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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:36pm MSK

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and, of course, about the role of science in the discovery of the syndrome, in the creation of methods for its diagnosis, as well as in modern treatment methods. my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, stay tuned for the next half hour to see if our topic today is series science. the ancient greeks noticed it, but it was only scientists who made the official diagnosis. half a century ago, let's study the history of the issue. the inability to concentrate on one task for a long time: poor sleep and excessive moodiness, what else in the behavior of children should alert parents. and what methods for diagnosing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder exist today, we will find out very soon. even in ancient greece, people wondered why they were alone. completely
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calm and attentive, while others cannot sit still for even a minute, but only scientists could answer this question, and relatively recently, when and how all this happened, i will tell you in detail right now. in the 18th century, scottish physician alexander creighton studied a group of children who were diagnosed with inattention. this is a disorder... written as mental anxiety, citing the fact that children have painful nerve sensitivity. it was creighton who first drew attention not to the hyperactivity of children, but to the child’s inability to concentrate on a certain type of activity, that is, attention deficit. in 1845, dr. henry hoffman published a book called the history of the restless philip. the doctor did not yet know that he was describing the symptoms. dvg, and the prototype
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of the main character of the story was his own son. the first person to most accurately describe the true clinical picture of adhd was english pediatrician george steele in 1902. the doctor spoke about the problem of excessive emotional arousal in children under 8 years old, calling this phenomenon a defect in moral control. later, the theory of cohen and kakan confirmed steele's hypothesis; these scientists considered the problem with dwg to be biological. the onset of the disorder is a consequence of disruption of the nervous system. in the forties of the last century, the term minimal brain dysfunction came into use. scientists then described a set of behavioral reactions of the child, restlessness, sleep disturbance inattention, and they said that they go a little beyond the established norms, this is due to the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system. further, the concept of minimal brain dysfunction was transformed into...
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hyperkenesis, a sudden involuntary movement of the muscles of children's attention, and only in the seventies of the 20th century, the term attention deficit disorder first appeared. according to various estimates, from 3 to 20% of children suffer from adhd. moreover, recent research from cambridge suggests that some symptoms. disorders persist into adulthood, although previously it was believed that this is a childhood story that grows over the years, and also making this diagnosis is not a quick process, many are still debating what is considered adhd and what is not, in order to understand this question, we invited the chief freelance child psychiatrist of the ministry of health of belarus to the studio. olga, hello. hello. well, let's figure it out then. in what cases are we really talking about adhd, which ones?
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they just assessed that it was on their part attention deficit in relation to the child, no , attention deficit is not the child’s ability to concentrate on a specific task, and this can be characterized very simply, it is the difficulty of working hard,
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yes, starting work, it is the difficulty of concentrating on continuing the work, the difficulty of completing this very work , this is it, if we talk briefly about what attention deficit is, such children, as a rule... they are characterized especially at school that they are absent-minded, do not write down their homework , forget, forget their things, they forget to complete a task, they cannot calculate the time to complete a task, very often, this affects, of course , the performance of these children, if we are talking specifically about attention deficit, hyperactivity is such restlessness of children, yes, very often now we can see with your videos, yes, which are presented on youtube. yes, when all the children are sitting or standing on the line, one of them, yes, is dancing, in general, his bouquet has been everywhere, yes, and we look with emotion at such behavior of the child, such children often do not stay within the framework of the lesson, why now, in general, i involuntarily began
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to talk to you about lessons, about school, yes, because very often - we meet for the first time, both parents and children, and... retrospectively analyzing our child , they say that he has always been like this: 3-4 years old - this is kindergarten, yes, this is the first social interaction and the first requirements for the child, but they are still minimal, so in this situation, of course, in general - then a lot is forgiven, chalked up to age,
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school is already quite serious institute, here the requirements are more serious, so naturally, all these symptoms that we are talking about manifest themselves, of course.
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the interval, as of today, this is prescribed must be maintained at a certain time in the international classification, this is at least 6 months, that is... it’s not just the behavior that arose in the situation, this is the first, second, why we are talking about doctors about diagnostics, because the doctor always faces the task of differential diagnosis, these are the same symptoms that we talked about, can manifest themselves in a number of other conditions, that’s the point, yes, it could be a depressive disorder, an anxiety disorder, it could be some kind of crisis situation in a child in the family and he still...
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and this is also the task of doctors - specialists, of course, differentiate all these disorders, and not say so unequivocally, capturing only a few symptoms, that we have a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. olga, i suggest you and i take a short break, my colleagues will just continue the topic of methodology adhd diagnosis. let's see the story and come back. even 20 years ago, they tried to diagnose adhd using an encephalogram or
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mri, but as practice has shown, specifically, when it comes to attention hyperactivity disorder, this diagnosis essentially gives nothing. in terms of diagnosis , modern medicine naturally offers a clinical interview for adhd. it was, is, remains the most reliable diagnostic sign, which fulfills all the criteria from the dvg according to icd-10, in principle it helps somehow. still determine what it is. the sooner adhd will be diagnosed, the easier its correction. therefore, the main responsibility
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falls on the parents, even in the matter of monitoring their child in order to catch the first signs of adhd and contact a specialist. these are very uncomfortable children, those who do not sit, who, for example, are harmful, as in the understanding of their parents, who practically do not obey, cannot listen to the end, cannot stay still, they show motor activity in those places in which, strictly speaking, this is not established in order. can't hold framework, that is, parents often understand even earlier that something is wrong with the child, well, the accompanying one is often a violation of speech development in children at an early age, they are also accompanied by this syndrome. adhd problems are dealt with at the scientific and practical mental health center, where patients from all over the country can come. not long ago, scientists from the republican scientific and practical center created their own unique method for diagnosing the syndrome.
