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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 19, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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thanks to these people, today we can , in principle, live under a peaceful sky, calmly walk down the street, participate in various kinds of events, promotions, projects that we offer today, which are being initiated by young people today, in principle for the right to live under a peaceful sky, i think this , the most important thing that can only be, the kind of emotions that you experience after volunteer events are probably hard to experience after anything else, i just recently gave a charity... the concert that we
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held was one of the first, probably significant events, uh, in terms of volunteer activities for me, because i still probably have this feeling as if, well, uh, we turned the world upside down. barsem is the future of the homeland to be built by young people, of course, today, thanks to the youth union, every young person can not remain aloof from all the events that are happening in the country. first of all, of course, young people should love their country and be rightfully proud that they live in a peaceful, independent, prosperous belarus, because truly supporting youth in in our country, like in no other country, it is colossal, and the youth feel it, the most important thing will be the return from the youth if they simply appreciate and respect it all, and the most important thing, of course, is to increase it in the year of peace and creation. the hosts of the travel show
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know exactly how to behave when visiting at home. kayla, today i’m so excited that a wonderful journey awaits us, just look, the creator is like that, he’s just wonderful , probably, kings live here. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore attractions. how beautiful, thank you very much, thank you, ciao, ciao, can i touch the device, yes, that's it, let's go, ah, kayla, oh, how beautiful she is, her head is very round, even, he just screams like that, beautiful, very unspeakable, just like harry potter, yes, i wanted to say that too, watch it on the
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belarus 24 tv channel. in our show , cheat sheets will not help the participants. this is the first time i have heard of such a person, but i intuitively answered: no, it seems to me that he is mexican. mexican, how interesting. it seems to me that he is italian. here you can only rely on your own strength. this is boris gleb church, it is located in the grodno region. a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is one thousandth of a meter called, prohar 1 km is a thousand meters, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth, an exhaustive answer, prohar, thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation mark, and dmitry , what do you think, well, granite is kind of brown. red stone, what type
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of mineral? i can’t give an answer, i understand, it seems to me that the prohar can give an answer to absolutely any question, this is a mineral , it burns, no, watch an intellectually entertaining project, i know, on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you promised that everything would be anonymous, now everything has turned out in a completely different way, it turns out that you are deceiving, you were deceiving, who? i personally promised you. in connection with the war in the east, it is necessary to increase the polish army, but soft power must not be lost on the countries of the former soviet union. belsad plays such a role as an instrument of foreign policy influence. this is a quote from lawyers, defenders of belsat: without intelligent metaphors, tool. influence and soft power, my name is ekaterina tikhomirova, hello, today we’ll talk about the dirty methods of operation of an extremist polish resource, where they get information from, how anonymous it is and how they then scam those who collaborated with them.
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bravo! today poland is overtaken by a battle for television. tusk came to power and handed out portfolios, however, he did not forget who, throughout the entire election campaign, even earlier, threw buckets of mud at him, or how public television suddenly became tame pisovsky. the essence of the claims, among other things,
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there were guys in this holding who earned 4 million zlotys a year, their knees began to tremble, the flames of romashev’s guza. who doesn't know, she is the creator and cannot be moved. here is a little story about back in 2005, when a polish journalist was sitting at the airport waiting for her deportation flight. sitting at the airport, i thought what i could do to at least somehow pinch alexander lukashenko, because it cannot be hidden that with their decision the belarusian authorities destroyed all my plans. can a polish journalist even if she is very offended because of the upset plans and vindictively, sitting at the airport waiting.
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who just can do anything. so, in 2007, the polish state holding tvp entered into an agreement with the polish ministry of defense. they say they will broadcast in a structure based on tvp, but since the interests there are foreign policy, the polish foreign ministry will pay about 20 million zlotys a year for this miracle. but meade, of course, doesn’t have his own money; it will still have to be taken from the country’s budget, which is formed from people’s taxes, so every year in the sejm, when justification of the budget. deputies make a decision, here is the eastern partnership program, we need to go there, and then there is belsad , which will not float without money, and this is an important foreign policy instrument of poland, the purpose of which, as romoszewska herself says, is to influence certain changes in consciousness, in this sejm, who distributes
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the budget, including what belsad will receive, let me remind you once again that romoshevskaya’s father sat as vice speaker until 2011, that is, no... society is calling on tens of millions that are sent to support useful idiots,
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give support and treatment to little poles suffering from oncology, they don’t listen to duda, so especially devoted doody pis journalists from the extremist editorial office rent apartments in warsaw for $600, open their own shops, businesses in the very heart of the polish capitals, partying. they drink, they pour it down the collar, by the way, a lot and a lot of belarusians, hey, anyushka, you’re mine, you’re just generally crazy, where did you come from, you’re so talented, so fucking, tough, so, so fucking boring. sit down and shit yourself already. belsad is truly an independent channel, it is
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independent of belarus, there are no journalists here, it is independent of the country’s information, it is independent of the opinion of belarusians and independent of freedom of speech. and the freest journalism, because again it is subordinate to the polish government and its aggressive foreign policy from the party of rights and justice. indeed, in the seventh year belsa sold the polish one.
