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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 15, 2024 10:00am-11:01am MSK

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it was always the greatest act of trust when a scientist was offered a laboratory or an institute in general, so for me this is a very high responsibility and, well, scientific happiness. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects from our tv channel, so what is belarus like? business and developing,
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hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental. sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events. we introduce you to active,
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energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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there are a lot of things that i like, for example, i like to relax in logoisk, we really like i like visiting nesves, we have been there several times, and the world as well, in general i... i can say that the atmosphere is wonderful, in fact, my children, i repeat, enjoy it, they love winter, they love playing in the snow, again i thought that i would suffer, but no, the children like it, i see that they are happy from this, and i am happy with them, as for belarusian cuisine, we already love it, i really like pancakes, the children simply adore cheesecakes , i have to cook them every day, i’m already just an expert in making cheesecakes, of course i make them in my own way, so they turn out a little venezuelan, in fact, i might add. trials that
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befell him. hello
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, i am authorized to announce on air the sas program, its presenter nadezhda sas , i welcome you, i will remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect life. uzbekistan. in tashkent, the head of the belarusian state held negotiations with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. the presidents focused on issues of deepening interstate relations.
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has immunity from criminal prosecution in the case of the storming of the capitol, american media report. any immunity that was in effect while serving as president does not provide protection from criminal prosecution in the future, the court decision says. it was accepted unanimously by the three judges hearing the case. the issue of immunity arose in connection with the courts' consideration of the events of january 6 , 2021, when pro-trump demonstrators stormed the capitol. lawyers. trump was insisted that since he was still president at that time, he could not be held accountable in court in this case. the american media note , citing a representative of the ex-president, that he will challenge the decision in the supreme court. in
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the presidential elections in the small central american country of el salvador with a record result of 85%. forty-two-year-old naib bukeli was elected to a second term. especially. the result was that the number of votes cast for him was not disputed by either the opposition or international observers. the fact is that bukeli is a relatively new type of politician, a populist-libertarian. he combines tough measures in the field of public order with radical liberalism in the economy. due to the implementation of a state of emergency and the involvement of the army in the fight against organized crime, the number of murders in el salvador has decreased by 70% in 2 years. at the same time, el salvador became... the first country, the second official currency in which bitcoin became. the state openly invests in cryptocurrency and encourages its citizens to do so. in general, the style of the innovator, not disdainful of forcing the state apparatus to work with the help of the security forces and brought bukele record support in the elections. for how long,
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the question remains open. in the scenario of the joint us- japanese command staff exercise kin edge, china is listed for the first time as a hypothetical. the exercise uses computer simulation to simulate the outbreak of conflict resulting from a possible invasion of taiwan by the chinese people's liberation army. at the same time, the japanese ministry of defense does not disclose details of the maneuvers in connection with the law on non-disclosure of state secrets. in in july 2023, the wall street journal , citing sources, reported that us and japanese military officials were working on a plan of action in the event of a possible chinese invasion of taiwan already. more than a year, the publication's interlocutors indicated that washington wants to involve tokyo in countering beijing. i’ll start today’s program with a quote from napoleon’s address to his soldiers on the day of the invasion of russia in june 1812. russia
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is carried away by fate, its destiny must be fulfilled. does she think we've been reborn, or are we no longer australasian soldiers. it puts us between dishonor and war. choice cannot. be doubtful, let's go forward, cross the neman, bring the war within its borders. against the backdrop of growing defeats, the ukrainian armed forces in the west are increasingly talking about the possibility of a direct clash. russian strategic development political scientist from shatrov, head of the expert council of the federation fund. hello, thank you for being with us today, according to tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question of how stable
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the zelensky regime is today, nikolai evgenievich, as it were you answered? from the point of view of logic and realism, this regime has no future, from the point of view of the current situation and the surrealism that is developing in politics and is happening before our eyes, in the vastness of everything. this regime will have a future as long as the united states wants it. igor vladimirovich, is the zelensky regime stable today? i won’t argue with my colleague; indeed, the regime is not an independent one, so its future depends on anyone, just not on zelensky himself, in this case, if we already predict the duration of this character's stay in power, i think that...
