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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 18, 2024 7:35am-9:01am MSK

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we love lives every hour. we’ll just sing now, and this life will love us, but name it as much as you want, f and g, and even b, life has only la-la-la, in its melody and love, don’t say anything, just repeat, in our strength this life. in the hands of our love, so let’s not
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miss this chance, we love life every hour, we’ll just sing now, and this life will love us, - now, and this life will love us. let's love life every hour, we'll just sing
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we'll sing now, and this life will love us, let's love life every hour, we'll just sing now this one we will love us.
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the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch, our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad . 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what is belarus like, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear
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tv viewers, belarus 24 tv channel is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello, as always, on friday evening with a repeat sunday, early in the morning, on air on tv channels belarus 1, belarus 24, program.
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the attitude will also be towards the state and state trade, in the end this issue must be closed somehow, i understand that if it was probably that simple , then it would be closed, but if you turn it all into candy, then the effect will be incredible, but we would probably discuss this topic more deeply, but several statements by the head of state, so to say, they caused a huge resonance, but unfortunately for today, when you... are writing our program, the news spread across the internet, although by and large there is no obsessiveness in this, there is news, there is no obsessiveness in this, but the ukrainians, the ukrainian already terrorist, probably the regime continues to transfer saboteurs
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explosives into the territory of our country to carry out terrorist acts on the territory of the russian federation and belarus, how many reports we have already done. how many films, how many of these barbarians, who are dragging this ratil, are sitting in dungeons in the kgb of other organizations that ensure the security of our country. but such is human nature, greed, threats, by the way, here’s one of the cases we told, the state security committee carried out a special operation, was detained, forgot his last name, and what? or, yes, who dragged him here through the swamp, but in general they work classically as the ukrainian special services, you can immediately feel the hand of the west, one special service brought him weapons, the second arrived after a while, hit him with these weapons, documented them, opened a criminal case, they said or you will sit or take a boat and...
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but i would also like to listen to the president now, but before that i would like to listen to someone else, robert kennedy the younger, but adding to what peter said, i once again want to draw the attention of tv viewers , no need the ukrainian regime is referring to a special military operation; before the north military district they trained belarusian militants, transported weapons here along with explosives, just remember the notorious volkovy autokhovich.
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i wanted to say thank you to the state, our special services, the law enforcement kgb , gubopik and the rest, but i can imagine how much effort it takes to keep this situation in check, imagine, to find a needle in a hundred, what is it like to spend 5 kg to bring it to minsk, yes, what is it like to bring it into combat action, i of course, i’m very afraid, i always tell everyone that of course sometimes, well, well , it’s endlessly difficult to keep all this up, i don’t want to scare anyone, as the president said today, but you need to appreciate what is being done, because, well, judging by the video technology.
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well, ivan mikhailovich, unfortunately, yes, there were separate forces there, now an entire regime is working against our country, let’s speak frankly from a terrorist point of view, but today the danger has intensified even more, because this regime is in a desperate situation, i’m just about it i wanted, this is a desperate situation, it’s just that unpredictable decisions can be made, and the decisions are very tough, so what our intelligence services are doing, and the president spoke today... about this at a meeting with workers of the cops union, this is what
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the state should do, and he is responsible for this, but he asked all of us, our entire society, to be attentive and to be monolithic, i know that this is often the case, i know that ordinary citizens tell the intelligence services, especially in these border areas where strangers appear, yes , strangers don't walk here, remember there was such a film, but now you are kennedy, you absolutely said it correctly, a desperate situation, absolutely right, driven by a beast. in the corner this beast is dangerous, they generally have something to lose, i always said that it’s like in poland, here’s the story, they not only risk positions of power, they risk their freedom, because what they...
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the military-industrial complex, that is, recognizes this is a money laundering scheme. who do you think owns this entire military-industrial complex? yes, black rock. at the republican debate, tim scott said: "don't worry, this is not a gift to ukraine." this is a loan. how many of you believe that this loan will be repaid? of course they won't return it. why do you need it then,
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to fulfill the conditions of its provision? what are these conditions that we impose? firstly. austerity regime, if you are a beggar in ukraine, it is forever. second and most importantly, ukraine will have to sell all its state property to multinational corporations. all agricultural land, the largest asset in europe, there has been a war over it for a thousand years, the most fertile soil in the world, the bread basket of europe. almost 500 thousand ukrainians died for this land. they were not aware of the terms of the loan, according to which three...
