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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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collect, watch spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of the civilian population of unarmed children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian aid helping those who may be killed tomorrow, but... this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 inhabitants of the gas sector. the number of wounded exceeded 56,000. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war. this is a war crime. the west is already dividing up
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the remnants of ukraine, don’t wait for the end of the special military operation, they are basically not interested in the latter. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel . the song of iradzima is still standing, maybe everything will change, but the yans are not falling, don’t know about the smoke in the spring, the rain is clear, only this will not be an hour, there will be an eternal life, as well as life, bright folk words, a monthly strain on the grass, and no life will be great. the sand is yours,
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the pain of the pain is great, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, and there is a life.
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god gave wings to some, and a pender to others, yes, it seems like both are flying, but what are the different trajectories, perspective? 34 trillion, the us national debt mark has been reached, they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost. all politics is based on this now , it’s very nice to talk about democracy, to actually make money from human blood, we have different motivations, these people only want money, we are committed to creation, thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich for what we have peace, order and that we don’t have war, many don’t understand this, it’s like air that you don’t notice, when it runs out you begin to realize what you’ve lost. the markov project is nothing personal. watch on
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belarus 24 tv channel. a new issue and a new meeting with interesting interlocutors, we record the main events and try to figure out the cause. investigative connection, today we are helped in this by a retired colonel of the foreign intelligence service, mgimo professor andrei bezrukov. andrey olegovich, hello, glad to see you as always. good afternoon, mutually. 2024 is an election year around the world; the main attention, of course, will be focused on the election campaigns in
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russia and the united states. let's start with the first one. many people say that russia is now doing more than just the choice is political, and the choice is fateful, and not only for the russians themselves. do you agree with this?
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both from the point of view of its internal development, and from the point of view of its international situation and international, let’s say, even so mission by and large. russia is now a country that is, well, how can i put it, if not the leader, then one of the leaders of the growing movement for the redivision of the world , for making the world multipolar, for making this world more...
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a system that was would be more fair which would help innovation , help economic growth, now we were pushed, in fact, into restructuring our entire system, into restructuring our entire country, we, of course, wanted this, because we understood that the country cannot live according to those patterns, which were prescribed for her by the west, and this period ends. and just the elections now show the rise of new forces in the country, and the rise of patriotic forces, because many who disagree, many of those for whom
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the nineties, for whom the nineties were a wonderful time, who profited from in the nineties, all their comrade, who served them ideologically, entertained them, and so on,
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won’t it come to a civil confrontation, because from the outside it seems that there is some incredible intensity of passions? well, look, on the one hand , you shouldn’t exaggerate, the united states... the states are a rich country, there is still a margin of safety, and this is a country that, in general, has felt united for the last 150 years, it has lived together, it has forgotten the experience of the civil war, but the conflict that we see now is deep, it is primarily economic, it is conflict, let's...
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there was the main question itself, how to divide the money , why is this so, the american audience
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was distracted by the climate, the battle of the sexes, all sorts of other things, but this question will come, this is the first, the second is that in the united states now has two economies, a ruling class in itself, they are fighting for cash flow, what part of this? ruling class - will have the ability to distribute this flow, for the last 40 years financiers have done this, media people have done this, people involved in high technologies, and they are concentrated in a fairly narrow geographical framework, these are large cities, these are new york, miami, san francisco and...
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in the middle of summer, it can nominate absolutely any person, not necessarily
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the one who wins the priimaries, and looking at this situation, such a tough redistribution of the political and fierce political competition, everyone understands that this entire election season will be even dirtier than the previous ones, that they will dig under candidates and under parties even more brutally.
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a broken country and can’t do anything, and becomes the worst president in the history of the united states, well, who needs that, yes, wouldn’t it be easier for him to spend another 20 years, and he’s 45, about 45, yes, wouldn’t it be easier for him to sit for another 20 years , wait until finally the country somehow more or less finds itself, when the wind blows in the other direction, then become the best
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president who pulled the country out of this hole, yes, well, all the politicians are watching... who will be accountable for this who will be accountable for whom they will ask both their people and those who bet on them from abroad as a battering ram against russia, you, to the extent you were able to fulfill this function, you took one country,
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and you left it for descendants better or worse, by the way, the same question will be asked and..
