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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 18, 2024 7:50pm-8:51pm MSK

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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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centuries you have created thanks to authentic things, they were used by representatives of a famous family. discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. 100 brave guys gathered in our studio. igor alexandrovich, why do you think children did they choose you for the conversation? first of all, if the children chose, it means they saw me on tv quite often, well, second. children always like large
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sizes, each of them has a question for an adult: i’m ready, then let’s begin: what will happen if you turn off your phone for the whole day? the heroes of the program will have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes awkward questions. well, you understand that children can sometimes ask very awkward questions. this is cool, i love uncomfortable ones questions. do you promise to tell only the truth? yes, i noticed you have very cute shoes, and could you tell me how to walk in heels correctly? the very first thing that can cause you to fall is when your socks start to braid one after the other. see the project 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24.
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hello, we welcome everyone who is with us now, we don’t often talk here about those who call themselves the political opposition, yet our program is not humorous, it’s serious, and since most often they either ask for money or noisily divides them, then well , there’s nothing special to talk about and it’s not interesting, except in those cases when they reach a dangerous point and begin, consciously or not.
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ten years ago, i was in a lethargic sleep, because quite a large number of different national strategies had already been adopted by the united states of america and nato, where issues related specifically, as they say, to nuclear deterrence, are everywhere a red line. well, for example, the national security strategy of the united states. swinging a nuclear club there, well, throughout the document is visible, and specifically states that the cores, the united states. should
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be able to conduct military operations simultaneously with two nuclear powers, well, look sannikov, yes in this case, well in this case i put this in quotes, because there was a whole group of people who could do this. will voice, most likely, that he is not voicing his own personal considerations, but that a certain narrative has been imposed on him from above, the question arises, because all the people who are on the territory of belarus, even if they are not supporters of the current government, they are unlikely to support his call to carry out preventive strikes on the territory where they live, so the question arises: who is this message intended for? well, 100%, probably, the leadership of nato, the leadership of the united states, hardly even knows who sannikov is, yeah. now we know him and , as you said, because of that very company that failed, tomorrow we will forget him, i hope, and tomorrow we will forget him, just as we forgot before his statement, that’s all designed for one thing, only to somehow shake up the situation a little, to show that belarus and
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russia are real enemies for them, and that today, only a nuclear club can calm down these bloody regimes how they present it and give an opportunity for the development of democracy, well, to the extent possible, to the extent it can be realized in modern conditions, well, probably just recently, vladimir vladimirovich putin literally said, applying any preventive a nuclear strike will put an end to the entire world community, we will go back at best to the stone age, and most likely humanity will simply cease to exist, but andrey, i will say that there is a lithuanian center, there is a polish center... today, as it were, more appears such a third center is british, that is, they have held their own in the country a little for now, but today the polish center, which works with belsat, is having problems, because the radical agenda is sagging a little there, there is a problem with the change of power, here is the british center about he declares to himself a little again that sayanikov passed certain examinations even before 20, he did not pass them, that is, then
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he was already a written-off figure for subsequent events, but now the british are again throwing in a little more of this more radical agenda, as they did all the time on throughout the svu, why is this being done , well, this is the second question, but again most likely... they are trying to seize the initiative from the polish center there with these battalions, to gain some kind of sympathy for the more radical part of the opposition there, and therefore they are going some redistribution of influence, but not of course the preparation of some kind of strike, this is all ridiculous, moreover, from a military point of view , i think they will support me in the sense that it was the americans who managed to overcome this nuclear parity in terms of the fact that they learned to fight against a nuclear state with the wrong hands, here ukraine is an example of how they will fight, if there is something against us or against russia next, that is, this is a proven new technique, which... will include this hybrid attack there from some supposedly belarusian formations, this is their place, and of course, there is no preventive nuclear strike, this is a movie, but nevertheless, someone puts it in their mouth, in which case it needs to be done again, it seems to me, to those who are listening, remember words that were spoken more than once, for example, by vladimir putin, when
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we now understand that a threat against russia is a threat against belarus, a threat against belarus in russia is perceived accordingly as a threat about them, a phrase that has been repeated more than once has already sounded, it would not be amiss to recall it. now let's hear what as for belarus, it is part of the union state, and unleashing aggression against belarus will mean aggression against the russian federation, and we will respond to this with all the means at our disposal. i agree with andrey, the first, of course, main motive here is intraspecific struggle, those spiders are biting into jars, and they need to pull as much of this foam to the surface as possible.
