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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 18, 2024 11:50pm-12:21am MSK

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i need to tell you something about the child, that there will be two of them, boys. girls, this is good, well, good, i knew you would like it, yul, what i wanted to tell you. i wanted to tell you that i
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, what, that i love you, and i love you, that’s what, i said something wrong, you just haven’t told me this for 100 years, why are you laughing, i love you, i love you, kiss me.
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inability to concentrate on a subject for a long time; difficulty in formulating thoughts and the inability to simply sit without unnecessary movements. 15 minutes. exactly
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such symptoms occur in people who suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. we decided to talk about this mental disorder today, and of course, about the role of science in the discovery of the syndrome in the creation of methods for its diagnosis, as well as in modern treatment methods. my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, stay with us in the next half hour to make sure we're on our topic today. science is nearby. the ancient greeks noticed it, but scientists officially diagnosed it only half a century ago. let's study the history of the issue. the inability to concentrate on one task for a long time means poor sleep and excessive moodiness, which should also alert parents in the behavior of children. and what are the methods for diagnosing attention deficit disorder? and hyperactivity
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exists today, we will find out very soon. even in ancient greece, people wondered why some children are completely calm and attentive, while others cannot sit still for even a minute. but only scientists and relatively recently could answer this question. when and how did all this happen, i'll tell you in detail right now. in the 18th century , scottish physician alexander creighton studied a group of children who were diagnosed with inattention. he described this disorder as mental anxiety, citing the fact that children have painful nerve sensitivity. it was creighton who first drew attention not to the hyperactivity of children, but to the child’s inability to concentrate on a certain type of activity. that is,
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attention deficit. in 1845, dr. henry hoffman published a book called the history of the unruly philip. the doctor didn’t know then which describes the symptoms. add, and the prototype of the protagonist of the narrative was his own son. the first person to most accurately describe the true clinical picture of adhd was the english pediatrician george steele in 1902. the doctor spoke about the problem of excessive emotional arousal in children under 8 years old and called this phenomenon a defect in moral control. later, cohen's theory confirmed the steele hypothesis; these scientists considered the problem with dvg to be biological, which. meant a disorder - this is a consequence of a disruption in the functioning of the nervous system. in the forties of the past century, the term “minimal cerebral dysfunction” was included in abehod. scientists then described the totality of the child’s behavioral reactions, restlessness, sleep disturbance, inattention, and said that they
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went slightly beyond the established norms, this was due to the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system. further, the concept of minimal brain dysfunction was transformed. the volume and disorders continue into adulthood, although previously it was believed that this was a childhood story that grew out of age. and also making this diagnosis, the process is not fast. many people are still debating what is considered adhd and what is not. to understand this issue, we invited
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the chief freelance child psychiatrist of the ministry of health of belarus to the studio. olga. hello. hello. well, let's figure it out then. in what cases are we really talking about adhd, which ones? the signs are characteristic only for him, the fact is that we are currently working on the international classification of the disease, tenth revision, and this very classification helps all of us specialists who work on this topic in in general, to rely on the diagnostic criteria that you are talking about now, to establish a diagnosis, as i understand it, our program is designed to inform our citizens more about this, and to explain about this problem, of course, a diagnostician. the doctor puts it, and the doctor relies on certain criteria, it should be said, in general, what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder characterized by, in principle, in general, everything is contained in this very abbreviation, yes, this is attention deficit, this is hyperactive impulsive behavior, and this combination and
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attention deficit and hyperactive behavior , today we, in general, conditionally distinguish three such forms with mainly:
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working hard, yes, starting work, this is the difficulty of concentrating on continuing the work , the difficulty of completing this very work, this is it, to put it briefly like this about what attention deficit is, such children, as a rule, characterize them especially in school, that they are absent-minded, do not write down homework , forget, forget their things, forget to complete the task, they cannot calculate the time it takes to complete a task, very often this affects the performance of these.
