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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 15, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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on a criminal case for drug trafficking with intent to sell. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. he's further on in the program. he showed ingenuity and dexterity, but forgot about conspiracy. a thirty-four-year-old swindler who stole 16 mobile phones from a store, naturally past the cash register, was detained in the capital. a representative of a telecommunications service provider contacted the police for help. he reported that from the stamps. gadgets disappeared, it happened at night, the amount of damage was about 16,000 rubles. soon the detectives detained the intruder. it was established that the detainee, while intoxicated, came to a night store located on the ground floor of a metropolitan shopping center. while in the room, the defendant noticed an opening between the ceiling and the wall, through which he entered the retail outlet on the second floor. there he put 16 gadgets in bags and took them with him. the stolen property was confiscated
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from the detainee at his place of residence, and a criminal case was initiated for grand theft . simple arithmetic, to save on customs duties, the carrier simply does not indicated part of the goods in the documents. the result is a fine four times greater than the savings would have been. when a consignment of auto parts was imported into belarus, the cargo worth 710 thousand rubles was not indicated in the papers, but the scam was promptly uncovered by customs officers at the kozlovichi checkpoint. polish carrier from serbia to our country.
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according to law enforcement officers, a thirty-year-old bmw car did not give way to an oncoming audi car when turning left. this is the intersection of lazarenko street and kommunistichesky lane. a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who was riding in a bmw car received injuries. the teenager was taken to a medical facility. a romantic dinner for a thirty-three-year-old resident of the derzhinsky district ended in a criminal offense. the guy was relaxing with a girl in a bar. when the gentleman left, his lady was noticed by his forty-seven-year-old rival. man. approached her, began to pester her, and after being rebuffed, he left. when her lover returned, she complained about the intrusive stranger, deciding to stand up for his lady love, our valiant aevenga took the offender to talk outside, where the rivals moved from words to deeds. during the fight , the younger man punched his opponent in the head; passers-by broke up the fight and called the police. this is such a banal, but instructive denouement. this was the zona x project, our news
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is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram. have a nice day and stay on the bright side. and we will tell you about the dark and news from the world of crime in our evening program.
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ekaterina antonova continues to celebrate a new day with you. and we remind you that february 15 is already on the calendar, and this is thursday, by the way, friends. look what's wrong soon the working week will end, soon winter will end, and spring will finally begin. by the way, we continue to report until the beginning of the most romantic time of the year , there are only 14 days left until spring, but of course, we do not forget to live here now, so right now we will tell you about what our
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creative team has prepared for you today. let's get a look. so, our correspondent olesya boyarskikh found out how future railway workers are trained in minsk. his real name is still a mystery, he created his own school of icon painting and became the first artist to be canonized, very soon we will plunge into the picturesque world of andrei rublev in our regular column the art of understanding art. well, let’s also once again recall with our educational column the people who changed the world, how the eminent belarusian architect joseph lanbart influenced our lives. but life on... sports columnist andrei kozlov has taken him all the way to the southern urals, because these days the 2024 spartakiad is taking place there, where our biathletes are fighting for the title of the best, we are waiting for a report from loud fans, i think this is exactly what will happen, and we are also waiting for guests in our studio, today, on the day of remembrance
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of internationalist soldiers on the day of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, we will talk with the chairman of the belarusian union of veterans of the war in afghanistan, a member of the council of the republic. national assembly and the commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia on security and defense by major general valery gaidakevich, very soon, right this hour, well, this is not all the plans, we will also present a new video of the group aura, so we are waiting for a visit, the lead singer of the group yulia bykova, this will be, by the way, in the third part of the program, but in the meantime, friends, contacts with us, our mogilev colleagues, nikolai kamantsev and konstantin titomirov, come on. we greet our colleagues from magilevo, good morning, good morning, guys, good morning, studio, good morning to all tv viewers, good morning belarus, good difference belarus, huge greetings to you, colleagues, have a cheerful morning mood, we are ready to tell you about such major interesting news mogilev region, we have such a short
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digest, this is the topic we’ll start with, with the creative one, the regional stage of the festival of equal opportunities was held in mogilev, the time of the strong, let’s say, it is designed to integrate people with disabilities into creative life. of our country, the qualifying rounds of this festival have already passed throughout belarus, and the other day the regional stage took place, it was attended by those contestants who, of course, had previously passed such a complex, difficult regional selection, that’s more than 70 people, well, really talent, here's the stage one could see performances where artists played songs with a guitar, danced, theatrical performances were also presented, and there was a separate category of decorative and applied arts, the winners of this challenge. now they will take part in the gala concert , it will be held this year in the capital on may 3, we, of course, wish good luck to the participants of this galo concert, they will be awarded the title of laureate, awarded diplomas, memorable gifts, of course, we will follow the events and keep our fingers crossed, yes, well, we want to take advantage of our official position, i ask you, dear tv viewers, to root
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for the representatives of the magilev region, and now let’s talk a little about sports, the first republican hockey tournament of the ministry of internal affairs has started in shklov. it is symbolic that competitions of this level in a year of quality were entrusted to the local ice sports palace. five teams competed in the fight to reach the finals of the tournament, including representatives, of course, from the magilev region. 190 hockey players, 11 teams, this is huge. the idea of ​​organizing the competition was suggested by the employees of the ministry of internal affairs themselves. by the way, some members of the mogilev team even graduated from sports school at one time. age of the participant. the competition is not limited, so the hockey players of the specialized lyceum of the ministry of internal affairs are on average about 15 years old, but the most experienced player, the former head of the internal affairs department of the vitebsk regional executive committee , will turn 67 years old in march 2024, just imagine,
