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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 1:05pm-1:51pm MSK

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egyptian authorities have begun building a wall near rafah, where the israeli army is preparing a military operation. the new york times reports this with reference to satellite images. it is clarified that the egyptian army ordered the construction of a five-meter concrete wall to cover an area of ​​5 km of land. wild ungulates have begun to appear more often on highways in belarus. this fact is taken into account when repairing road sections. along the highway. r-53 are stretching the protective mesh, an improvised fence will become a barrier for animals and will help avoid unsafe meetings on the roadway. nets are installed in areas of the most active migration of deer, elk and roe deer. at the beginning , the alignment work is carried out, that is, and every 4 m e, a stand is installed, that is , it is installed in a concrete base, such, let’s say, a concrete glass. the fence itself is made of metal and is protected from heat. you can also pay attention to
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the grid that the lower cells are smaller so that small animals do not have access to the roadway. kilometers of grid lead animals to special crossings, a new subway for wild forest inhabitants is also in the project for the construction of roads, the height of such structures is up to 4.5 m, even the largest ungulates can move comfortably in them. unstable weather continues. in belarus , precipitation forecasts for the weekend include gusty winds. tomorrow there will be rain in most of the country. the temperature at night is -1, during the day it’s just warm, in the vitebsk region, and in the brez region up to +10. short-term precipitation in the form of sleet and rain will occur on sunday night. in this case , the temperature background at night will be fluctuate from -3 to +2, but during the day, with an increase in atmospheric pressure, significant precipitation is no longer expected across the country, while daytime maximums will not exceed -2. from five.
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it will get a couple of degrees colder again early next week. wet snow is expected overnight. more information from my colleagues at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you. all the best and have a nice weekend. sincere love for magic, the sound of unusual musical instruments, connected the hearts of anna and sergei with the senator. our rapprochement is precisely in activity it happened as if, well, gradually , it was as if we were in motion , we came together, we came together, we finally united in our activities, a joint passion for creativity and the search for perfection in an imperfect world helped anna and roman matisovich conquer with their products made of concrete and architectural plaster, not only all family members, but also others. belarusian
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connoisseurs, at the exhibition at a construction site there was our vase, water was poured into it, and specialists who are builders who deal with concrete, men came up, wow, the water is poured, it doesn’t leak , yes, well, it can’t be, it’s just covered with something, it probably goes away the next day, checks, but it hasn’t leaked yet, look, two amazing stories about how husbands and wives create together, and carry this beauty into the world, today only on our tv channel.
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in the past, in the principality of polack, the cathedral of st. safia was built, as in the byzantine tradition it became the leading educational centers of that time in our land. and so we cherish folk traditions. in belarusian traditions, bread is never pressed differently;
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gety tsud, shto varyў nayvyalikshy masters. mil gilevich. a gift for soras, how the famous financier was greeted in ukraine before the coup d'etat and why it is important to observe traditions, without the right to guide, the new law on mobilization deprives ukrainians of their livelihood, zaluzhny is going into politics, we will discuss the prospects of the general with the ex-prime minister of ukraine nikolai azarov. kyiv. the regime has shown its absolute inability, emotions as weapons, a controlled desire for revenge and reprisals against a stranger, like ordinary people they make vigilantes, sit in the car, cia fakes, department employees told how
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they came up with news for the world's leading news agencies, trends in the new world order, events that force you to keep your finger on the pulse of the times, what should you pay attention to? attention to each of us. let's figure it out together. attention, let's start. introduce sanctions and deprive of citizenship. a man in full bloom , as expected, came under friendly fire. tucker karowson became the most disgraced journalist in the west after an interview with the russian president. that's what i want to say calm, just calm. he's simple. did his job, although on the other hand, who should i tell this to, for exactly the same reason, parents for freedom of speech introduced sanctions in the relations of belarusian journalists. the official complaint that applies to ksenia lebedeva, igor tur, grigory azaryonok and many other of my colleagues are employees of state media.