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great britain considers itself above the rules of the civilized world, considers itself to be that state, that empire or fragment of an empire that can impose the rest of humanity has its own rules of the game, so it allows itself to flirt, including with such radical formulations. from the point of view of belarus, i don’t think that the statements of this character and other characters change anything in our political picture of the world, we already know everything perfectly well about... everyone, well, at least about this top of the fugitives, they are completely discredited themselves for domestic politics and they no longer plan to return here, yeah, let’s move on, then here’s olga igilevna, continuing the theme of national security, we somehow out of habit
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tie this to the military, to employees of special services, but the day before the president, talking with university rectors, indicated that in fact the scope of this concept is much wider, i suggest we remember now. young people , i’ll tell you straight, you are the first to be responsible for national security and are responsible for preserving the country’s sovereignty, if you still have people working among you who do not share our approaches, our policies and state ideology, if you employ yesterday’s shakers of the regime, then what conclusions should i draw about you is a question for reflection and decision. i think that universities today do not invest
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in a worldview, they prepare a personality, this is much broader, because a person is such a multi-component being, it is these 4 years, 4 or 5 years, that are decisive, therefore directly related to what who will graduate from the university, how he will relate to his country, and this is a political question, i think that it will remain political for a very long time. are we sagging in this, probably yes, because there would be such a thing there was no meeting, but what are we missing out on? it’s not that we don’t have an ideological component, we do have one, we developed it, it’s that we don’t always use the right means to convey to today’s youth what we want to tell them what they should come out with, this is precisely the big problem today, because modern youth perceive the world in completely different categories.
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uh-huh, yes, here, by the way, is an interesting point, indeed, because in addition, people who graduate from a university, they, well, more often becomes a leader, and accordingly lead the team, another question is what he will then invest, how where in what direction he will go, once about 10 years ago there was an interesting discussion, i took part in it with the teaching staff, this there were political scientists, economists, leading american and european union, european universities, one of the main questions that was discussed there was why... throughout the entire study, most universities, especially elite universities in europe, invest in
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their students, the concept of such social justice, that is, they generally lead such a leftist social ideology and preach it, but after the graduates of these universities enter the real world, they become the most frostbitten capitalists, such predators of the market, they occupy high positions there in management of corporations. in general, they do everything the other way around, is it really possible that the question was posed: our education does not affect anything, not the individual’s worldview, nothing, the most amazing answer i heard was these graduates simply enter the real world; our education, american and in many ways the leading universities of the european union, has become divorced from the needs of the real world. it seems to me that in the situation with belarus the situation is exactly the opposite, that is...
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in the social disciplines that are taught at the university, in economics, and there, well, in all the key disciplines that form the image of a person, we need to first of all start not from notes , which, as i said 10 years ago, were very harshly criticized by their authors themselves, and based on the real state of affairs, first of all, in the belarusian, russian, well, eurasian economy, andrei evgenievich, well, what about a critic now?
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we really must be sure that education will fulfill its main meaning, convey to the young person the image of the future person, the image of the future.
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no one can take it away from us, look what these words are about, these two quatrains contain the meaning of everything, the homeland begins with schooling, with the abc book, the homeland begins with the mother, the homeland begins with the streets, from the internet, everything is said in these four hundred, and what the president said yesterday was yes, in many ways a cry from the heart, well, what was the deep meaning in all of this, do you remember the year 20, who it fell on? the main blow, yes, the security forces, yes , government bodies, but remember that it fell on our teachers, teachers who were at the polling stations, everywhere, who then defended it, i still remember one teacher, a professor who stood either at bsu, or in guir, i don’t remember, at a lecture, when they shouted, we are the power here, we are the power here, yes, this one teacher, he is worth a platoon of amon, not because he is so physically
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strong, but because he was able to resist this crowd to keep those guys, to be carried out, the first in in any educational process, in the course of any forms and types of activities, firstly, these are general educational goals, well, where are the parts, so the basis must necessarily be the basic principles of objectivity, scientificity, and so on, secondly, professional installations,
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where, as i say, is professional chauvinism, yes, why is your profession better than others and... the third is the ideological component , that’s it, where these questions related to patriotism are laid precisely in the very process of training, education, then with what begins, for example , here they say, at the academy, the first thing when a cadet comes to study at the academy, he immediately begins with a visit to the military history hall, where he is told what happened and how, why he should do it, and his learning process ends at... in in the fourth year, also from this hall of military history, when he is done, and he walks through this hall himself, he already talks about this history, with concrete examples, everything. why? because a warrior who knows his history, who knows the exploits of his people, is fearless, and this is a warrior who cannot be broken, and we lay this as the basis
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for training. in 1920, our cadets all stood in the square, well, they stood with the goal of defending their state.