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the first tournament, but in the police department already are thinking about creating a national team of the ministry of internal affairs, which will possibly participate in various leagues of our country, as well as... in industry tournaments in neighboring countries, yes, that’s it, in general our winter finals turn out to be such a mega-sports event, the fact is that just recently a sports event was held at the biathlon complex in chaus. about 8 hundred people registered to participate in the regional ski track,
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among them 14 teams of structural divisions of the mogilev regional executive committee, 24 teams of city and district executive committees, regional organizations of republican subordination, representatives of law enforcement agencies , team sports clubs, and students participated schools and regional centers of the olympic reserve of the mogilev region. sport is not only physical activity, it’s also team spirit, it’s...
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it’s such a holiday to popularize winter sports, popularize cross-country skiing as well, to show by example that we are for a healthy lifestyle, maybe someone and if you go skiing for the first time today, you will see what a wonderful sport they will engage in in the future: ski racing for their health. the first to open the ski track were the structural divisions of the mogilev of the regional executive committee, by the way, the team: the paratha of the regional executive committee took first place, the team of the main education department took second,
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the third place was taken by the team of the department for overcoming the consequences of the disaster for an hour and emergency situations of the regional executive committee. over the course of the year, let’s say, we prepare for this, we get ready, we practice, we hope to win, the most important thing is a positive attitude. the regional winter festival magilevskaya ski track 2024 took place. cups, medals and diplomas found their champions. and most importantly, the participants were charged with positivity and enjoyed a wonderful winter day, perfection and harmony of taste.
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er siehst die frau, die ihn nicht lieb, gab es nicht auf der welt, er zeigt sie den kindern in einer nacht und über seine feinde hat.
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we remind you that today on the calendar, february 15, there are 14 days left until spring but something tells me, friends, that spring is very close, we feel its breath literally every day, by the way , we’ll tell you about the temperature in more detail in a couple of moments, but i’ll tell you what we expect today across the country, mostly without precipitation in some places. light rain in the west, in the morning in some areas light foggy ice is predicted, well, we’ll find out the rest of the details from my colleague ekaterina antonova and katya, yes, i already have temperature readings, because this is probably the information that interests our viewers most, because directly now they are thinking about what to wear when you you leave the house, and we’ll tell you, well , look, right now in the capital it’s from 2 to
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4° below zero, and it’s dry, indeed, as olya said, almost the whole country will be dry today, for example in brest it will also be without ambush there is about zero right now this morning in vitebsk right now from 3 to 5 with a minus sign, also without precipitation, where will the precipitation be, you probably want to know , i’m telling you, they are going to gomel right now this morning, there is about zero, in grodnosukha from zero to two with a plus sign, in mogilev is a little cooler, -2 -4 right now it’s raining or sleeting, well , we probably need some kind of hint from mogilev, we don’t know exactly what is there now, we’ll tell you how the situation will change during the course. day in the capital it will warm up to three with a plus sign it will be dry, it will be dry today during the day in brest and there look real spring + 5 + 7 during the day, in vitebsk it is still real winter, retains the rights of ownership of this city, there from zero to two with a minus sign, but dry. there is precipitation in gomel, as i said, observed during the early morning hours,
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they will also continue throughout the day, there will be rain and from one to three with a plus sign during the day. in grodno, during the day it will be dry up to five with a plus sign, in mogilev, this afternoon it will also be dry and around zero. well, katya, after such details about the temperature, there is no doubt left, these are friends, it really is spring, you know, such a rush when it seems that winter has not yet completely receded, but spring is already making itself known with might and main. this was a forecast, let me remind you, for february 15, the eighteenth, specifically in the gomel region it will be especially warm and soulful, because it is on this day that the gomel carriage... cars have been repaired for so many years, and still, in a good sense, it’s moving forward, it’s wonderful, and the whole country, with which we we sincerely congratulate all employees, well, right now we propose to continue the railway topic, learn from the special material of our correspondent oles boyarskikh, how our capital prepares railway workers, assistant
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driver, conductor, how the capital prepares future railway workers, we will find out right now. ilya yasensky loved trains since childhood, so the guy set a goal for himself: when he grows up, he will work on the railway . now ilya is in his third year of training as an assistant driver, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive and is actively studying the brake equipment simulator for an electric locomotive. this simulator is used to demonstrate the operation of the braking system. that is, in fact, we can see how our brakes are activated; when the train is moving, the driver uses the crane operator’s handle, actuates the brakes and ... has been staying with us for more than 100 years, the minsk state college of railway transport named after evgeniy pavlovich yushkevich has been training personnel
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for the organization of the railway, now there are 640 full-time students and 195 part-time students. the special pride of the college is our graduates, among whom are four heroes of the soviet union, four heroes of socialist labor, but for example, the street. prepare future specialists at the college in three main areas: assistant driver, passenger conductor carriage, as well as the technician. children who have completed the ninth or eleventh grades can go to college. accrual is made solely on the average score of educational documents; no further additional competitions are held. during the period.