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needs, a complex society, you will disappear, only in the territories now controlled by russia, which the west still mistakenly refers to ukraine, there are minerals worth 12.4 trillion dollars, which... equal to four gdp britain is such a moment, but you and i discussed all this and from the beginning we understood why the americans , together with great britain, were absolutely thoughtful
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in preparing this military provocation in europe, they organized it, and putin was right when he said, that putin has begun actions to stop the war and expansion, the same thing, i recently talked with my chinese colleagues, they say, we clearly understand that they are provoking us to war in taiwan, and we are taking all the actions. in order to prevent this and resolve the issue peacefully, they are doing everything to take this to a military level, and the united states of america is an ideal financial pyramid, but its uniqueness is that it has military methods of coercion, plus, if the financial pyramid is built primitively, we constantly need, so to speak, new investors, often they do not invest in the real sector , they, having built a financial pyramid, have the opportunity to invest money in the real sector, invest money in... technology, and these technologies and the latest weapons make it possible to coerce a third country, again invest money in their economy, that is, so that a simple tv viewer understands what
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the united states is doing in europe today, together with its coalition partners, and there is a very strict hierarchy there, the main beneficiary washington, london are a little less, the guys who are in the european union, in principle, many of them will be victims, and some according to the principle of the marshall plan, as was the case after world war ii. then they will receive additional investments and part of the european economy will become even more dependent on washington, so now the redivision of the world is already in full swing, and for a better redivision of the world they need to prevent something, and how does this relate to belarus, expansion, they cannot allow the conflict to freeze, they need expansion, so aleksandrevich he is 100% right when he says that we have no right to relax, we are all citizens. naturally, the government will work, but if we are not united, there will be no results. they benefit from a long conflict, and they benefit from
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stretching the front line with the russian federation. since the ukrainian operation is not successful, they cannot cope. any action on the part of the western coalition is possible to, so to speak, destabilize us in one way or another, because this is a direct blow to russia. strong, peaceful belarus, a peaceful rear, a functioning economy - this is the most important, so to speak, roughly speaking, cartridge for russia, that is, for a strong russia, for a united russia, we putin is absolutely right, again rightly said, you should have watched the interview carefully , many say, he didn’t say anything new , he said the main thing, firstly, he was addressing a new audience, we must take into account that this is all new for them, firstly, yes, and secondly, he said that he is the people ukraine regards it as... the fraternal people hope that all three of our people will be together, this is a statement, this is a challenge to these guys, they will do everything to prevent this and so that for decades to come we will not be able
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to recreate this triune russia, peaceful, normally cooperating, capable of maintaining sovereignty and developing some national issues, but at the same time working with the most testing image in the economy, in politics and on the external circuit, therefore - bloodthirsty politics, but here i am saying: the unique situation is that this is what you said correctly, you said behind the scenes that you are conducting an investigation, god forbid that you will convey this to our tv viewers that the shadow government of the united states, and these are transnational groups that appoint presidents, because the president of the united states is a very weak figure, so there is no need to associate trump with the figure there, biden, whoever comes to power there, in fact , the political system is specially balanced in such a way that this monetary government can be decisive, that is.
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from the point of view of ensuring the security of the state, so, dear viewers, the place to speak ukrainians may well have the word 100% belarusian in their thoughts.
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it is no coincidence, i am very afraid that you and others may relax, what relaxation leads to, you already know, even more than before, you see what is happening around, but excuse me, you don’t know everything yet, i’ll tell you the main thing , without specifying,
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we will soon report to you, on all these issues, today everyone in the west and in the vanguard of our belarusian fugitives in relation to belarus, regarding the defeat of russia in the war with ukraine, and further quote: our negotiations fugitives with some in the west of poland, quote: belarus has the right to the western lands , in the event of russia’s defeat they continue the stat: belarus will grow at the expense of the western lands of russia, read, we will be cut off from something from the smolensk and bryansk, maybe pskov regions, and western belarus we must reach
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in the 20th century , these same super corporations entered the arena of precisely the political international struggle; they can no longer even be called just corporations, but they are super corporations, transnational giants that do not have nor geographical boundaries, which today do not have any problems with financing, because their budgets exceed the budgets of many countries, the task of these corporations.
