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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 15, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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the quality of life of people is possible subject to the maintenance of security, a just world, fair distribution of resources and labor results. this can be achieved if we work together, and not by cutting. only through peace and stability will we be able to guarantee a decent future for our children and grandchildren. for almost 10 years they fought for peace on afghan soil, becoming a barrier to international terrorism. today is the thirty- fifth anniversary of the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan. commemorative events took place throughout the country. the requiem rally took place at island of courage and sorrow in minsk. veterans, families of the dead, public associations, schoolchildren and all concerned belarusians came to remember the fallen soldiers. the names of heroes, warriors, afghans who gave their lives are carved on the wall of the chapel. over 30,000 belarusians took part in the afghan war. today, there are 21 thousand
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veterans left in the country, all of them make an invaluable contribution to ensuring the security of belarus and, using their heroic examples, teach the current generation of military personnel and youth. we had many tasks of escorting convoys, destruction of gangs, ambushes , destruction of caravans with weapons, with drugs, a lot of security for soviet specialists who worked there in afghanistan, the security of the gas processing plant is now occupied. i travel to various schools, lyceums, and give performances. the election campaign is becoming more mobile. a service for finding a polling station has appeared in belarus. it can be found through a tab on the main page of the official website of the center for electoral commission. next, select your region, city, street. after will appear information on the precinct, address, contact telephone number, working hours of the election commission. you can also see the boundaries of electoral districts for the elections of deputies and the house of representatives. information about
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the location and telephone numbers of district commissions. exchange of experience and practical lectures on a new approach to patient rehabilitation. a specialist from italy, osteopathic doctor giavanni bonfanti, came to belarus. the doctor is widely known throughout the world for his unique treatment methods. he is also active on social networks. he doesn't have 1 million subscribers. dozens of osteopaths not only from all over belarus, but also doctors from russia and lithuania came to giovanni bonfanti’s master class in minsk. from the first artificial satellite to the most recognizable cosmonaut in the world, yuri gagarin, the orbits of friendship exhibition has opened in moscow. unique items from the history of the development of soviet and belarusian-russian cosmonautics are presented here. the exhibition began to be collected 40 years ago; now only a small part of it is shown, which tells about cosmonauts with belarusian roots. for example, here you can see stamps with the image of pyotr klemuk, vladimir kovalyonok and oleg navitsky, as well as postal envelopes. with their autographs,
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the exhibition was opened on the eve of the flight of the crew of the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft, which is scheduled for march 21 this year. it consists of two belarusians: the commander, a native of the city of cherven, minsk region, and the hero of russia, cosmonaut pilot, oleg novitsky , our compatriot marina vasilevskaya, the first woman of sovereign belarus to go into space. on-air weekly socio-political talk show essentially we are on the sly.
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we are approaching the finish line of february to a single voting day in our country, the first in the history of belarus. today we’ll talk about what people ’s representatives should be like, what belarusians expect from them , we’ll discuss all the subtleties, and we invite you to join our conversation, there ’s a qr code at the bottom of the screen, please point your smartphone at it and follow the link to the youtube broadcast , write your opinions, ask questions, we will try to answer everything together with our experts, in the right corner link to our telegram channel to know more about behind the scenes life and our opinions. as always , kirill kazakov and alena syrova are working with you in the studio. let's begin. hello. well, you said what a candidate should be like, what a deputy should be like. god knows. you and i have two different opinions, you know, because the question is different. what do voters want from
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a deputy, and most importantly, it seems to me, a single voting day has a little confused the story in our heads that we used to come and elect local authorities, yes legislator. councils, then we came, elected the house of representatives, it seemed to be clear, these are fighting for our yards to be clean, the benches to be repaired, and these laws are passed at the state level, now it’s all mixed up when, well, i just, i’ll just give a little example, yes, that when - well, many of my colleagues, they are now trusted representatives, including going, meeting, meeting with people, and you don’t understand a little, we ’ve been used to it for the last 3-4 years. to the fact that our political demands, we are basically fighting against those who fled, we are for the president, we are for calm in the country, these are very global things, and the people who come to meet them say: you know, we have trucks parked here in the yard, well