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necessary conditions: 29 classrooms, all eight workshops, a training car, a cultural and sports center and even a training center have been created for studying at the college. there is a comprehensive simulator for a real electric locomotive vl-80c. we operate it on the belarusian railway, also this the simulator is installed in our locomotive depot so that drivers can also hone their skills, and in case of any malfunction, they can prove that they are right on a certain section of the route. 77 mentors help students get a start in life, about a third of them are craftsmen. here are the components and parts of diesel locomotives, here you see, these are all natural samples, these were taken from
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operating locomotives, here are all the other exhibits - this was made by our own hands, all college students are required to attend classes in a railway uniform with certain stripes and signs, in addition, they must have a neat appearance and a neat hairstyle, the guys are happy to share. documents on education, but we wish that the average score of future railway employees can be determined on a competitive basis, so that all the arrows are only in the right
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direction. amazing today. there's a functional workout waiting for you that you can do with your beautiful children. we have balls lying around for a reason, we will run towards them as much as possible quickly and touch in order to develop your coordination. we start as always by high-fiving each other because that's the key to a fun workout. 3, 2, 1, and lunge from below. let me remind you that both knees are bent at an angle of 90°. go. 1 2 3 and change, in each exercise we should have a straight back (1 2 3) uh-huh, we lower ourselves with
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a straight back and also run with a straight back, the next exercise will develop coordination, balance and strength, and also... include in myself working out the core muscles, i will become behind katya, go down with a straight back, i’ll take katya’s legs and we’ll lock in this position and walk to the end of the mat with a straight back, are you ready? let's go, do the same thing back, for the third exercise stand opposite each other. place your feet wide, take the opposite hand and lunge with your leg to one side, lower yourself down, pull your pelvis as far
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back as possible, as if you were sitting in a chair. and go up, do the same on the second leg down, okay, and now i’ll add a leg lift, go down, try to keep your knee above your foot, transfer your body weight to the straight leg , which is bent at the knees, repeat the same on the second leg, ready, with the opposite hand, it is very important in these exercises to keep your back straight and transfer your body weight to the bent... leg carefully, without throwing your foot on the floor, place the balls at the farthest distance from you , run up to them with side steps, lunge, touch the ball, knees should be bent at an angle of 90°, keep your back straight,
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perform. reverse exercise do it as quickly as possible, make 10 touches of the sword, one partner takes the position of a high chair, the second plank, the first holds the feet of the second with his hands, stand in the plank with a straight back, in the high chair position also watch your posture, keep your knees at an angle of 90°, try to do a few steps forward and back, stand opposite each other, legs wider than shoulders , take each other by... hands, lunge to the sides, pull your pelvis back, try to keep your knee above your foot, add a leg lift, touch with your foot, repeat everything on the other leg, keep your back straight, don’t throw your leg on the floor, do 10 repetitions on each leg.