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for us, this is a matter of everyday life, but tucker is just getting used to freedom of speech and how he is declined by case on all television channels in america. the first american ones. permission tell a journalist who has been interviewing putin since the beginning of the war in ukraine, what this fact tells you about tucker carlson and the republican media and about vladimir putin. this tells me what we already know, he's a useful idiot. if you read the translation of what they say in the russian media, they laugh at him, for them he is like a trained puppy. somehow he got fired from every reputable media outlet in america, and i wouldn't be surprised.
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tologists generally predict that he will become vice president if trump wins the election this november. not difficult guess who is generously paying for attacks on an independent journalist. with biden coming to power, the white house has turned into the office of the soros family. the heir to the empire, alexander, has always become the center of political decision-making in the united states, where they actively lobby for their interests. ukraine, as the divide between republicans and democrats, plays a key role here. decompose it. the state was started by george, and alexander is already withdrawing dividends. french journalist jules vincent published an investigation in which he claimed that alexander soros agreed with ukrainian authorities on the allocation of 400 km of land for the disposal of hazardous waste. under the terms of the deal, ukraine
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will transfer land indefinitely and most importantly free of charge to us chemical, pharmaceutical and oil companies. we are talking about lands in the ternopil, khmelnytsky and chernivtsi regions. tucker with his interview narratives simply interferes with making money in the fog of war. the cannibalistic family is perhaps the main beneficiary of what is happening in ukraine. the most interesting thing is that earlier in the country this was perfectly understood and appropriate receptions were organized. in in 2004, people threw condoms and mayonnaise at george soros and doused him with water. you don’t find the relationship interesting,
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as long as people in soros’s country are chasing them with wet rags towards the border, it is thriving, developing, and as soon as people start bowing to them and currying favor, it immediately appears. belarus at one time got rid of such prospects with the firm decision of alexander lukashenko. this is what the president himself says about those events. they came in droves to the totalitarian state and offered me money, they gave it to soros, the first to arrive, brought money for historical truth , for textbooks and so on, i honestly and sincerely told him, mr. soros, as i remember this meeting now, you don’t come to us anymore, i won’t pursue this policy, that’s when i became a totalitarian dictator, then i became hated by our country , among other things, for what... for the fact that
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... i also admitted that it was conducting gray business all over the world, and ukraine is a vivid example for our region of how such financial vultures act, split society, imposed alien values ​​and aspirations, and today they are warming their hands near the fire of war and making money from the lives of ordinary ukrainians. the new mobilization law is designed to keep this fire going. the law must be structured in the same way as any assembled mechanism. gears, levers and cabinets, that is, it is logical and simple: every user
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must understand what to put where, what product will eventually emerge from the depths, where you should not poke your nose so that trouble does not happen. it seems that the main problem of current ukraine is that the new law on mobilization is designed with precision yes on the contrary, it will establish general lawlessness, and will also turn everyone it hits into corpses, literally, not in... the seventeen-year mark will be considered to have received a summons, and
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people in uniform will decide to send him to a trench or leave him for a walk. at the same time, today’s ukraine is structured in such a way that it is impossible to be against in any way, those who actively disagreed were slaughtered by the sbu and the main intelligence department 2 years ago, executors were snooping around cities and villages, killing people according to a pre-compiled list, on one suspicion of disloyalty, then country they have separated polyphonic tv. now all the news is broadcast as part of a telethon, identical and sifted by censorship. you can go to jail for reading banned media. as a result, today the average ukrainian is firmly convinced that the cossack boot tramples the paving stones of red square, the boys have already put up the kremlin curtains on the party floor. to protest against any madness is to play with death. the rada deputies know this better.
