much has already been restored in sovereign belarus, recreated according to surviving drawings and portraits. and also by belarusian craftsmen, like centuries ago, the republic is famous for its specialist woodworkers and is strongly associated with woodworking, an industry that has always been characteristic of it.
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restoration of the national economy. forest in the bloodless republic is the main building material. logging plans were carried out at an accelerated pace. in december 1949, at the bogdanovsky timber industry enterprise, the party cell meeting
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discussed the initiative of electric sawyer joseph gudilin. he proposed launching competitions for the best use of machinery and early implementation of the logging plan. there were a lot of questions, but goodlind stood his ground. the proposal to the “communists of les promkhoz is a deliberate and conscious step. speaking to his comrades, gudelin laid out everything on the shelves. how to organize the work more efficiently, due to which save time, how to use mechanisms to your advantage. another argument was also convincing: the republic’s enterprises joined the all-union competitions.
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which at different periods were traditionally centers of woodworking. gomel, pinsk, the largest center bobruisk, bobruisk.
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the khalturin furniture factory, which today is under penzdrevo, the mogilev factory, the zhlobin factory, ragachovskaya, two food production enterprises, the osepenka furniture factory, which carried out the kitchen, it was a very, very large enterprise, there were up to 10 thousand people employed, the volume of products produced was enormous, and the geography of supplies was the widest.
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the enterprise mastered almost all types of products that could be made from wood, millions of square meters of fibreboard, veneer, parquet , furniture, thousands of cubic meters of plywood, almost 2000 cubic meters of lumber, these were really huge... at that time the volumes of the sawmill production plan there were 160,000 cubic meters of lumber, i mean an annual figure, in one day, let's say, the shop managers had to cut 1.0 cubic meters of round wood per day, at the same time when the firewood plant consumed 750
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cubic meters, two dvf plants consumed about 1,500, fondok could be processed per day. from 2 to 2,500 roundwood. the quality is such that the company also carried out special orders, some of particular importance. in 1959 , the general director of bobruisk-drevo, alexander alexandrovich sanchukovsky, was urgently summoned to the central committee of the communist party of belarus. i had to report, huh. fulfilling an important assignment related to construction in moscow kremlin palace of congresses. the production of furniture for it was entrusted to the belarusian enterprise bobruisk drev. the object is under the control of khrushchev personally to control the execution of orders for its execution.
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the workers of the furniture factory named after the apartment were mainly involved here. this factory was considered one of the best cabinet-making factories in the country. the furniture was made of mahogany, which was imported from many countries, primarily asia and africa. then the order was completed on time, approved by management, and the hall turned out to be solemn. glory to fondoki. how about the enterprise where high-quality products were produced went far beyond the borders of our republic and country, at this time fondok had to carry out. orders for the production of furniture and fittings at lomonosov moscow university, the warsaw palace of culture
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and science were also equipped by fondoka furniture makers, work was carried out at many sites, not only in moscow and leningrad, in a number of government buildings, which means the national library of belarus. and the palace of congresses in moscow, and a lot of different objects, suzdol region, in the fifth years, the sixth five-year plan also laid new traditions, then bobruisk drev not only produced traditional types of products through woodworking, but began to make exclusive things. the main slogan of the enterprise is preserving traditions. we sometimes take on highly artistic orders, recently we had an order
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for the bulgakov palace and park ensemble, this is a stylization of 17-18th century furniture, we took on it because no one in belarus took on it, we took on it and let’s say, we were successful done. and today you can watch all this, visiting this ensemble in agrozhilich, you can see all this furniture. restoration is the reconstruction of interiors from different eras through her images. this tradition continued in sovereign belarus. today there are in polotsk, in turov, in nesvezh, in emir, they demanded today, well, a unique approach. a new stage has begun
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in the development of new technologies to create conditions for restoration without the involvement of foreign assistance. belrestavratsiya designs this furniture, makes a stylization corresponding to the century of this furniture, then according to these drawings making that masterpiece. which stands in all these castles, the nesverzh castle, the mir castle, the castle, the kupala theater, there are a lot of them, the woodworking industry of the republic opened a new page in its history, the most complex work, objects from a century-old history , are done on their own. by that time, our republic of belarus had unique teams that operated on the territory of all regions, bobrysk trees and borisov trees, ivatsevichi trees, bridges trees and
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many others, which had the ability to specifically produce those materials used in restoration. then, in the late fifties, this direction became new and unique. at the same time. a unique bobruisk woodworking school was born and created not only in the republic, but in the ussr. the fifties and sixties, a time
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of active participation of the soviet union in international exhibitions, saw belarusian woodworking enterprises demonstrate their achievements.
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the event included the presentation of woodwork, interior design and samples of exclusive handmade furniture. and these were not works enterprises, and vocational school-15. it was founded in 1958 to train personnel for bobruisk-dreva, it was called a vocational school of cabinetmakers.
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the level of the school is confirmed by numerous awards, with 637 medals from vdnkh alone. for the mogilev region, we used one of the halls as our school. this is advertising. i personally had to mount and restore each exhibition at
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vdnkh myself. here are unique first works for interiors of different styles from baroque to classicism. they made machines themselves, invented processing mechanisms. all works were individual and original. we try to preserve everything, preserve all traditions, because all these specialties are in demand, manual labor is in demand, painting restoration is in demand. the works turned out to be so interesting that a separate exposition at the exhibition was allocated in budapest, especially for the bobruisk art school. on january 7, 1971, a decree of the presidium of the supreme council of the bssr was signed on awarding the bobruisk plywood woodworking plant with the order october revolution. at the same time. more than 600
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of its employees were awarded orders and medals, among them most of the graduates of the famous art school number 15. the oldest enterprise in the republic, they are still working successfully today. it is unlikely that anyone today does not know the products of the dobruzh paper mill. not a single generation of schoolchildren in the soviet union and the republic used writing
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instruments produced there. albums, bookmarks, notepads. the company was founded in 1870. the most advanced equipment at that time was supplied equipment, thanks to which it immediately conquered the markets and was famous for its quality. in 1972 , the first paper was produced; it was made from tropium itself.


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