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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 13, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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so the danish producer sent the president of the world economic forum in davois, klaus schwab, to an extremely understandable address. based on the media reaction, this was the most striking segment of the entire event, but it was not real. artificial intelligence was also used to create the video, which has received millions of views. damon and money didn't say anything like that, but the video turned out to be so convincing that many media outlets spread it as real news. dap fake is realistic.
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years, but influenced the parliamentarian’s rating, then the joke got completely out of control. laughter is laughter, but there are things much more serious. deepfakes almost disrupted parliamentary elections in bangladesh. last december , a tub of fake videos spilled over a country of 170 million people. the videos were also created by algorithms. in one, politicians warned not to support gaza, so as not to anger the united states; in another , the oppositionist lied about his age; in one of these videos, an opposition figure spoke ambiguously about gaza, which in a predominantly muslim country that mostly sympathizes with palestine would certainly lead to political disaster. moreover , the cost of such a video, according to the financial times, did not exceed $25, the elections still took place, but because of the scandalous videos, the turnout from...
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the states in the early fifties, when they tried to frame certain leaders of southeast asia, they made masks , supposedly recorded a video with... this camera and thereby trying to discredit this or that leader or this or that politician, now deepfakes have entered mass use and, accordingly, they are used like representatives of special services in order to disseminate this or that propaganda or this or that news, and also to watch the reaction of the network of users to how certain materials created artificially...
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by intelligence will be distributed, indeed the coverage there is very large. another striking example of the use of technology in politics, the presidential elections in argentina, the media dubbed them the first artificial intelligence company. javier milei's team actively created different colorful images, and the people of sergio mas, the main opponent, represented themselves as heroes of films and even cartoons. experts call the recent elections in argentina a harmless but dangerous precedent. after all, the us presidential election is on november 7, and deepfakes can become a real information trump card in the fight for the white house. have i told you the story of the magical pistachio? one day i was lost in the grocery store and couldn't find my way out, but then i saw it, a sparkling pistachio. it told me: follow me, i will lead you to a safe place. i followed the pistachio. similar videos in
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there are a lot of them on the internet; on the eve of the elections, americans are worried. comedy aside, the 2024 presidential race will be the first election to be widely exposed to this ominous, hostile, complex and uncontrollable information environment. as a result, election campaigns and candidates themselves become extremely vulnerable to domestic foreign actors who intend to either harm them or support them, and also try to undermine or destabilize the democratic process itself. the potential for chaos is limitless. artificial intelligence and bots are poised to upend american elections. it’s not just western experts who are sounding the alarm, but the people who ran the largest digital platforms. former ceo of google. schmit said that
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the us presidential election campaign for 24 years will be full of false information that can be created by anyone. in his opinion, every politician will use. and, to harm your opponents. schmidt believes technology spreads misinformation very quickly, so you don't you can trust nothing you see or hear,” the asius portal quotes him as saying. the fakes are already participating in the presidential race and have caused a lot of noise with photos of the forceful arrest of donald trump, which quickly spread across the internet. the american press will call them terrifyingly realistic. in just a couple of days , millions of views and thousands of retweets, after which it turns out that this is all not rubbish. trump will get a hug from anthony fauci, the former chief medical adviser of the white house. he has been criticized for his misguided approach to combating covid. they wanted to shame trump with a collage of six photographs, all of them made
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by artificial intelligence, that is, not real. precisely political ones.
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star, are you nervous? i said, "no, mr. gorbachev." he said, “remember how much a polar bear weighs.” i said: polar bear, and he: enough to break the ice. and this is a digital double of vladimir putin, asking a question to the real vladimir putin. but at least they made their own deepfake, so they smiled and moved on to another topic. so i see, you can be like me and speak in my voice. but i thought. and i decided that only one person should be like myself and speak in my voice, and that person would be me. vladimir zelensky was less fortunate, although in this case, it seems, he took it from life. as i told general austin, i
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came here for more money, i brought coke, i brought prostitutes, i brought commissions, now where is my money? i need to buy? to him completely the entire region. however, zelensky and his team also learned to use artificial intelligence. here's a video from the site youtube channel. ex-kve enshchik. zelensky’s figure was digitized using special sensors and a so-called green screen. according to the idea, the digital leader can be inserted into
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any room of any size. in a word, you can do whatever you want with his image. hence the skepticism among analysts about zelensky’s trips to the front line. dmitry peskov completely turned into elon musk online and tested a new russian development. the president of belarus suddenly spoke masterfully in french on the internet, although he himself admits that he does not know this language. well, someone in the world or even in belarus knows what i am . i don’t speak french , they listen, but they can put any infection in my mouth, and people will see, is this our president or not ours, that is, this thing greatly influences the world, on people’s relationships, here we
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need to be very careful, we cannot avoid this, in general, a new reality that can change life, in russia 2 years ago they even released the world's first deep fake series. the main role in which is very well-known hollywood stars played convincingly; of course, they were created by the neural network. fire, guys. thank you for such a cool gift! and it was the advertisers of the russian bank who brought the famous character of the cult film to our days. have a nice day. although artificial intelligence came to light much earlier, after trump’s victory in 2016, one of the scandals concerned the big data processing technology, which allegedly helped the businessman win. cnn reported that london-based cambridge analytica received
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more than 5 million dollars. this structure, using various methods of analysis, could convince american voters to vote for trump. the company's specialists studied about 5,000 different parameters and created a psychological portrait of a person. a lot of things were taken into account: political leanings, voting in previous elections, favorite tv shows and stores. according to. find the optimal individual approach to a potential supporter, in simple terms, do not scatter propaganda randomly, but send it only to specific people on social networks or home. americans could receive messages even while watching their favorite tv projects. if previously candidates traveled around the country and held rallies, today it is technology.
