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tv   -  BELARUSTV  February 17, 2024 10:35pm-11:36pm MSK

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our country. bykhovsky district is one of the richest in treasures in belarus. 32 and these are only officially registered. there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed in a fire. this is an image from the 16th century. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel. after all, there is a lot, even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits. online travel and healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7. watch on our tv channel every friday.
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evening, they are distinguished by kindness, ingenuity and hard work, i am one of those people who are ready to be surprised, to surprise themselves first of all, and without interest, without fantasizing, without living any illusions in my life, it is, well, why then, a small country , but great people with the same... heart and soul, a dream since school, to become an artist singer came to life on march 1 , 1987, i don’t regret it at all, and they are belarusians who are loved all over the world, i think that this is already my life, after so many years in the profession, yes my life hurts, smiling man , joyful, he attracts you to himself, you know, gentlemen, and
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never give up, watch the belarusians project on our tv channel, and tell me, for your hobby, yes, your father went through afghanistan, your brother went through chechnya, well, he passed, he didn’t pass, he. .. was in aviation, so in any case, yes, my husband, a colonel in in stock, yes, my son also chose the military path , yes, yes, yes, elena, today, when talk about war no longer seems like a fantasy, you yourself, personally, are ready to stand next to them in defense of the homeland, i will probably answer very monosyllabic, yes, but if you want, i’ll expand on it a little. my position, recently i
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was asked the question why you supported the idea of ​​​​creating a women's hunting club, why do you want to arm women, why do you want women to acquire weapons skills, my position on this in this part is as follows: firstly, a woman who owns a weapon will never use it for the purpose of attack, otherwise...
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a forum of women entrepreneurs, energy and creativity, and in belarus, well, the number of women , according to my information, is growing every year, and what we don’t know about women business, or the phrase itself, this is a women's business - is this already atovism, in your opinion? i’ll probably start with the answer to the first question: yes, the forum gave women entrepreneurs the opportunity to gain some confidence that there is a bridge.
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government bodies, state authorities, broadcasts positions of business, often not just in the form of some kind of indignation, some kind of mutual claims, no, these are serious... it can lead to something, and we have real results, in fact, yes, yes, so definitely such events there should be, this year the forum will take place in october, i can already announce it, i have the authority to do so, i think that
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the preparation for this event will be very thorough, a number of video conference events are currently taking place. it will contain entrepreneurs dialogue platform, again, with six relevant ministries, and what is your basic education? legal, do you feel it? well, perhaps, having the same education, i understand perfectly well, by the construction of phrases, sometimes by terminology, but
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how big a shark do you need to be today to get into your business wing and what kind of business do your wards represent, well, on average, let’s say? headquarters for involvement in the process of building some socially significant projects for the benefit of belarus, some important ones, well, support, first of all, for the ideology of the belarusian union women, the inner desire to be useful
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, to be a patriot, and this is not populism, these are not some things related to the satisfaction of ambitions, no, we saw such patriots... in the twenties on the street, with us everything is honest, we want to see people who want to unite to build a socially responsible business for the benefit of belarus, that is, it can be a completely different business, and the entrepreneur there is the owner of a cosmetic salon and the head of the enterprise, for example, does not depend on the size, such collaborations are being created already in the process interaction, which is difficult even to convey, our large business often cannot... is present in the implementation of projects, but it helps with rubles, micro and small businesses often implement projects independently and are directly involved in the implementation, but the greatest magic of the belarusian
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women's union , i can’t call it any other way, this is what large businesses teach small and growing businesses how to successfully implement.
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engaged in the production and development of integrated circuits and semiconductor
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devices, microelectronics in general. our multimedia complexes are suitable for effective work not only with a group visitor, but with an individual one, but here we can see additional information on such tickets, meet people who are sincerely devoted to their work, we... meet history, secret, we reveal these secrets and preserve this legacy for future generations. i can definitely say that i have a team of professionals at intes, specifically at my production, my work is for me - this is a significant part of my life, it is probably a joy for the soul and mind. watch the “quality mark” project on our tv channel.