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they don’t use it, but they sense it in the spinal cord, we need to play for time, we will have this bill one of the record holders for the number of amendments submitted, the key will be to give the correct one. the record for the number of amendments today is 16,450, the mobilization law will probably break it; if we consider them all, it will take many weeks, while zelensky hopes to achieve the adoption of the law in the second reading at the end of february. the ssu urgently needs cannon fodder, half a million souls, no
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less, and kiev also needs money, which the americans are not giving. the law on mobilization of hryvnias, from those who are ready to buy their own lives, and who have enough money for this, then there is no less than 15 billion dollars, the only thing left to do is to force deputies to pass the law and citizens to implement it. yes, the authorities have national battalions, police, sbu and gur, there are prisons, but the people have an instinct for self-preservation, destructive hatred is already spilling out. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even
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more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. in our studio. 100 brave guys gathered. igor alexandrovich, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? first of all, if the children chose, it means they saw me on tv quite often. well , the second thing is that children always like large dimensions, each of them has a question for an adult. i'm ready, then let's begin. what
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happens if you turn off your phone for the whole day? the project contains 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. there are 256 countries in the world, in basically, the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela, but for some time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting for a bunch
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of other countries to evaluate us, supposedly more democratic than all the above states, most psychologically. it’s difficult, it’s monotonous , methodical, calm, but high-quality to do your usual work every single day, this seems to me to be what we need for the country in 2024, if someone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself, with this word are constantly trying to prick lukashenko and him power, they say you need stability, does biden want stability, conditionally, he wants stability more than anyone, because the united states is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and than... belarus, but there is a nuance: the stability of america is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world , we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive, it is priceless. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24. microphone.
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the situation in ukrainian society is tense to the limit. the anti-human law raises degree of contradictions to a boiling point. popular anger and hatred from what is happening is about to scald those who are ready to fight to the last ukrainian. sitting in a soft office chair. it turns out that such punishment is no longer needed by anyone, especially those volunteers who are beaten by military commissars on the streets of the country and forced into the trenches. people began to form. self-defense units that stand up for men on the street and prevent zelensky’s representatives from dragging them away in an unknown direction. the split has also reached the power bloc of ukraine. the scandal broke out. v unit of the national police of the dnepropetrovsk region, the leadership tried to send them to the front, but during a small talk on this matter, in powerful expressions familiar to everyone,
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a long-standing resentment was revealed. it turns out that about the former berkut officers, an official who received a position on the maidan came to send to war. do you remember what unit you came from, and where you came from, where, from egnid from the maidan, yes, yes? 10 years after the february 2014 events in ukraine, no consensus has been found on the tragedy that claimed the lives of more than 100 man, no investigations and no people responsible, because the sacred victims did their job, what else do those who stood behind... behind the coup d'état and achieved their goal need, here you know, as in the classics, the main thing in the course of investigative actions is not to expose yourself . we will discuss what the country has come to with the ex-prime minister
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of ukraine nikolai mazarov. hello, how do you feel about zaluzhny’s resignation and the prospects for his political career? well, in the conditions of such a kiev totalitarian regime, i don’t think that he has some.
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showed its absolute inability not only to organize the work of the economy, the social sphere, but to use even those huge loans that were allocated by the americans and europeans. in my opinion, the americans have an understanding of this, but after analyzing the whole situation, they decided, at least under biden, to preserve zelensky. in your opinion, will putin's interview have an impact on support for ukraine? from western society and the political leadership, well , this will not affect biden in any way, scholz already, that means he reacted and said that, well, in
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his usual way, it was typical for scholz, as the chancellor of germany, when he was told about the genocide of russian people in the donbass, he said that it was funny, for scholz it was funny, that’s about it in the same spirit, so to speak, he responded to... it is clear that their reaction will be negative. as for public support, at least there are over 170 million views. this interview on american social networks shows the enormous interest of ordinary people, i think so, who have little
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represented the essence of this conflict, they know little about the origins of this conflict, so to some extent , i think this will influence public opinion, but what can we say about the fact that it will somehow influence biden there, but not at all will influence, he has... his own , so to speak, his own program of action, and he is within the framework of his own paradigm of concepts, and he acts in this, in this paradigm, as for other political figures in opposition to biden, there, scholz , there, sunakam among other things, then most likely they received arguments for working towards establishing peace after all. why are articles with headlines about the collapse of the ukrainian front increasingly appearing in the western press? well, depending on what you look at, making such conclusions, in fact, it means that it is still a mainstream, so to speak, network of publications,
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a network of news agencies. which are financed and managed by the americans, i mean by the leadership of the white house, germany there, the chancellor, the chancellor’s office and so on, yes, they still speak out very carefully, yes, they need to be explained somehow to their readers, their viewers, their listeners, that the advertised counter-offensive failed, that there were no successes, they, of course, do not want to assign such responsibility to themselves. that’s why such critical remarks appear, but in general they continue to support them, that ’s what’s most strange, they don’t see the grossest violations of democracy, they don’t see the ban on church denominations, the ukrainian orthodox church, which dates back more than a thousand years, is simply now banned, so prohibited, liquidated there, taken away there are temples there and so on, they don’t
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see it, don’t notice it. therefore, so to speak, look objectively at their approaches, at their assessments, they continue anti-russian rhetoric, continue to accuse russia of aggression, and so on. why did the thesis of nothing about ukraine without ukraine disappear? well, you know, the argument that the americans use to explain their reluctance to make peace, because the americans understand perfectly well, and the europeans too, that the kiev regime is a puppet regime. he does not make any decisions on his own, therefore, it is most convenient to say that we are for peace, but look that ukraine wants to defend democracy, freedom, wants to fight until the last ukrainian, this is all frivolous talk, when in america they make a decision, it means that we need to put an end to this conflict, then the conflict will certainly end. thank you very much for your opinion. we will tell
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you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that is engaged in production, development integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general. our multimedia complexes are suitable for effective work not only with a group visitor, but...