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in general, is it possible at the first independent one to allow oneself to doubt the decisions of the authorities, not belarusian, polish, just a little bit. remember, the famous photo that became a meme is the official photo from trump's twitter. whoever laughed, they say , look at the position in which polish politics stands in front of american politics, but for the caption to the photo in his personal account, belsatovsky. the employee paid with his position and, by the way, he is not a journalist. on the left, the president of poland. they fired, not the president of poland, of course, but employee ivan sila. the message was stated on facebook, saying that belsat members cannot fit into the narrative directed against poland. next deputy romoshevskaya recommended it to an employee. quote: go to belarus. do you smell polish chauvinism towards belarusian hirelings? for me it’s a shame, are you making a comment?
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polish authorities, in other words, the editorial policy of belsat does not write a single negative thought about poland; it is possible about belarus, but never about poland. so, for 16 years, belsad has been a source of implanting polish interests on the belarusian population, however, the profitability of maintaining such an instrument, soft power, has always raised questions: 3% of the regular audience, oh, this is sacred figure, this was the reason why the polish ministry of defense at the end of 2016. i decided to shorten the funding gap, significantly three times. the head of the department in those years, it was
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vital vashchakovsky, explained that the effect on the population inside belarus was modest, the tv channel itself was marginalized. when several years ago, the then minister of foreign affairs witold waschakowski publicly announced that he did not intend to continue financing the activities of the belsad tv channel, the minister was removed from his post as head.
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everything else, lyuba, but which ones will be taken news, if they don’t have a journalist here, i don’t hear anything, well, they don’t have a single journalist here, there are no belsat journalists in belarus, the headquarters in minsk is closed, and the resource is recognized as extremist, here is the main and fundamental question: is it possible to give information about belarus, being in poland, well , how can you broadcast from here about belarus, and why not, that’s where you get your information from, you’re not a correspondent there? we don’t have correspondents there, no, how did you know, you know that we don’t have correspondents there, well, you don’t representative office, as far as i understand, you closed, now closed, yes, yeah, where do you get the information, it will find, it is located, well , like that on the internet or why it doesn’t quite work out, so the information that you are not in place, we on the spot, well, as on
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the spot, that is, because for me, after all , a person works, that is, i cannot broadcast, for example, from here. sit and tell what's happening in belarus, i wasn't there, uh-huh, uh-huh, i can't trust that i'll just call my friend, i’ll say, well, how are things there, she’ll say, you know, this is so and so, this is not it, i have to check the information, in journalism this is wrong, that is, you have a correspondent, then do you believe him or not , well, this correspondent, he also has to show evidence of what to film , to do, this is television, well, yes, yeah, he doesn’t always present it, but... it is, and so it ’s just like one, we say, one woman said it , talking about the whole of belarus here without having any official base, it’s strange to me, but why do we need an official base, and why do i need an official one? not enough, then there was also the question of poland, which became the curator of the belarusian maidan 2020, romashevskaya knocked out the dictaphone and went into hysterics, what a belarusian maidan,
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get in, get out, there is no belarusian maidan.
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up to 14 thousand euros, within the framework of the quality law , censorship would fine each of them the amount of freedom of speech to protect national security, freedom of speech, it turns out, has
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a quality in democracy. it's time to remind about responsibility, article 361.4 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus, assistance extremist activity is punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of up to 4 years or imprisonment for a term of two to 6 years. we actually called there in poland to talk, to find out what they are now proposing to do. we didn’t exactly call, those who were promised anonymity, but abandoned the call. we call the management, the vice-director of belsat, dikovitsky. your employees, i don’t know what to call them, guaranteed me anonymity and that no one would know about this, now i have problems, well, we won’t talk about it over the phone write to me on telegram. wait, but what you promised that everything would be anonymous, now everything has turned around. in a completely different way, it turns out that you are deceiving , deceiving, who, i personally promised you, did not personally promise, the editor
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of the site erotino turned out to be more original, firstly, first she offered to speak in polish, they made a deal in english, secondly, you can say delete , in general, write letters in small handwriting, hello, hello, hello, hello?
