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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 14, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican , how interesting, it seems to me that he is italian, you can only rely on your own strength here, this is the borisoglebsk church , it is located in the grodno region, who doubted you, victor, he is simply tearing everyone apart, the game , which will not leave anyone indifferent, what is one thousandth of a meter called, a prokhor of 1 km is... 1. m, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth of a meter, an exhaustive answer, prohar, thank you very much and a smile at the end like an exclamation point , and dmitry, what do you think, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, and what type of minerals, i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prohar can answer absolutely any question, is it a mineral , does it burn, no, look intellectually entertainment project,
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the dollar, euro and yuan strengthened against the russian ruble. so, the current rates for the national bank: the dollar has risen in price to 3.22, the euro has added quite a bit, 3.47. for 10 yuaniya they give 4 rubles. 45 kopecks for 100 russians they ask for 3.54. industry increased production volumes + 7.7% over the past year and 187 billion rubles. in absolute numbers. this data is provided by the government.
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this is still one of the drivers of growth in our economy; according to forecasts, the same trend will continue this year, especially since it has been declared the year of quality to maintain the brand of tasks for everyone. many enterprises have planned the implementation of investment projects, modernization, expansion of production geography and, of course, obtaining a quality mark. this is a significant plus for the brand image. anton malyuta visited factories found out what goals the teams set for this year. these areas of the vileika zenith will soon be in full swing with life, in order to produce innovative products you need the appropriate equipment, a major update, part of the project, the implementation of which is planned until 2025, and of course, this is already a requirement of the time, 60% of the funds have already been spent, that is, the total funding is somewhere around 21 million. and of this, about
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18 million is the innovation fund of the regional executive committee and 3 million is its own funds, the end of the project is somewhere in the twenty-fifth year, currently, we have already purchased, here in front of you there are four milling machines with program control and four turning machines, and this year we expect to purchase another 11 units, and the total complexity... 32 units of modern equipment for which we are preparing, one might say, the new site where this equipment will be located will be a modern workshop with cnc machines. and among the manufacturer’s no less ambitious plans is to receive a state quality mark in order to determine which products to put forward for competition, they are waiting for the final regulations, where clear rules will be spelled out, but as history shows.
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the flagship models of the factories received the coveted emblem, as was the case at bilaz, and here they set a goal to repeat their success. we hope to see modern affairs soon. also a sign of quality , in my opinion, i don’t know, maybe someone has different opinions, maybe another car will get it, but the breadwinner who now feeds the whole of belarus, belas, all our families, this is a load capacity class of 130 tons, we are very dense we hold the palm of the world championship in this class of carrying capacity, and the machine is very popular , all our consumers really like it, that is, this is once again confirmation of the brand, which already...
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could change geography, this did not affect the volumes, however, as well as the quality of the products, based on this today we have a high demand for our products, we have a portfolio of orders for the next 2 years, and there are development plans for the development of new types of products, new models of machines, our immediate future is to carry out a comprehensive modernization of existing production facilities, updating the maximum fleet of machine equipment, an investment project has been developed. the final stages of approval are currently underway, and financing will begin in the near future using credit resources from the russian federation. the entire belarusian industry is setting a course for development today. the quality mark is just the culmination of daily work for results. well, after no contracts, you need to constantly
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confirm your high status and promote domestic goods in foreign markets. anton malyuta, alexander oleshka, ivan mozgo and pavel poznyakov. area of ​​interest. and that ’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon.
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hello, viewer, my name is igortur , this is my propaganda, let’s begin: the whole last week passed at the highest level under the flag of uzbekistan , our president alexander lukashenko went to this country for a long negotiation marathon about how they were met, what they said, what? the contracts were signed in recent days already a lot, so allow me to get straight to the specifics: alexander lukashenko and shavkat mirziyoyev are discussing cooperation in pharmaceuticals. and now i have two health ministers in the delegation, somewhere vladimir
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stepanovich, and the current one, yesterday, and the current one. hop down, ministers, we were discussing pharmaceuticals. shavkat miramonovich’s is brilliant. relations with china, with india, with all these countries that produce the substance, to produce the substance, here i say vladimirich correctly, this is not a cheap matter, just as it is not cheap, quite harmful, yes, yes, it’s all not easy, and we buy substances, develop our own pharmaceutical production, so i say shavkat miravonovich, why are we interested, not only you, they, yes, they are interested, 20%, 22 produce their own drugs.
