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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 17, 2024 7:05pm-7:36pm MSK

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left, well, and came back here to the city, and here my mother and my father, they worked for 32 years at lukomskogres, my father worked in a metals laboratory, my mother worked in the accounting department, my father says, well , come on, come here to lukomskaya mud , for any specialty, but i decided to try, probably, it was more related to metalworking, so i would
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still be in this flagship, well , there is that part that i made with my own hands. there i was a milling machine operator, a turner, mastered several specialties, worked at all machines. our work does not allow the brain to lose its flexibility, because work in a very diverse, ambiguous environment always requires increased attention, concentration and, in principle. namely some new ideas, and energy has always remained, remains and will remain the leading industry and the most significant. everyone will always need electricity, especially those enterprises like ours, those that generate electrical energy. even now, many people are sitting, for example, on various gadgets, and on phones. or on computers, that’s all,
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we have run out, we have run out of electricity, even a simple failure, a small accident, or a break in the network of some kind or high-voltage power lines due to the snow load, we have lost all the light, what are we doing, but we are not doing anything, the charger is dead, there’s nowhere to charge, there’s no computer to turn on, no tv, the radio doesn’t work, nothing works, that is, we’re sitting in the dark.
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the better we make goods, products, the better we are, accordingly we have an increase in wages, electricity - yes, this is the first reason that gives impetus to development society for the distant future.
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just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were grabbing one piece after another, sniffling. in other words, the most important creative works, the most valuable and useful ones, are these books. the books contain the thoughtful thoughts of the people, the reports and expressive chatter of people. everything that chalavetstva created. i was obsessed with old
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books, for the fascinators. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to the past, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24, leaflet. or maybe a beautiful pocket calendar, they may already have it in their hands voters who care who intends to compete for the right to represent their interests in local councils of deputies, as well as in the house of representatives. campaigning in belarus is gaining momentum, and as practice shows, the week before the elections is the busiest.
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this time, let us remind you, everything will work in a new way, this is spelled out in the updated constitution. february 25 is a single voting day, convenient for the voter, economical for the budget. and this company is one of the largest in our recent history, it should be carried out with dignity, beautiful, the task is for everyone who is involved in the organizing process today and the demands of the belarusian leader are unchanged, you are very correct in your proposal, nothing needs to be discarded, we have extensive experience and practice in holding elections in terms of involving authorities, other government bodies, everything is in yours disposal, you are responsible for the organization. all government bodies and structures, including me, we will help you implement the plan that we agreed upon all together, a single voting day has also been introduced, we we elect all the councils vertically, so
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there will be enough work, slowly, calmly we will carry out this work. election campaign, question number one, what have we reached the finish line with, who are they, candidates for deputies,
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will be elected at a specific polling station, especially since today the law stipulates that election commissions produce uniform posters with all candidates for deputies and place them to polling stations. how did we actually approach this finish line ? election campaign, if we touch on
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what is happening inside the country outside our borders? we are observing a stable situation in the country, both in matters of security and... in matters of economic development, the country is demonstrating a certain economic growth, the forecast indicators that were carried out for the twenty- third year are being met, i understand that the results will still be summed up and there will be there , certain positions have already been expressed more fundamentally, the government will report, but at the same time, today we are seeing a peculiar such a good political ground for conducting an election campaign, it is clear that there are some shortcomings, just like ... in any large family or in any kind of association of people, yes, somewhere maybe the road was not completed, somewhere, maybe a house has not been completely renovated, but this is the point of the election campaign, so that those deputies, especially local councils, those who are close to these problems, so that they
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accumulate all this and work directly with citizens on places, if we talk about the outer contour, then of course this seemingly unstable situation in the world as a whole is annoying. you know that there is constant saber rattling along the perimeter of our borders, these local military conflicts, these elements, certain crisis phenomena in the global economy, problems... we will each work in our own place, but at the same time, as the president says , if we perform our functions efficiently, again referring to the year of quality, yes, then we probably won’t be afraid of all these ups and downs that arise in...
