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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 15, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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see more news from my colleagues already at 3:00 in the afternoon, i’m saying goodbye to you, see you on the first button. there is a thicket and the sun sneaks through the early forest, quietly, hidden.
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on the air of a weekly socio-political talk show, in essence, we are little by little approaching the finish line of february to a single voting day in our country, the first in the history of belarus. today we’ll talk about what people’s representatives should be like, what belarusians expect from them, we’ll discuss all the subtleties and invite you to join our conversation here. at the bottom screen qr code, please point your smartphone at it and follow the link to the youtube broadcast, write your opinions , ask questions, we will try to answer everything together with our experts, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel to know more about behind the scenes about our opinions. as always , kirill kazakov and alena syrova are working with you in the studio. let's begin. hello.
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in the courtyards, the benches were repaired, and these laws are adopted at the state level, now it’s all mixed up when, well, i just, i’ll just give a little example, yes, that when many of my colleagues, they are now trusted representatives, including going out and meeting with people, and you don’t understand a little, over the last 3-4 years we have become accustomed to the fact that our political demands are a little too high; in general, we are basically fighting against those who fled.
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and as a person who works in the media field, i think you will support me in this, i would like, of course, for us to add more experts in the media field, so that we can, in one way or another the problem is to find an expert who can comment on this specifically from the side
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of the deputy corps, who make bills, who listen to our population, so i would like to be present more. to protect their interests, well, either he is to blame or the people themselves were not interested enough; at the same time, the second situation, today igor wrote about this in his opinion, over the weekend it became known about problems with wages at one of
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the enterprises, a public image is known publicly on tiktok - they wrote it down for me there an appeal, but not to a deputy, not to a local government representative, right away. to the president. aleksandrevich already spoke out about this not so long ago. he talks about how, yes, he's tracking it, he's watching it, but in general it upsets him because it means that what we've been working on for a certain amount of time, what people have been asking for, in in general, this very redistribution of power, it’s not that it doesn’t work, people generally want it, but they don’t want it either, because it’s always easier to call one person to account or ask for it resolve a question.
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are extremely necessary, another thing is that information support, and what are you talking about, alena, you have now raised the problems of our discourse, this issue concerns , first of all, transparency and you are right, colleagues, the transparency of the working mechanism of this very important from the point of view of the entire methodology . the institution of representation is the institution of representation represented by subjects of political power, deputies vested with powers, that is, it stalled in previous periods, we have launched
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constitutional modernization and completely start a locomotive in all strategic legal areas. we said, here is a very important, supporting point, the law on the foundations of civil society, here it is. first of all, contain such an explanatory part, some methodological recommendations, look, i’ll interrupt, look, methodological recommendations for a person who comes to the polling station in the local government, it’s clear, well, here i come, how should i choose, okay, i, for example, i agreed to the point that, relatively speaking, it seems to me that some people should repair benches, determine the second meanings in the country. but how can i choose this, here i am one person, i come, a single database, you know, a single open
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access information database in one click opens by area, by territorial administrative units and the whole picture is in full view, wait, i’ve even already passed, 5 minutes have passed, it should work if we are talking about systemization. if we are talking about what a person needs to figure out, some about meanings, some about fixing benches, then let’s use a specific example and a specific case, here is the one you wrote about, to whom, in an ideal story, in your opinion , these people, colleagues, should have turned first, when, well , come on, we are not criticizing, we are discussing, when i see candidates for the house of representatives or local deputies in the election programs advice, words... about the strategic development of the homeland there, and so on and so forth, my eye twitches, just as it twitches when i
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hear, when at meetings with voters they talk about potholes on the roads, everything the rest, in my understanding, is how it all is functions, here are the potholes that appear somewhere on the roads, or there are bad wells , or salaries are not paid, the executive branch deals with all this, this is its task, what the deputies of the house of representatives do, the deputies of the house of representatives solve systemic errors by working through the... in my opinion, again, who understands well how the system of executive power functions in the country, what
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laws have already been written, because they have already worked on them in the executive power, in order to improve them, if some kind of systemic mistake has been made , that is, well, closer to critical, when we talk about deputies of local councils, well, i may not reveal a secret, but i will say a fairly obvious thing: deputies of local councils, by and large, are in general our position is more social.
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the fact that you have now divided people, these are for local councils, and these are for the house of representatives, i will give you an example of our colleague grisha azarenko, who last week took wrote that he came to talk as a confidant, and at the same time, i heard questions regarding public utilities, he really is like a specialist, like a person who... tramples with his boot this heresy that is creeping towards us from the west, he does his work very professionally, that’s how it was when such a story, when he comes starts talking, and, as far as i have already spoken with him personally, then he says, there were a lot of people there, well, who, let’s say in the twentieth year, were swinging like this, yes, so the question arises, what voters want after all, they still come to the deputy of the house of representatives in the future, the twentieth year, if we return.
