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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 17, 2024 2:40pm-3:01pm MSK

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flesh, so they eat flesh, okay, then what do carnivores eat, flesh, what is the difference between carnivores and carnivores? well, i think there are no differences, they just came up with two words to confuse seventh graders? more likely. museum of the wooden spoon. the museum has a large collection of wooden spoons. here you can find cutlery of different sizes and techniques, especially. the pride of the museum hall is
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a huge tsmok spoon, 23 m long, made in the form of a mythological inhabitant, the ruler of the water depths of belarus. spoon decorated national ornament, sacred symbols, fire, sun, youth, feminine beauty and masculinity. until now , the work of romanian masters was considered the greatest. the belarusian copy turned out to be almost 5 m longer. the creators of this masterpiece hope to get into the guinness book of records. lashkari festivals are also held here, and this unique craft is taught to everyone. for the youngest visitors, an introduction to the museum's exhibition can be organized in the format of an entertaining game program. its director, inna valentinovna khvoshchevskaya, will tell us more about the activities of the center of the unique lozhki museum. good afternoon, good
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afternoon, please tell me, you probably know the expression, which came first, the egg or the chicken, so after all, what came first, a museum or a crafts center? well, probably a museum, there was a long-term program to revive traditional crafts in the minsk region, and the berezinsky district began to revive such a craft as lyshkar, the first competition was organized, the berezinsky ...
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size and technique of execution , there is a monument to a spoon, which is more than 3 m long, this is the first monument to a spoon, there are spoons that are very unique spoons from different types of trees that grow in the berezinsky region, these spoons are not painted, not tinted, there is a visitor on the thrones of the spoons can see a hint, either a leaf, or berries, or flowers, or related to something else. spoons were scooped into the tree, look at the structure of the tree, the color of the tree, there are also old spoons, the spoons that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used to eat, because in the old days, spoon craft was a very important craft, because each family member had to have his own spoon, each family member carried his own spoon either in a case, or in his bosom, or in his boot, they even talked to their
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own ... small spoon, the largest spoon is 23 m 62 cm made of solid oak , the smallest spoon is 1 cm and 3 mm, on the throne of this spoon there is a geometric carving that is visible only through a magnifying glass, there are a lot of spoons with images of animals, there is a collection of spoons , family, wedding spoons, they were drawn in the shape of a heart, a throne in the form of chains of family shackles. years of married
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life is a wooden wedding, and any visitor to our museum can purchase such a spoon for their loved ones and make such an unusual gift. agree. few people have wondered where the ordinary spoon came from, and yet the roots of the origin of this cutlery go far into antiquity, when it was not yet a tableware. the word spoon itself is in ancient greek and latin, derived from the phrase snail shell. so, instead of the well-known spoon, primitive people used sea shells, halves of nut shells, and even bent dense... plant leaves. later, spoons began to be made from clay, which was fired over a fire. of course, they did not look very attractive and were not very convenient to use. it was only in the middle ages that wood, bones and animal horns, and even later metal, began to be used to create spoons. wooden
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spoons captivate everyone with their uniqueness and color. these. cutlery not only beautiful, but it is also an environmentally friendly material. in addition, if you use such a spoon during a meal, the food will become much tastier and more aromatic and you will never get burned. believe me, it has been tested by experience. using wooden products is not only safe, but also healthy. it is not for nothing that in russia, from time immemorial, people ate from wooden dishes and wooden cutlery. and were healthy until old age, you just have to hold it in your hand and you will immediately feel the warmth of the wood, and trouble is no longer a problem, sadness is not sadness. history, unfortunately, has not preserved the name of the creator of the spoon, but the name has survived to this day: bread spoon,
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mezheumok, nosed spoon, thin spoon, ladle spoon and many others. belarus is also famous for its masters of wood carving with one of...
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everything and anything came here and then we have already cut the cover of the cover, cut the spring, and died in the spring. this is all from the world of fairy tales, the material was that, the oak tree was, i don’t want to work with a simple ski, but there is something so cossack, and they themselves are so scary and a fairy tale, a beast how...
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do you raise the punishment and then cut out the ski, beat the buckle from the back of the tapor and split into pieces the dredne and the whole ancient craft? at the same time
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, a small amount of money is involved in this, a lot of money is involved, well, there is also a small amount of business in this and the unique people. the heyday of bondarism occurred during the period of active development of belarusian cities and towns in the 18th century. centuries, the appearance of urban settlements changed, now the center of the city was not a castle, but a trading area, the main streets converged on it, stone buildings were erected, the rapid development of handicraft production began, new specialty professions appeared, the most widespread were blacksmithing, pottery, shoemaking, and of course, cooperage, if you think about it, if there were no wooden containers, where the products of our ... ancestors would have been stored, now without such utensils the taste life is incomplete, one might say, unleavened,
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we ate may honey from a linden roller, and steamed with a birch broom steamed in an oak tub, tried milk mushrooms pickled in an elder barrel, then we definitely arrived at the place appointments. in the ivanovo region they are proud of such a historical cultural heritage as the traditions of cooperage, which are passed down from century to century and from generation to generation. and this year the technology of manual production of wooden bondor utensils was included in the state list of the historian of cultural values ​​of belarus. the only bondarage school in the republic of belarus has its own history. it appeared in the ivanovo region more than 20 years ago, in order to revive the ancient craft, which originates in the village of ryloviche. in the 16th century, local craftsmen made dishes even for the royal court are still a secret.