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the deep state itself really determines which of the characters at a given stage and history is more profitable and more convenient to lead the united states. the decision will be made at the last minute. it seems to you and me that he is completely incompetent, biden, but he was capable a year ago, but nothing has changed, he remains incompetent as he was. and it happened during this period. reconfigure the world for yourself, yes,
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in the end it turns out that it would seem right the opposite, the world is being reconfigured not in the interests of the united states, but firstly, the process is not completed, they do not think the way we see, not because they are so naive, but firstly, because we don’t know something . we don’t know their future plans 100%, it’s quite possible that there are some trump cards up their sleeves, yes, that we will have to face in this game, well, i shouldn’t have brought the cards, after all, i think that this is chess, yes, but however, therefore it will not be very easy for us, the decision will be made in the last moment, and their chances are equal, that ’s what i said, i’m glad to welcome vasily vakarov, political analyst, participant, to our studio.
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of the population of ukraine, in contrast to zelensky, the best sales manager in the country, who has an approval rating of 62%. according to recent information, the ukrainian security service warned zelensky's office that zalushny's resignation could provoke unrest from the military in kiev. from a military point of view, it’s worth it, this is probably not the first time i’ve said this, this an adequate person, as a person, a military man, as a person who understands those processes. that are happening on the battlefield, and what needs to be done to continue hostilities , as an enemy, he is strong enough and intelligent enough, this is on the one hand a plus, on the other hand a minus, from the point of view of a politician, he has not yet established himself in politics, so here comrade zelensky is seriously overacting, within the framework of his own
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art, to play precisely the information sphere and use the information sphere.
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would rather like their dear zelensky to continue to support, despite the fact that we understand what kind of corruption scheme has been unfolding between the united states of america and ukraine for many, many years. well, great britain has its own interests in world politics, it periodically lends its shoulder to the united states when the united states is weakening, while
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pursuing its own interests and biting off influence here and there from... in this case, zaluzhny or zelensky, this is of course important, but it is more important that the war continues, because it allows to deplete europe, interests seem to be similar, yes, to american ones, but with a little bit of their british accent here they act, to deplete europe not in order to
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turn it into a space where... scorched earth, or what? no , make it more accommodating, make the germans more accommodating, make the french more accommodating , make the poles accommodating, these are all the losses that great britain had in the future in the european union, yes, compensate in a new role, being independent, seemingly not part of this bloc, but nevertheless, receiving dividends from this continent, so a war is needed, i don’t know, in this situation. zaluzhny is yastreb or not, because in our country you can’t imagine the extermination of zelensky in this case; on the contrary , he comes out with a position, well, sort of.
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to show, firstly, the contradictions that exist in the political elite, these contradictions with the military, vasily, and how ukrainians in the ukrainian media space really react to this conflict, or is trying to divert attention from this story from something more important? formally, britain , once again i say formally, is the only country that has entered into an agreement with ukraine,
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zaluzhny never declared his leadership as a politician, in general he did not say that he was going into politics, yes, but nevertheless, we are ukrainians, we understand that in ukraine we all think in images, and not in formal terms, so the image has been created, the conflict exists, and what’s more, there are political players like klitschko, who have already publicly supported zaluzhny twice, even three times, there is such a politician , the leader of the whole. i immediately remember the phrase: two ukrainians, three hetmans, well, unfortunately, that’s the way it is , yes, well, we’ll discuss another extremely important topic,
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50 billion euros for 4 years, the european union approved aid for ukraine, but there is one thing: at the end of the year, the europeans will carefully check where the money went, if the expenses are not confirmed, the tranche for ukraine will be closed, but we all know perfectly well how things are in ukraine... scholz’s constructive decision meant sponsoring the kiev regime and a small victory over hungary, which was still possible win over to its side after long disputes with prime minister orban, however, against the backdrop of such
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collective pressure from the so-called colleagues, budapest still did not block the decision, but orban still got a couple of barbs at the summit. the european union is undoubtedly united in its desire to help ukraine. it turned out that when the pressure is well prepared, that is, these 26. decisions, i am talking about the hungarian prime minister, who is still sometimes looking for others , has also become part of this single community. at the previous eu summit, hungary blocked the allocation of aid to ukraine, during this meeting she was able to add her word to the final declaration. now the eu will annually approve budget payments to ukraine. based on the report of the european commission on kiev’s fulfillment of brussels’ conditions, including the fight against. with corruption, despite the impressive amount announced in brussels, funding from the west has still decreased by one and a half times compared to last year. now the assistance program provides
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that the european commission will give kiev 33 billion euros in loan, and 17 billion in the form of grants, that is , free of charge. i am grateful for your decision on a financial instrument for us. this is a clear signal that ukraine will stand and that europe will stand. optimistic, but against the backdrop of statements by a number of politicians about a lack of funds. in the treasury of poverty in germany, which the country’s finance minister himself reports, and a number of other problems in europe, seems unlikely, and the main sponsor of ukrainian hopes, the states, have also not inspired confidence lately, where the question of supporting kiev has hung due to disagreements in congress since the fall, congressmen have been unable to resolve issues of additional support for ukraine; only this week the us senate presented a bipartisan project for $60 billion for ukraine. in general, the presented project also includes assistance from... euros, three times less than they plan to allocate to kiev. and
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i would like to draw your attention to the tweet of the president of the european council, charles michel, regarding the agreement of 50 million euros for kiev. the european union takes leadership and responsibility in supporting ukraine, we know what is at stake. why is it important pay attention to it, because an extraordinary event is happening before our eyes. europe takes full responsibility for the heavy burden.