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let me remind you once again that the learning process, the educational process, includes not only training, but education, we want our guys, our people to be educated abroad, a foreign uncle, well, probably not, so where is the head of state wrong here? well, i don’t know, in my opinion, all the words were on point.
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you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. exciting projects that will surprise and excite. mood, online travel and a healthy lifestyle, all this and more weekly project ether 24x7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, god gave wings to some, wind to others, but it seems like both are flying, and what different trajectories, prospects, 34 trillion, the us national debt mark. achieved, they live at the expense of others, and this is a very important element that the united states will try to preserve at any cost, all politics is now based on this,
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it’s very nice to talk, talk about democracy, in fact , make money from human blood, with us different motivation, these people only want money, we are determined to create, thank you very much to our alexander grigorievich, that we have peace, order and what we have. there is no war, many don’t understand this, it’s like air that you don’t notice, when it ends you begin to understand what you’ve lost. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. let’s move on, a big topic that we couldn’t help but notice this week, a special date and process that had a chance to keep the world from what we are experiencing today. february 12th anniversary signed. minsk agreements. let me remind you that the leaders of the normandy four countries: russia, germany, france, ukraine were able to
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reach an agreement on february 12, 2015, after sixteen hours of negotiations. a set of measures to implement the minsk agreements was signed in the belarusian capital; the document primarily provided for a comprehensive ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weapons. how everyone hoped it would work. and years later, in december twenty-two, we heard merkel’s revelation that minsk. such a president in ukraine who will
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more or less protect their rights, when they return there without crimea, they find themselves in the minority and absolutely any laws could be passed against donbass that discriminate there based on language on other issues, they did not want to go back there initially, and this was the main difficulty, which is appeared immediately from the start in these minsk agreements, but then ukraine began to build fortified areas there immediately, literally from the start.
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tried to stop the bloodshed, well, if you count today how many victims there are, and how many there could have been then, it’s still big the question is, what kind of operation should have been carried out or not, they say that the russian army was not quite ready at that time, but again, was it fully ready for such a large-scale war in the year 22, they also say that this was the question about a short operation, a small one for 2 weeks, for example , about a change of power in kiev, but it turned out to be a protracted war, which took another whole year to rebuild the economy, which means that , after all, they weren’t ready then, now they weren’t quite ready either, and why?
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fundamental principle: the natural state for a person is peace, and it will always be so, and in 50 years, and in 100 years, this is our formula, it will always remain, an interesting moment was in the sensational interview between tucker carlson and vladimir putin, and there how since it is now obvious to everyone that in ukraine russia is not fighting with kiev in the first place, this russian president at some point touched on this topic, but how could it be? why didn't it happen? let's listen: i don't understand why american soldiers should to fight in ukraine, there are mercenaries from the united states, most of all mercenaries from poland, in second place are mercenaries from the usa, in third from georgia, well, if someone has a desire to send regular troops, this will put, will certainly put humanity on the brink of very serious global conflict, this is obvious. does the united states need this?
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for what? thousands of kilometers from the national territory, you have nothing to do, you have a lot of problems at the border, problems with migration, problems with external affairs with a public debt of more than 30 trillion dollars, there is nothing to do, we need to fight in ukraine, but wouldn’t it be better to come to an agreement with russia, to reach an agreement already understanding.