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young bonders and their mentors are ready to share with visitors the production of ancient bonder utensils for various purposes. the works of the school team are constantly exhibited at various holidays, festivals of district, regional and republican scales. natalya mikhailovna, good afternoon, good afternoon, i have been at the cooperage school in ivanovo for more than 20 years, tell me how you have managed to preserve and... let's keep these unique traditions from generation to generation cooperage. on september 1 , 2000, the school opened its doors and enrolled its first students, the children are captivated by this work with wood, but not everyone comes to us, only those who are interested, who are curious, who like to work with wood, this is unique, here’s something for every child probably every boy wants to do something with his own hands. cooperation is a unique craft in itself, in fact, every year... there are fewer and fewer craftsmen who work with wood, tell us why, in your opinion, this is caused
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there is interest in the art of bandar, in general it is very in demand, at the moment bandar dishes are in great demand, there are a lot of orders for barilets, bath utensils, a lot of orders, now it’s somehow, well, maybe a fashion has taken place or something, baking homemade bread, here are the bowls, bowls for kneading bread, butter. they order it often, they order buckets for the bathhouse, they order steamers for the bathhouse, we do it very difficult, now in terms of technology, in terms of the manufacturing process , the work is very complex, these are fonts and kumgans, different, of different shapes, different volume, what is the advantage of a wooden product , it is natural wood, there are no , no chemicals, there is nothing, wood, it has the ability to retain cold or heat, also from childhood there was... such that they salted mushrooms, salted cucumbers, for me, for example, i
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- well, i know for sure, this is a cucumber from a barrel or from a jar, products that are stored in barrels, they also imbue some taste qualities from the wood, some certain smell that comes from the wood. a graduate of kobrin polytechnic has been working at the school for more than 3 years now college, laureate of the president's special fund for supporting talented... youth yuri novik, he is a wood carver, leads a group of boys, teaches them the skill of carving wooden sculptures, there is also work for girls here, they paint chests, how long ago the master decided to connect his life with wood processing, why bongor is an exclusively male craft, we’ll find out now. yuri, good afternoon, hello, you are a teacher at the ivanovo children's school of folk and decorative arts. creativity, wood carving master, tell me, when did your love for wood first awaken, and my love for wood
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began in childhood, as if i were a village guy, as a child we loved to go on tours and school tours with the kids, we had a good teacher there who helped us i became interested in this business, and how would i connect my whole life in the future, at the moment, while my life is connected to this craft, bandar craft is a dying art, that’s how it is here in ivanovo region... you manage to preserve this craft and promote him, on ivanovicho, roughly speaking, in the field, we say a lot, there are talented people, like fixers, like coopers, it is famous... ivanovshchina is like craftsmen, but does it matter what kind of wood to make this or that product from? well , mainly made from hardwood, preferably, well, barrels are mainly made, which are already very long-lasting, from oak, ash , hornbeam, well, such hardwoods and which are well durable, in general, bandar craft - it requires very large physical effort
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loads, tell me, mostly you boys are engaged in school or girls can also be found, they are not mainly engaged in... but boys, girls are engaged in another activity, painting on wood, the work is not particularly difficult, but if the tool is well sharpened, and as i was told, when i studied in okobrin, the key to good carving is a well-sharpened tool. yuri, how much time does it take you to make , for example, skating rinks ? complex, how it is made up, it consists of rivets and it consists of the bottom, well, well, how would it be assembled inside , how would it be possible to clean it with a stud, and i think in two days how could it already go out into the public, this is a riveting you call this thing yes, this is one rivet, each rivet has its own number, tell us about it, well, when we
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do it, we collect the rest, it turns out when the bottom is all together with rivets , it’s called an island, at first we sort of select an island with a stud, well, as if we draw a compass, we select with a stud and how would we try to sign each rivet , because as we do manually, each rivet is already different, as if it already has its own different thickness, everything is different, as if that’s why we try to sign, because there are moments when we kind of beat up the hoop and it’s as if all the rivets are falling apart. then the rivets can’t be put in their place, that’s it, the roller will no longer be the same, it’s as if it will be necessary, roughly speaking, to start all over again, that is, after all, you can probably call this craft an exact science , yes, well, it’s like physics here there is, as if you need to calculate the rivets plus or minus, estimate what thickness or width they will be and what
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the diameter will be, how can this be called an exact science? they say that in ivanovo itself they do not have artisans, but masters of bonding art, because each product is unique in its own way, the master puts into it not only remarkable strength, but also a piece of his soul. in addition, skilled bonders carry out individual orders for the production of bonding products for the population and regional souvenir products for high achievements in reviving the popularization of cooperage. the school staff was awarded a special prize from the president of the republic of belarus, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, in the folk art category.
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