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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 16, 2024 10:50pm-11:16pm MSK

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this is an understandable policy. hello, we are used to believing what we see with our own eyes. this is how our psyche works. but what if the picture and voice are skillfully faked for you, and the fake photos and videos seem very real. earth in the illuminator. the earth is visible in the porthole. fire guys
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, thank you for such a cool gift, everything you just saw, in simple terms, is a skillful deception, these people did not do or say such things, how fun entertainment turned into a big danger, where deepfakes almost disrupted the elections, and how we’ll tell you in detail how to recognize artificial politicians.
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artificial intelligence is rapidly catching up, it seems that soon the whole world will be controlled by machines. neerosit already writes texts for journalists, draws interiors instead of designers, composes music, imitates voices and even helps to get a job, or lose one. i want to say what they wanted to be.
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which received millions of views, also used artificial intelligence. damon and money didn't say anything like that, but the video turned out to be so convincing that many the media circulated this as real news. deep facebook is a realistic substitution of photos, videos or audio materials created using neural networks. the technology was developed by a student at stanford university 10 years ago. it all started with porn videos and continued, see for yourself.
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laughter is laughter, but there are things much more serious. deepfakes almost disrupted parliamentary elections in bangladesh. last december , a tub of fake videos spilled over a country of 170 million people. the videos were also created by algorithms. in one thing the politicians were told not to support gas, so as not to anger the united states. in another , the oppositionist lied about his age. in one of these videos, an opposition figure spoke ambiguously about gas, which is predominantly. muslim
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country, which is largely sympathetic to palestine, would certainly lead to political disaster. moreover, the cost of such a video, according to the financial times , did not exceed $25. the elections still took place, but due to the scandalous videos, turnout was a record low of 41%. fakes were originally born in order to intelligence services, especially western ones, had the opportunity to make various provocations. in general, childfakes of this old school, old school type existed back in the united states in the early fifties, when they tried to frame certain leaders of the south-eastern...
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they are used, like representatives of the intelligence services , in order to spread this or that propaganda or this or that other news, and also watch the reaction of the network of users to how certain materials created by artificial intelligence will be distributed, the coverage is really there very big. another striking example of the use of technology in politics is the presidential elections in argentina. the media dubbed them the first artificial intelligence company. javier miley's team actively created different colorful images, and the people of sergio mas, the main opponent, imagined themselves as heroes of films and even cartoons. experts call “ the past elections in argentina a harmless, but dangerous precedent, because the us presidential elections are on november 7, and deepfakes there can become a real information trump card in the fight for white house. have i told you the story of
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the magical pistachio? one day i was lost in the grocery store and couldn't find my way out, but then i saw it, a sparkling pistachio. it told me: follow me, i will follow you. controlled information environment. as a result, election campaigns and candidates themselves become extremely vulnerable to domestic foreign actors intent on either harming or supporting them, and attempting to undermine or destabilize the democratic
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process itself. the potential for chaos is limitless. artificial intelligence and bots are poised to upend american elections. it’s not just western experts who are sounding the alarm, but the people who managed the biggest ones. former google ceo eric schmidt said the us presidential election campaign in '24 will be full of false information that can be created by anyone. in his opinion, every politician will use ai to harm their opponents. schmidt believes technology spreads misinformation very quickly, so you can't trust anything that see or hear, the asius portal quotes him as saying. fake. are already participating in the presidential race, and a lot of noise was caused by the photos of the forceful arrest of donald trump, which quickly spread across the internet. the american press will call them terrifyingly realistic. in just a couple of days, millions of views and thousands
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of retweets, after which it turns out that this is all not rubbish. trump will also get a hug from anthony fauci, the former chief medical adviser of the white house. he is being criticized for his erroneous approach to... they wanted to shame trump with a collage of six photographs, all of them were made by artificial intelligence, that is, not real. it is political deep fakes that today are called one of the highest quality: to undermine the reputation of an opponent, to present them in an undesirable light. for example, in this video, trump admits his defeat in the last election 2 months after the votes were counted. and only attentive benefits.
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use artificial intelligence, here is a video from the website of the executor’s youtube channel. zelensky’s figure was digitized using special sensors and the so-called green screen. as planned, the digital leader can be inserted into any room of any size. in a word, you can do whatever you want with his image. hence such skepticism among. analysts regarding zelensky’s trips to the front line. dmitry peskov has completely turned online into elon musco. tested a new russian development. the president of belarus suddenly spoke masterfully in french on the internet, although he himself admits that he does not know this language. deep fakes were put together in workshops. de la viande avec des pommes de terre, et bien manger le haringue avec le poisson.