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i guess i understand who igor wrote the plot for, probably about the capital, everything connected, the regenerative plant, yes, i understand that sometimes we have. there are two sides of the coin to this issue, sometimes people don’t actually receive an answer from local authorities, that’s one story, i’ll tell it a little later, and sometimes they just hype, they hype the fact that they simply don’t go anywhere, don’t contact anyone at the local level, just write a video and send it to tiktok, of course, i hope that
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this will get more eyes, that more viewers will see it, it is clear that this will reach us... the executive committee, from my experience i will say when i lived in the region, mainly when people turn to the lowest level, we will say so, at the level of the district executive committee, at the level of the village council, if this is a problem.
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and a deputy of any level, his communication
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serves the simple ordinary citizen. our task is to react very much in the same way to both external threats and internal ones, you are absolutely right alena, because we buildup, especially now this is not needed, but today we must mobilize this dialogue, transparency of information, a unified database, why...
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developments this could be 29, this is the prospect, because this is the twenty-fourth year of the presidential cycle company, it is still taking place without the introduction of information technology, there are some elements that we are actively using, i would like to immediately place some emphasis when we talk about the digitalization of the electoral process, why is this the first thing that arises in thought, this electronic voting, of course.
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country, in general, we have enough brains, we have enough resources, then why haven’t we approached this particular stage with at least some of these basic ones -
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right away, this is not only a legislative body, but also a representative one, yes , that is, the candidate represents his voters, he must be able to convey in an accessible form, and the candidate is a subsequent
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deputy, yes, he must convey to voters in an accessible form information about the processes that are taking place in parliament, of course, we talk a lot about functions parliament, about the functions of local councils, but we must also understand that one of the main functions, so to speak. this one repairs the benches, and this one defines the meaning, in fact, many people approach this, well, with such a misunderstanding, especially when we have a single
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voting day for the first time, when the word deputy , you can’t read further there, the supreme council, the supreme chamber representatives, many even call them in the old way, so here, in principle , you think in general how correct it is to roughly divide like this that there are only benches they are repairing, other meanings are being laid down for...
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the deputy must live according to expectations, okay, what level is the deputy? namely the local level , the primary level, but moreover, and as the level of this organizational structure of management of the deputy corps narrows, the higher the level, say, basic and regional, the more it is already accumulated there.
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well, first of all, i would like to support flyura ibragimovna’s thesis that we are developing a civil society, within the framework of the emerging civil society we all need to learn a lot, dear igor petrovich said that it is certainly necessary to distinguish between the functions that local authorities perform, those functions that they perform, if we talk about roads, about potholes, there are bodies that carry out the function of koro nikolaich, there is only one voter, the control function, as for voters, we also need to understand, figure out what we are talking about, the functions performed by local authorities, deputies, local level members of parliament, but i would like to answer first of all the question that you voiced at the very beginning, what do they want from their elected representatives, our belarusians, and you said
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that kiril. alena has her own ideas, but since sociology knows something that even you don’t know, i can easily tell you that we all have ideas, just like the inhabitants of our country, they are essentially the same , firstly, we actually carried out a number of studies in the run-up to voting day, what the residents of the country want, so that our deputies, firstly, are professionals, and professionalism is part of it...
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we’re getting in the way, we’re talking about, you mentioned deputies of the highest level, i ’m assuming a member of the house of representatives, and deputies of local councils, for whom, as we said above, this is essentially such a burden, that is, they voluntarily harness a simple language in that they will solve people’s problems, right, right, this is such a shelf when you can solve
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issues together, some get paid for this... they do it on a professional basis, for others it’s such, well, a social burden, that is, you divided it like this, well, it turns out that it is so, dear alena, but no matter what level a person works, if he takes on the responsibility of representing the interests of people, for money, without money, he must do this work in good faith, you say , one of the key qualities is professionalism, that’s what sounded above, no matter how professional a person is...
