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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 18, 2024 12:55am-2:32am MSK

12:55 am
all the best, goodbye, goodbye, oh, dark, goodbye.
12:56 am
in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants , this is the first time i’ve heard of such a person, but i intuitively answered, no, it seems to me that he is mexican, mexican, come on...
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it seems to me that he is italian, here you can only rely on your own strengths, this is boris 's gleb church, it is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victor, it simply tears everyone apart, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the name of one thousandth of a meter, prokhar, 1 km is 1.0 m, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth. exhaustive answer prohar, thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation mark, and dmitry , what do you think, well, granite is like a brown-red stone, but what type of minerals, i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me, prohar can give an answer to absolutely any question, is it a mineral, does it burn, no, watch an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the paleshuki project. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. open, open, open, don't you have the right to lock? well, well, how long will you disgrace me? do you hear? if you don't want to answer me, you will answer elsewhere.
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i would take off my jacket. i’m missing you, my heart is tingling, why is this all of a sudden? i don’t know, i’ve finished playing.
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in an open field, the sbats got lost, they lost their violin, the horses rushed, like
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a crazy wind, bathing the snow, the stanimbals, the horses fell, like a crazy wind, the snow fell. and goes through the harmonies, beats the tambourine dullly, rings the dulcimer, in the open field, i heard them, beats the beeches in the ruined dulcimer, in the clear field, i heard, in the open field the matchmakers
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got lost, the music got lost, they lost where the whitewash rushed. this snowstorm , this wedding, here, oh, i won’t hide it, your program made a rather strange impression on me, yes, i respect you as the leader of amateur performances, but you are also a composer, and whose words are that our people, yours, you’re also a poet, but what’s not allowed, or what? no, why not? well, what, you don’t like them all, why not, they’re good guys, but they’re all
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performed on the radio, they’re performed on television, we i would like something like that, well, that you would like, that you would like, something of your own, that only we have, and others have, alexander mikhailovich, dear, dear! well, yours, yours, well , what did you find in this song of yours, you lost the violin, you lost the tambourine, and you lost the accordion and in general you lost everything, in our area there is an isolated case of drunkenness, but for the whole orchestra to join in, excuse me, this doesn’t happen, it’s not typical .
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situation, we thank you for your valuable analysis, we will take your comments into account for your next visit, but for now i ask you to come to the table, we invite you let's get us started, right? mikhailovich, well, i’ll go, happily. goodbye.
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maybe we should invite a writer, well , the one who wrote the play, he would have come, performed , told, but why invite him, he won’t say anything new, everything he wanted, he already said in the play, yes, yes, of course, it’s still interesting, but what’s interesting? well, i went, uh-huh, maybe you’ll come in and give me some tea, well then
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go home, i have some business to offer, ah, what are you doing? open, what are you looking at, open, i can’t hear. well, open it, go to your mistress, don’t
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be stupid, don’t break the door, try it, just me i'll call the police.
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hello, hello, sit down, uranti, and now they don’t feed me in this house, again, that means, yes, again, today she didn’t let me into the house at all, she barricaded herself, listen, yes, she’s just
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a terrorist, mother, this is not a method, what is it? locking yourself in your own house, just think , you won’t attract public attention, you ’d better lock yourself in a club somewhere, take hostages, the chief accountant, someone else from the authorities, you understand, then tikhomirov’s quiet life will probably end, he has it anyway it’s over, daddy, everything is clear, the mother has gone crazy , we ’ll send her to a mental hospital, it’s still unknown who will decide who, the doctors will sort it out, if you go to the madist’s house, i won’t let you in, try, close yourself, i’ll break your windows, oh, i’m not your
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father , this one of yours... won’t work with me, girl, where are you going? what, how about you? you’d better tell me that your teddy bear isn’t coming? who's a bear, a bear, but let's discuss everything, bear, yes, there's no need to discuss anything, what i'm saying, there 's no need to discuss anything, because this, well, there won't be any having cooked, everything, how, how it won’t happen, what
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were you thinking about when you submitted your application to the legislative office, what does it matter now, what i thought then, okay? it’s not bad that i realized that i fell out of love, how is it, oh, well, that’s how it is, wait, well, wait, well, if anything, live at home, here ’s the train, there’s the bus, so many people go to work now, nothing, nothing, nothing, it will grind, i ran, bye.