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for your territory and for your people, to acquire some benefit. when we talk about corporations, we are talking about people who have neither citizenship nor nationality, who will go where it is best for them at the moment, who are ready to plunge everyone without exception into chaos. we, unfortunately, saw that these corporations were between the first and second world wars supported germany, restored its economy , sponsored hitler with...
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about how they are going to rob ukraine, and the main emphasis is russia, russia since the first world war, since the second world war, they do not give up the desire to divide, because these are huge tidbits of territory which
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, as it seems to them, are sparsely populated, poorly exploited, but at the same time contain resources, and cheap resources, look, 2014 was the year of the maidan in... ukraine, all this mess, which then led to outright redistribution world, but to that little piece of the world pie, where did it all start? the first thing was that they began to divide the gas market. russia in 2013, the cost of produced gas somewhere in the yamalo-ninets district, when this gas came out of the well, was about 5 us dollars per thousand cubic meters. at the same time, the cost of production at the same moment of lng of the future, or rather shale gas in the usa , was about $50, of course, they could not compete in the usual ways, who would buy expensive gas, which also
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adds up to delivery, liquefaction, liquefaction, the tanker fleet, everything else, of course, it is better to buy the much cheaper russian one, which goes through pipelines under long-term contracts, when... they destroyed the physical transportation routes, that is, they left no way out, they forced europe, they literally put their expensive lng on the needle, the market was redivided, gave their corporations the opportunity to earn money even in conditions where they would not have been able
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to do this competitively, we see the same thing now with ukraine, ukraine has long been bought up on the vine, this is what was said about the lands, they in fact, they already belong there , but i don’t remember exactly how many percent. but most of it belongs to these largest corporations, there is monsanto and everything else, they are already conducting experiments in ukraine with genetically modified plants, they are also growing corn with the scorpion gene, which is unclear how it will influence further, they have turned ukraine into a source of cheap agricultural raw materials, which we see now that europe is being attacked, but they are pumping it out from there, in return, what in return is devastation.
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we are a country that is ready to cooperate, make friends and build partnerships with any part of this world, no matter where it is located, in the western territory, in the eastern territory, be it africa or something else, but it must be an equal, equal union, an equal union, when national interests are taken into account each of the parties that enters into this union. now here's what kennedy said. what you talked about for a long, long time, telling examples
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of ukraine, and here i want to take these fugitive comrades of ours who are sitting there and thinking about how to make money, make money, make money on the territory of belarus, in what sense to make money, these are the people for whom belarus is precisely needed, as a place where the red carpet will be laid out, along which they will pass to the territory of the russian federation, they don’t need us for anything else, they don’t need us they are like people, they don’t care what happens to us. indeed, the population is practically gone , this is a perfect example, when there is nothing left there, there is this path that you need to follow, so you always need to think about what we we are building and how we are building, the president said correctly, we cannot be indifferent to anything, because today there will be an economy, which means we will be a strong country, therefore the belkopsoyuz, the belkopsoyuz is an enterprise that primarily ensures life in the countryside, that’s where it should be .
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this is how they position russia for their society
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, that is, in fact, if we treat western civilization precisely as a civilization, then they don’t treat us that way, while tucker visited moscow, judging by his video, he experienced some culture shock when he visited the stores and so on in moscow, he is still an honor, he is still in minsk, olga alexandrovna’s very correct thought, our belarusians need to understand it very well, this is the most important idea.
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after biden’s inauguration, well, almost the entire composition of his cabinet was assembled by the senate , this is an analogue of the government, but there are 25 people there , at least three are related to black rock, i mean what’s happening , news appeared this week, you saw that it turns out that there is a secret society of bankers in europe, who would doubt it?