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in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants, this is the first time i’ve heard of such a person, but i intuitively answered: no, it seems to me that he mexican, mexican, how interesting it is, it seems to me that he is italian, you can only rely on your own strength here, this... boris gleb church is located in the grodno region, who would doubt it, victor, it simply tears everyone apart, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is one thousandth of a meter called, a passage of 1 km is a thousand meters, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth of a fraction, a comprehensive answer, prohar, thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation mark, you think, well, granite is kind of a brown-red stone, but what type of minerals?
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i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that prohar can give an answer to absolutely any question, is it a mineral, does it burn? no, watch the intellectual and entertainment project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel. in all international acts , the murder of unarmed civilians is written in black and white. children is a war crime, but the head of european diplomacy, jose barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless provide humanitarian assistance to those who may be killed tomorrow, but this is different; in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22 thousand residents of the gaza strip were killed. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year's eve
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in belgorod, this is a violation of humanitarian law, a violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing up the remnants of ukraine, without waiting for the end of the special military operation. the latter is basically no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. see new ones episodes on tv channel belarus 24. on the air, science is nearby, my name is ekaterina beretskaya, this is what awaits us ahead: a disorder or temperament, in which cases we can talk about a real diagnosis of the syndrome,
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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, pills or neurophysiological adjustment, modern... adhd treatment methods. and the first step into the science of how to direct the irrepressible energy of children in the right direction in our report. we return to the studio of the science nearby project after a short pause. let me remind you that today we are talking about attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity and our guest is the chief freelance child psychiatrist olga litvinova. olga, i would like to know a little about...
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it develops, in general there was a path and what lies in this very nature, why it was quite long, when at first they thought about an infection about some kind of disorders in the development of the brain, structural changes, when in general, no reliable evidence was found, the search continued. today it is reliably known that the basis is a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters, a violation of the synthesis neurotransmitters such as dopamine and nurapinephrine. this is the nature that you are asking, it is multifactorial, when here research is carried out in the field of genetics, in the field of biological factors, hereditary factors, natural factors, there are some studies, for example , the effect of nicotine on the fetus during pregnancy, there are such studies, in general - then, anyway, they all, to one
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degree or another, lead to these same neurotransmitters, and dopamine and... therefore, today it is accepted, to summarize, talk about a multifactorial, multifactorial nature, of course, with a large share of genetic contribution, because family inheritance, we see it quite often when parents come and talk about how i was like that there too, but they told me there, either mom says or dad says , that in general we were not particularly different from our child , whom we see now, that’s why therapy, if we talk about pharmacotherapy, it is based on increasing the number of these same neurotransmitters, but it is not the only one, you need to understand that help the child should receive comprehensive treatment, of course, this is psychological, work with a psychologist, work with a psychotherapist, and behavioral therapy, which is now very
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often heard and the parents of such children, they are generally in the know, i always have hope when such programs are broadcast, the fact that people will simply pay attention to the fact that this problem exists, help this child, she is everywhere , she is in society, she is in a store, she is at school, because these are certain requirements, a certain form of lesson structure, a certain behavior of the teacher with like this a child, in order to help them , because he’s always interested in what’s next, yes , yes, what will happen next if you don’t treat, don’t pay attention, treat, don’t pay attention, but well... it will go away on its own, yes , some symptoms go away, some symptoms transform, and if in a small child we see this very hyperactivity, restlessness, when he runs around the class, cannot sit still, then in an adult we can see fussiness, and some kind of forgetfulness , anxiety, it’s a little bit, this is the fuss, it’s it
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has a slightly different bias, and the same inattention develops into... treating this only as a violation of behavior, placing all responsibility for the child on the parents, then in general, this small group, class, society, begins to reject such a child, he's uncomfortable. naturally, academic performance suffers, social adaptation suffers, academic performance suffers, which means that possible professional
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education suffers, which the child could receive according to his potential, but for lack of, in general, he does not receive a better one, therefore here, of course, the contribution is not only from doctors, the contribution of the entire social environment, schools, educators, educators, teachers, in general we hope for this, that we will have helpers, first of all, probably still parents, because attention, without parents , you know, any doctor for children, without parents, nowhere, only attentive attitude towards your child, the opportunity to convey this information to the doctor, this is quite a large part of the work of helping us medical specialists, probably the last question, you can often hear about... .