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, it’s not like that at all, and there’s no place for dogs to roam, you don’t have much, so actually speaking, what do our voters want, alexandrovich, tell me, right now? candidates speak, yes, strictly speaking, the information agenda, it involves, well, at least a story about who wants to come to the elections, who wants come to vote, who wants to eventually become a deputy, which parties, there’s no such confusion in my head, especially when news releases are being typed up, and that well, this single voting day did not bring any kind of confusion. well, i would say that there is practically no confusion as such at the finish line, only because the actual work that we have been doing throughout, well, probably this year, without stopping, it was present, yes, of course, as you correctly said, voter, when
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will come to the polling station, if it is a district center, this is how i will come, i will have all the deputies of the primary level there, all the deputies. so that we can find an expert on this or that problem who can comment on it specifically from the deputy corps, who make bills, who listen to our population, so we would like
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to have more such experts in our media field. alexander alexandrovich, well, i immediately remembered one or even probably two cases, but in the last program during it we talked. the second situation, igor wrote an opinion about this today, over the weekend it became known about problems with wages at one of the enterprises, known from a public appeal publicly on tiktok, in my opinion , an appeal was recorded there, but not to a deputy, not to a representative of the local government, immediately
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to the president. aleksandrovich has already spoken out about this, not so long ago, he says that yes, he monitors it, he watches it, but in general it upsets him. because it means that what we are working on in over a certain amount of time, what people asked for, in general, is the very redistribution of power, it’s uh, not that it doesn’t work, people in general want it, but they don’t want it either, because it’s always easier call someone to account or ask them to resolve the issue, especially since he solves it, so i don’t know how ready our compatriots are now responsibly. come up and then ask those for whom they will vote. ibragimovna, maybe you have an opinion on this matter? dear colleagues, i i believe that the transparency of this communication, the election campaign for a single voting day, is extremely
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necessary, another thing is information support, and what you, alena, have just raised the issue of. our discourse, this issue concerns, first of all , transparency, and you are right, colleagues, transparency of the work mechanism. this very important institution of representation from the point of view of the entire methodology, this is the institution of representation represented by subjects of political power, deputies vested powers, that is , he stalled previous periods, we have launched constitutional modernization and... a complete locomotive in all strategic legal
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areas, starting, we said, here is a very important, supporting point, the law on the foundations of civil society, so it should first turn to contain such an explanatory part, some methodological recommendations, civil.
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everything else is in my understanding of how it all functions, there are potholes on the roads that
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appear somewhere, or there are bad wells, or salaries are not paid, the executive branch deals with all this, this is its task, what do the deputies of the house of representatives, deputies of the house of representatives do, solve systemic errors by elaborating legislation, that is , if a hole appears somewhere on the road and the deputies see that this hole appeared from - due to the fact that the legislation is imperfect, there is insufficient coordination between. executive authorities and so on, then they take up this topic if, in general, the laws work normally, but this is some kind of special case in in a particular district, then this is generally not a problem of parliamentary deputies, this is a problem of a specific executive branch, so when we talk about how we elect parliamentary deputies, we need to elect people, in my opinion, again, who are good do they understand how the executive power system functions in the country, what laws have already been written, because they have already worked on them in the executive?
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this is one thing, working is another, the fastest to solve any problem with potholes on the roads is the deputy of local councils who continues to work in the executive branch system, while having at his main place of work mechanisms for solving this problem, therefore, well, relatively speaking, if we talk about how elections to the house of representatives differ from local councils, to the house of representatives we elect people who decide systemic problems with potholes on the road, in the local ones, what is your mistake, that you have taken people now?
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i’ll tell you later, but sometimes they just hype, they hype by the fact that they are simply not going anywhere, not addressing anyone at the local level, just they write a video and send it to tiktok , of course, i hope that it will get more eyes, that it will be seen by more viewers, it is clear that this will reach our president and who should decide this, but
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this is wrong, that is, i think , what if there is some problem, going back to the first point. then all these problems can be solved at the grassroots level, be it the director of an enterprise, be it the chairman of the executive committee, and i can tell you from my experience when i lived in the region, basically, when people turn to the lower level, we will say this, to the level of the district executive committee to the level of the village council there, if this problem is not solved because the authorities did not want to look at it with human eyes, it automatically goes up, because this problem hurts a person when already...