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we must depict life not as it is and not as it is. as it should be, but as it appears in your dreams, nina, in yours the play has little action, only one is clear, in the play, in my opinion, there must certainly be love, and another part, look at chekhov’s text, arkadina is quiet, it’s something wild, chattering, pleading with reproach, mother, doctor, i don’t know , maybe
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i don’t understand anything, or maybe i’m crazy, but i liked the play, there’s something in it, it’s kind of strange, you took the plot from... i’m pleased, but if i had to experience an uplift of spirit , which happens to an artist during creativity, then it seems to me that i would despise my material shell, everything that this characteristic of the shell. impatiently , where is the riverside, doctor, how nervous everyone is, how nervous everyone is, and how much love the enchanted lake, i ’m from the white lakes, i would like to talk to the director, talk to yourself, please, thank you, unfortunately, the writer doesn’t have
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a phone number yet, it’s clear, he’s young, a beginner, but keep in mind that the theater is not responsible for everything he says to you there, what he might say, i don’t know, and he probably doesn’t know, well, you know, artists are emotional people, you you know, no, we don’t know, don’t worry, there’s nothing dangerous, yeah, but it might get carried away, maybe, maybe, well, it happens to them, well... i wish you good luck, thank you, i wish you good luck, i wish you good luck, goodbye.
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hello, i’m from belykhozyor, from belykhozyor, come to you, come to you, thank you. i’m listening to you, we really liked your play
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, it’s not evening yet, a good play, a good play, a good one, so i decided to come to you for advice on a life-changing question, why not to me, but i suppose, come on in, come on in. "sit down, thank you, sit down, i think so, you probably feel uncomfortable there, sit down here, nothing, nothing, you know, i i think so, and you take off your cloak, let me help, nothing, you know, i’ll move here, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, you know, i think so, if you have pain in your body, go to the terns, ear, throat , nose, well , or to a urologist, if there’s something wrong with the kidneys? this is how a person should live, what is the right decision to make, here we also need specialists, and such a specialist, in my opinion, is the writer. no, well, in
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general, absolutely right, you noticed, this is another person who called us at one time engineers of human souls, so i came with you to consult about myself, about my wife, about one woman , about my daughter’s family relationships, no, well... not in one eye, i don’t drink at all, only on holidays or for company, you know what, but maybe you should still turn to those who know your local conditions better and can give you more correct advice, no , no, no, don’t worry about that, i ’ll pay you, for what? for advice, no, i’m for advice, lawyers are paid for advice, i’m telling you what i’m for advice... i offered it, but you know what, let’s try
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the truth, no one has given me them yet to sort out your problems, i'll just be a minute, okay, okay.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio. igor alexandrovich, why do you think the children chose you to talk to? first of all, if the children chose, it means they saw me on tv quite often. well , the second thing is that children always like large dimensions. and each of them has a question for an adult. i'm ready, then let's begin. what happens if you turn off your phone for the whole day? the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to be honest answer all original and sometimes
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awkward questions. evtakia petrovna, speak louder, i don’t hear anything, louder, louder, speak, i don’t hear , chervonets, give me, chervonets, give me in the evening, today is your turn to wash the corridor, they forgot, well, i’ll wash it, i’ll definitely wash it, play, girls,
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play, go where , a friend has arrived. all of a sudden? you know that i have a pension on tuesday, come on tuesday, i can’t do it today, but excuse me, i think so, what a dry conversation, huh? no, maybe i’ll run and get what, what are you doing, you’re my guest, that’s why i’m inviting you to the restaurant, okay, let's have lunch and discuss everything, as they say, forward and higher, wider the scope of diving.