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an international institution that pursues its own policy; unfortunately, today the european union is an appendage of the united states, and the policy itself is decided overseas, and not in europe. no matter what we say, today the identity and independence of germany, france, and not to mention, is broken, so to speak. she has been no longer independent for many years, a man came to power in poland, a protege european union, donald tusk, is a man who pursues exclusively western policies, but what is the problem here, we started with a good, very good, so to speak, remark, phrase to napoleon, there, so many years ago, in 1812, the great commander, nowhere
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there’s no escaping this, it’s...
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i shouldn’t draw your attention to this, despite all the profound statement about 50 billion for 4 years, 33 billion of this amount is a loan that will have to be given to a country that is at war, which, let’s see how to get out of this situation, the question is who will give this money, and a third of the population that is in europe today is not on its territory, in europe. therefore, dear friends, this is nothing more than a gesture, to some extent imposed on the european union to support this event for now, until the united states sorts out its own internal politics, namely for the transition period before the elections in the united states, this my point of view, everything is really simple, in a situation of preparation for the increasingly likely
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victory of trump and coming to power. nationalists, isolationists in the united states, europe remains the main locomotive of the globalist project, that is, collective delivery is losing america, but is tightly controlled by the european establishment, and through it the european union as a whole, but the collapse of this course is only possible together with the collapse of the european union, in its current form, so today we are seeing protests from farmers, dispatchers, truckers, and these are just the first signs, in this sense , fate...
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yes, weaken russia, then it will change in some way, economic processes in the world will go according to a different scenario, because now the same brix, it is already beginning to determine, as it were , a strategy for the economic development of civilization as a whole of the planet, no longer a pre-voz forum
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, but some kind of brix meeting, which, for example, will be held in russia this year, yes it’s interesting, pay attention to how everything was thought out, we also now have great strategies when we... by the way, what interesting things will happen this year, and these are just these glimpses of the future of a new world that does not want, the united states does not want to allow it now they offer to solve their problems for the unfortunate europe, by and large we are now
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seeing that europe is deciding on europe the greatest responsibility that it could not cope with, no union could cope with, it now has to answer for the whole world , despite what it has inside itself. vasily , today africa, the arctic, asia, those parts of the world to which the attention of all mankind will be riveted, because grandiose projects are coming, in which both the republic of belarus and the russian federation are taking part, and europe, in fact, is approaching the point of its knowledge, one might call it that, is still among european politicians today.
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they made a decision in advance and gave instructions to the globalists to their executors in the european union to hold a summit at an extraordinary eu summit regarding the allocation of a tranche in ukraine, they pushed, pushed, the fact is there , that is, there is a political decision, but look, what ’s interesting is that joseph came to kiev barel, most importantly, he did not bring anything new for zelensky. but as soon as barel left for poland, what did he say there? he said that, you know, the european union there is no magic wand to supply weapons. wait, isn’t this the same fascist who declared that everything should be decided on the battlefield? isn’t this the same barrel
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that, together with johnson, pushed through this decision, yes, but which, let’s say , closed the door to the istanbul negotiations, it’s clear that barel is clearly not my hero, and not the one. i just hope that these two leaders can be approached by new leaders in austria and in other european countries, i 'm talking about national leaders. i remind you that in
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on air, the saz program is authorized to declare the west and zelensky are ready to fight to the last ukrainian, we talk about this in our today’s program, right now we have the opportunity to talk with farens. how could it be that europe, just 2 years ago, so reluctantly joining the united states and britain in their stubborn fight against russia, now takes full responsibility for the continuation of this confrontation, because many believed that if washington backed down, the european union will quickly begin to achieve peace through compromise, but we see the opposite. story. said that sometimes the big four countries
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make what are irrational or risky decisions that can lead to catastrophic consequences and i think what we have now is something like this in the european union, the leadership of the european union is acting very, very risky for europe. and i am convinced, like many other european citizens, that this is not right. since 2020 they are only trying to find excuses to justify a change in the economy, they they used anti-covid policies, they used the war in ukraine, and also , of course, i could talk about how they used the so-called climate crisis, all this is interconnected, i'm into it. “you need to look at things globally
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in order to understand why such rational decisions are made, and the global picture is that they have an agenda, they want to change the economy and society uses crises to impose these changes that are not welcomed by the larger partly european citizens. mr. elmasy, is it true that orbán is so alone in his?