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and they solve issues accordingly, moreover, on functional differentiation and in a comprehensive manner, and isn’t this an example of everything we ’re talking about, look , an example of just that, that the chairman of the council of the republic has enormous experience, who understands well how everything works, she knows exactly who to call, what points to put pressure on so that there is a problem, no one neglects. you, you wrote your post again, how do you think a deputy of a local council works, yes, if a person has experience, that’s how nikola i have deputies of local councils, i can 100% say that any of them are right a local council deputy has strong local power, it doesn’t exist; a local council deputy’s strength appears with his experience, position in the system of executive authorities and current position,
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the higher it is. the tools for solving problems of a deputy of local councils become wider, so you take it, open your biography, career, see whoever is as high as possible will be more effective, this seems to me logic, igor, look, and now... the most banal question: i i come to the site, let’s say the minsk city council, there are two people, one of them is a wonderful young guy of 23 years old, who is just starting his career, and relatively speaking, the director enterprises, yes, yes, to me, judging by your logic, i should choose the director of the enterprise over this guy, but in principle i am denying the opportunity to create my own career, i will answer sharply, for which i will probably be scolded, i believe that not house of representatives, not local deputies.
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in another place, but i’m just wondering, andrey, once again, a deputy is, first of all , a public person, or is he a practical person and no matter what level, because that’s how, for example, we just heard from colleagues, a deputy should, in principle, convey
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a certain position, for this he must be able to speak, he must be a speaker, he must be able to speak, the second story is that he must be a leader, because he must have experience, connections and so on, so what do you think ? maybe he will refuse, he will say, i have a lot of work here at home, another question is that, for example, if he goes to the house of representatives, yes, there are much more people willing, but then we lose a person on the spot, he leaves, this is a liberated position and the same will be drawn up system of public administration, no matter who we send there, we will lose someone there, and hence the question again of the same twentieth year. you see, at that time there was a great drain on personnel from the local authorities, who were supposed to solve the issues of this primary level, there simply weren’t enough of them, the first six months there, the next year was also very problematic in terms of personnel, that is , if we replace all these personnel positions in the state apparatus , then there will be fewer problems with appeals there and on other issues, and as
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for, for example, money, and budgets and other things, then of course you can’t let people get into it like that, especially at a young age, when the budget is distributed there, there’s no need, you still need to work, learn to appreciate the money that you receive like that, and then cut the budgets a little.
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but again, the person who is on tv , the person who is a journalist, you probably know from yourself, you know, again, go back to the resources, who to call, he decides, i agree with you absolutely, how is this it's decided, she has it too resources, and this is also a good option, in
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addition, he can competently convey his position to his voters and not only to the voters of his district, but scale it up more, so he is a good professional. a journalist who thoroughly knows the agenda, well, in all areas of action, is also a good, not the worst option. no, i want to be a deputy, you know, but it doesn’t work out that way , i don’t want to ask, i don’t want to, but what would be best for the country, that’s a professional question, okay, we really just didn’t have the experience of conducting such bright pr campaigns.
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at the local level, but the fact that
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we don’t have such a wide promotion and pr campaign is that people are most likely thoughtful, adults, who are voters, they will come to read, and people from the tiktok generation, they will vote for the candy wrapper, they will vote for the one they see more often, alena, but when they read the program, in principle, let’s do this, we can all go out into the street here, pull out the first person we meet, say, let ’s run for deputies, we’ll write him such a program, everyone here is a collegium .
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who is the collective lukashenko?
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collective lukashenko is a system, first of all, a system that works to make and implement decisions, it would seem that local councils, what they do, and on a voluntary basis, this, in principle, should be a lobbying group of some level that is united together with the executive power, and not against the executive power, because if your local council is an entrepreneur.
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the question is: what is the lobbying goal and what funds will benefit whom? here you are they said about ukraine, it’s clear there, there is 1/5 column, with the second, with the third fifth column they fought to tear apart the country, yes, they used the country for self-enrichment, they also have lobbying, but they lobbied
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for narrow personal interests, what is a collective lukashenko - this is lobbying for the interests of society and the state, this is what distinguishes the fifth column.
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addresses the deputies, i won’t speak, but i want to say that the question is really about the competencies, about the powers of deputies, we will probably look at this issue in a new way, we are already starting to do this, we are trying to differentiate between the high and the low, but in reality this is probably a conditional distinction, because, uh, the path, now we are at the very beginning of the path, absolutely right, so we still need to all come to understanding what really is high, what is low, what is local.
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may be useful to a specific person, so, well, political preference is important, but it will someday be important in a different political situation, in one, but rather two electoral cycles, relatively speaking, a deputy from the belaya rus party helped me, i will most likely vote for this party in the future, not necessarily, but not necessarily.