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my work for me is a significant part of my life, it is probably a joy for the soul and mind. watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. adventure awaits us today. the horse has no arms, no fingers, he cannot scratch himself, to scratch himself, he needs swing somewhere, in the sand, in the snow , the most important thing is to be open to the amazing secrets of facts, i put the question to a vote, who is in favor of accepting the hero maria ivanovna as a member of the komsomol, i ask you to vote, who is for, and do not forget to give positive will.
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emotions, don’t rush, it’s just delight , this is the first thing, what is this bowl, what is it, well, this is a jug, this is the first jug made with your own hands from clay, sergey, thank you very much, watch the project route built on the belarus 24 tv channel, in our show participants will not be helped.
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the exact fraction of a meter of prokhor 1 km is a thousand meters, that is, it does not fit the definition of a share, an exhaustive answer prokhor, thank you. big and the smile at the end is like an exclamation point, and dmitry , what do you think, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, and what type of minerals, i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that a prohar can give an answer to absolutely any question, is it a mineral, does it burn, no, watch an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel . destruction of ukrainian statehood,
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a completely controlled process, about which no documentary film has been made. the technologies of color revolutions are well known and described. it is important for us to understand what is happening around us in terms of these applied processes. a system behind which there are specific people who, in fact, are part of the complex and who absolutely clearly understand what and, most importantly, why they are doing. one such technology is controlled vigilantism. take the situation into your own hands and seek justice in any way. vigilantes, a concept that characterizes the activities of people. the fact that the state is unable to fulfill its functions, and official justice is ineffective. as a rule, such people unite in groups and defend their interests independently; disappointment in what is happening around them and the desire to achieve
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justice pushes the vigilantes to commit lynching. they, as a rule, independently pass sentences and carry them out. among the most famous movements of this type are the bakasi boys in africa, the security corps. beaten, taken away in an unknown direction, causes a corresponding reaction from the population , in ukraine, when men are grabbed on the street, people unite in groups and try to seek justice as they see it by all available means; in the ukrainian
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city of beregovo, a crowd attacked a woman with a small child. during the scuffle , the woman's hair was pulled out and the child received a facial injury. the reason for the attack was simply a rumor that she was providing the military registration and enlistment office with the addresses of men of military age. the maddened crowd did not investigate the situation, but was guided solely by emotions and desire to achieve justice. such qualities have become extremely interesting for political strategists, who take great pleasure in using the recklessness of the masses for their own purposes. controlled vegilantism has become one of the most important tools for carrying out color revolutions. society is pre -warmed up with emotional messages, news about the massive increase in injustice reigning around. for those who remain in the shadows of these processes
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, it is unimportant for the event to actually occur. the necessary news is created without leaving from the office. then all that remains is to point the finger at the enemy who must be defeated in order to take revenge and achieve justice. this is how, for example, events unfolded in belarus. after in august 2020, on social networks on my personal pages, i actually openly declared that i support the course of the current head of state, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko. negative comments began to appear under my posts. but in fact, the gates of vad opened after i, so to speak, entered the crowd. lighting up the marches incredible, where he told what was really happening - among these protesters who is behind this, what provocateurs are working there , what everything is aimed at this, then mm on
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my social networks - they actually began to burst with negativity, with threats, with insults , with obscene language, and, moreover , threats were poured out not... unwanted political strategists, leading an attack on the public administration system, carefully published the personal data of journalists, politicians and experts, with an unambiguous note: do you know what to do with them? in such a situation , they try to exclude an alternative opinion from the information space in order to form a larger number of vigilantes who are confident that society is united in its impulses and intentions; anyone who dares to express their point of view , which will distinguish...