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although artificial intelligence came to light much earlier, after trump’s victory in 2016
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, one of the scandals concerned the big data processing technology, which allegedly helped the businessman win. cnn reported that london-based cambridge analytica received more than $5 million for its services. this structure, using various methods of analysis, could convince american voters to vote for trump. the company's specialists studied about 500 different parameters and created psychological portrait of a person. a lot was taken into account: political leanings, voting in previous elections, favorite tv shows and stores. according to the new york times, donald trump's election campaign used information on 50 million citizens. all this made it possible to accomplish the virtually impossible, to find the optimal individual approach to a potential supporter. in simple terms. do not spray propaganda randomly, but send it only to specific people on social networks or at home. americans could receive
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messages even while watching your favorite tv projects. if previously candidates traveled around the country and held rallies, today technologies make it possible to work in a targeted manner, operate with large databases and sift through almost the entire corps of voters, identifying those groups that have preferences. thanks to this , almost personal work with voters begins, information is delivered almost individually, what becomes effectively popular always has a downside, scammers are right there. fakes are active today used to lure money, blackmail, or gain access to classified information. i changed my voice, dialed the boss, ask for whatever you want. in 2019, scammers used this technology to rob a british energy company. in a telephone conversation, the attacker pretended to be the general director of the head german
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division of the company and demanded an urgent transfer of 220 thousand euros to a certain account. nii supplier. after the payment was sent, the scammer called twice more, the first time to lull the employees' vigilance british office and inform that the head office has already sent a refund of this amount, the second to request another transfer. moreover, all three times the head of the british division was absolutely sure that he was talking with his boss. he recognized both his german accent and his timbre and manner of speech. a year later, using voice deepfakes, it succeeded. to defraud an already large japanese company, the name was not disclosed, the exact amount was also not disclosed, but after a phone call the scammers’ accounts were spent several tens of millions of dollars. if you receive an unusual call, pay attention to the sound quality, unnatural monotony of the voice, slurred speech, noise. remember that the effect of surprise is
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a weapon of attackers who expect to cause you to panic, experts noted. experts advised... logs of computer vision, natural language processing, speech synthesis recognition, as well as intelligent decision support can lead, in particular , to the collection of a huge amount of personal data, the substitution of real information false reports, significant material damage due to erroneous actions of officials at the highest level,
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while the consequences of such actions may be irreparable for the management systems of the nuclear industry, aviation communications, emergency situations or military infrastructure. it is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize a fake face; the easiest option is to pay attention to facial expressions; based on its uncharacteristic features, one can suspect a fake. deepfakes have many other weak points, for example, they can be calculated by poor lip syncing, different skin tones, flickering at the edges of the face, unnatural eye movement, weird looking hair and teeth, unnaturalness when slowing down. distortion, inconsistency of glare in the eyes, illumination in the frame, and so on. to remove these shortcomings, the video is then processed manually. deep fakes may become the most dangerous digital threat of the last decade. generating content using neural networks costs almost nothing, and the creation speed is very fast. considering these factors, the spread of digital counterfeits
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may well become a national threat to the state, especially in the current realities of hybrid wars. what to do is obviously regulated by law, so individual countries are starting to follow the path, fakes must , of course, be detected, most likely this is a semi-automatic, semi-manual job for serious groups of analysts, they must be protected as quickly as possible, trying to be shot down on takeoff, when they have not yet started violently spread, but exactly the same work must be done from propaganda in general, and not only political, deepfakes today are like a time bomb, you never know what’s inside, when the countdown will start and what the degree of destruction will be with digital weapons, in other words, when interacting with artificial intelligence, you must definitely turn on your intelligence and trust only the official source of information, so there are less chances drown in the wave of a fake world.
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happily. the kryzhachok dance ensemble tours a lot and performs a lot for its audience, by doing this we create a great mood, create a feeling of comfort for the world and creation. today i am... 50 years old, because i started training at the age of 10, i am from russia, there is a city called oryol, quite famous, in 1986 i came to belarus. and my creative activity began in this wonderful group, then in the nineties i moved to the state dance ensemble, at the age of 45 i finished
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my creative activity as a professional artist, it so happened that i officially retired and i was offered to lead the crust, in the crust i 16 years old, this is the second family, these are all my children. well done, well done, always do everything very carefully , calmly, reasonably, well, don’t worry , we have a lot of belarusian material in our program, we have a lot of dances of the peoples of the world, folk dance, it has always been, it will be, culture needs to be shown and definitely needs to be shown , well, we are never ashamed of belarusian culture, and we try to do it efficiently, and of course how... when you show our dances, our native dances, well, the audience is delighted, because we have something show, it really is yes.
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last year we received, so to speak, from the hands of the president , an award for spiritual revival, i felt excitement, pride, happiness that our work was noticed and, as they say, they know us, i believe that the cap is worthy, firstly, not only because... the term never fell apart, it always existed, just imagine, for so many years, 80 years, the team exists, and now i am, well, at some other level, we work a lot, a lot we are working, and i think that he is worthy, well, we are pleased that we noted.
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hello, as always on friday evening, with a repeat on sunday, early in the morning on the air. on tv channels belarus 1.24 program editors' club we, as always, discuss the most important topical topics of the past week, well , according to tradition, i introduce the guests dmitrovich zhuk, head of the sb
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belarus holding today olga shpilevskaya, director of the representative office of the tv company mir in belarus, head of the belarusian women's union. congratulations on your anniversary, the thirtieth anniversary of your representative office in the republic of belarus, how did you celebrate? very good, i watched, watched and listened to the broadcasts, it seems to me.
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bsu, candidate of historical sciences, is watching you , i watched the last program, where they talked about me, you wanted us to analyze tucker carlson’s interview at the journalism department, by the way, we are following fresh tracks.


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