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265 candidates for 110 seats, the average competition is 2.4 people per seat, there are districts where not only two people, but three people each apply for a seat in parliament, it is clear that here the competition is much higher, more are vying for local councils 18 thousand people, that’s about one and a half people per seat, but here you also need to understand, let’s say there’s a competition for regional councils, for the minsk city council. will be slightly higher than, say, uh, in district councils, and accordingly in rural-settlement councils
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somewhere there are no alternatives, which means candidates, but this is also understandable , because the residents of this or that village, micro, that is, some kind of rural settlement, they, as a rule, elect deputies whom they themselves know, whom they themselves nominated, who live there directly, and how as a rule, they support such parliamentary candidates for elections without any alternative. therefore, we have a competition, i must say that we also noticed the activity that political parties showed today, well , let’s say, if we talk about parliamentary elections to deputies of the house of representatives, then more than 76% of candidates for deputies are party people, for local councils, a little less there, you can say, a little more than 1/3 of the candidates are party people, that is, that too. understandable, because political parties that set as their goal to come to power, they, of course, strive to get into
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parliament, because parliament will determine the laws by which we will live, will determine, including, will participate in determining those strategic directions for the development of our country, because parliamentarians in full will be included in the all-belarusian people's assembly, will be delegates of the all-belarusian people 's assembly, and will approve the concept of national security, will approve... life and professional, what areas are represented, well
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, the sphere of health care, education, culture, social protection is quite well represented , industry, agriculture, physical culture, that is, it must be said that the deputies represent practically, well , the entire cross-section of belarusian society, including many of them are members of political parties, public associations, represent a certain... we - save at the expense of what? due to the fact that we have formed slightly fewer commissions, and
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we have fewer electoral districts, especially for rural councils, if rural councils used to be formed of at least eleven districts, the lower figure, but now it is five districts, that is, it can be elected five deputies, the smallest number in village councils, due to this there was a certain saving, more saving and from the fact that... we combined two companies, in fact, we saved almost twice as much money if we carried out each company separately, this is also important from the point of view of directing these funds to some social programs and.. more important needs, including for the purposes that our voters tell us when going to the polls. for 4 years we had the powers of the parliament, for 5 years we had the powers of the president, now we have unified powers of both the president and deputies of all levels for 5 years, which means that if before we were in 4-5 years, we held three elections, but now in 5 years we will hold only two elections,
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that is, the country will not be in this state of a permanent electoral process, right? and there will be an opportunity to implement those plans, programs, those strategic directions for the development of the state, in conditions of peaceful creation, and not a clash of some political opinions, which in general characterizes any political campaign such as elections, we can see how everything is arranged in the commissions, please, i’m ready to go with you and have a look.
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with invitations to the elections, they will send this information about the candidates for deputies; in addition, they have developed and approved posters, monitor how the campaign campaign is going on, regulate issues of meetings with voters in those places that are designated for these purposes, they regulate issues of distribution of seats , holding mass events, which were also determined
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by the relevant executive committee, are they all so law-abiding or are there candidates who, let’s say, dropped out of the race out of... a clash, in my opinion, they are aimed at one thing, to chatter the voter , disorganize him, inform him, so to speak, perhaps, to veil him, in order, in general, to bring to power those candidates who exist, in general, by and large , i want to say, this is a multi-party system, which many people like to trumpet and talk about, today we essentially see in advanced democracies two or three parties that hang out power among themselves, in
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fact, sometimes the arrival of one or another candidate does not in any way affect... changes in that course , let's say socio-political, foreign policy, domestic policy in this country. what is the innovation of our company, who has the right to vote , will those who are abroad now be able to vote? we have the right to vote in elections of deputies at all levels, citizens who have reached the age of 18. the exception is citizens recognized by the court as incompetent and citizens who are in prison by court verdict. all other categories of citizens of the republic of belarus have the right to vote in elections deputies of both parliament and local councils of deputies. in addition, citizens of the russian federation who permanently reside in the republic of belarus and have a residence permit for the elections of deputies and local councils of deputies can take part in voting, and this norm, in general, is also preserved in our electoral legislation.