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how does this work out? i’m taking away your precious time, and you’re also taking me to a restaurant. no, let fortune decide. no, no, no, let fortune decide. “if it’s heads , you invite me, and i’ll invite you in a week , when i come again, and if it’s tails, then i invite you, and you, accordingly, in a week, well, come on, oh, tails, what do you need, go, go, now this is the best , okay, then i ’ll give you the answer for lunch in a week!” hi geni,
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hello, hello, my wife, my ex, beautiful, beautiful, but asked me to live like all normal people, but i’m not normal, no, from a medical point of view i’m normal. but in general, he’s abnormal, by the way, you ’re also abnormal, it’s like, well, a normal person, he lives without thinking about whether he’s living right or wrong, whether he missed the mark on his life or something else can be corrected, here you are 50, 48, and you think about it, but others don’t think, probably everyone thinks, but not everyone admits to their thoughts, they don’t think, now.
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in general, life didn’t work out for her and me , you see, she kept saying that i don’t bring enough money into the house, and how much is your salary, we don’t get paid, how can i tell you,
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i wrote? they took it, you get it, they didn’t take it, suck your finger, how is it, it’s unfair , you worked for a whole year, that’s it, she kept telling me, go work at school, that means go work at school, i’m actually a teacher there myself. school by profession, and i have a daughter, the daughter is a teacher, she will earn good money, well, that’s exactly what she wanted me to do well too earned money , she needs what she needs, well, she needs a sheepskin coat there , boots, you know, there’s a color tv, a refrigerator, well, it’s clear, but what, and what ’s my goal, goes to the light bulb, you know, i told her, that’s where there, so what, she went, where, to this. that i didn’t wait, maybe i’ll also become famous and rich, you will become, you will definitely become, if you really want it, then you will become, now it’s not working out, or what? yes, it works out, everything works out, but we, you know, we also have our own games,
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you know, i recently brought a play to the theater a new one, he wrote about unidentified flying objects, and they told me, write something more relevant for us, our region is mainly agricultural. it won’t work now, why? well, nameliya , so what, come to us, stay with us, have your own food, any cigarettes, paper and ink, if necessary, we’ll get it from the office, let’s go,
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let’s go, i’ll think about it, okay, now let ’s get on with your business, there you go come, then we’ll get busy, like this. yes, and we’ll discuss it on the spot, as they say, it’s better to know, i thought, tomorrow the writer is coming, the writer, yeah, i invited him to stay with us, himself. you couldn’t consult, so i’m consulting , which means you’re against it, and i can be against it, well, whatever you want, whatever you want, but if you even once mention the name, oh this one, i won’t mention it, but i won’t
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mention it.
1:30 am
well, am i bringing some potatoes? come on, now, the authorities are waiting for us, so we won’t drink, they prepared all the documentation for you, but why so soon? and now our people are also business people. one each on the occasion of arrival. hello, polina. hello. buyana. very nice. hello, sasha. great. in general, yes, we we have prepared documentation here. no, i'll just be
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a minute. i'll get along. ok. documentation for study. well, so that we can trace the dynamics of growth there. if you need it. well, now we are ready to answer any of your questions. yes. please, yes, actually, there are no questions, first, then, i’ll live, get acquainted, then there will be questions. and i’ll take this for myself with your permission, please, please, didn’t you bring a reputable writer, how can i understand this, how can i understand this, you saw the shoe on him, well, well, well, 15 rubles. what, my youngest is in eighth class and even then such shoes refuse to mean, they are not fashionable. and the jacket is 27 rubles.