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look, ivan anatoyvich, tell me, this is one click, we have a system of electronic voting in general, it can generally take place, or for now these are plans, plans, plans yes, this is a prospect, this is a prospect, of course, not even tomorrow, rather the day after tomorrow, that is, if we talk about any electronic systems, if development begins, it could be the twenty-ninth year, that’s the prospect, because
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we have this cycle 24, the twenty-fifth year of the presidential campaign, it still comes without. and first we need a unified voter database, what’s called a voter register, we don’t have that, we now have a population register, right?
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voting and, in general, elections, one or two, we knew, we didn’t find out yesterday, but belarus is a country, in general, we have enough brains, we have enough resources, then why haven’t we reached this stage with at least some basic databases? i want to tell you right away that we have completed some elements, so i’ll take this opportunity to inform you that today we launched a server service for finding a site for voting, every citizen, and this , by the way, is probably in first place in terms of requests that are now received by the central commission, people are looking for a
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polling station, such a service has appeared on the website of the central commission on the main page, now it is filled with the telephone numbers of precinct commissions, where a person by entering an address, or more precisely choosing the address of his place of registration from the proposed options, can obtain information about the voting station, where he is located, and what time he works. we cannot provide, but this information is on the websites of executive bodies , all this information is in the public domain, look, due to the fact that we are talking about the fact that after all, a single voting day
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means, in some districts , four at once ballot, how much the number of media candidates for deputies has increased, that’s just how you look at it, but precisely those people who are famous thanks to television, thanks to the stage, thanks to no matter what, just media, that’s how much they have increased. how correct this is, you know, i can’t give estimates, how much , this is a subjective question, firstly, who else should be considered a media candidate, but it’s absolutely certain that it has increased, that is, i see simply by the difference from the previous company, there are more of them, and that's right, that's right, the fact is that parliament, if we're talking about parliament right away, then this body is not only legislative, but also representative, yes, that is, the candidate represents his voters, he must be able to do so in an accessible form.
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for the first time, a single voting day, when the word deputy, you don’t read further there, the supreme council, the supreme house of representatives, many even call it the old way, so here, in principle, do you think in general,
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how correct is it to roughly divide like this that there are only benches? repairs, other meanings are laid down, you know, we were already dealing with exactly this issue in 2020 after the elections, and somewhere towards the end of the year , approximately 80% were recorded from citizens' appeals - these are benches, answering your question, despite the elections, despite... regarding the deputies, i can say that if you have a system of informal connections with other deputies, with ministers, ministers' loan, maybe with some other structures , but you will solve the issue with the bench, with the dogs, with anyone, if they are not there, sorry, you will not solve it, it turns out that we need to work for this your record book there for 5 years, while you it’s called connections, yes, it’s called connections, and this is how it works
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, i would like to support flyura ibragimovna’s thesis that we are developing a civil society, within the framework of the emerging civil society we all need to learn a lot, dear igor petrovich said that it is certainly necessary to distinguish between the functions that local authorities perform , a function that performs, if we talk about roads, about potholes, there are bodies that carry out the function of control, there is only one voter, the function of control, as for voters, we too, well...
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we all have ideas, in the same way, how among the inhabitants of our country, they are essentially the same. firstly, we actually carried out a number of studies on the eve of voting day, what do the residents of the country want, so that our deputies, firstly, are professionals, and the professionalism that makes up it is education, work experience, in particular one of the points is experience working for leadership position, including the need to look at things panoramicly and... how legitimate it is to differentiate the media agenda should be dealt with by a respected journalist, who is behind this we are engaged the last six months, or repairing roads, if a person claims to express the will and interests of a significant mass of people, he probably needs to reformat his consciousness and his approaches to understand that a deputy of the highest level initially accepts the responsibility of monitoring the condition of the roads and the media agenda deal
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with other issues, professionalism, the second point: deputies of local councils, for whom, as we said above, this is essentially such a burden, that is, they voluntarily harness in simple language, what they they will solve people’s problems , right, right, they receive a salary, we can solve issues together, some receive a salary, they do this on a professional basis, for others, for others it’s like that, but the social burden, that is, you divided it like that, well, it turns out, it turns out, that's it.