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.to say that they will comply with some, i won’t even say, rules of the game, no, some, in general, universal, humanitarian rules, i would not undertake, because this is not their territory, you can do anything with it, anything, remember, the germans, in the second world war, what they didn’t do in ukraine, it was
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land, belarus is strengthening ties in central asia , the official visit of the president to uzbekistan , just like that, precedes, as they say, for us this is a partnership, which, first of all, nikolavich, is the development of its multi-vector political component and to some extent replacing those losses, which we suffered in the european part or... twice as much as belarus, but in terms of population 36 million, so just in case, the country with the highest dynamics, so to speak, demographic in this region and the richest
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country, we must not forget about this , this and gold, this is oil, this is gas, these are rare earth metals, well, probably a very important direction. uranium, we have our own nuclear power plant, we needed it, and this region has been doing very well for many years. countries of central asia, because this entire central asian region, more than 80 million people live there, these are very great opportunities
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for our real industry, the real sector of the economy, the food industry, textiles, this is the organization of joint ventures, suffice it to say that only on the belarusian universal commodity exchange, the number of uzbek enterprises registered has reached almost...
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the independence of the country, why is such a meeting of the president being strengthened, every forum of regions, this is strengthening the sovereignty of the economy, ties are being strengthened, sales are being strengthened, how many contracts have already been signed at the forum of regions, here information that the forum of regions has already led to the signing of dozens of contracts that are mutually beneficial to both belarus and uzbekistan. what is uzbekistan? this is the center of the silk road, look at the countries with which it borders. it's not just uranus. these are not only other valuable materials, which means the materials
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that are there, what can be done there, it is also the logistics center of asia, this time. second, how does the policy of a sovereign state differ from that of a non-sovereign state? now, everything that the president has done in matters of foreign policy over the course of these years has always been such aggressive work, aggressive in the good sense of the word national. around the world, central asia is a prospect. and the third conclusion, today, using the example of this visit of all lukashenko’s visits, africa, the middle east, which means work in
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the post-soviet space. what did the west want after 1920? isolate us? a complete failure of insulation. in our place of isolation, on the contrary, our international authority has grown. moreover, it grows all over the world and even in europe. where they wanted and even in europe today they listen to our country. that's the main one. well, then let's go to those topics, i think that we will discuss a lot more reasons, these are the meetings, the agreements that were in uzbekistan, let's go to the events that are exciting these days news reports, this is, of course, ukraine. the topic of the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny as a symptom, zelensky broke the silence, in an interview with the italian channel rai admitted, i am thinking about this replacement, but it cannot be said that we would replace only one person, this is a problem that... zaluzhny himself brought the dispute to the public field with a high-profile article for cnn, from which it follows that he still believes in victory over russia, and considers
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drones to be the main means of warfare. and a combination of missiles with them. and yet, it all sounds like a signal, however, it is not clear to whom exactly the commander in chief is sending it. washington, through sullivan , has already stated that it will not interfere in kiev’s possible decision to dismiss the commander-in-chief. what kind of game are they playing at the bank? alex sergeevich? look, first of all, it’s scary that i won’t even start with that. so i listened to zelensky, yes, and i would like to hear something else. that would be his best statement, the only one in the entire time of his work in kiev, he comes out and says: the whole team that came with me, we sold ukraine, we admit that we have betrayed everything, we are all leaving together, we are all leaving, we ask that our voluntary departure become a mitigating circumstance in the trial of the ukrainian people over us, but this will not happen, now what is happening, based on the example of the games around zaluzhny’s resignation, becomes obvious. who
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is waging war with the russian federation? all personnel decisions are not made in ukraine. when the united states says: “we will not interfere, i have never heard a greater lie in my life. in fact, this resignation has not happened so far only because the western partners oppose this resignation. now why does zelensky want to change? this is the tragedy, where i started, and then moved on to another topic. the tragedy is that they are sitting in kiev, zelensky, his entourage. think not about ukraine, but how to prolong their power, a loser for them is a political figure who poses a risk for them, today they are trying to blame, the first person to blame for the mobilization, which they are now additionally making a bill according to which they will mobilize even those , who can’t crawl, they are trying to blame it all on zaluzhny, on the leadership of the ukrainian army, then it means political ambitions, all ukrainians already hate
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it, in fact, about... they can deploy the army to use it for obviously there were real fears that zaluzhny was persecuting zelensky, hence task,
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they write.