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no one knows what garment factory. meet, let's go, see off wisely. yes, i don’t know how we will see him off, but he will cause us nothing but trouble. change my word. do you have any facts? no, i don’t have any facts, but i know one: if a person wears shoes for 15 rubles. this is a dangerous person. what, no, because he doesn’t care what people think about him, help, well, someone help, girls, here, here, come out, ivan, i don’t want to, i told who, what are you doing, completely, now i’m going to live in this puddle, i feel better here, let me light a cigarette, and i ’ll stay here, and you? go home, come to you , they say, goodbye, comrades, with god, hurray,
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the boiling sea is below us, and let's go, where, home, no, i won't go home, well, i won't go, well, we'll go to the district, why, let's drink beer, good proposal, here you go. let's go, you'll just have to try, now take him and leave , i don't need him, i don't need him, you demanded that he come back, and now you've changed your mind, come on again, you shouldn't have gotten into trouble, he was a week ago he climbed onto the roof of the house, as soon as they took it off, it was the madiska who bewitched him, slipped a potion, and he screwed up, we know what they call it, a mine, why a mine, and therefore... it is unknown who will step on it and where it will explode, its
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i should have been put in prison a long time ago, why should i go to prison? for everything, she’s breaking up her second family, and the whole public needs to be raised against her , what are you saying, is it possible for the public to decide such matters, pekhov is in love with her, but what’s wrong with you? well, tell me, well, tell me, well, that’s why, well, why are you her you defend because it’s unfair, every person has the right to love, how can you blame him for this, love. not married people, but what should those women do who are not so beautiful, not so red-haired, are they not women, or what? do you know what she has come to? she walks around the house naked, on the roof or what? why around the room? at home, everyone has the right to do as they please. and why were they spying on her on purpose, right? yes , what kind of voyeurism is this, she does this on purpose, here you are... let's go, let's go, make sure and write a filetton in the newspaper.
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no, no, it’s not good, it’s indecent to peep, it’s not good. oh, they were scared. what kind of a writer are you? you study life, but you are afraid of life. hello, hello , do you know that
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they are spying on you? , after all, you settled with him, but no, his wife is with me, hello, tell polina, okay, good night, goodbye, nothing, how... why are you so understands? yes, she said hello to you, she’s so impudent, she still says hello to me.
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tell us about yourself, who are you and how did you appear here? i didn’t come from anywhere? “i ran away from home at the age of 17, at school we had a prom, well, it was the evening of the graduation, a young pilot, a lieutenant, came to visit us , we danced with him all night, and in the morning i ran with him, he served in the far east, he’s good there was a guy, but i was unlucky, he was killed, and then i married a merchant
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marine sailor, that’s when i started having a streak of bad luck, in general, he left me, wandered around the cities, i changed jobs, and then closer to home , i moved to the regional center, then i met pekhova at a meeting, but here they think badly of me, and i worked at a sewing factory, i have a medal, well, we met. everything was busy, then i liked me even at school, he, he , as best he could, visited me all winter, but in the summer you can’t run into, you know, work, then my mother
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died, left the house as an inheritance, i left the apartment in the city and moved here, uh-huh, i immediately miss before...
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“here you are, a writer, a teacher of life, well , tell me what to do, but i need to do this that, in this situation, someone must be a leader, no, seriously, in this situation, someone must be a leader, infantry, well, apparently, now there cannot be a leader. so you have to take him and bring him back to you , well, at first, of course, everyone there will be indignant, maybe even say hello, especially, and then nothing, they’ll get used to it, but what can you say, perhaps there’s no other way out,
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you’re in love with her too in madiska, it’s not like that, well then why you, i understand, don’t explain further. you can't allow everyone to attack one person, even if he doesn't right, it’s still impossible, a person must believe that at least one person
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will come to his aid, but i go to her out of protest, out of which, out of protest, a person is obliged to protest if he treats another person badly. we follow the sporting life of our country. he congratulated and promised to buy the medals himself, which is how the captain of the belarusian men's biathlon team, anton smolsky, reacted to the gold and bronze of his partners in the team race at the russian championship. we review the most interesting event. the central council of the presidential sports club approved the list of its scholarship recipients is 349 athletes , coaches and teachers. arbalenka held on to her most devastating victory at a grand slam tournament. at the start of the astralian open, the second racket of the world.