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injustices and overwhelming emotions
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push them to aggressive actions, stands think about who is making you a vigilante. we will tell you about important church dates and holidays. the church is gradually preparing us, prayerfully and liturgically, to meet this. holiday, so this day is mainly dedicated to remembering the events associated with the birth of christ. we will introduce you to ancient relics and miraculous icons. she occupies such a special place of honor in the center of the temple, not far from the altar. people always resort to this image with their prayers, asking the mother of god to help with their needs. let's discuss issues related to modern life. let us and we
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, together with all our lives, search for god and find out god. the wise men would not have been christ's companions, if he had not followed the most important rules. let's offer routes to unique belarusian shrines. if you and i look at our temple, the thickness of the walls of this temple is 1 m 25 cm. what beauty, what power, what strength. defendant khromov is subject to release in the courtroom, your little fellow is probably going crazy because of our friendship with you. my edik is a completely wise husband. second day of ovulation.
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i will give you a stimulating injection, and today you must be intimate with your husband at least three times. do you want kids? yes, then come here. come here. listen, let's go on vacation, okay? well, what kind of vacation? i'm already on vacation was, now only a year later. i have it in a month. thanks for the help. for which? did you give it to me? feel like a real man , she sent me a summons for divorce, so, pull yourself together, pull yourself together, i said why we stopped, there are my windows on the top floor, maybe we’ll come in, the ethical guy called me, and i decided to help, you should be together, you see, watch the series, if you love me , forgive me, on the belarus 24 tv channel, you can do a lot in 24 hours, and there’s even more behind it. in our project you will learn about key dates and
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events in the country and the world that occurred during a week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24x7. watch on our tv channel every friday evening. similar. populations with society are possible only with constant attention retention due to bright emotional news, and for those who remain behind the scenes, it is not very important that the event actually happens, if there is no suitable news, they can easily they come up with without leaving the office, and during an attack on the public
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administration system, fake news takes up the bulk of the information flow, the technology is simple to the point of disgrace, and the main emphasis is placed on fakes. lies. a cia employee told how officers and now you are part of the management's dissemination network come up with news for the world's leading news agencies. wars are started not by guns, but by newspapers. famous expression. can be considered the slogan of one of the specific divisions of the cia. news generated without leaving your office and sent to the world's largest news agencies. fake service of the department from the first days of its foundation. a striking example is the vongole civil war, which broke out in the mid-seventies. if you study the newspapers
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of that time, you can come to the conclusion that responsibility lies entirely with the soviet union. cia officer john stokwell, himself. the main idea was to make it look like russian and cuban aggression in angola, so any story which you could write while promoting this version would definitely end up in the press. one of my people on the task force was doing similar work; he was a propagandist whose job was to write stories and find ways to get them out to the press. in 1975, the united states ended three military conflicts at once and began to withdraw its troops and agents from vietnam, cambodia and laos. more than a thousand cia employees were returning to washington at the same time. there weren't even stools for so many people in the office. morale was at its lowest. john
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stockwell claims that the center's leadership decided to initiate a new hot conflict and the choice fell on angola. the us eventually invaded angola, funding several warlords in the region. all activities of american advisers to their wards were accompanied by information cover. stokval sent his propagandists to great britain, portugal, zambia and zaire. away from the battlefield, they made up news for groups supported by the cia. specialist in zambia showed.
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i came up with a much more interesting story. some time later, a cia employee in zambia covered the front pages of western newspapers with horrifying news about the atrocities of cuban soldiers in angola. according to him, several cuban soldiers raped young angolan girls.


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