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events took place near moscow, he removed half of his generals, then there were the events of the battle of stalingrad, a similar decision, for what? i had to pamper myself, show that the generals were to blame, but not to blame politicians, mr. zelensky is trying to play the same card today, we must give it his due, here he is as a showman, as a person who does not quite understand what is happening around him, he succumbs to influence. and so let's say, it is led by a producer, and the producer in this case is the united states, this is great britain, which sponsors this regime, this is probably their intended option to show that he is not guilty, he was stopped in time, and zero was there for in order to explain, dear, for now there is no one for you to change, a person has a certain weight in society, he
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actually fights, that is, you will not... agree in this case with this publication, which believes that he came precisely to tell the poor man: don’t rock the boat on zelensky, don’t you dare talk about one a little wrong, i would say here... they, she tried to find a balance between them, to give both one and the other some kind of assurance that today their tandem can still, should, take place and act in the interests of third parties, let's call it so, specifically regarding zaluzhny, he has a fairly good rating in ukraine, he is perceived because he is one of the few commanders who, during zelensky’s presidency, changed four defense ministers, four.
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these are the main motives, will zelensky remove the zaluzhny, of course he will remove, this is obviously a matter of time, the fact is that we do not forget the figure of the newly appointed minister of defense of ukraine, he is a roguish person, mr. umerov, of course, he is not an ethnic ukrainian, which adds to the outrage among ukrainian military personnel, and of course he too...
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the white house will not interfere in the decision kiev, this of course looks funny, but it’s especially funny when, on the one hand, they play democrats, on the other hand, they do what is now happening with the journalist tycker carlson, who did not have time to appear in moscow, somewhere in a puddle of the bolshoi theater, here there are already such statements from the democrats that it is almost necessary to deprive him of his citizenship, lock him up for life, betray him to satanism, what is this, what a disgrace, look.
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criminal, now we are returning to belarus, this is how we dealt gently with those who betrayed our homeland in the twentieth year, these people, this worse than if we take american logic. if they have a criminal journalist who is just interviewing, then who are those who really betrayed the country, those who sold it for pennies, that means they left, are now sitting there in warsaw, vilnius, you see what double standards, the second point , it is already obvious to the whole world, i have not seen, frankly, neither in europe nor in other countries, that anyone believed these words of the americans about democracy and freedom, it has turned so much into dust over the years. you know, the first bell was then, when there was the invasion of iraq, the bombing
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of yugoslavia, even then many sensible people asked this question. i recently , i advise you all, reconsider the speech of the president of our country in the state duma of russia in the mid-nineties, which means it was, i don’t remember, ninety-four, ninety-five , you know, i included, that’s all that’s happening now, he then he spoke about the middle east, that he met with the leaders of many countries b... for whom the main thing is to prolong the war as long as possible , what kind of democracy, everyone is already laughing, at
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against this backdrop, europe is nearby, which no longer knows how to explain to its own population, who are transporting shit into the central squares of european cities, why they should continue to give money from the european pockets of ordinary citizens to continue the war, that biden had a chance to be re-elected, but they continue, but continue . no, there is no sovereignty, that’s the problem, shows where they fight not with the help of physical strength, as you know, playing sports contributes to the production of the hormone of happiness, our program, by the way, has the same effect, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, who won the 2023 belarusian
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field hockey cup? arseniy, the press builder , absolutely true, but activity will also play a role, the topic is football, this argentine player won the 22nd world cup with the national team, and also scored the winning goal in the final of the 2021 copa america, i hope it is messi, it is not right. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. editors club. the essence of everything that happens is the struggle for resources, because these western centers, the usa, great britain, europe, they cannot live at their own expense, they must constantly rob and absorb someone. an absolute feeling of impunity and what they can do.