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dear alena, but no matter what level a person works, if he takes on the responsibility of representing the interests of people, for money, without money, he must do this work in good faith, and you say, one of the key qualities is professionalism, that’s it, which sounded higher, no matter how professional a person is, if he does not have the opportunity, if he does not enter certain offices, yes, if he does not know certain people, certain mechanisms.
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and isn’t this an example of everything we ’re talking about, look, this is an example of precisely the fact that the chairman of the council of the republic has enormous experience, who understands well how everything works, she knows for sure.
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just starting his career and, relatively speaking, the director of the enterprise, yes, yes, i, judging by your logic, should choose a director enterprise than this guy, but in principle i refuse the opportunity to create my career, i will answer sharply, for which i will probably be scolded, i believe that not the house of representatives, not deputies of local councils, especially at the current time, this is not the place for to train in management as young people, for this there is a youth parliament and so on, right now everyone.
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because, for example, we just heard from colleagues that a deputy must, in principle , convey a certain position, for this he must be able to speak, he must be a speaker, he must be able to perform. the second story is that he must be a leader, because he must have experience, connections, and so on. so
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what? how do you think? look, here you are a leader, they offer you to go to the minsk city council there, or to the local council level there, this is just an additional social burden, will every leader agree to this. question, good, experienced. who has the same salary and everything else, maybe he will refuse, he will say, i have a lot work here at home, another question is, what , for example, if he goes to the house of representatives, and there are much more people willing there, then we lose the person on the spot, he leaves, this is a vacant position, and the same will happen with the side of the public administration system , no matter who we send there, we will lose someone there, and hence the question again in the same year of the twentieth, you know, then the personnel from the local authorities, who were supposed to solve the issues of this primary level, were very much washed out, there simply weren’t enough of them , the first six months there next year there were also very problems with personnel. that is , if we replace all these personnel positions in the state apparatus, then there will be fewer problems with appeals there and on other issues, and as for, for example, money, yes, budgets and everything else, then of course people cannot be allowed into this like that so, especially at a young age, when the budget is distributed there, there is no need, you still need to work, learn
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to appreciate the money that you receive, then cut the budgets a little for other people, i think this is absolutely right, because corruption manifests itself in any country in the world, and in parliaments, in local councils, it happens everywhere, so who is older. people from television go to parliament, whom we know primarily from working on television, this is normal, well, i understand, all over the world this is primarily the case, well, here it is, well, how can i tell you, that is, you have to look at each a person specifically what he will do, that ’s what he knows, what he can do, because yes, a tv is a tv, but people come to you with absolutely simple everyday questions, if you bully them like this, it immediately spreads to other voters who say, well, well-known deputies don’t help you in any way if you are a good deputy. somewhere in your term you will help about 50 people, well, it is clear that each person can have an appeal there and which concerns 100 people, yes, but 50 cases is a good normal workload that a diligent deputy performs, well, not 100, not 200, there is not 300, that is, there is a certain ceiling on your capabilities as a deputy,
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which means that you need to work further on some a systemic issue , which igor spoke about, that is, here you go, we need a bill, if people often apply, something needs to be changed, but the main question we always have is money, somewhere there is simply not enough, or there are not enough personnel , because the laws are really bad, and where is the money?