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exclusively for this project, and the buyer is obliged to pay for the product, even if he no longer needs it. now the goods he needs, and this goods are produced , let’s use the example from pharmaceuticals that shavkat merziyoyev offers belarus, let’s say uzbekistan needs conditionally 20 per year million flu vaccines, let’s say we don’t have them and we don’t produce them yet, but we definitely have all the necessary competencies for this. minsk and tashkent agree on the following deal: the two countries invest. different shares in the production of influenza vaccines in belarus with a volume of 20 million per year, then minsk undertakes to
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supply strictly to tashkent all these 20 million vaccines annually for 10 years. tashkent, accordingly, undertakes to buy these 20 million vaccines every year for 10 years, no matter what happens, or, alternatively, a new one production is not being created, the belarusian one is working, but the essence is exactly the same. we get production, we get jobs . and guarantees for 10 years of export earnings. uzbekistan receives guarantees for the same 10 years of absence of problems with the availability of influenza vaccines and a projected non-market price for these same vaccines. let me emphasize once again: the oftake contract is concluded for a product that has not yet been produced, and since it has not been produced, its price is unclear. and the price for the annual supply of 10 million vaccines must also be included in the contract. it's pretty obvious that the cost of a vaccine today in 2034 could be very different. then what price? the pricing formula for contracts can be anything from pegging to any currency to
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increasing coefficients based on gdp growth, inflation growth, and so on, but most often, if today a vaccine costs 50 rubles, the take contract for 10 years includes a cost close to median, that is, how much will the vaccine cost approximately in 5 years out of ten, taking into account inflation, let’s say it’s 75 rubles, and after another 5 years the vaccine will cost, let’s say 100, having concluded a contract and begun... its implementation, from the first year we begin to supply vaccines to uzbekistan at the price not of the twenty -fourth year, that is, not at 50, but at the price of the twenty-ninth year, that is, at 75, it is profitable for us, yes, of course, what is the benefit of uzbekistan? most often, the offtaker resolves the issue through the exclusivity of this product on the market, which is a bit reminiscent of a monopoly, but still it is not one. by buying a vaccine from us for 75 rubles, when it costs 50, uzbekistan makes strong-willed political decisions that make our seventy-five the most profitable vaccine on the market. the most obvious uzbek example is their take-up contract with general motors, which
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built an assembly plant in uzbekistan for chevrolets, which most uzbeks drive today. by political decision, economically, chevrolet became the best offer on the market, because duties on the import of other cars into the country soared in price. now, by the way, tashkent is rolling back the duties, that is, the second phase of execution of the oftake contract is underway, and we will return to vaccines. uzbekistan. we need guarantees and they are ready to buy our vaccine for 5 years at a price of 75 rubles, when its real price starts at 50 in the first year, it grows year by year, but during the second five-year contract the real price of the vaccine becomes more than 75 rubles. strives for 100, but tashkent continues to buy it for the same 75 rubles, as written in the contract, that is, even if we simplify, no one loses anything, we receive excess income in the first five-year period, losing in proportion to excess revenue in the second, uzbekistan is the opposite, but uzbekistan receives no headaches in medicine, they will have stable vaccines for decades, and
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we get production with jobs and competencies, which, after the contract is closed, we can use at our discretion. and now the most important thing is that it is believed that contracts at the state level can only be concluded by countries with a strong government, when there is mutual guarantee that someone else will not come to power and break the contract, so when shavkat mirziyoyev talks about... contract, when alexander lukashenko supports the idea, when igor tur is on air talking about economics, it's not really about economics, it's about politics. the following conclusions can be traced in this economic topic: tashkent is confident that the power in minsk will be monolithic for decades, and minsk is confident that the power in uzbekistan will be monolithic for the same period. and this means that you can work in the economy more decisively, because the risks are insured. that's the reason, in my opinion, why this presidential visit is valid. in