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an organization that meets secretly, there are no websites, nothing, who is present there is unknown, the richest people accept. the decision, what kind of decisions do you think they make twice a year in luxury hotels, the last meeting today of this club of a bunch of financiers, bankers, took place in a prison hotel, the event lasted 3 days, the organization was founded in 1950, that’s who controls, well after all , a normal person cannot believe that biden manages him or kirby or osalvan or someone else manages the business, but western business has one ideology: to develop at someone else’s expense. both you and you moved on to the topic that i wanted later, but it’s still the same topic, i just threw it back to you in the previous program, it’s just literally short now, it’s called, i called this section of the editor gathering, well, okay, let it be thus, germany is likely experiencing its last days as a global industrial superpower, bloomberg reports: germany
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may lose its status as an industrial superpower, the industrial output of europe's largest economy has been declining since the seventeenth year, the rate of decline is accelerating, writes bloomberg. among the reasons for this. moving away from the united states, increasing competition with china, the final blow for some heavy industry enterprises was the cessation of supplies of cheap russian gas, congratulations to the germans on this. welt writes about the threat to germany of a mass exodus of refugees if ukraine collapses into the german government, assumes that about 10 million more people will leave the country, guess where they will go: option a to albania, b to germany. third, minister finance of germany, christian lindner said that the country. is rapidly becoming poorer, we are no longer competitive, we are becoming poorer because we have no economic growth, it is inconceivable to me that the government did not draw any conclusions from this analysis, it has already become clear today that the social good and promising environmental projects in germany can be ensured only due to economic prosperity, and the number of the day
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appeared on the internet last week, it sounded like this, this section: 500 is exactly that german stores, according to the forecast of the all-german association, pred...
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developed its chemical industry, germany developed its metallurgical industry, germany became the largest hub in europe for gas distribution among other capitalist countries and competed with norway, the only supplier of european gas. germany flourished due to all this, and as soon as what i was talking about was cut off, this is the only, in fact, artery of prosperity, germany is rapidly sliding into tartarus.
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already who has not noted the power ministers in old europe, scaring people, they are screwing people up, excuse me, this is not on empty grounds, they still remember history, they remember the beginning of the 19th century, when napoleon was trampled, they finally came, they remember the middle of the 20th century, when they came and would have reached further if the allied forces had not opened a second front, these fears are being whipped up again, why, why is this being done very simply for...
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germany is in the center, and of course, this coalition of the russian federation, cheap resources in exchange for technology, plus russia it raised its technologies due to this, naturally. direct competitors, the most important competitor for north america, according to geopolitical theory, is the heartland, eurasia, naturally, they had to
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destroy this, so they reduced competitiveness, removed it, made the cost of production expensive, removed gas supplies, made them dependent on their own, but plus a blow to the european union , because the centripetal force has weakened, these are the voices that will speak for the european union to become weaker and its institution is becoming weaker, they will sound more loudly, and at the same time nato will be strengthened at the expense of the united states, but the question is different , listen, alexei said this absolutely correctly, these transnational groups, they have no nationality, in history this it has already happened when production and human resources are transferred even from continents, listen, the index will be very important, if we see a massive transfer of production to north, latin america to asia, war is being prepared. big war in europe, we need it understand, this is no longer a joke, that is, if we see a massive withdrawal of major capital, banking capital,
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industrial production and migration of a certain nature.
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always the president, the economy is the basis , let’s preserve the economy, that’s all, then we will have funds to maintain socio-political stability and the armed forces, they cannot, will not be able to break us from the outside, that is, we know their plans, we must understand that they will not change their plans unless they feel an immediate threat to themselves, or if they do not they will break their coxies against our shell, and if we fail to build our own ecosystem in which we can develop, that is, if they do not allow us to work fully in the global ecosystem.
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belarus today is at the forefront of building this multipolar world, what are they afraid of, yes, we are talking about a global system, they are not a global system today, in fact, these are 50 western countries that call themselves the civilized world, in quotes, i am a billion, yes, everything else is for them, well, a well-known phrase jungle, yes. but what is the problem, is that this jungle is 150 countries of the world, this is the majority, with the largest amount of resources, who today say: we don’t want to work for you now, we are creating our own parallel financial systems, there is the shanghai organization cooperation, brix , other organizations, it turns out that if we formulate all this now, create all these structures, we can live without them at all, their
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sanctions no longer work, and... in the future they will be generally meaningless, they will be a tool isolation of these 50 countries from the rest of the world, that in fact today sanctions work rather for the internal audience of western countries, to show for their citizens that we are in control of something, that we are higher, we are number one, listen, but they are such sanctions that one two-hour tucker’s interview blew up the world , there are billions there, here are the sanctions, you hear they introduced a package that the mask will now be dragged through the courts, what?