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the usa, they promised us in the ninety-first year that they would ensure peace and security throughout the planet of prosperity, they failed to cope with this leadership, it all started, well, relatively speaking, it already started in ukraine. the middle east, yemen, ecuador, coups in africa, all conflicts around the world will be reset, and this boomerang will definitely reach europe. don’t miss on the belarus 24 tv
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channel the recent speech before the exercises of the commander of the air force, nato forces, what he called for, get ready for war, for normal residents, for example, in the united states, when there was such a call in the sixties, it was a panic, people began to leave , this happened during kennedy’s time, today it is taken for granted,
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why? because, despite the fact that people are constantly being told that there will be a war, they are not ready today. look, a very important thought, we are now we will develop it, join us colleagues , well, this illustrates that people have begun to determine not only by the ruble, by the euro that something is going wrong, but also what is called their immediate security, this is what nato is not about protecting its own members, and as a threat to enemies, is confirmed by this fact:
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the residents of the lithuanian city of mariampoly were scared to death by the exercises, which no one warned them about, walking along the streets of the city... a war scenario in the event of an attack by russia, which may soon happen, that is the population is really scary on purpose, but now we look at europe, here is europe, every day we see what is happening now in european cities, farmers, that is, and not only farmers, are on strike, throwing crap, millions of migrants, tens of millions
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of migrants, at this time macron comes out and says: tomorrow we have mobilization, we are going to war with russia, so he and his wife will go, he will not go. now his people will put pitchforks on him, go fight, this is impossible, which means it is impossible neither in austria nor in germany, war machine europe, it lies at the bottom, now about the risks , what is really dangerous, why are we going to raise our defense capabilities, poland, lithuania are our neighbors, tell the poles there too to go fight, except there are crazy nationalists, and then they will talk, pee , beat up a migrant, kill a defenseless person at the border, which means a muslim, they can do that. that means, today i tell them, go to the front, everyone will run away from mobilization, all of europe will float away, that means to the usa to canada, and the usa will not defend europe, article 5 of nato, myth, lie, deception, not a single american soldier will die for lithuania, lithuania simply will not exist if there were a real conflict, but russia and belarus
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will never attack it, this is nonsense, what is the risk? the americans invested millions of dollars in poland, in this militarization, in weapons and in the army. they have plans to create another war conflict zone in the european union. what is the best way to do this, through the most subordinate country, which one?
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in fact, today we did everything for peace. that's when we are constantly in this studio we are talking about war, the audience must understand, our president, our military, our special services, over the years have done everything precisely to ensure that there is no war, because the only way to avoid war, they are conducting exercises there, they will deliver 5,000 tanks on the way , airplanes, that’s when they will see and they see that we are strong, when they see political unity, our determination to defend our homeland. then they won’t interfere, they’ll see that we have weakened, and the stake is always on internal political conflict, look at presidential
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elections in russia, unity around the president of russia, but still they found a fifth column, this is my opinion, he is hopeful, what a traitor to the country he is, which means that everyone in the west is already united, but we should have understood a long time ago, the west’s stake one , to split from within, to make this political protester out of someone, to try to make a maidan, a square, as soon as there is a split...