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precisely in elementary school, in this environment, where the child is already subject to completely, well, such, let’s say, specific adult requirements, yes, when you need to maintain discipline, when you need to stick to the time interval of the lesson, behave appropriately during recess, yes, interact with with their classmates, of course, symptoms appear earlier, that’s from the age of 3-4 years, as a rule, and often earlier... or retrospectively analyzing their child, they say that he has always been like this. 3-4 years is
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a kindergarten, yes, this is the first social interaction and the first requirements for a child, but they are still minimal, so in this situation, of course, in general, a lot is forgiven, attributed to age. school is already a fairly serious institution, here the requirements are more serious, so naturally, all these symptoms that we are talking about manifest themselves, of course. after all, it’s a mental disorder, yes, it’s a mental disorder, so again we we can return from this to this very
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international classification, which dictates to us not only clinical symptoms, but the age of onset, this is a time interval that must be preserved, these same clinical symptoms must be maintained a certain time interval, today, this is prescribed in international classification, this is at least 6 months, that is... it’s not just the behavior that arose in the situation, this is the first, second, why we talk about doctors about diagnostics, because the doctor always faces another the task of differential diagnosis, these very symptoms that we talked about can also appear in a number of other conditions, that’s the point, yes, it could be a depressive disorder, an anxiety disorder, it could be some kind of crisis situation a child in the family and he...
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i’ll take a short break with you, my colleagues will just continue the topic of adhd diagnostic methods.
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let's look at the stories and come back. even 20 years ago, they tried to diagnose adhd using an encephalogram or mri, but as practice has shown, specifically, if it comes about attention and hyperactivity disorder, this diagnosis essentially gives nothing. in terms of diagnostics, modern medicine. which are filled in and , accordingly, according to the criteria, give such
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an approximate probably reference point from which you can start, at least in some diagnostic criteria to determine what it is, the sooner adhd is diagnosed, the easier it is to correct it, so the main responsibility falls on parents even in the matter of monitoring their child in order to catch the first signs of dvg contact a specialist, these are very uncomfortable children, those who do not sit, who... for example, are harmful, as in the understanding of parents, who practically do not obey, cannot listen to the end, cannot stay in place, they show motor activity in those places in which, strictly speaking, this order has not been established. they cannot maintain boundaries, that is, parents often understand even earlier that something is wrong with the child, well, accompanying ones are often a violation of speech development in children at an early age, they are also accompanied by this syndrome. adhd problems are dealt with at the scientific and practical mental health center, where patients from all over the country can come. not long ago, scientists from the republican scientific and practical center created their own unique method for diagnosing
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the syndrome. only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, where it is better to appreciate the existing ones and be proud of them, because there is no second such lead in any european country, and we set off on an exciting journey, products created by local craftsmen were in great demand throughout europe, ivan the terrible himself could not resist. in fact, gedemin had seven daughters, but none of them were named lida. note that jogaila is only getting younger with time, although at the time of the wedding he was 71 years old. if the castle was captured, either there was a traitor who opened the gates, or it was done in some peaceful way to show how unusually wonderful our country is. bykhovsky
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district is one of the richest treasures in belarus, 32, and this is only officially registered. there are even antique ones. the first icon of queen razaria was brought by the franciscans in the 14th century, but it was destroyed by fire. this is an image from the 18th century. watch the program “cities of belarus” on the belarus 24 tv channel . the streets here are wide, clean, and it seems like you can breathe well here. i don’t know, i really love coming here, i really do. and...