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american society, do russians want war, this is the question that all english-language media asked in 2022, just... only putin wants peace today. once again, yes, of all those involved in this story , only putin wants peace. andrey, do you agree with this. how they all saw the light, they amaze me so far from ukraine, they are starting to tell the truth,
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maybe we need to get them out of there faster. these leaders. maybe peace will come then, but you know what they want, now many expert communities in different countries have begun to analyze one of the latest reports from the american thought factory rend corporation, which is closely with... regardless of when the hot phase of the current war will end , russia will become a threat to both ukraine and the interests of the united states and its allies, that is , america is not committed to peace, no matter how the situation ends. or rather the war in ukraine. andrey petrovich, what do you think? well, look, after all, let's start again and look at the interview that carlson conducted. so, who is this message to? yeah, the most important thing is what the president of russia, vladimir
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vladimirovich putin, said, he didn’t say anything new for us, we live in this world, this is our world, an interview for those who live in a parallel world, presented by other media and that propaganda machine that... will turn in the right direction, to reassure oneself or feed oneself with some thoughts about the fact that everyone there will finally see the light, no, because that as this interview is presented and this interview is presented by the media of western countries, it will be accepted by the majority, but there were also such important messages: first: ukraine has no subjectivity, with it... there can be no conversation. secondly, europe, these are those states that have never recently fulfilled a single agreement, a single obligation assumed. that is, they are not negotiable, not negotiable.
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the current government, which is democrats, yes, but we know, as the same aristovich said, what is democracy? democracy is the power of democrats. and there is no other way, so today with this power, yes, he can show it to his eyes. i’ll tell you, i’ll sort it out, i’ll kick something for someone, but then it all goes nowhere, and this main message to carlson was given specifically for biden, for those republicans with whom we are ready for today, oh, i’m correcting myself, trump, trump, yes, corrected, trump, republicans, trump, and carlson is the man who supports trump, who is also an anti-globalist, by and large , an imperialist, yes, an imperialist, what... was presented like this says: here is such a long excursion into history there, who is interested in this, to whom it is yes, well, some are interested there, we we know, some lost minister in mongolia, a former minister, they are already drawing some new maps there, sending them to putin for some reason, well people, well, you understand what the meaning of this whole story is about, it was
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presented in such a way that this the whole earth, this people, it is one for us, it’s all part our history, and this is our land, by the way, zelensky confirmed this, confirmed not just with words, but...
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this was about a year and a half ago, they gave another report on the counter-offensive, on the possible development of events, it said, that either they are going to the border of crimea - this is the maximum that the threshold can be, or nothing will happen at all, nevertheless , they drove everyone away from this zaluzhny syrsky. there he will be, that is, in principle, they, even understanding the ceiling of ukraine’s capabilities, they still carry out these military operations them, then we are talking about the need for a conflict, firstly to sponsor, to use some money, and this is the task of the thought factory, that is , here we give you four scenarios, here you will spend so many billions, here so many , so much , please choose what you want, that is, they accompany those government decisions that are made, well, in this case , by the democrats, and tucker, who came to putin, in fact this is considered, so trump spoke through an intermediary with vladimir vladimirovich, there was the main question, i i think about whether you have enough territory? that’s how i asked putin directly,
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what does this mean, that if you and i are freezing the conflict along the current front line, then can we further agree, you know, it seems like yes, putin replied that if nazi activities are banned in ukraine groups, if we sign a peace agreement, if you stop supplies, then yes, we will agree on the border that exists, but our trump, even if he wins only in a year, maybe at the end of january he will be inaugurated there, for this time front could end up anywhere, because their supplies there today are lame, but look how... he declared himself, because putin asked questions not
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for the americans and not just for the west, he asked questions for everyone, and what he explained he explained not to trump what america is today, why we, not only trump, why we keep trying to return to that past world and don’t want to take a step forward, because putin with all his speeches is trying to lead us forward, because today there is a struggle for a coalition, and a coalition that americans are putting together. it is already cracking, it is completely different, they cannot act as freely as they did before, and those explanations are detailed, they are for the rest of the world, yes, this is our world, what vladimir vladimirovich is talking about, this is what we live, well, does china fully understand this, does india, vietnam, indonesia understand this , that is, those countries that today occupy a neutral position, because we are talking about the fact that we have entered the stage of transformation, so let’s transform, and we are all time is going back, but the old world really.