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well, there are certain age restrictions for a candidate for deputy, for example, for a candidate. abroad, citizens who live abroad are registered with the consulate can to come to the country, and for these purposes we have specially allocated one site in the city of minsk, it is located in gymnasium 75. on the street by presenting the appropriate passport for those sverdlov and there they will be able to vote who leaves for permanent residence and does not have on the territory of the republic belarus
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registration, if such a citizen is registered on the territory of the republic of belarus, then he will be able to vote at the place of registration, such a polling station has been created, so you are welcome to the republic of belarus, we are always open, especially for those who are not they are testing their double standards on us, how did they approach the process of international monitoring this year? don't you miss bse? no , i don’t miss it, as i think, however, they don’t miss me either, because since my active participation in election campaigns, and you know that when i was the head of a political party, then i remember in 2006 i was just nominated member of the minsk city commission and i was elected chairman of this commission and immediately, within the framework of this company, i was added to the list of prohibited persons they have introduced a number of restrictions, so i understand. i don’t miss you, in general, we are holding elections for ourselves, and not for some ticks of international organizations, although i want to say that international organizations will be in our
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elections, this is the mission of the cis will be represented , both in the parliamentary assembly and in as a whole, the cis executive committee, and representatives of the cis countries, we traditionally invited the heads of the electoral bodies of the cis countries, representatives of the csto, representatives. the sco, i think, is now considering the issue of belarus joining brix, this is also in general, there may be a certain prospect of inviting such observers to our election campaigns from these countries, and for those who really miss western observers from the european union, we will have such observers, they will not be part of the osce mission, as this happened before, the osce vigilante will be invited individually. from those european countries, primarily our closest neighbors, who today turn their backs on us, but at the same time, we really understand the political course that
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the governments of these countries are pursuing, and those citizens who, in general, well, think completely differently, intend to build normal, equal political relations with our country, i think poland will be represented, i think hungary will be represented, i think it will be represented. voting day is sunday, february 25, well , we must add to this that the institution of surveillance is not only international surveillance,
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what is international surveillance primarily for? so that professionals, those involved in organizing elections, can conduct professional dialogue on issues of improving electoral legislation, improving technologies for conducting election campaigns , improving international standards for assessing elections and so on, this... should be, there should be a two-way street , and not in one direction, as they say, here, but at the same time, it must be emphasized that today we already have about 37 thousand national observers accredited. how will the work of the information center be structured this time? really we we are opening an information center, it will open on february 24, after which there will be a large press conference of the cec chairman for international media observers during the following day: we will communicate with the regions and provide up-to-date information during the main voting day on february 25, well, traditionally we
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will at a certain time and report what information is coming from the territory regarding participation in voting, somewhere late at night from february 25 to 26 we will announce the preliminary results voting, well , we will hold a preliminary large press conference at 2:00 pm. let's tell you how the voting will take place, because voters at the polling station will even see more than one ballot, in villages somewhere they will vote for... that means
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four councils, this is a rural-settlement council, this is a district council of deputies, this is a regional council of deputies, this is the election of deputies of the house of representatives, that is, four ballots, so this is the maximum number, in the city of minsk, where we are now, citizens will receive two ballot for elections of deputies of the house of representatives for elections of deputies of the minsk city council of deputies. early voting will begin on february 20 and will last until february 24 inclusive, polling stations will be open during this period from 12 to 7 p.m., by the way, this is an innovation in the electoral code, there will be no lunch break; polling stations will be open exclusively from 12 to 7 p.m. without a break, some then giving an explanation as to why a citizen came to vote early is not provided for by law, that is, there is no need to explain to anyone, that is
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a person has the right to come... to vote early on february 25, voting will begin at 8:00 am, citizens will be able to come to the polling stations and last until 20:00 pm, those citizens who get to the polling station before 20:00 pm, no matter what the polling station will be closed, they will be given the opportunity to vote, well, this is a rule, which means it is provided for by law, that for this a citizen needs to take an identification document, this is a passport. the cec decided that such documents also include identification card, biometric passport, government employee id with photo , pension certificate , driver's license, student id, or student id, also a certificate, by the way, can be from the ministry of internal affairs, well, for those who have lost their passport, the citizen will be found on the list and given the appropriate ballot , he will sign the list of those who vote and...
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do not vote, these are elections with regional belarus, well, here citizens are directly represented, that is, they will be elected by meetings of councils of the basic level, each the region will elect eight such members of the council of the republic and the city of minsk, and the president of the republic of belarus has the right to appoint eight more members of the council of the republic by his decree , thus electing deputies of the house of representatives on a single voting day, and
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on april 4 electing... members of the council of the republic of the national assembly in the republic of belarus, we will form both houses of parliament and after the first sessions of these chambers, the parliament will begin to work in a new composition. yes, indeed, during this same period we will have to elect delegates to the all-belarus people's assembly from the deputy corps of local councils. it should be taken into account that all 60 deputies of the minsk city council elected on a single voting day will be.
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