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i can say that i personally see a lot of photographs from events, it’s nice to look at them, yes, they don’t smell of office and paperwork, well, i see that people really enjoy the fact that they communicate, get together, under your wing there are a lot of bright, quite recognizable women, if svetlana and... gorochko, i know her, she works for us, among other things, yes, at the same time, a hundred jokes have been invented about women's groups about compatibility and women, when they even work together, these are stereotypes today in your opinion, or hidden competition, let's call it that, is present even in the organization, and i would be lying if i said that everything is smooth, of course, i am for honesty, anyone the stereotype, of course, has some kind of background and basis, the belarusian
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women’s union also has various kinds, pitfalls, trends, but for myself personally , i probably accepted this idea and transmit this idea to the regions that the belarusian women’s union is not a place where ambitions are realized, and the task the other, a tough person, it seems to me, yes, but what problems do women’s businesses have today and
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how are they solved? and i wouldn’t differentiate here by gender, so - women’s and men’s businesses do not exist, there is simply a business, and it belongs to either a woman or a man, yes absolutely true, good, and the problem is only one thing, in my opinion, this is the lack equal competitive environment, from this point in more detail, yes, what do you mean? this is an individual entrepreneur - this is such a self-employed and non-legal entity, well there is such a concept, and i even agree with the interpretation, yes, that is, i can give you this expression, it was given to me by tax consultants working in my team, it all comes down to the issue of taxation,
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absolutely true, it is impossible to compete in the same type of activity, when an individual entrepreneur and a legal entity... well, i think that this is not enough, not enough, yes, today there is already a bill that there will be a seamless transition from individual entrepreneurs to legal entities, of course, what is this now... it’s probably not entirely correct to broadcast, because this is just a bill, but belarusian business, it is now undergoing a serious evolution, it has, of course, already evolved, it is already more formalized, more civilized, more purified, and i i am proud that belarusian business accepts this position for itself, unlike our closest neighbors, where
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absolute chaos is happening in tax legislation. in general in matters of regulation of activities in terms of licensing, certification, standardization, there are a lot of questions from businessmen here, there is dissatisfaction somewhere, but mm, i believe that even those instruments that exist today, they reflect to such an extent the loyal position of the state in relation to business, the same structure of desk control that today day presented to the tax authorities, makes it possible to absolutely freely correct those mistakes that... were unintentionally made by a business entity without any legal consequences, and i’ll tell you more, even the tax authorities today - these are just caring nannies, but it feels like you are talking about painful issues, though, you know, we also approached this to a certain extent in terms of equal opportunities, and we have done quite a lot in relation to
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transport services, all these tragedies that happened in country related to...
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women's entrepreneurship, all state banks are such a fashionable trend, it has become a trend, they have launched some products for women's business, and frankly speaking, having studied
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the statistics, we perfectly understand the background, because women's business is more responsible, more punctual and more, well, probably loyal to the banking sector, so women are not attached. that is, it’s true , yes, banks don’t give money, but banks, well, well, because there have been situations when bankers compete with each other on the same subject, in my practice there have been situations when he says: well, you ’ll stay with us , of course, how can i betray you, we have been with you for so many years, what, what are the bills between us for 1%, well, okay, okay, accepted, you remembered about culture, right? and i remembered that a new one is now thundering film adaptation of the master margherite bulgakov and bulgakov’s catchphrase that never ask for anything, proud woman, as far as
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she is concerned about the business relay of bsjz, because people come to the organization to take something from the state or still give it to the state, as far as our business are women ready to invest?
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most likely we allocate more resources than the belarusian women's union as a whole, well, okay, let's talk about this in a little more detail, yes, your organization has the prefix business, but who else but business
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should help, well, naturally, ksso has long been went into the vocabulary of good, respected companies, yes, i will not hide the fact that in the twentieth we lost several charitable initiatives, and behind the scenes we have already touched upon this... topic a little, it’s time to create our own. i know that new volunteer initiatives have already appeared under your auspices. tell us about this business with a human face. we broadcast today, an idea, an ideology, whatever you like, the mission of entrepreneurs as a socially responsible business. and, many projects were born in 3 years. i can name them in general order, or i can reveal a little separately of them, these are projects such as a new step into a new life, then reveal this project, because
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you understand, the project itself is nothing, well, the name doesn’t say anything, yes of course, well there is such a not very popular topic, because it is quite complex, these are drug crimes, the whole direction is clear to me, then the second project is resources of opportunity. the project is being implemented about the development of human potential through work on the individual, and we carry out mentoring activities with business community, we invite speakers in order to maximize the educational level of our business community and thereby transform consciousness to the fact that one cannot only take, no one has canceled the church tithe and... business exists, which means we must participate in social sector not only in the form of paying taxes, but also in some way taking part in
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charitable missions, therefore. this is how an initiative is born, what you said about drug addiction, and this initiative, why exactly, why exactly this direction in your opinion, requires the attention of your organization, your community, or is it the person himself who comes with the initiative or with a request for help in this regard? everything happens completely differently, but this initiative was born in the twentieth year, because one of the narrow and unused in...