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in great demand throughout europe, ivan the terrible himself could not resist bykhov’s guns. in fact, gedemin had seven daughters, but none of them was named lida. note that jogaila is only getting younger with time. although at the time of the marriage he was 71 years old, if the castle was captured, either there was a traitor who opened the gates, or this
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in some peaceful way to show how extraordinarily wonderful our country is. bykhovsky district is one of the richest deposits in belarus, 32, and this is only officially registered. there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed in a fire. this is an image of the 16th century, watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . hello, hello, so, let's start the rehearsal, so
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get ready, let's start, let's start, there your infantrymen threw out the number again. tembav's horses scampered like a crazy wind, snow fell from the accordion player's coppice, the accordion fell into a sparkling snowdrift, behind the copse under an old oak tree, a boomman rolled down in his last ranks. now the blizzard is playing on the violin , sorting out treasures of harmony, beating the tambourine, ringing in
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the tembalos, in the open field, i heard, in the clear field, the matchmakers were lost, the music was lost, they lost where the world rushed, this blizzard, this wedding. where did this blizzard take this wedding across the world? what type is this? this is the writer skorobagatov. we we watched his play, now he is studying our lives.
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i liked the songs and it’s very good that they please listen, i liked it, they somehow came from themselves, they didn’t try to imitate the professionals, and this is very, perhaps, probably the only right way, and these are, i would say, dispat songs . or what, are they zone-shaped, yes, yes, in general , yes, comrades, as far as i understand, a dispute, a dispute is when an article is published in a newspaper, and there is an incorrect point of view, and next to it there is a correct one, but here, excuse me, well that, that zhana is wrong, no, comrades, i can’t accept the program, you know, i
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’ll invite comrades from the region, okay, please, start them, no, today we’re busy , you can’t go there, did you adopt him, he’s a writer, he’s studying our life and he’ll continue to study for a long time, i don’t know, he told about lev tolstol, so he wrote his book for 20 years, yeah, i see.
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hello, hello, what are you doing with the suitcases, how long, how long, how long, okay, i’m off to work, “if i need anything, i’m in the workshops, ask, he’ll tell you where to go.”
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thank you, health. forgive me, please, i won't bother you, but can i ask one question, you are writing a novel, and a play, a play, let me read it, please, but you’re not ready yet, i’m ready in the theater, i see, i’m interested in the process itself, perhaps?
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i need my mother to buy a normal chair, do you mind if i, please, please, sit on the sofa, please, yes, i will sit, especially since this is my sofa, you work, work, don’t pay attention to me. “you see, it’s quite difficult, but what are you saying, but it’s not difficult for me at all
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, why didn’t you start studying music, you’re a talented person, it didn’t work out, mother, three sisters, smaller than me, then the army, like everyone else , i haven’t taken the oath yet, i receive a letter from polina, pregnant, “we started living with her even before the army, in general, like a man and a woman, i serve, and she has my son was born, no , i was considered capable of music , they invited me to join the ensemble, i had to go, i had to, i had to, i had to, maybe i should have, but again it didn’t work out, well, i had to at least try, but my son tried for me, sometimes we at least we can realize s' in our children
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, raised them, gave them a higher education, put our sisters on their feet, got them married, a house i built it, i helped my parents, i have awards , for one person, this is probably not as little as you think, hello, mish, hello, hello, meet my ex-fiancé mikhail, writer skorobagatov, very nice, but you know , what not... i need friendship, i can only have one happiness in life, this is the word that you don’t like so much, yes, love, love, i
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don’t see you, look at me, where do you work? in the first construction and installation, experimental management, yeah, first because it's the best? the first, because the second we don’t have it, and you mean to write that i don’t understand, oh wife, you have taken possession of me, i am yours, so what, i won’t, i don’t want, okay, something terrible?
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“of course, i’ll try , but i don’t know how it will work out, so listen to me, everything is fine, i ’m off, now victor and i will go for a walk,
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i’m with you, what are you saying, it’s something extra, i understand, so i’ll go. " it's late, late, late.
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oh, let's go dance, but somehow i 'm not very good at dancing, yes, what are you very good at, in everything else except dancing.
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das autre.
