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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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live panorama in elena nasacheva’s studio. hello. the quality of life of villagers largely depends on the successful work of belkuopsoyuz, the president is convinced. our film crew went to the districts to find out the opinion of local residents about the work of a large retail operator locally. when regions willingly meet each other halfway, what connects minsk and veliky novgorod, a special report will tell novgorod science and the burning ice of the olympic arena for reaching the playoffs of the republican hockey league , the president’s squad fought with the team today grodno region. my
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colleagues will complete the picture of the day. stationary store, product range, auto shop operation. the interests of people should be at the forefront of organizing trade in rural areas. can belkoapsoyuz compete with a private owner? what are people asking you to pay attention to? more details in a few minutes. from the work of kadimir malevich to the famous slavic bazaar festival. the days of the vitebsk region solemnly opened in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh. there is no bottom, or about the nuances of western social research against belarus. more their own vegetables in the off-season, already this year 30 tomatoes with additional lighting will be their own, and the need for cucumbers is completely closed to 100. swimming, weightlifting and wrestling are in the spotlight. who brought belarus another medal. we will also discuss the minsk resident’s performance in the super league at the sports day. at the end of the panorama. do not miss.
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"to become a conduit for domestic goods to the regions, develop your own catering brands, organize convenient operation of food trucks, minimize costs, increase salaries, these are just some of the existing problems for the decisions of which will have to be mobilized by the belkuopsoyuz, local authorities and the government. the president instructed the day before at a meeting of representatives of the belarusian republican union of consumer societies to bring the work of consumer cooperatives to a new level, to restore order in the organization, taking into account the assigned tasks. there will be a new chairman of the board, the structure will be headed by inesa korotkevich, the quality of life of the villagers largely depends on the successful work of the belarusian union. while the private owner is chasing a big ruble, the consumer cooperation mission is socially oriented, so the criticism voiced in the hall of the palace of the republic the day before was constructive. the belkopsoyuz is needed, but the methods of work, control, discipline, personnel decisions, this must change. the president is convinced that consumer cooperation cannot be missed, after all.
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cooperation, including by the quality of your work, people evaluate the entire vertical of power, that is, you are the face of this power, and this people's assessment should only be positive, we should not lose such a unique structure as the belkopsoyuz, we simply do not have right, we must make it work, and there is no need to once again talk about difficult conditions, it’s hard for everyone, but unlike...
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private owners, you receive serious support from the budget, and therefore the state has the right to count on an appropriate return, and here i am i would like to address critical remarks not only to the leaders of various levels of the belkopsoyuz. 2 years ago we agreed on close cooperation with the authorities, now i will say the main thing, but there was no full-fledged support, and the chairmen about...
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villagers, to find out their opinion about the work of a large retail operator locally, our film crew went to the districts. by the way, there are about 500 stores under the wing of belkupsoyuz; they serve a third of the country’s population. kornilovich will continue. i’ve only lived here for 6 years, that’s how long i’ve lived here, it was constantly closed. it would be nice if there was a state store. people had a choice. and this is an example when the country’s largest trading operator lost to a private owner. in the agricultural town there is an old village, and the former state store reminds a two-story building with boarded up windows. and once there was a canteen and even a cafe here. it was possible to buy not only food, but also manufactured goods and building materials. there has been a line at the box office for several years now. from competitors, and in three stores at once, price-quality , it’s just a choice, the population’s choice is everything, of course i’ll go buy where the quality is better, i’ll overpay a little, but i’ll eat what i want to eat, bad choice it was there, there were few goods, it was expensive,
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compared to this, for example, or somewhere in the city, all for this people went less, more, well, this hasn’t happened yet, the product was there first to grab it. and, firstly, fresh all the time, the bread is even fresher than in gomel. the well-being of the ordinary villager should be an absolute priority for the country. it is in serving the residents of villages and small towns that the social role of consumer cooperation lies. in the small village of ostrino there are chain and private markets, but for the most part local residents prefer a trusted state store. for pensioners and large families here the system operates.
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the counter where our belarusian bread is located, from our belarusian fields, is fresh, aromatic, here i know that it is always fresh, there was no such thing, you know, as something to complain about, the girls are friendly, the manager is very friendly, i always get milk and cheese here, but i like the assortment, so i come and take it, if it is irrational to maintain a store, there should be a mobile store, and such a replacement must be of high quality, this concerns not only the assortment, but the game. optimizing their routes and work in general is the task of the local authorities. settlements where there are no stationary retail outlets are served by an auto shop. in a day, such a machine visits up to twenty villages and covers about 150 km. an auto shop is a miniature store, the assortment here is smaller, but they can
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bring any product to order, even building materials. seller natalya vasko has been traveling along country roads for 15 years, she knows each of her customers by sight. they come with their complaints, problems, if there is something missing, bring something, even a pill or some kind unusual goods, well, we always try to deliver, call, ask questions , always on time, as far as it is written, so many will arrive even earlier, all the goods, whatever you want, you need, everything, everything is there, the day before the president said, losing the protein union is unacceptable , this is a unique structure, the quality of life of villagers depends on its successful work.