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now we are looking at what is happening in our neighbors, literally the day before yesterday on monday in lithuania a military camp was opened, magnificent, created using the latest technologies, in the city of rakintiskis, before that 2 weeks in the city of pajuris 2 weeks ago, opened for the first time in 30 years and another military camp with all communications, from the entire logi was handed over to the lithuanian military. in march the construction of the third
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military town, siauliai, will be completed , a logical question is asked, by the way, each town is designed to accommodate approximately a battalion group of 800 people, the question is asked: why, when we build hospitals, schools, clinics, enterprises, they arm themselves. they are building military camps for the first time, i note, in 30 years, which means that there is some kind of strategy, within the framework of this strategy the issue of military confrontation is probably being considered, therefore, from my point of view , we must under no circumstances relax, think about the mobilization potential western countries will not have it, which is also probably wrong, this is a question of technology. literally several propaganda films, some series, some speeches by public opinion leaders, so we
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already see millions of poles yearning, for example, to go to the eastern front , this is a question of technology, yes, until they sort it out, time will pass, so in this difficult situation, the work of our military-political leadership, the president, is very important , so that god forbid we don’t get into this, let’s talk about it separately, now we’ll dwell on this separately, it’s just that when we discuss all their plans, in parallel there is
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how obama, which means he was called a great peacemaker who started wars, secondly , all these awards, from the nobel prize to others, have long turned into a geopolitical circus. unfortunately, politics has penetrated into all these areas, they are already nominating people who have nothing to do with this, and by the way, this is proof of only one thing that we constantly talk about, how information war and propaganda is in the first place today, because this was done on purpose, this specially. done in order to fool millions of people that nato is supposedly a peace-loving state, and will still return to war, so yuri expressed his position, which means that of course we cannot relax, if we relaxed, we would already attacked, they don’t attack us for only one simple reason, they know that nothing will work out, if nato saw at least a 10% chance of victory over belarus for russia, the attack would have happened today, all these
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bases that they are setting up, they hope . what if they win by military means , why bases are being prepared in lithuania, why they are preparing some things, they hope that it didn’t work out in 2020, in 24th they see, well, damn it, it won’t work, already it’s clear that it won’t work out, there are 2 weeks left before the elections, in they don’t believe in the twenty-fifth year, but we won’t relax, but there is hope in the thirtieth and beyond, thirty-fifth, forty, suddenly the belarusians and russians will tremble, what if they want a maidan activist, what if they give it a ride, what if? no one can destroy us from the outside, only us from the inside, by the way, our president is talking about this, this is what they are looking at, but the fact that our army, the military can now repel
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europe as a whole taken together. to the entire nato taken together, this proves only one fact: they have not yet attacked us as they would like destroy, but will not attack yet. now it is being actively developed and revised, discussed, people are delving into it, and apparently people are quite actively involved in discussions of military doctrine. now we see how nato members are preparing, so we will respond with what, not just with a general, let’s say, certainly set, that anything can be written down, as we have this document accordingly.
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i don’t want to talk about details, everyone will have an open character, everyone will be able to watch it if they want, but it’s very important question, we have clearly stated that we are considering not only the military component, we are looking at the political, informational, what was just said, and what do you think, your colleagues, in this case i say, your colleagues, meaning your military component , they saw that they had probably already
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completely revised the draft military doctrine, unlike many. there is no need to interfere with belarus, oh, it has the strength, means and readiness to defend its sovereignty, territorial integrity, it adequately perceives today’s situation, clearly assesses it, understands who her friends are, who her enemies are, and most importantly, she has everything necessary to ensure her own national security. two points three. i would also like to draw attention to the point that we never said, but in it we noted that we wrote down the possibility of a military response to the impact on our critical infrastructure. we have always been shy and
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silent, but in other states this has been written for a long time, and we enshrine it in our doctrine. we clearly tell the whole world that we are not a threat to anyone, but no offense to ourselves we'll give it. we have prescribed the possibility of using our own forces. in the uec events, we prescribed the possibility of using the potential to solve problems in all states, our csto states, plus the political component, how we will interact with all political organizations in the military sphere, this is all in this document, we clarified the composition of the forces of the state, military organization of the state in full. volume that can be used to solve problems, by and large we have prescribed a nationwide character defense of the state , what i was talking about, what kind of criticism, so you asked a question, so i laughed, laughed, it’s still an old worn-out
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record from poland and lithuania, our crazy people there who are sitting there, what did they see in the doctrine, as always, the loss of the sovereignty of belarus, as always, is nonsense, that is, the loss of the sovereignty of poland, when they have complete nato, everything decides for them, and... they woke up, oh some kind of base , the lithuanians of lithuania, who don’t ask at all, the lithuanians are waking up, the americans soldiers rape a lithuanian girl or molest her, then this is not a loss of sovereignty, when belarus builds an alliance with russia, strengthens its state sovereignty on equal terms, on an equal basis, ensures peace on its territory, they have, as always for 30 years , the same nonsense.
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