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sorry, you're leaving for the city tomorrow, i i’ll leave when i think it’s necessary, yes, yeah, what are you talking about , oh, nothing, what are you saying, in general, i won’t argue with you with words, and i’ll beat, beat, beat you always everywhere until you leave. what are you doing, huh? so, did you talk with the writer about literature, soviet or foreign? well, for now let’s talk about the soviet one, tomorrow we’ll talk about the foreign one.
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services of western countries, they do not act independently, they have a corresponding task of the political establishment, corporate elites, this is the active preparation and transfer here of various terrorist groups, carrying out terrorist acts, what are their goals? this is the establishment of political, military, informational control to create anti-russia along the perimeter of russia.
2:02 am
you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise. and will lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle. all this and more in the weekly project ether 24/7. watch on our tv channel.
2:03 am
so what else is this, but yes, my brother-in-law is confused, my brother-in-law is confused, yeah, my brother-in-law is confused, yes, look, if you get confused, eat. sleep, where, here, okay, next time don’t make a mistake, you won’t make a mistake, yes, okay, well go , oh, sorry, sorry, so what,
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you won’t achieve anything, i will achieve it, i spent a year trying to you agreed to submit an application, now i’ll spend 3 years having you come back to me, and 3 years won’t help, it’s not the case, it’s not the same, it’s not the same, but you tell me... you’re doing it out of spite with this writer, well, you, why? , he told me likes, well, he may like something, but he writes well, yes, yes, yes, is that why he likes, well, what are you doing, good morning, good morning for us, and in general i want to let the bastards into your room, you need money, so you’ll have to move out, well, polina, why do that , i understand, you and i are adults, i understand that you want no tenants and don’t want to let me in, you just want me
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to leave, but i want , but that won't change anything, she, she doesn't love him, i... "she asked me, you know, she asked me to act like i was in love with her, i i agreed, then it seems that i fell in love for real, when did you manage to fall in love, at first sight, or something, maybe at first, you can, but no, i don’t have my consent, we already have one creator sitting on our necks, he’s also composing , 15 years we’ve been sending money, he’s been composing music, leave, leave, that’s it, i’m on mikhail’s side,
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come visit us, have you had breakfast? how are you and your wife? “i feel sorry for her, it’s hard for her, and it’s hard for me too, i don’t know what to do for her.
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that’s what she said, i didn’t understand, well, for a long time i’m for you, so that it’s the same in your life well, how about us, god forbid, what are you, you yourself taught me that i need to act, so you can always count on my support, why on yours, on ours, but i became for the heart.
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hello, how are you doing? okay, i'm at school part-time now. they promised to hire staff starting next year, okay, but where? yes, he went to the store, he’ll be back soon, how’s his work going? oh, you know, such an interesting play, you are there, and the madist, and buyanov, well, of course, all under different names, that’s it. interesting to see, hello, i'll be right there.
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“so, i’m going to school now, i have classes, you’ll go to a restaurant, as far as i know, he’s inviting you today, yes, bye, we’ll meet in the evening, we’ll talk, bye, how’s your work going.” to be honest, not really, i’ve reached a dead end, why
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am i going to work tomorrow. a friend is adding a trust to the technical information department, but what about the play? in my free time i will write on weekends. no-no-no, don’t go, don’t go, you have to devote yourself entirely to the matter, and if in the evenings on weekends none of this it will work out. we’ll see what happens there, but for now, while life doesn’t work out, put money into the house. i bring it, she works part-time as a night watchman at a boarding school, i’m afraid the annoying person will leave, well, let him go, it’s true , of course, it’s a sin to say that to your daughter’s husband, but the matter is more important than women, there will still be women, but the matter may don’t be
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, you’ll waste time, listen, i said it myself , remember, yes i remember, but i don’t want... to leave, why do wives have to leave me all the time, no, this issue has already been decided, how is the infantry, nothing , okay, back to my wife, how he returned, it just so happened, and how much is the stamp in this information, well, 110, “listen, there is, there is an offer, i will give you 110 rubles every month. and you, wait, tell me what you get in this very information, how i’ll be at home all day, i won’t see that i’m not working, i’ll leave for work early, well , you can always find a way out, don’t, don’t
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quit, vitya, what if you write a great work of art.” well, that's it, i'm off, excuse me, i still have to go shopping before the last bus, bye,
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hello to my wife, mikhalych, can i help you with anything? i can handle it myself. and you write, now i ’ll ask you for every ruble, for now.