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still, yes, the girl is serving a sentence in prison, but over 4 years we have done a tremendous amount of work on today, not without the help of suitcase olga nikolaevna, we managed to take the initiative transform to work with from the colony via online to schools, yeah, that is , today the coverage is quite large, the audience is large, and children talk from...
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a single voting day, the fair half of humanity has long and firmly occupied the lion's share of seats in parliament, in local councils, of course, and you personally will choose on the basis of gender, or you will still be guided by other criteria, or the third option by other criteria, but gender, all other things being equal, will play their part. role, you are a provocateur, well, it happens, yes, let's get straight, yesterday i studied the biographies of the candidates running in my constituency , it's true, and i won't say who i decided to vote for, but definitely not on the basis of gender, for some reason they are trying to put everyone between the community of feminists and the belarusian women's union , dating, this is
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wrong, why? because in our community there is a colossal number of professionals, and the main criterion for me to elect a candidate is definitely professionalism. naturally, it is not the gender principle that matters, it is the candidate’s professionalism. fine, i’ll make a small remark, often many men say, yes, that in order to achieve success or find support from a woman, yes, yes, a woman needs to be, just
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be herself, and a man needs to please this very woman who could help him, that's why so why in this case gender stereotypes play a role, i don't know, but oh well. this is the last remark about a philosophical question, on the title page of the bsg it is written: the word was sacred in the beginning, we are women, we have something to say, well , natalya ivanovna kachanova carried the same thought, yes, the voice of belarusian women is heard, we men from time immemorial have been concerned with the question of what women want, there is a wonderful film about this, i will allow myself... to combine, what does a belarusian woman want to say? you and i have already touched on this topic in dialogue, well, probably the most pressing topic, which is now, probably,
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vital for any woman, and we want to live in a peaceful country, what a woman simply wants, let it remain a mystery to men, it will still not be solved throughout. generations, thank you, lyn, thank you for this conversation. the hosts of the travel show are right at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting. kayla, i have a feeling today that we are in for a wonderful day. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, and how beautiful, thank you
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very much, thank you, ciao, you can touch the device, that’s it, let’s go. expedition for numbers 579. further events and many times ahead near the salivorsk district. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. first letters of ўspamіn orthodox datuets 15th stagodzem and the geta is connected to the entrance
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to the entrance here. you never know where the roads are going in your pastures, but we are catching up with old-timers. tuteishy cathedral of st. michael the archanel, a reminder of the ancient architecture of another palova of the 18th century. four broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have
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access to watch projects from our tv channel. so what is it like, belarus? business and developing. welcoming, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sportive and team-oriented.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own. eyes, hello, dear tv viewers, the belarus 24 tv channel is on the air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer.
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yul, congratulations to you, and i congratulate you.