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uzbekistan, by the way, political reforms took place with an increase in the presidential term to 7 years, and i personally i categorically support it, because 5 years of an electoral cycle, strategically, is, frankly speaking, not enough. immediately after his re-election, shavkat mirziyoyev initiated a grand strategy for the development of uzbekistan until 2030, this is exactly the time that he had already guaranteed. will be the leader of his country, and since there is a strategy, then obviously tashkent is not primarily interested in what the trade turnover with someone will be this year or next, this is not so important, they are interested in how the outcome will be... what may it become -that negative. uzbekistan needs guaranteed partners for the years ahead, who would remain partners in any market situation, and alexander lukashenko understands this very well and says the following: belarus is in a soviet, high-tech
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state, a state that has come out in a year. i emphasize once again that we did not destroy it, we preserved it, basically it is located in these giant enterprises, such as mas and so on, our television enterprises are in the hands of the state, we also did not cut them into pieces and were not distributed to private traders, let me translate the most understandable language: the president has strong power in belarus, and if he shakes
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hands with his uzbek colleague and agrees that we will conditionally sell belas to them for a million, then... there are guarantees that only for a million they will buy it, even if prices from competitors soar, even if at the plant in zhodina they argue economically that it should be sold for 200 million, it will still be the best offer on the market, if he promised for a million, then it will only be so, without unnecessary discussions and any lamentations , if necessary, there will be a corresponding blow with the fist on the table, saying that we agreed, we will fulfill exactly as we agreed, in these words you can try... to find disadvantages, saying that it’s great that we we will somehow help uzbekistan, but not to the detriment of ourselves, but here i will give another quote from alexander lukashenko, which says that with all the friendship of the presidents, they agree, rigidly defending the interests of their countries of people, i will say this: every time alexander grigorievich says that we we help someone, russia , uzbekistan, vietnam, venezuela, zimbabwe and so on,
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we need to remember that priority, economically, we help ourselves, it has such... uzbekistan, because we took your country in central asia as a basis, a country with which we must first develop relations. and now i’ll make an important disclaimer: theoretically , economists have already raised me to the pitchfork, because i... greatly simplified the contract scheme, but i’ll note here that i’m outlining the essence in general, so that all viewers can understand, we don’t have an economic our column, frankly speaking, is propaganda, and i even do a little propaganda. the previous time alexander lukashenko visited uzbekistan was back in the fall of 2018, then i flew with the president to tashkent, where, among other things, i was impressed that
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the roads there are all white chevrolets, only a little more than 5 years have passed, i do report from the current trip. alexander lukashenko to uzbekistan, where i talk about exactly the same white chevrole cars about exactly the same scheme of cooperation between tashkent and by general motors. then i open the comments under my report on youtube and start reading, as a priority, what the uzbeks write there. among the comments about what a great guy alexander grigorievich is, what fraternal peoples of belarus and uzbekistan are, and so on, i find other comments that all these chevrolets are cars for the poor, but i would like to have some. others, so that with a little more show-off and in general the duty on the import of foreign cars in tashkent was allegedly invented by officials of uzbekistan, now the duties are being unscrewed back so that naturally they themselves buy all sorts of bmws and mercedes. you know , funny enough, only 5 years have passed between, thank you for the fact that now we can all buy a car, and not walk, ride a bicycle or ride a horse-drawn cart, and today's
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dismissive, it's all a car for the poor. i read these comments and smiled, because it’s like ours. comfort grows and grows, along with it expectations grow, and we very quickly forget how just yesterday we dreamed that today is the norm for us. i also smiled when i saw alexander’s footage grigorievich on the mountain slopes. i have no doubts, naturally, that lukashenko and mirziyoyev at the amer soi resort really discussed the joint training of athletes with an emphasis on winter sports, but i am personally glad that the president, who, unlike western politicians, has no exists. let alone a vacation, that he was able to find time to ski, because he loves it, he was able to do something, even for an hour, not for the country, but for himself personally.


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