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the voice of small states, they are trying
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to push, say, that decisions should be made by representatives of the majority, they no longer want unanimous decision-making, this is a very big change in the european union, and this is exactly why orban has a rather difficult time: countries in the european union are unequal , hungary is not equal to germany, we are what is called a client state.
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created the european union, well, even gradually in stages, how it was created and what leaders were in europe then, with all respect to orban, probably, now he is a world-class figure, yes, but if orban is a world-class figure, then this is how it is, you know, world
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politics has come to this, because, by and large, hungary is pursuing narrowly hungarian interests, that's how narrowly hungarian it is. this has been the goal for many years, for which nato was created, so that there would be no army in europe, so that, if anything, the united states would determine policy through its militaristic capabilities and, in any case , would be the necessary defense for which they would always contact us, because by and large,
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if there were no such military dependence, then there would be no basis for euro-atlantic economic cooperation. what europe, well, in general , doesn’t care about, but there is a military component, the absence, the absence of full-fledged armies, and the united states has always strived for this and has come to this ; europe also does not have a military-industrial complex, then the question is, nikolai evgenevich , but where does all this hysteria come from, what caused it? regarding the upcoming confrontation with russia and-nato, we see today in the media, some maps have appeared, the year 2025, the thirtieth year, some kind of total intimidation is happening, the europeans should go, ready, have already answered partially to what i will now talk about, the question is
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this: europeans are tired of what is happening around them, europeans want to live well, europeans are accustomed to comfort. today they are told: you must give part of your funds and your good life, it is not clear for what needs, they say: why? this is where the most important thing begins this, like this ghost of the enemy, which for many years was the soviet union, then it disappeared, now it is being revived, russia is becoming that horror story that should allow, force the entire european people of all countries. europe will once again unite in order to give up its resources and capabilities to counter an external enemy, that is, russia is again being purposefully created for this information occasion, information dumps are being made so that russia becomes a feared enemy
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as soon as it becomes an enemy for everyone, so there will be an incentive for the unification of europe, this is the main thing that now...
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in 2022-2023 financial, humanitarian, military assistance, that is
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, financial assistance was provided to the greatest extent by the european union, and military assistance was provided by the united states of america, and so on regarding the key players, what do you think, and how will this whole story unfold in the future, we are talking about war to the last. ukrainians, that is, the west and zelensky are quite happy with this, but human resources are being depleted, and many have begun to talk about that a kind of maidan is coming in ukraine. do you think this is gossip, or do such sentiments really exist? at the end of 2022, ukraine’s public debt amounted to 78% of gdp. at the end of last year twenty-third, it had already become 85%. these are public figures, yes, and nevertheless, the countries are primarily the european union, but continue to support ukraine,
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japan issued money in january, although the support is certainly not the same as it was and will not be, practically not only in the united states states of america, and in european union, they say that yes, there will be no such support today, but one of the main political scientists who supports the regime. zelensky portnikov says, publicly says that you have to fight without pay, and i apologize, but how does he imagine fighting without pay? and people hear all this information, firstly, and secondly, they feel it, and i mean people who live in ukraine feel what is called the lack of social assistance, what is called delay in wages and so on. is maidan possible? i don’t know, hope, but since we organize maidans in ukraine, naturally, we know all the united states, the us embassy, ​​but the fact that
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there will be protests in ukraine in the spring is my forecast, and i see discontent, let’s say i already called poroshenko, i see what tymoshenko is talking about, i understand that these public statements and demands, reformatting of power from zelensky... can just lead to those unrest, i say again, it is unlikely that these will be maidans, but there will be unrest . thank you, at the hotel, we will watch with you. but you know, igor vladimirovich, i cannot help but draw attention to the sensational visit of the american journalist tucker carlson to the russian federation. we’ll talk about the interview with vladimir putin even later in subsequent programs, but what do you think caused this hysteria?