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blackmail or gain access to classified information, change your voice, type the boss, ask for whatever you want. in 2019, scammers used this technology to rob a british energy company. in a telephone conversation, the attacker pretended to be the general director of the head german division of the company and demanded urgently transfer 220,000 euros to the account of a certain supplier company. after the payment has been sent. the scammer called twice more, the first time to lull the british office staff and inform them that
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the head office had already sent a refund for this amount, and the second time to request another transfer. moreover, all three times the head of the british division was absolutely sure that he was talking with his boss; he recognized both his german accent and the timbre and manner of speech. a year later, using voice deepfakes, it was already possible to deceive a large japanese company, the name is not... the exact amount is also, but after a phone call the scammers account left several tens of millions of dollars. if you receive an unusual call, pay attention to the sound quality, unnatural monotony of the voice, slurred speech, noise. remember that the effect of surprise is a weapon of attackers who expect to cause you to panic, experts noted. experts advised not to trust suspicious calls and not to provide personal information. for serious cases it is possible come up with code words that will help you understand who is on the other end of the line
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(deepfake) or a familiar person. such pranks can lead not only to losses, but also become a formidable weapon to blow up society. the fakes have not yet been unleashed, they have not broken off deep relationships, but for some reason i want to add an alarming prefix for now, because the avalanche of artificial intelligence is only gaining momentum. using computer vision technologies and natural processing. language, speech synthesis recognition, and intelligent support decision-making can lead, in particular , to the collection of a huge amount of personal data, the substitution of real information messages with false ones, significant material damage due to erroneous actions of officials at the highest level, while for management systems of the nuclear industry, aviation traffic, emergency situations or military infrastructure, the consequences of such actions may prove irreparable. recognizing facial substitution is becoming increasingly difficult; the easiest option is to pay attention to facial expressions, according to its
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uncharacteristic features may indicate a fake. deepfakes have many other weak points, for example, they can be identified by poor lip synchronization, skin with different shades, flickering at the edges of the face, unnatural eye movement, strange -looking hair and teeth, unnaturalness when the playback speed is slowed down, and inconsistency of highlights in the eyes of the illuminated eyes. ..
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we must defend it as quickly as possible, try to shoot it down on takeoff, when they have not yet begun to rapidly spread, but exactly the same work must be done with propaganda in general, and not just political, everything. deepfakes today are like a ticking time bomb; you never know what’s inside, when the countdown will start, and what the extent of damage from digital weapons will be. in a word , interaction with artificial intelligence , you must definitely turn on your intelligence and trust only... the official source of information, so there is less chance of drowning in the wave of a fake world, happily,
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we, the young generation of sovereign belarus , must remember the past and appreciate the present, in order for our.. . knowing belarus, lived in peace and creation. indeed, public life has always aroused great interest, and while studying at my school, from the eighth grade, i was elected secretary of the primary organization of secondary school no. 1 in the city of novolukoml, in principle , probably from that moment, an active social life began, election at school secretary, well, it was very honorable, probably important, and indeed, among my classmates there was no such thing as that i was the secretary of the primary organization, but on the contrary, it was just very pleasant when the guys, with
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with whom we studied, let’s say, expressed trust and... of course, helping veterans is the sacred duty of absolutely every belarusian, because thanks to these people today we can, in principle, live under a peaceful sky, calmly walk down the street, participate in various kinds of events , actions, projects that we offer today, which are being initiated by young people today, in principle for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think this, and the most
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important thing that can only be is the emotions that you experience after volunteering events are probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently held a charity concert that we held, this is one of the first, probably significant events in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i still probably have such i feel as if we have turned the world upside down. bersam is the future homeland to be built by young people, of course today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can... not stay away from all the events that are happening in the country, first of all, of course, the youth should love their country and rightfully be proud that they live in a peaceful, independent, prosperous belarus, because indeed the support for youth in our country, like in no other country, is colossal and the youth feel it, the most important thing will be the return from the youth , if she simply appreciates and respects all this, the
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most important thing, of course, is to increase peace and creativity in the year. we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us through prayerful liturgical services to meet this holiday. therefore, this day is mainly dedicated to remembering the events associated with the birth of christ. we will introduce you to ancient relics and miraculous icons. occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple, not far from the altar, people with their prayers always resort to this image, asking the mother of god to help with their needs.
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this is what beauty, this is what power, this is what strength, as they say, there was a time to scatter stones, a time to collect them. watch spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. there are wide, clean the streets, it seems like you can breathe well here, i don’t know, i really love coming here, it’s true that some people are special.
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i always like large dimensions, on everyone or on tv, well, the second thing, the children of them have a question for an adult, i’m ready
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, then let’s start, what will happen if you turn off your phone for the whole day, the heroes of the program have to open up to the audience, the main task - honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions, well, you understand that children can sometimes... ask very awkward questions, that’s cool, i love it uncomfortable questions, do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, i noticed you have very cute shoes, and could you tell me how to walk in heels correctly? the very first thing that can cause you to fall is when your socks start to braid one after the other. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. adventures of foreigners in belarus. good day. my name is.
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watch the travel project white dew on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing.


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