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look, they have turned censorship to full effect, but the whole world, out of habit, continues to teach freedom of speech, here is a very interesting case, look, they recently tried kyrgyzstan, they decided to restore order with numerous foreign ngos and ngos, now the country is working on a law corresponding, the goal of which is simple: comply with the constitution, pay taxes, do not threaten sovereignty, in general, everything seems to be a purely internal story, but suddenly the president of kyrgyzstan receives a letter from the secretary of state... us blinken, who dissatisfied with the law, starts an old record
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about democracy, so sadyr japarov answered, in my opinion, absolutely worthy, he justified it in detail in the letter, and at the same time reminded the americans that, in fact , the kyrgyz parliament is based on the experience of the corresponding american law fara, back in 1938 the states they came up with the status of enagent, they hang this label without hesitation and even punish them with very serious criminal sentences. why is it possible for you, but not for us? - japarov asked a rhetorical question, and ended his letter like this. my only one please do not interfere in the internal affairs of our country. this is horror, andrei evgenievich, what kind of journalism and freedom of speech does this smell like? yes, there is no journalism, there is only hypocrisy, there is only propaganda, there is still a pulling of the media community to one side or another, unfortunately, in the united states this is the case, and you remember, they blocked it.
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who, i tell you again, gave the devil the right to pass legislation restricting the rights of citizens. it is good that the european union has seen the light in this sense, it is good that it is establishing their own rules of the game for their european union market, it’s great that both the russian federation and kyrgyzstan are following this path. i am sure that many countries of the world will also ask this question: on what basis do certain american corporations, ngos, social organizations, media-like structures dictate to us the rules of life in our state, we have at least our legislators for this, you know i will say, in kyrgyzstan, people
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will ask why there is a fight against the nku at all, it is not obvious where such a thing comes from in this country a large sector of these non-governmental organizations, but the fact is that the fundamentals of the economy are like... just mushrooms on their own that grow, because everything is fine with your democracy, there’s just some point in the economy that you don’t you control, from this point comes the financing of this kind of polyps that are growing in your state, that is, they are trying to do this, of course, to secure it, but the task is to control the mine, if they can continue to maintain control, they have already been controlling it for 2 years, then i think everything will be there not bad, but if not, then they will demolish
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another such color revolution with the help of ngos. the last one, yes, let's say that this is not the first letter that came from the united states, it came before this.
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if the shanghai organization that we are talking about, where the issues are specifically related to countering extremism, terrorism and everything else, today we clearly see from the example of the actions of the president of kyrgyzstan how this region is beginning to move away from the global agenda to the bloc agenda, where today another one appears a force capable of resisting, but i think this is not the end of everything in kyrgyzstan , absolutely right, let’s not. we tell you how to choose high-quality
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products for healthy dishes, the most important thing is to pay attention to its color, it should be uniform, without streaks, not dull, without... this will be a good complex for morning exercises, which will allow you to be filled with energy for the whole day. watch the project breakfast of the champion on the belarus tv channel. 24 club of editors the essence of everything that happens
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is the struggle for resources, because these western centers, usa, great britain, europe , they cannot live at their own expense, they have to constantly rob someone to absorb, there is an absolute feeling of impunity and the fact that they can do this, the world is balancing on the brink of the third world war, it is coming.
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amazing people of our country, i was leaving minsk for my place in pinsk, i understood that i wanted to stay at home, and my parents could help me and support me only in the format of large bags of food, that is, i always left pinsk with huge bags, they pushed me onto the train with difficulty and...
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we continue to close this topic, which is in the first block, it’s hanging for us and requires a logical conclusion, it seems to me that the american political model is rapidly deteriorating, well, this is the only case where joe biden looks organic. when describing the current head of the white house, there is no particular choice of words, but here is a political observer.
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firstly, in our tradition it is not customary to laugh and make fun of older people, so let’s be more restrained than the american public, after all, it’s theirs president, sometimes we just feel bad for this red button for the decision that someone makes, the face of which is biden, secondly, for the american electoral system there is nothing new here either, let me remind you that in the last elections dead people were elected to local parliaments of people.
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candidate, even a dead person, a dead person, a living person, a child, a pensioner there, they will simply have more of this electorate than the republicans, because a migrant who comes to the states, he then votes for the democratic party, and today they already have parity in in principle, it turned out against the republicans, that is, if earlier there were still 3-4 states that determined the result, today we are talking about the fact that, in principle, our party , based on electoral preferences, should, in principle, win, it’s just trump, he is very bright, if it had been some less bright candidate, he would have had a much lower rating and would definitely have defeated this party. question, but it still begs to be asked, there are a lot of smart people in america who understand this no worse than you and i, really? the situation with democracy there is so bad that these, including very influential people, smart people, well, we see, we watch them, cannot influence at all, but to ensure that this biden lives out his life in this post, so that migrants are driven in this way in order to catch
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up with the electoral mass, they cannot influence anything, well, you know, trump, when he speaks, yes, he has ... a very clear, very short speech at rallies, and he does not rely on educated people, not on smart people who understand everything, know everything, but just on the grassroots electorate, which does not like what is happening, that is, it does not need to be explained there that you know, blacks are so guilty, that these homosexual couples should be promoted there somehow, that this should be done and this is where -there in ukraine, people who just want to live a normal life, trump addresses them, to the non-people, and thanks to this populism he won the elections then, but this is not enough in the usa, you need to control the top, and to control the top, so that you didn’t do, you didn’t do anything...