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you are responsible for the village, we are all village people, i repeat again, this is where our country came from, we must support them, and we will support you, but we will make you work, you understand me as you wish, you can, if you couldn’t, i would come today and start with the main thing, how we will collapse the belkopsoyuz in this place and form a new trade, but i still hope for you, not only trade, but and development of one's own. the shelf life is no more than two days, but this
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is enough: buyers sweep the products off the shelves in a matter of minutes. the example of a small svistochsky workshop with their already popular daddy bun turned out to be infectious. that we practically do not use any additives, well, if is possible, then we’ll minimize them, because - well , bread, it should go away, it ’s a daily product, so well, for a day or two...
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you remember clearly, the relish of the food, this year we’re used to eating it, but sennya, dear, we don’t it should be with you that if you reduce the number of eggs, it will not decrease next year, so we will have all the strength, and between you, the charge will not decrease, here at the company.
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i bought it, i can’t use coupons, the speculators have a coupon from 25 to 40, maybe i would take it, but they’re afraid of counterfeiting, but what should i feed the children with? philip, eat the eggs, soon they won’t be on sale, and i ’ll buy myself a house with a village and live there, and there will be chickens in the yard, they’ll give it to me. our quality control continues
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to inspect the country's enterprises, this time we will turn leather production inside out. the president visited the vgatovo plant twice; in 2014, half of the skins in the country were sold abroad unprocessed, although it is clear that they could earn more from the finished product. the company convinced us that we just needed to complete the modernization. 2021 new machines, wider range of finished leather, here only belarusian enterprises for the most part continued to purchase imported raw materials. as a result , the re-equipment was carried out, and the minsk leather production association ended up in a debt hole. how did you choose and what does your skin breathe today? we will be responsible for the quality of the main broadcast. my own skin, which i was almost left without, but i don’t see the need. privatization, because the state can solve the problems that remain here, like how
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a factory was pulled out of debt for a skin, we paid for raw materials, arithmetic in the context or raw materials three in one, files at the bottom, face at the top, and the front layer is cut on the floor of the skin, the result until the hair is lost turns blue, you get this blue color, who in gatova waited for what the president promised for 3 years, said, all the issues regarding this have already been resolved, but... it’s already the twenty-fourth, let’s drive it into paint , i ’m doing everything right, and we’ll stretch it until it cracks, our sample is torn, quality control won’t fit. we will answer for quality on sunday on the main broadcast. in the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh in moscow today , the days of the vitebsk region were solemnly opened , several agreements were immediately signed on cooperation with russian regions. in
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what areas will we create joint projects about cultural and economic interests in the report by daria belousova petrovskaya. the name of the first belarusian book printer francis skarina is associated with the region. it was on such a 16th-century machine that he created engravings for his small travel book. today his legacy also continues, but with the help of modern technology. then the engraving was made out of wood, or cast, each letter was cast from metal. now there is
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more modern material. homogeneous coating is artistic linoleum. it is easy to use and quite lightweight. so that we can take the engravings with us. and, of course, vitebsk opened the world of the painter and graphic artist marc chagall, the sculptor zaire azgur, and the artist, avant-garde artist, founder of suprematism kazimir malevich. kazimir malevich moved to vitek in 1919, and there, together with his students , he created the creative association u novis, which stands for promoters of new art. in their creativity they prefer simple forms. instead of landscapes and faces , circles and squares are depicted. rectangles on a white background. today, suprematist trams, the calling card of vitebsk, are exactly the same ones that plied around the city in the twenties. the vitebsk region cooperates closely with many russian regions, one of the closest in spirit in terms of distance is the pskov region. trade turnover increased by more than 20%.
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we are developing joint projects in aircraft manufacturing and microelectronics.
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news moscow. today belarus solves many economic problems, together with russian partners. the regions are willing to cooperate. our film crew visited the novgorod region of russia the day before to find out what connects us. it turned out that our universities are closer friends than ever. double degree programs are available to students. minsk and veliky novgorod, the capitals
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of radio electronics since soviet times, and this is a good start in the development of new technologies. it is also interesting that the novgorod region supplies special varieties of potatoes to belarus, what are they for? not only about this, see our special report, novgorod science, today after the panorama. there is only a week left until the single voting day, where we will have to. deputies of all levels. campaigns, dialogue platforms and patriotic events are being held throughout the country, all in order to inform voters about the importance of voting in elections. today
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, the information and educational marathon “choose bye” was held in the capital’s shopping center. he was joined by more than a hundred minsk residents and guests of the capital. a vibrant program was prepared for visitors.