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you take pictures, yes or no, you threw money away, but a citizen. there's a line gathering here, maybe you fell asleep there?
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artists, desk workers and railway workers have wings, but only artists discovered
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how these wings sprout, and they sprout like this, out of nothing and from nowhere, there is no explanation for the miracle, and i don’t care about it... along uncharted paths and routes, a certain medieval traveler , the favorite
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of today's marketers, called belarus a country of castles and i can’t say that he was wrong, after all, sources from the 18th and 18th centuries claim that there were about a hundred castles on our land, we will travel all over belarus. this fire tower, darechy, yashche adzin turistychny, papular ab'ekt, discover
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belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the whites have gone. at this time, when i was angry with him, i just took him and hit him on the head, and sasha tikhonovich said, he says: okay, i’ll sing.
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student of the chatsvertag course of the kharavog faculty of the belarusian dzyarzhaunai conservator taisiya tlekhuch was inspired by the idea of ​​creating a vocal-instrumental ensemble as well as singers and women. and all this idea, as it seems, infected her classmates, and at the same time. mates at
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the canservatory international, their names were raisa tarasava and tatstsyan karalev, they just didn’t grab the holes on the keyboard instruments, who are all couples, taisi tlehuch the beast and the students tsvertaga of the course of the fartepiyannaga faculty of yadviga paplauska. well, that’s it, apparently, and the first warehouse of the veras ensemble has been created. geta is all hell tassi. if she such a thought did not come, so there were no grown-ups , everyone would have their own path, the only thing they told us is that you will have another girl to work with you, lyutsina shmetkova, she is a competent, wonderful person, with a musical education, and she turned out to be unusually her own, you see, this is very, very important, the keravnitstva
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of the philharmonic.
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the faiths were fulfilled by the first adzalenny, and another advodzilla was not safe for eduard mitsul, and at the request of eduard leanardavich, the princes and other advodzalenny came out of the dachshund and the pit fell, but according to their nature ze ensemble.
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two, in my opinion, were leaving, they needed a replacement, so they brought me in, that is, i suited them in all respects, i played the bass guitar, i played the guitar, i sang. why was he leading everything back, birds are flying from south to north, they don’t want to stay
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anywhere, but are in a hurry in the melt water, we were once in a small town. after the concert, people came up to us, autographs, give us autographs, we say, how do you know us, one poster was all hanging, they say, you know, when we see on the poster that belarusian pop artists are coming, we we go without even knowing who it is or what it is, they just said, it will be honest, it will be sincere, and we will remember you for a long time, we were very friends. there was never any debate about who would be first, because everyone performed some kind of function , everyone had their own voice timbre, and lyutsina was the soloist, and i was the soloist, and nadenka, and
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of course, naturally, we had an artistic director, eduard mitsul , so much good came from him, he naturally suggested it to us, and was disappointed when we already had... rymashevsky, yadviga poplavskaya, lucina shemitkova, lyuda isupova and me. we united and made a common group and then the boys started singing, we made a mixed group, and that’s how it remained. all my life i have said and will continue to say, for me the most important person
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was yadya poplavskaya. that's because she always built us, as they say. we just arrived at the hotel, we just checked in, and he immediately gets ready for his room. we all go to poison’s room and part ways in a truce. and sasha tikhonovich came to us, although he was offered to vuyachich’s team, which it was more prestigious, because there were trips, and not only within the union, abroad, and so on and so on, but it turned out that sasha
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had already spied on some rehearsals, yes, he listened to us, and he really liked us, then, as it turned out, later, his eye fell on me and... veros asked for itself, the echo of the night street, it was your quiet voice that trembled.


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