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read, and people from the tiktok generation
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, they will vote for the candy wrapper, they will vote for the one they see more often, alena, but when they read the program, in principle, let’s do this, we can all go out into the street here, pull out the first person we meet, say, come on deputies you go, we’ll write him such a program , everyone here is collegiate, that they will go and vote for him, and this person will be just a nobody from the street, so the program is of course good, if it’s good, of course, so he showed petya that... this well, a certain career path of candidates for deputies at different levels , write a program now with the technology and intelligence there, you understand that intelligence is not needed, frankly speaking, because look, we started talking about the fact that deputies of the house of representatives form meanings, how do you philosopher, here’s how to simply explain what the difference is between local deputies. councils , as again, i say exaggeratedly,
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who deal with these very shortcomings of housing and communal services, broken benches and this formation, what’s the point, what’s the difference, for people the word deputy is everything, and as if no one reads further, here’s kirill, here yes, first of all, any election campaign is a political question, whether someone likes it or not, a broken bench is a tool for coming to that ordained post, until the twentieth year how were we, who came? lukashenko, collective lukashenko is a system, first of all, a system that works to make and... implement decisions, it would seem that local councils, what they
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do, yes, on a voluntary basis, this, in principle, should be a lobbying group of some kind that level, which is united with the executive power, and not against the executive power, because if your local council is an entrepreneur, a manager, a director of some kind of production, the head of the veterans council and etc., this is a team that should develop. decisions and propose these solutions, including to the executive branch, to help these decisions advance life if it is difficult, especially in some small areas where the population is 10,000 people, right?
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like propaganda, in soviet times there was also industry-specific lobbying, when they adopted five-year plans, every industry, every department there lobbied for more funds to be allocated in order to build more enterprises in this industry, and not in that one, it was everywhere always, the question is what is the lobbying goal and what funds will benefit whom they will go, you said about ukraine, it’s clear there, there is 1/5. columns from the second , third, fifth column fought to tear the country apart, and they used the country for self-enrichment, they also have lobbying, but they lobbied for narrow personal interests, what is collective lukashenko, this is lobbying for the interests of society and the state, that’s what makes the fifth column different
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the presidential elections were mixed in, even now our viewer is sitting and thinking, lord, how can we not deal with some, with the second with the third, i ’m now like this... i’ll raise it to a new level , yes, come on, the parties this year, now there are local elections and parliamentary elections, how they differ from last elections, how active the parties are, yes , that is, what is it, now here’s how to figure it out? yes, this is a very interesting question, because we had 15 parties, of these 15 parties , after re-registration, only three remained , and again one formed, that is, today we have four parties, but...
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look at what functions, what powers each of these bodies has, what powers the local council has, what powers the house of representatives has, respectively, having a united campaign, that single voting day in which we are holding, we can clearly show the voter what after all, local councils decide at their level, what does the house of representatives decide at their level, well, one thing still does not exclude the other, this is very rude to say, sorry, some are about high things, others are about...
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somewhere in the fourth , somewhere in fifth position is political views, it turns out that in the course of our certainly active communications
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with the population, dialogue platforms, meetings and so on, and through the activities of parties and public associations, we also awaken this political activity all the time, this is another variable that we we need to take into account the inclusion in this situation of choice, namely political views, political preferences, while we are not particularly able to do this.
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thank god, of course, the only true thing we have, therefore, when we talk about political preferences of candidates for deputies, people on the twenty-fifth will then go to the polls and see plus or minus identical political ideas in all two or three of them, if we talk about the local house of representatives, plus or minus identical political ideas, and here priority is included, again the understanding of that , what a particular deputy does and how he is stably pro-state within the framework of this political direction. may be useful to a specific person, so well, political preference is important, but it someday it will be important in a different political
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situation, after one, but rather two electoral cycles, that is, if relatively speaking, a deputy from the belaya rus party helped me, i will most likely vote for this party in the future, not necessarily, why do we have a majority system, the question is that, as far as i know, white russia has 112 candidates for deputies of the house of representatives.