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the hegemony of the united states from the world stage the president's departure, they must be at the same time. well, then, then maybe the main thing is that for myself i see this in everything on today’s episode as the main theme, i’m very glad that in a good composition we can talk about it, or at least fix it, maybe even that will be sufficient. a special date on which we stand, we celebrate the day of remembrance of soldiers and internationalists. day in 1989, the last column of soviet troops left afghanistan , did it proudly, with unfurled banners, having fully fulfilled its duty, leaving behind built roads, factories , power plants, hospitals, residential neighborhoods , let us remember how they skedaddled, there is no other word for the americans from kabul in august 2021, leaving behind a destroyed country, the main article of the economy, in which there was
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drug trafficking, in the nineties, they tried to tell us , that our officers and soldiers brought death and destruction to afghanistan, the americans freedom and democracy, well, complete nonsense, it is quite obvious today, it is noteworthy that in afghanistan itself the inhabitants still keep a good memory of shuravi, here is andrey petrovich, today, 35 years after the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan, when the dust of the collapsed union has been shaken off a little from the political raid, for us this memory is, first of all, what? well afghanistan. this is, first of all , our history, our pain, our tragedy and, of course, our pride. more than 29 people , natives of belarus, fought in afghanistan, 771 did not return from there, 12 went missing, one and a half, more than one and a half thousand people were injured, many of them, some of them remained disabled, but exactly what
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these people did in their time, it, of course, during the period of perestroika and... against the backdrop of the decline of the soviet union, it was not reflected, the debt that we must pay to these people, of course it must be, we are all in debt to him, look at the background of what... events the international duty was generally fulfilled, it was the very height of the cold war, that major political and geopolitical tasks were being solved, i think, today it is no longer a secret to anyone, then that they told us that if we don’t send our troops there, the americans will end up there, it turned out to be true, it happened later, but only two approaches, you correctly said, one built, created and created. for people, the conditions are second, well, what has grown there, they have increased the production of poppy, cocaine, drug trafficking of everything else, and people drove the feudal system back there,
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these people really created these states, they really treated it all, you know, i was the head of the department, i have people, and today these people teach, including in military educational institutions, you can’t imagine what their efficiency, you have no idea what these people... even today are even capable of, they, well, can be called truly workaholics, i even got to the point where i gave orders and sent them on a day off, because people are so they still give their all to teach and pass on this experience. i want to say that the events that took place in afghanistan, they still in many ways need to be rethought by us, rethought precisely for interaction with that. with afghanistan itself, our trip president to uzbekistan, and the fact that we have prospects for interaction with afghanistan must, without any doubt, be taken into account, including the experience that
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the soviet union left behind, and that the americans left, the next day, literally the system that was created, it collapsed, najibullah resisted and fought until 1996, can you imagine what the soviet union left behind there, what we left behind there? these people must, of course, bow to the very ground, and the fact that we celebrate february 15th every year such events on the island of sorrow and tears, i want to say, it is expensive, this is our memory, this is our history, and we should never do this in a unique way, this topic connects all the topics that we discussed today as part of the program, look, the first topic , these mysterious characters who call for aggressive warriors, because even in ... the soviet union, such thinkers, yes, great ones, who spoke about peace, about the need to withdraw soviet troops as soon as possible, they were the first to call to a bloody massacre, then to the territory of the former soviet union,
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education, because the last generation of boys who received an excellent soviet education, absorbed patriotism, fought there under the red banners, they were the ones who fought there, the departing empire. the soviet union , as a large soviet state, was leaving with red banners, it was such a bright symbol, a bright image of this departure, but i absolutely agree, there is hope in this topic, in this thirty-fifth anniversary, since these biden, but unfortunately, under these people, having returned to their states, in this case to our states in the republic of belarus, are in fact the backbone, such a skeleton.


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