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and i once said that real genocide is being carried out by some western countries, some corporations, by introducing
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sanctions against belarus that relate to the supply of medicines, supplies of medicines to our country, i knew what i was saying, well , the dumpsters that escaped naturally started howling, i’ll show you, very interestingly, somewhere with me.
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firstly, why should belarusians die if officials regularly report on the success of import substitution, well, he said, he said, they have no names, no dates, no quotes. secondly, why is eisman lying to the viewer of belarusian television, euroradio tells why eisman’s words are another fake, supplies are growing in 2016, i don’t understand what the registry has to do with what was introduced sanctions and do not supply certain types of medicine, not counting the twentieth year, when more medicine was needed due to the coronavirus epidemic, belarus has been annually since the sixteenth year...
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the story is not about swedish polish companies now, it is a story about euroradio, about propagandists, fugitives and about how they fool people's minds. the swedish company
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refuses to supply belarus with dressings necessary for the palliative treatment of children suffering from a congenital genetic disease, epidermalysis, these are the so-called butterfly children. belarus drugs and other medications necessary for the treatment of epilepsy and somatic diseases. the british company has stopped supplying the drugs banviva and rocaltrop, used to treat osteoporosis. the finnish company arion corporation has stopped supplying drugs used to treat parkinson's disease and various forms of cancer. uk supervisory authority. the procedure for issuing a license for the export of morphine tablets to belarus, used to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from cancer and its consequences, was delayed in every possible way severe injuries. now i remember once again
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the material of this, if i may say so, media, actually a pro-nazi garbage dump, we even came up with a new logo for them, and if they have it, we can show it. once again shows the level of their work, unfortunately, these are servants, informational, collaborator servants to our enemies, there is almost never truth there, i don’t have photographs with me, i will ask the editors to insert in the editing what children’s legs, children’s legs look like, children's hands, in the time of this disease, butterfly babies, yes, when dressings are constantly needed, about the lies,
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the countries of the east, south, which continue to supply us with medicines, so of course, we are purchasing foreign components for medical equipment, i haven’t talked about this yet , we were cut off specifically from high-tech, expensive, very necessary drugs, which are available in a single copy, which, thanks to this system of international licensing, cannot simply be bought in other countries, just like the same dressing. material, it would be ready
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the chinese-indians do it there, they don’t have a license for this, so there is only one supplier left, and of course, we cannot buy from europe and the fact that it is newborn children who suffer from this, this is how correct our respected political scientist and diplomat alexander shpakovsky cited this photograph in his telegram, wrote that this is ordinary fascism, but this is exactly what was discussed, but i would also like to draw attention to the fate they...
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introduced pharmaceutical companies against small children with congenital disease against old people suffering from parkinson's , against people with cancer , they're the ones who will defeat us, they're great, and pay attention to how discreetly they act, these are such narrow groups, but these are narrow people, not so, not such large groups .
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look, this is wisconsin, we are leading by a huge margin, suddenly, at exactly 3:42 a.m., this happens, a powerful surge of votes, mostly for biden, yes, almost all for biden, to this day everyone is trying to understand where they are coming from got started there, and how did it happen that
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i won by one goal, but lost by a thin one, that’s where it happened, 3:42 am , wisconsin, tough, just tough, well... usa, our viewers need to understand that it’s not like ours, not as democratic as ours, because what happens in the states is that voters vote for electors, a little over 500 there, that is , half a thousand people will actually then re-elect the president, and these electors are also in the states, depending on the population, and swings in votes can lead to almost...
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before the country, that is, no matter how we are accused, this is our system or another, our system at the moment meets the national interests of the belarusian people to the maximum extent, so it is not necessary.