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thousands of citizens will vote for the first time on a single voting day. let me remind you that early voting begins next week, and a single
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voting day will take place on february 25. the election campaign in belarus, quite expectedly, caused a wave of activity from all sorts of western pseudo-sociologists and analysts, some of whom predicted its outcome even before the voting began, but i believe it or not, this is , to put it mildly, not a very scientific approach. sociology. exact science with a certain set of tools and research methods, only accredited organizations can carry them out, only their conclusions can be trusted, but charlatans, let’s talk about those who use social research as a tool of manipulation. well, get ready, now there will be all sorts of associations.
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i’ll give an example of how a finnish analytical center fabricates data in order to get anti-chinese, anti-russian, but pro-american results; they select a certain group of respondents, use various tricks, formulate questions so that people mark the answers the developers need. what's interesting is that in the end the report lost the fact that, for example, 88% of finns consider the states to be a country with an extremely high level of social inequality,
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that 82% are convinced that america is engulfed in internal diversity, that only 27% of respondents consider the united states to be part of the european cultural sphere, only 17 see them exemplary democracy. the overwhelming majority of respondents - 71%, also answered that in finland... one should not become dependent on the united states, but all this is somewhere there, in small print. let's go back to our pre-election summer 2020. in some telegram channels on july 20, information appeared about telephone surveys from abroad, supposedly social research about life in belarus. at the same time, in one of the recordings of the call , you can hear that the operator calls himself a representative of a well-known american company. let's skip the details, something else is important. then this company itself hastened to announce that. we haven’t conducted any such surveys, and it is also important that fake studies and reports then form the basis for manipulations on international platforms, as was the case with
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the promotion of the topic against belarus? the us state debt also keeps the topic on the agenda, in general nonsense, but as a cog in the planned campaign to denigrate our countries and the aftermath.
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unwind to expand sanctions, to block belarus’ integration into the corridor . in general, any agenda now will be north-south, to block the strengthening of the union state and other associations beneficial to us. in the same way, various sociologists and researchers are trying to convince us that we are european to the core, and that our bright future is only within the european union, and not just this. lithuania, yes, all these specialists are located in the states, britain, poland, germany, the czech republic, it is important to understand the main thing, every false analysis has
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a sponsor. the dragnet, engaged in the promotion of democracy and political education, has a very specific goal, it can be traced by taking a closer look at the questions and the general nature of the survey. by the way, some of these studies then disappear from the internet. affordable vegetables in the off-season. the government assessed the implementation of the greenhouse development program in belarus. compared to the past this year the number of cucumbers and tomatoes in stores increased significantly. yes, all the issues are not yet closed on the same green matter, but the results for the year show that it is possible to move faster and implement plans until the twenty-eighth year much earlier. svetlana lukinyuk about a difficult but profitable business. a year ago they talked here about how to grow more of your own vegetables. the old greenhouses did not produce the required volumes, but we had to work on the cost. the government has adopted preferential
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lending mechanisms, reduced tariffs on... completely closed, and imported ones are losing ours is also in price, how much in the store? well, today the price is 7.66 -8 15. the strategy that just started working, what we did the first time turned out to be 100% guaranteed, and today we are already exporting cucumbers, because it even turns out to be personal, it’s great, we managed to carve out the first car for export, recently the second one was sent 7.15, but here they gave 5.38, the difference is significant in
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production, i see we will be out this month. for 1,400 tons, well, this is for the people, well, this is for the people, in general, we have greenhouses in belarus 230 hectares, of which 46 are with additional lighting, a year ago there were only 30, this is the first experience of growing, for example, tomatoes with additional lighting, an area of ​​​​2 hectares, yes, the labor costs are considerable, the cucumber is ready for shipment to the store in 2 weeks, a tomato needs a lot more time. the sun here in the greenhouse shines 18 hours a day, they say you need no less, but to grow a red and ripe tomato like this you need no less than 39 days and your own technology, which we are still learning. we have already removed around 450 then. we sowed tomatoes on july 29 and 28 october, almost exactly 3 months later we already received the first fruits. and so it turns out that we have november, december, january, and mid-february we reached 450 tons. they collect approximately 57 tons per day, of course, this is just the beginning. yes, there were earlier conversations that this business
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was unprofitable. than to grow your own with additional lighting, but the results indicate the opposite. we calculated that this tomato per turnover, well, we understand that this price was put on... the current year until may, such an empirical estimate should give approximately 3% profitability, this technology will then be already scaled up to other farms in the country. this is the first time we are going through this off-season with domestic tomatoes and we expect that by the end of the off-season, that is, by march, about 30% of the total volume of tomato sales will be from belarusian production, a lot or a little, but of course this is not enough yet.