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good, good morning, belarus, good morning, country, we remind you that on the calendar it’s thursday and this is february 15, and today, on the day of remembrance of internationalist soldiers, we welcome to the studio good morning belarus, chairman of the belarusian union of veterans of the war in afghanistan, member of the council of the republic national assembly. and the commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia on security and defense, major general valery gaidakevich. good morning. good morning. good morning. we are glad to welcome you to the studio in good health and in a good mood. and let's remind our tv viewers that 2024 is a landmark year for the history of the afghan war. today, april 15, february 15, i apologize, marks 35 years since the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan. you were in this war,
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for you afghanistan is your personal identity. memory is painful, and we will ask you to speculate on this topic, why it is important not to forget this date, why is it important not to talk, especially with younger generations? the fact is that if you take the veterans of the great patriotic war, their victory day is may 9, yeah, but for us, just for all afghans, victory day is february 15, this is the day when our troops left afghanistan, for us we are all were different , some at the beginning, some in the middle, some at the end of the war in afghanistan, so this is the day that we always... meet, rejoice that we are alive, that we are still we work, we do something, we are active we participate in the life of the country, and of course, this day is the day of remembrance of those who died fulfilling the combat orders of their homeland, and those who have already passed away, we hold meetings in such significant places, iconic, today an island will be held in minsk the courage
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of sorrow, yes. we will meet, after that we will visit the cemetery where our friends are buried, we will meet relatives and, of course, we will mourn with them, because the young people who passed away without time, well, that’s how fate decreed. probably probably for all those for whom this is stories, for whom this is a story, it is very important to share your experience, as we often say, so that this never happens again, in fact, this is the answer to the question.
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where they were needed, please tell us your story: you found yourself in the war in afghanistan at the very beginning, and how did it happen that you went to that exact point, we raised an alarm, we... landed in kabul and bagransky airfield, so i was the first plane to lead the capture group on december 25th landed on this airfield, on december 27 to 28, a revolution took place in afghanistan, we
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did not take an active part, amin’s palace was stormed, with my company i had the task of blocking the 8th infantry division, which was located near kabul and was armed with t-tanks. 34. battalion, my task was to set it so that not a single tank should go to kabul, but we coped with this task, the task was completed, yes it was set, yes, we gathered, then on the thirtieth we gathered at the airfield and were about to fly away, well, they left us more on on for a long time for several years, yes, well, yes, here is my regiment, it left afghanistan on february 12 , 1979, i am simply amazed at the memory of our guest today, such details, numbers you are giving us now, indeed, that’s it... this is the same , well, it’s emotional, firstly it was like this, because war is a rather complicated matter, it’s not that simple, especially since we only had military personnel who had just been drafted, had not even completed the young fighter course, so
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we were lucky that more more active we started fighting already in march , yeah, in january-february we conquered the mountains , learned to fight and were properly prepared, now you have to understand that when you shoot at a target in an exercise, the target doesn’t respond, in battle, if you don’t got in, which means there may not be a second chance, that’s why, well, you need to react quickly and act accordingly, you have a huge number of awards, that’s which one of them may be especially dear to your heart, you know, the point is that awards they are all the most, for something specific, well , action, or something for some deeds, of course.
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you see, the fact is that we do not live in a vacuum, definitely, there are various associations, various groups that have settled down to a certain goal, it is impossible to stand alone in this world, therefore the union that we have formed in the russian federation, this is necessary and a necessary measure, and as for the threats, we see, we thought after the afghan war... there will no longer be a warrior, but nevertheless they continue, now this is what the most recent, this is in the middle east, when israel razes neighborhoods along with people from the face of the earth, this is how you understand it, it
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doesn’t fit into any framework, so of course you need to be ready to resist people like this - to say not as a comrade, not as a friend, here, i will say that a lot is being done in this regard, well, i can say...
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with the chairman of the belarusian union of veterans of the war in afghanistan, a member of the council of the republic
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of the national assembly and the commission of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus of russia on security and defense, major general valery gaidakevich. thank you very much for coming to us this morning, we are sure that today you will have a productive day and many warm and pleasant moments meeting with your comrades. well, with this i want to tell all our viewers that the second part of our live broadcast is coming to an end, we will see you right after the news block. quicker! belarusian doilitstva, which is important for your jumping and this time you need to learn and master. it is necessary to work on and extract such valuable elements from that old one. tours, but would have already been different: there
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wood, here there were stone materials, and there they were like this, well, it looked imitative. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the shchuchansky palace of the friendly-lubensky prisoners on the old town, there had already been a noble meeting, when , apparently, the school park was broken, and when the hand was kicked. stanislava yundzii, this nobleman of the belarusian batanik of the 18th century. cultural-asvetnitskiy project architecture of belarus. banks, if they come out, yes, a whole lot of other architecture, yashche and more beautiful architects. kali hochatse, geta was advertising, imagining such a speech, publish the jumps that the competitor has. glyadzice, on our tv channel. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes.
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the most important thing is to pay attention to its color. it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown or yellow spots, which often indicate fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have for breakfast quiche with spinach, red fish, will be amazing, exquisitely tasty, don’t forget the conductive exercises, this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up with energy for the whole day. watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarusian winter. all
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her little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together they are. morning news on...


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