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strategy, recognition, that is, specifically you are for a, you are for b, specifically a set of people, and not just everyone from the street, these should be
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party schools, it should be recognition, if this does not happen, people who share at least an ideology, absolutely right, and they at least know her, that ’s the most important thing, i absolutely support, by the way, peter, the fact is that we have no tie in the elections to the house of representatives territorial, that is, a person is not required to live in the territory in which he is running. from which he is running , that is, you can run in any of the 110 constituencies, so a more or less serious party, it should nominate candidates, if not in all, then in almost all constituencies, and in every constituency we should see these parties, well taking into account the fact that we are now living in an era of reforms and they are continuing, i think that again the beginning of the path, i would like to, yes, and i would like to note that the party is is not the basis for choice, we used to say the professional principle, then we said the media principle, now the party principle, but... the fact is that we have much more than 110 citizens of each of these qualities in the republic, that is, after all a member
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of the house of representatives is a person who combines many of these qualities in the best possible proportion, better proportions, therefore it is necessary, and what is an assessment, this is his life path, which is located in biographical materials, which, by the way, are sent out in paper form. all voters, they are in hand, you can find out what a person has gone through in his life, what he is really competent in, what he has touched with his own hands, in what area he has developed, so you can simply organize a massive pr campaign, pr the campaign is good, but the path of life is nowhere, but we said, excuse me, yes, this example is ukrainian, but all people knew a certain stage in the life of a certain person. promoted, sold, fed him so much that he came in even to those who, in general, a fan of his work, it seems to me that
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we have a slightly different society, simply accustomed to living in a different paradigm. it seems to me no, in general, we also had cases when certain people, hype on certain problems, and with certain investments from outside, in general, promoted themselves on a grand scale, sanovich, if you vote , well as if according to the place of registration, there you will choose according to the party, say, the strong executive committee, the district executive committee, or you will still choose according to biographies and how important this is really, i will be included.
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but it’s one thing, you say, they took it, bought the program, they ordered other things, but i ’m saying that in the world in political circles , any television during elections earns so much money, because the candidates are promoted, advertising, at one time they appealed abroad to twentieth year and asked, please help me with this, yes,
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help me with this, that’s it, you won’t regret it. i don’t need to be convinced of this, because i have experience working in moscow, i defended my doctorate first in moscow, then 4 years later i defended my doctorate, again according to the profile here in belarus, that is, a double diploma, and i want to say something, but there are sensible, adequate leaders there. which, given the current global turn of the electoral campaign, which is of an extended, prolonged nature, this will be a support, and where will it be a support, where will it be? here in belarus, because those who are party leaders already exist, but these are magnitudes, because i know directly, well,
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here we were. inside the system, well, inside the system, inside the candidates, or, strictly speaking, this the profession of a political strategist will die in our country when it appears , when the profession of a political strategist becomes important, it becomes important, when it becomes important, when our active political life is in full swing, it is in full swing when our parties begin to play an important role, extremely important, and so on , we now have party building, again i won’t reveal a big secret, it is limited by the fact that we have
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a strong presidential power, while we have a strong presidential power... it remains that the parties cannot yet finally decide, that is, how to decide for voters, let’s say there is white russia, which says: we are in favor of spending the budget there, we are in favor of giving more budget to the social sphere, and then the rpt comes. says, let’s cut the budget for the social sphere, give it better to big business, and then a third party comes there and says: no, let’s still develop this individual entrepreneur, a medium-sized business, that is, within the framework of generally one topic there are certain subtopics and different appearance, but we have the figure of the current president, once again a billion times wonderful that there is, who has the right, which, thank god, he constantly uses, making strong decisions, collegially consulting with representatives of the executive authorities, who on this issue of spending funds can...
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presidential power, this will be someday when alexander grigorievich ceases to be president in belarus, on in my opinion, aleksandrevich is now engaged in restructuring the system so that it all does not collapse when he leaves. but this will obviously not be next year, i have an idea that it won’t be through this very important moment, in our country, in fact, if we look at the passports of the specialty that a political strategist is preparing, not a single cart prepares a specialty, for one simple reason: a political strategist is the person who is engaged in the psycho-emotional pumping of the electorate, the manipulation of public consciousness in order to the candidate received the required number of votes, i know, yes i know.
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moreover, the party system does not mean the western, chinese system, nine parties, nine, and the cpc, not in the majority, not such a big party, 60% of deputies only all-china assembly, and the very competitive iranian system, with five or seven candidates, there are no parties at all, deputies unite among themselves, for specific solutions to issues, create deputy groups, the struggle is terrible, that is...
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not only for voters, but also for those who become deputies of different levels, because it will no longer be the way it was before, each of those who go to occupy this position must perfectly understand the full degree of responsibility and everything that he goes to, well, that’s all i want say that on february 25, you need to go make a choice , no matter how difficult it may be for you, some have two candidates, some have four, but you must understand, we choose for the benches for the meanings... see you in a week.


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