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schools, this should be recognition, if this does not happen, which share at least an ideology, absolutely true, and know it
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at least, that’s the most important thing, yes absolutely by the way, i support petradel in the fact that in our elections to the house of representatives there is no territorial reference, that is, a person is not obliged to live in the territory in which he is running, from which he is running, that is, you can run in any of the 110 constituencies , therefore, a more or less serious party, it must field candidates, if not in all, then in almost all constituencies. we should see each district in these parties, well, taking into account the fact that we now live in an era of reforms, they continue with us, then i think that i would like to again the beginning of the path, yes, and i would like to note that the party is not the basis for choice, we used to say the professional principle, then we said the media principle, now the party principle, but the fact is that we will have each of these qualities in the republic of citizens much more than 110, that is, still a member of the house of representatives. this is a person who combines many of these qualities in the best possible proportions, better
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proportions, therefore it is necessary, and what is an assessment, this is... his life path, which is placed in biographical materials, which, by the way, are sent in paper form to all voters, they are on hand, you can see what a person has gone through in his life, what he is really competent in, what he has touched with his own hands, in what area he has developed , so you can just organize a massive pr campaign, that’s good, but the path in life is nowhere, but we said, excuse the example. well, all people knew a certain stage in the life of a certain person, he was promoted, he was sold, fed in such a way that he came even to those who , in general, were not fans of his work , let’s say, it seems to me that we have a slightly different society, just accustomed to living in a different paradigm, it seems to me no, in general, we also had cases , when certain people
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hyped up certain problems and with certain investments... from the outside, in general , they promoted themselves on a grand scale. now, if you vote, well, according to your place of registration, there, you will choose according to the party, say, the village executive committee, the district executive committee, or you will still be according to biography, as far as this is really important, i will also discuss the party, the party components. the first thing is that i am a party member and therefore it is clear that i should support my own people.
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representatives yura ibragimovna, tell me how, in your opinion, our party system has begun to develop, so we really understand that in the future this will be, well, if not fundamental, then a very important element in the selection of candidates for deputies, well, the structure of civil society, yes in the future, now we are now full
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electoral inclusion. so that the ordinary voter can see this, touch it from different sides, weigh it, it’s not observed yet, because the process of party building is underway, they themselves are looking for their own approaches, best practices for all that, but it’s one thing, you say, they took, bought the program, there ordered other things, but i’m saying that in the world in political circles there is any television.
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again, i will not reveal a big secret, it is limited by the fact that we have a strong presidential power, while we still have a strong presidential power, the parties cannot yet completely to decide, that is, how to decide for the voter, let’s say there is white russia, which
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says: we are in favor of spending the budget there, we are in favor of giving more of the budget to the social sphere, and then the rpts comes and says: let’s cut the budget for the social sphere, we’d better give it to big business, and then a third party comes there and says: no, let’s still develop medium-sized individual entrepreneurs , that is, within the framework. in general, one topic has some subtopics and different views, but we have the figure of the current president, times a billion times it’s wonderful that there is, who has the right, which, thank god, he constantly uses, making strong decisions, collegially consulting with representatives of executive authorities, who can say on this issue of spending funds, after all, it will be better here, on this all possible disputes between parties, they stop, party life will begin to boil then... when our system becomes a little less oriented towards strong presidential power, this will be someday when alexander grigorievich will cease to be president in belarus
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, in my opinion, alexander grigorevich is now engaged in restructuring the system so that it all does not collapse when he leaves, but this will clearly not be next year, and i have the idea that it will not be through alexander very much an important point, we, in fact, if we look at the specialty passports that prepare political strategists for public consciousness in order for the candidate to receive the required number of votes by pumping up the electorate, manipulating him, i know, yes, i know many ukrainian political strategists, who at some polling stations were immediately the political strategists of four candidates who were fighting among themselves, they said this:
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this is a piano and a guitar, here, unfortunately, you don’t know them, but you can look at the musical instruments collected from all over belarus. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the first educational regulations in belarus were announced today. in the 11th century in the principality of polack there was a cathedral of st. saphia, which in the byzantine tradition became adzin educational centers at that time. our land. let’s also remember folk traditions. in belarusian traditions, bread was never cut with pressure. geta was busy, the bread was lame at the meeting. dyvany, geta ўvogule the soul of the belarusian people.
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this is the boris and gleb church , it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, it simply tears everyone apart, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the one-thousandth part of a meter called, a prohar of 1 km is a thousand meters, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth part, exhaustive answer, thank you very much, dmitry, for
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you think, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, but what type of minerals, i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prohar can answer absolutely any question, it’s a mineral, it burns, no, look at the intellectual and entertaining project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is a panorama at.


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