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politics, today, again, this is a certain foundation in many areas of activity, that is , culture cannot develop today if there is no ideological foundation, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. on the air, science is nearby, my name is ekaterina beretskaya, here is what awaits us ahead: disorder or temperament: in what cases can we talk about a real diagnosis of the syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, pills or neurophysiological adjustments, modern methods of treating adhd, and the first step
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into science , how to direct the irrepressible energy of children in the right direction in... we return to the studio of the science nearby project after a short pause, i remind you that today we are talking about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and our guest is the chief freelance child psychiatrist olga litvinova. olga, i would like to know a little about the nature of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, what is known in general, could it be genetics or our factors? modern life, well, in general, this topic has been of interest to people for a very long time, in fact , this is not a topic of today, but precisely the search for nature, it began a little later, because at the beginning this disorder was exclusively endowed with such moralizing qualities, when all responsibility for behavior, behind impulsiveness was attributed to the person himself,
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then, of course, he began to wonder what lies in this very nature, why it develops, in general... it was quite a long time when at first they thought about infection, about some disorders of brain development, structural changes, when in general no reliable evidence was found, the search went further. today it is reliably known that the basis is a violation of the metabolism of neurotransmitters, a violation of the synthesis of neurotransmitters, such as defamine and nurodrenaline. but here is the nature that you you ask, is it multifactorial, when research here is going on in the field of genetics. in the field of biological factors, hereditary factors, natural factors, there are some studies, for example, the effect of nicotine on the fetus during pregnancy, there are some. research, in general, still all of them, to one degree or another, lead to these same neurotransmitters, and dopamine and nurapinephrine,
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so today it is customary, to summarize, to talk about a multifactorial, multifactorial nature, of course, with great share of the genetic contribution, because family inheritance, we see quite often when parents come and say that i was like that there, but they told me there, or my mother says or my father, that in general we were not particularly different from our child, whom we see now , that’s why therapy, if we talk about pharmacotherapy, it is based on increasing the number of these same neurotransmitters, but it is not the only one, you need to understand that help to the child should be provided in a complex way, of course, this is psychological, work with a psychologist, work with a psychotherapist, behavioral therapy. which is heard very often now, and the parents of such children, they are generally on topic, i always hope when such programs are broadcast that people will simply pay attention to the fact that this
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problem exists, help this child, it is everywhere, she is in society, she is in a store, she is at school, because these are certain requirements, a certain form of lesson structure, a certain behavior of the teacher with such a child in order to help. because you always wonder, what’s next? yes, yes, ah what will be next? if you don’t treat , if you don’t treat, don’t pay attention, well , well, it will go away on its own, yes, some of the symptoms go away, some of the symptoms transform, and if in a small child we see this very hyperactivity, restlessness, when he runs around the class, not can sit still , then in an adult we can see fussiness, and some kind of forgetfulness, anxiety, it’s a little bit, this fussiness, it, it has a little bit of a different twist, yes, the same inattention develops into an inability to plan, yes, forgetfulness,
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being late for a meeting, planning your work time, work day, that is, it is still transformed, the worst thing is when it transforms into socially unacceptable forms of behavior, when it is accompanied by the use of psychoactive substances in adulthood. violation of behavior to place all responsibility for the child on the parents, then in general, this small group, if you treat it only as a class, society, begins to reject such a child, he is inconvenient, naturally, he suffers academic performance, social adaptation suffers , academic performance suffers, which means it suffers... the possible professional education that a child could receive according to his potential, but by learning, in general
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, he does not get the best, so here, of course, the contribution is not only of doctors, the contribution of the entire social environment , schools, educators, educators, teachers, in general, we hope for this, that we will have helpers, first of all, probably, still parents, because they should.
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it affects, of course, we can't, what is it well, you know, it’s clear to say that everything makes an additional contribution, because you and i said that this multifactorial condition, of course, makes its contribution, even the already existing disorder, its course, how it will be in general, contributes. that?
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the second is that there are more and more such children. you know, diagnostics are getting better, so naturally we see them, these children. today, any parent can obtain any information through the same means, on the internet, yes, any questionnaire related not only to dvg, yes, we can pay attention, draw out information, translate it into the attitude of our own child, and even analyze something. for help , sources of information for help are also quite accessible, which is why diagnostics are provided. the next point is that now a lot of attention is paid to preparation, and this is also a contribution to the diagnosis of primary care doctors, because the first doctor with whom the parents establish contact, we hope, is trusting, yes, this a pediatrician, a neurologist, a pediatrician, the one in the clinic, the one
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who is closer.
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already scientists, albeit young, had something to not only tell future researchers, but show them. our idea is to create a test system for detecting d- amino acids. since 2024 is recognized as the year of quality, this test system will help us in resolving issues of the quality of our products. actually, our idea is to create test strips or biochips on which the oxidase enzyme will be applied damino acids. d-amino acids are contained in bacteria, which, well, contaminate our products, spoil their quality, and that is , in this way, quickly and efficiently
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lowering them to... for the first time this year, young scientists presented their developments on a space theme. the famous english proverb “
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put the phone aside, talk to your baby, take a walk in the park, read a book together, and don’t demand tasks from your baby that are beyond his or her age.”


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