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we understand, but overseas they really don’t understand, and we saw how, in general, karoslav was surprised by the moscow
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he saw, yes, that is, he understood that he also knew what american propaganda, but i was also surprised when i saw that, in general, the country does not suffer from economic sanctions, which by and large hit the west, and it seems to me, harlson, why all this hysteria has risen, because it may turn out that now, when they analyze now - in the west, not the elites, but the common man - the listener and viewer of this interview, what putin and carlson were talking about, questions will arise for politicians, not about ukraine, not even about the relationship between russia and ukraine , western intervention in these relationships and financing of ukraine, the ukrainian military , and so on, and they will have questions for their politicians, but how... space, and
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this is the trigger, this is the person, in terms of his importance in the information environment, who can solve this problem, provided that that the information he broadcasts will reach the consumer, this is the whole strength of this interview in question, that’s why there are so many screams today, so many groans, by and large this is exactly what it is.
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and he says: i don’t want war, people, i’m ready go to negotiations, and he talks about this, that is, if this point of view finds its listener in the person of the people, in the person of the average person, it will completely cross out the paradigm created in the information space, you are absolutely right, nikolai evgenevich, it really exists in the life of every person , events that you can really be proud of, i remember that last december, december 2022 of the european parliament, latvia, germany, france and after that i really started having personal problems with entry into the european union and admission to similar institutions, this speaks of fear, indeed of fear, of giving the opportunity to be heard to those politicians who do not
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agree with the mainstream decisions defined. and the ongoing actions of the european union, and i even remember when in june 2023 alexander lukashenko communicated with representatives of the western media, not only western, but foreign journalists, i was also present there and the question arose, where is this iron curtain then? , because the russian federation, the republic of belost, they are open for communication, there are no awkward questions, i hope you said the phrase that...
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european analysts, politicians, we are trying in every possible way to integrate them into the discussion so that it is a truly honest dialogue. but it is extremely difficult to do this, especially lately, and this also says a lot, and the silence in response, and the reluctance to communicate, speaks, of course, of fear, and some truly european politicians can even be understood. vasily vakarov was with us. vasily, please, 30 seconds, final word. in short, i would really like to such a wonderful journalist nadezhda sas, who masters it very beautifully.
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history teaches us that we have a very bad example of our neighbor ukraine, we must not repeat it, the republic of belarus today is on the eve of a significant event, these are the elections that we will have on february 25, we choose our future ourselves, there is no need to make a mistake, we have to go. in our own way, based on the truth, believing in the bright future of the country, remembering that today we have those leaders who made sure that we live well in this cycle of events, everything the rest is in our hands. i am grateful to all the participants in our discussion today for the fact that it was a success, it was extremely interesting, in conclusion i will say that the european elite, contrary to the will of their peoples and even... common sense, did not take upon themselves the burden of further struggle with russia, here i would like to recall the entry napoleon, made by him in the belarusian town of smargon when leaving the pitiful remnants of the great army. i left paris with
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the intention of not going to war beyond the polish borders. circumstances carried me away. maybe maybe i made a mistake that i reached moscow, maybe i did something bad, that i stayed there too long, but from the great to the ridiculous, only... one step, and let posterity judge, and i think the verdict of the posterity of the present, napoleon and the rulers will be very harsh. thank you, this was the cas program authorized to declare. the west and zelensky are ready to fight until the last ukrainian. the days of the brest region are being held at vdnkh in moscow; this is a new tradition in union relations. the exhibition also demonstrates the scientific innovative potential of the brest region
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areas. today it works closely with almost all russian regions. it produces and develops gas pipes, remote automation devices, and led strips. joint projects are being created in industry and agriculture . the academy of sciences of belarus is actively working. by studying human dna, what have scientists already come to? medical genetics helps solve a number of problems from making a diagnosis to creating drugs. special attention of scientists of the academy of sciences to oncological diseases of cardio-vascular system. another group of children from donbass visited belarus. as always, a large-scale program was organized for the children. the trip was organized by the alexey atalay charitable foundation. over the 2 years of its work, more than 3.00 children from donbass were able to visit belarus. analyst news. expert comments and interesting facts, watch the event program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel in all international acts in black and white


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