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what a beauty, listen, you have the right to file a complaint about non-compliance with the employment contract, this is a violation of your rights, you have the right to work during the daytime. well, people come to dinner in the evening, but dinner is harmful. listen, by the way, the ignition in your car is not working well, you need to go tomorrow and have it checked for service, will it start? well, i hope, because i still need to pick up my robe from the dry cleaner, i already picked it up, oh, you and i have 10 minutes, no, no, no, no, we don’t have 10 minutes. don't forget, your carriage can turn into a pumpkin, you promised me that
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that won't happen, yet. i have a normal job, not a lot, but it’s enough for me, and i don’t need to steal anything at all, yes, i’m a locksmith, yes, i can make any keys, but i honestly didn’t steal, your honor, i’m more sad that this old scoundrel, who is so lame, please choose an expression, sorry, your honor,
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this elderly woman, my beloved neighbor, has influence on all of you here, because i am like this... this is a slander, i am at first, he was fine, and his wife was fine, but he cut my door, i smoked the ventilation, and now i’m stealing money, your honor, a little longer, don’t let him out, you bastard, baba klava, the defendant
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khromov deprived himself of the opportunity to have the last word, the court is leaving to pronounce a verdict, i ask everyone to stand up. can you imagine, i live on this pension of 12,000 for a whole month with my grandson, no shame, you have no conscience, i carried your bags, fixed the faucet, i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is going on. having examined the materials of the criminal case against a citizen of the russian federation, nikolai vasilievich khromov, born in 1971, a native of the village of domodedovo moscow region, previously convicted and accused of committing a crime under
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article 158, part three of the criminal code of the russian federation, theft, the court ruled in the name of the russian federation. criminal code of the russian federation. the court also issues a special ruling, in which it asks to pay attention to the negligent handling of the case by the investigative authorities. defendant khromov is subject to release in the courtroom. please carry it out. the meeting is over. how is this so? who is the criminal, comrade prosecutor, the investigation will figure it out. osichka, who? was it stolen from me then? axis, where did you get this new phone? granny, let's go, let 's go, let's go, let's go, i say, let's go, now
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i'll explain everything, let's go, come out, it's impossible. so, prosecutor vastrotin, please leave the judge's room. don't you know the charter? or maybe i should call the bailiffs? sorry, sorry, sorry. katya, i will ask you and the other secretaries not to let prosecutors into the courtroom, stop these gatherings of yours. okay, yul borisovna, here is a note for you, prosecutor vastrotin gave you, congratulations on your anniversary, you pea buffoon, listen, to you, but
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how many times do i tell you? asked you not to come into my office 100, 100, i’m sorry , i can’t remember, i just know you , i haven’t had time to change my mind since the first year, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m not sorry, this is a violation of the law, the judge has no right to personal prosecutors, yes i i remember, i remember, what do you call personal relationships, who am i related to you, now wait, who am i to you, who is your friend, okay, not a friend, friend, friend, friend, no, yulia borisovna gulyaeva. "i am your only friend, and it is not my fault that i was transferred to your area. listen, vastrotin, why did you go along the judicial line at all ? therefore, you would go as well, and not as a form." and you can’t imagine the impression she makes on the girls, i’m serious, you make an appointment with her right at the courthouse, not the first, second and you come out all in blue and gold
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french pilot, she’s yours for a week, at least, what a fool, why a fool, you admit it, you like it yourself, in fact, yes, you were in love with me almost in the first year, that’s it lies, well, okay, lies, you were just a bore then. that's it, yes i am like that now, your edik is probably going crazy because of our friendship with you, my edik is a completely wise husband, a wise husband is distinguished by composure, you will invite him to your wedding anniversary, i of course understand, a drunk prosecutor is dancing for the holidays the judges, what are you talking about, what a holiday, so report, dear ones, on the work done, that’s all, but how are you doing? after all, so without precedents, quietly, calmly,
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excuse me for the details, but i really need to go to the gynecologist, yul, you don’t consider me a man, or something, excuse me, maybe like my friend is talking to me about the gynecologist , okay, that’s enough, no, well, no, wait, if your food wasn’t so good, i would have long since given you gold, it’s just that it’s a shame, but it’s still not enough for you, gold and i love him very much. it sounds like it usually sounds like, i love you very much, we are going in different directions, yeah, i understand, please explain to me, is this my problem or my husband’s, i can’t say yet, but tests, tests, excellent tests, how many years have you been living in married, 10, regular sex life, right? how many times a week? once every two weeks on odd mondays. i