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especially being three maiden lands away is not interested in you being an effective competitor, so if someone interferes in your elections, you should always be wary, we must make the decision, and thirdly, the main thing, and what we call for citizens, today the main message is the question to the president, to politicians belarusians: keep the peace, keep order, so the main thing for us is that political campaigns do not influence socio-political stability and do not collapse the economy, so today... you and i, belarusians, must behave very soberly, very balancedly, that’s all the battles and
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discussions should take place in a civilized manner in institutionalized bodies, in parliament, in the government, in the courts, that is, at the level of the head of state, etc., and we must conduct elections in such a way that simply every citizen can get information about a person who is running for elections and there is no need to decide anything on the street, then we will maintain order, ksenia lebedeva made a program and there they talked about human rights issues. regarding the fact that violations were identified among independent observers, but these independent observers were called into the studio, they have nothing to do with the statement, they did not sign, well, yes, they participated somewhere, they left passport data, you will remember when our intelligence spoke about this is the russian one, what when the day before they took a look at the mission of this osce watchdog , which is coming, so they would already be ready
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... blocked on the territory of belarus, there is no need to write anything to them, let them take it and put the logo that we came up with for them and it will be normal regarding democratic standards, kirby yes this week threatened russia, just dare to interfere in our elections, this is of course very funny, damn he sent a message to the president of kyrgyzstan japarov, where he expressed concern about the consideration of the law of non-governmental organizations in kyrgyzstan, received answer: we stand for equal cooperation and are ready to work together with all countries. several
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such disturbances have gone through absolutely absolutely shamelessly and unceremoniously the revolution is sent in diplomatic language than well, because we know that all these ngos, these foreign agents are agents of influence, these are people who are financed, they have only one task: to fight with the state and, preferably , change the constitutional system , this now concerns our runaways, those who work in these garbage dumps, once again i tell you he said that information is available there reliably on a regular basis.
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see you in a week, we’ll tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. the most important thing is to pay attention to its color; it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without rust, brown
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or yellow spots, often indicating fat oxidation. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. did you have breakfast today? by the way, i haven’t had time to eat yet. let's cook together. come on, breakfast of champions. today we have for breakfast quiche, with spinach, red fish, will be amazingly, exquisitely delicious. don't forget about invigorating exercises. this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to fill up. energy for the whole day, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel . 100 brave guys gathered in our studio, igor aleksandrovich, why do you think the children chose you for the conversation? first of all, if the children chose, it means that they saw me quite often on tv, well
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, the second thing is that children always like big ones dimensions for each of them. have a question for an adult? i'm ready, then let's begin. what happens if you turn off your phone for the whole day? the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience. the main task is to honestly answer all original, and sometimes awkward questions. well, you understand that children can sometimes ask very awkward questions. this is great. i love awkward questions. you promise to tell only the truth. yes, i noticed you have very cute shoes, and could you tell me how to walk in heels correctly? the very first reason why you can fall, this is when the socks begin to braid one after the other. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. yulk, don’t forget, your carriage can turn into a pumpkin. you promised me
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that this wouldn't happen. the court also issues a special ruling, asking attention to the negligent conduct of the case by the investigative authorities. defendant khromov is subject to release in the courtroom. your edik is probably going crazy because of our friendship. my edik is an absolutely wise husband. second day of ovulation. i made you stimulating injection, and today you should have intimacy with your husband at least three times. do you want kids? come here. listen, let's go on vacation. i have it in a month. thanks for your help, what kind? they made me feel like a real man, she sent me a summons for divorce. so, pull yourself together, pull yourself together, i said, why did we stop? on the top floor. maybe we can go in? etik called me, i decided to help. you should be together,
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understand? watch the series if you love me, forgive me. on the tv channel belarus 24. you can do a lot in 24 hours, and you can do a lot in 7 days more. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that... nine and will lift your spirits, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24/7, watch on
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our tv channel every friday evening, there are 256 countries in the world, mostly the world admires belarus and belarusians, like cuba, brazil and venezuela. but somehow for a long time we had the habit of not listening to them, but waiting until we will be appreciated by a bunch of other countries, supposedly more democratic than all of the above states, the most psychologically difficult thing is to monotonously, methodically, calmly, but efficiently do your usual work every single day, this seems to me to be what is needed from us for the country in 2024, if someone doesn’t know where to start, start with yourself, they are constantly trying to prick lukashenko with this word and... he wants stability more than anyone, because the usa is potentially a much more unstable system than russia, china and
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even belarus, but there is nuance: stability america is ensured by the instability of the rest of the world. we need to value this stability, because it is not only expensive , it is priceless. propaganda project, watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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the tv news agency begins an information day in the elizaveta lakotka studio, good morning in this episode there is active propaganda, dialogue platforms, patriotic events throughout the country, exactly a week before the single voting day. residents of munich are protesting against the nato summit being held in the city. meanwhile, the alliance continued its course towards weapons of ukraine.


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