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we see them, these children, today any parent can get any information through the same means on the internet, yes, any questionnaire related not only to adhd, yes, we can pay attention, draw out information, refract it into the attitude of our own child , and analyze something and seek help, sources of information for help are also quite accessible, that’s why yes diagnostics, the next point is what is now... a lot of attention is paid to preparation, and this is also a contribution to diagnostics primary care doctors, because the first doctor
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with whom the parents have established contact, we hope, is a trusting one, yes, this is a pediatrician, who is a neurologist, a pediatrician, the one who is in the clinic, the one who is closer, therefore, of course, the education of these specialists also contributes to diagnostics, the regulatory documents that are published and... draw the attention of doctors and specialists also contribute to diagnostics, so i think that this is such a, you know, combined, combined process, yes why do we see such children more, olga, it seems to me that you answered all the questions that we wanted to ask you, everything is clear, accessible and interesting, i am sure that many of our viewers find this topic really interesting, so thank you very much and good health to you and your patients, thank you big. but, it seems to me, regardless of whether a child has any problems or not, he almost always has more energy than we adults, ideally not just give the opportunity to release this
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energy, but direct it in the right direction. our the creative team offers to show the little person the world of science. if you are interested in the offer, watch our story. its main characters have already taken the first step into science. start your research path before leaving school. the main heroes of the conference, the first step into science 2024, which took place in nanbelarus, were schoolchildren. the conference, the first step into science, in this format is being held for the first time within the walls of the national academy of sciences of belarus. we accept 200 high school students from all over belarus, all regions are here presented. well, so that schoolchildren can see what scientific ideas can turn into.
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researchers not only tell, but show. our idea is to create test systems for the detection of d- amino acids. since 2024 is recognized as the year of quality, this test system will help us in resolving issues regarding the quality of our products. actually, our idea is to create test strips or biochips on which the enzyme d-amino acid oxidase will be applied. d amino acids are found in
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bacteria that... designers and also chemists, whose developments are so needed in medicine, took part in the conference. our development is a biomaterial for accelerating the processes of restoration of damaged osteochondral tissue. the biomaterial includes two components: it is a synthetic gel calcium phosphate, which is a source of building material for bone tissue, due to which it stimulates osteogenesis, and an organic component is citrated blood plasma, which accelerates the formation of soft tissues of blood vessels, maybe obtained both from the patient’s body from blood and from don’s blood. for the first time this year , young scientists presented their developments in
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space. the famous english proverb says: don’t raise children, educate yourself, children will still be like you. if you really want the child to be the center of attention, about which so much has been said today, to be books, sports, offline communication, healthy eating, put your phone aside, talk to your baby, take a walk in the park, read together. book and do not demand from your child tasks that are beyond his or her age, because according to scientists, the zone of self-control in the human brain matures only by the age of 21. just as you were holding the book in your hands. we
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've been gurgling old one after another, sniffing at the words of our skin, from all of our lives, the greatest creative people, the most up-to-date and useful books, these books, the books have the thoughts of the past, the reports and the expressive voices of the gala. sy people. everything that chalavetstva created, she ate up on old books, bytstsam witchcraft. read more warmly, we appreciate the past for our daily life.
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belarus. our republican rehabilitation center was built according to the program of the president of children of belarus, this is a unique institution, the ministry of labor, social protection, this is one of the forms of rehabilitation in such a special form of rehabilitation as a social institution, these are mainly children with cerebral palsy, 80% are children with. ..
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to please our society, because this year we have a record, 1,303 children underwent rehabilitation during the year, eight of our children went on their own, and 10 of our children. disability every year we put 10-11-12 children on their feet, this is an achievement, yes, this is an achievement, this is the work of the whole team, this is the work of the team that gives children happiness, not only in gifts, but in physical condition. state support for children in our country, especially for disabled children, is colossal, and one of the ways to help this category of children is assistance.
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for the opportunity to work up to 0.5 wages while maintaining benefits, this is travel, this is assistance and support in equipping assistance, issuing technical means, therefore in our country this has state support and state protection, so i think that the stage of the rehabilitation system itself in our country is special, because this system, this
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course of the last group, the seventh eighth group are children of 16 years old, they undergo vocational guidance with in the center of medical examinations, and i want to say, over the past 3 years, we have 58 graduates entered higher educational institutions, that is, our children also work, they also work, and this is gratifying, this is very pleasing, well, you are also the chairman of the board of the belarusian children's fund that what kind of organization is this, what goals does it set for itself, the belarusian children's fund is one of the oldest public associations in our country, it was created on february 27, 27, 1988, for all 35 years we have been walking around the country with kindness, with grace, with mercy, very it is important
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that the belarusian children's fund, throughout its entire activity, is , let's say, a public association that... helps children with special needs and children, mainly orphans and children who are left without parental care, because on the initiative children's fund - a program was created in the country to raise children in family-type homes, methods of assistance and rehabilitation are being improved today, probably all over the world, do you, on the one hand, accept the experience of foreign colleagues, on the other, perhaps some of ours..
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.who quietly envy our country, because we have preserved those traditions and those approaches that, unfortunately, have been destroyed in theirs, as for the children's fund, these are family homes...


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