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read that this is quite normal for people our age who have been married for more than 5 years. why is this such a sequence? viktor nikolaevich, you have five more people. okay, okay, thanks. yes, please, sorry. he has to stay late at work in the evenings, and i have to get up very early in the morning, there’s a time discrepancy, okay, but in the evening, when he comes home from work, he can wake you up, listen, excuse me, i’m a little confused by these questions, maybe there are some medicines. in general, today is your second day of ovulation, i will give you
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a stimulating injection, and today you should have intimacy with your husband at least three times, so call him to work, and well, this is completely impossible, well, that is, it’s from... chino, today? today is our wedding anniversary, there will be guests, we have ordered, congratulations , great, this is a great occasion, vegetables for 5 minutes, yeah, don’t put shrimp next to the cheese , okay, nadya, nadya, don’t dry out the salad for me. anything to go? 2 minutes, wait, hello, eduard borisovich, hello,
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it smells delicious, but then i’ll go see the guests, eduard borisovich, just take off your uniform, oh, i forgot, thank you, yes! i think there aren’t enough plates there, i’ll probably go and arrange them, yeah, no, well, look at how stupid she is, i’m not hiding it, yeah, she’s lucky, ethics, son, my dear, can you imagine, everyone has already arrived, well, you’re my good one , you have already thanked your bosses, it’s so nice that they closed the entire restaurant especially for us, of course,
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my children, where are my boys, i brought them what it is, listen, borka came up with the toast, listen, mom, and you listen, so, come on, dear guests, 10 years ago julia made this unattractive young man swear on the constitution that he would love her forever, this is a solemn day, we want to wish you, and so on, normal, lord
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, our grown-up
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children, i’m ashamed, let’s take what’s dear, okay, uh-huh, wait, here, come , come, come on, help me, i can’t
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, i can’t do this, wait, but i can, wait, i can’t . there is yulia, it’s either overcooked shrimp in garlic butter, boris doesn’t like chicken, i don’t i can here, well, this is some kind of nonsense , it’s always like that with you, it’s always like that with me, you yourself didn’t want to this morning, i couldn’t because i had to go to work, well, yes, do you want children? yes, then come here, come here, listen , let’s go on vacation, well, what a vacation, i already had a vacation, you only have a year, i have a month, i didn’t want this holiday at all, open the door.
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in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, this is the first time i have heard of such a person, but intuitively i answered no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, it must be interesting, it seems to me that he is italian , you can only count on your own strength here, this is the boris and gleb church, it is located in the grodno region, it’s just a game for everyone, no one is indifferent, what is the name of one thousandth of a meter, the distance of 1 km is 1.0 m, that is, this does not fit the definition of a thousandth, an exhaustive answer, prohar, thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation mark, and dmitry , what do you think, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, and what type of
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minerals, i can't give an answer i understand, it seems to me that prokhar can give an answer to absolutely any question, is it a mineral, does it burn? no, watch an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on tv channel belarus 20. four: we will introduce you to belarusians who deliberately exchanged the city for the village, and what is your husband like when cooking? he’s the kind of husband when it ’s easier to burn down the kitchen after he’s cooked something, or not? no, no, everyone praises him, usually everything works out for him, of course he polishes some points, but still less, they believed in themselves, their strengths and achieved results in their favorite business, i warn you, everything... what you see next may cause a strong desire to get up and go to the kitchen to fry a mountain of pancakes. honestly, i will be making pancakes with meat for the first time in my life, so i would really like you to guide me a little, tell me at least a little how and what, in what
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sequence it is done. the presenter from the capital will have to experience all the delights of rural life. oh, everything is great, we warmed up, warmed up, and, to be honest, i didn’t freeze, accept the job, that's great. all the specks have been evicted, the project i am from the village, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, gorka, you are a genius, what this film brought, well , in general, it’s wonderful, it hasn’t changed at all. well, look how young she is, well, absolutely, yes, guys, she hasn’t changed at all, except that she’s lost even more weight, look, look further, like this, look, look further, yes, that’s great, that’s great, why are you
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here, kids, rewind, almost mickey mouse , you don’t think so at all. sit up, mm, your little sister was full of food then, damn, i haven’t heard of anything, not a soul, i don’t know, we don’t communicate, well, that ’s it, good girl, yes i am, listen, let’s have a drink already, that’s right, that’s enough, great, why are we drinking, now i, well, that’s enough.
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“auntie, you’re angry, grandfather, grandfather, it’s time to go to the hospital, yes, the duck was waiting for me, i’ll take you, nechka, why, we’ll order a car, i ’ll take you, don’t, i have a headache, i’d better leave, really, girl , everything is fine, everything is fine."


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