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the results of the gratitude marathon were summed up in minsk; 44 children with disabilities received assistance. let's get to know the families and inspire them to do charitable deeds. it is in such a brilliant cheerful atmosphere that we continue to follow the successes of belarusian athletes
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at the spartakiad of the strongest. today we have two cool news stories: firstly, gold in speed skating and bronze in the women's biathlon panorama relay. all the details. the west continues to lose interest. kiev has learned that the summit to resolve the conflict in ukraine will most likely be postponed due to the indifference of world leaders, reports bloomberg. the next european tour of the kiev guest artist brought its fruits. the day before, ukraine received a security guarantee for the next 10 years from germany and france. however, how do these the agreements will be implemented, it is not specified. neither paris nor berlin intend to send their troops. in the event of a threat, we decided to limit ourselves to providing comprehensive consultations. assistance, washington has only plan a in the matter of further assistance to ukraine, the us vice president stated this. kamala haris noted that its solution requires bipartisan support in both houses of congress. zelensky said that washington
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will cease to be a strategic partner of kiev if it does not allocate an aid package, and the head of the ukrainian mit, against the backdrop of such news my nerves were frayed. kuleba decided to take a drag on the air. that's it, we got out, i think that... we smell you farmers, it is noted that he ignored the requests of the presenters while dragging on a cigarette, and the recent legalization of marijuana in ukraine leads to strange thoughts. taking the country into the abyss, 10 years of tragedy on the maidan, who is behind the heavenly hundred, why they still haven’t found the killers who made money from the revolution. and also the steep decline of ukraine, burnt hopes, dictatorship and a pro-american regime. what happens if radicals, corrupt officials and extremists? there are sad and terrible facts in understandable politics. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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here, once again, the west decided to solve its problems at someone else’s expense, so the united states transferred almost half a million dollars from confiscated russian assets to estonia, this was reported in the american ministry of justice, they also added that this was the first such case of funds. talina was allegedly transferred to help ukraine, in particular to restore the independent energy system. it is unknown whether this money will reach kiev, because the estonia has accumulated a lot of economic problems, according to the report. local media, in just 7 days, electricity in the country on the stock exchange has risen in price by 50% compared to last week. the unemployment rate continues to rise; the number of unemployed people in estonia has already exceeded 56,000 people. more and more european countries are gripped by farmer protests. farmers are faced with rising production costs and falling product prices. polish peasants continue to block six checkpoints on the border with ukraine. they demand to limit imports agricultural products from fallow lands. and abandon the european green deal.
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there are also reports that polish farmers have begun to block military cargo for kiev that goes through their country. the ukrainian driver had all the necessary documents, but the farmers still sent him to the end of the eighteen-kilometer line. about how the protests of european farmers are developing into a revolt of the entire working class, details in the author's section periodic table. milk rivers, rain of tomatoes and barbecue on the highway. these are the realities of domestic cuisine european garden. from west to east, the picture is similar. angry farmers on tractors are demanding change. some are suffering losses from the influx of cheap ukrainian products, others are tired of the eu tightening the screws, tightening the green agenda. but in... all of them were abandoned by local authorities to the mercy of fate and
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forced to fight for themselves. let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. hello. protest salad. within a few months , tractor fever had gripped most of the countries of the european union. the summer olympics in france are in jeopardy. transport workers promised to block the movement of athletes around the capital. farmers are already blocking roads. the fifth republic simply may not have time to wash away the manure. farmers fertilize administrative buildings with it for several weeks. they say that macron is destroying agriculture. the government makes laws and makes statements, but nothing is enforced. french farmers also demand to stop the invasion of ukrainian chicken. they declare that. such a bird is sold at half the price of the french one, and
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local manufacturers cannot compete with it. the day before, in the city of love , dairymen also rebelled, blocked roads with agricultural machinery loaded with hay, and demanded to control purchase prices, which remain low while production costs are rising. this is a systemic problem; we have been fighting against falling milk prices for 15 years. bulgarian farmers used 15 tons of milk as a protest... they demanded from the government more competent management of the agricultural sector and guaranteed government payments for the agricultural complex. the authorities should not pretend that they do not see the problem, if there was no problem, the tractors would not be on the road. to your laws, our answer is for food sovereignty. they went out into the streets with such slogans. spanish tractor drivers, as a sign of disagreement with the agricultural policy of the european union
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, held a barbecue right on the highway. but the spaniards have a more complicated relationship with tomatoes. the following images are not from the famous latamatin festival. red fruits from morocco were demonstratively destroyed, demanding authorities to strengthen control over imported products. demonstrators block europe's second largest port...


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