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sure with that and they know all the conversation, all details that i gave to your journalist, and i want to understand what i can do with this, i will ask you to send me the links or uh, first of all the date where when this video interview was uh you're talking with just in case just understand wherever. this video is it public now or not i'm not working with videos that's the problem but it wasn't video it was written it
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was written news it was written on the website okay because we don't know what to delete okay how to delete so you can just delete this they already know this news they already know this news they mean freedom of speech is not something that can be picked up in a gateway to carry a banner, it is , first of all, a duty that a journalist must
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present. because a person has the right to know who he is talking to, who is recording him, when so -called journalists contact belarusians, they introduce themselves as us. hello, napoleon orbe museum complex, hello, hello, so i ended up in the museum, right? museum, yes, but we are journalists from minsk, so we are interested, there is information that next to the village there is not far, in particular from the museum, they say a rocket fell, so we want to ask, is this true or not?
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website, taxi, hello, hello, this is a customer service, and then broadcast it, broadcast it on 158, yes, i wanted to ask you, i just read the news, i constantly use your service, that we won’t have 158 in our city. .. 152, that some checks are going on, well, checks are going on, work is also going on, that is, everything is working, you can order, it’s safe, everything is fine, don’t worry, it’s definitely safe for you, i understand, so why check what they want, whether the journalist should introduce himself, name, surname, media, warn the person that he will be on air, and in general, that according to the law of the republic of belarus, the media are recognized as an extremist resource, and the person may get into trouble, recording
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straight from ... will count as non-staff, but in fairness to the promised anonymity there are still big questions: are you still leaking? bitch, bitch, by the way, this video was not publicly available either, it was for internal use. so, the bottom line is. january 12 romashevskaya’s deputies were deprived of their financial powers. later the power of attorney was restored,
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but only for a month and... in significantly reduced amounts. polish meet reported: the channel will operate for political reasons, but it will undergo drastic changes. every penny will be checked for effectiveness, that is, whether the game in 3% of the audience was worth the money from the polish budget. the belarusian satellite will no longer be belarusian, or rather belarusian-speaking. they were told to remember russian and learn english and german. there is panic in the belsat editorial office, because in the state of romoshevskaya only completed 10%. employees, not everyone will be able to jump into the satellite on the new polish rails, in other words, as in that song, a drink from belsat employees, a suitcase, a station, do i understand? no, we are not rejoicing or gloating,
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it is a purely polish thing to spend your money on your children or on useful idiots from belsat. the main thing in this story is that , frightened by the removal from the nourishing trough , they began to call a spade a spade. belsad is a polish instrument of foreign policy influence on belarus. however, the conclusions do it yourself. i was with you. see you later, how long has it been since you held a book in your hands?
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we turned over page after page, eagerly devouring every word. of all the manifestations of human creativity, the most... amazing and worthy of attention are books. the thoughts of past times live in books. people's voices can be heard clearly and distinctly. everything that humanity has accomplished has been preserved, as if by magic, on the pages of books. by reading a person survives centuries, reading brings generations together, we value the past for our present,
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belarus 24. in all international acts it is written in black and white that the murder of civilians, unarmed children, is a war crime. but the head of european diplomacy, josep barel, commenting on the situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone, said that he considers it pointless to provide humanitarian assistance to those who could be killed tomorrow, but this is different. in almost 3 months of bombing of civilian areas and infrastructure, almost 22,000 residents of the gaza strip were killed. the number of wounded exceeded the figure of 56. as for the shelling of donetsk on new year’s eve in belgorod, and this violation of humanitarian law, violation of the rules of war, this is a war crime. in the meantime, the west is already dividing up the remnants
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of ukraine, without waiting for the end of the special military operation. the latter, in principle, is no longer interesting to them. the author's project of ksenia lebedeva is different. watch new episodes on the belarus tv channel. 24. we are going on a trip in which we will visit the most cultural places of our country. eight geta pabudova, yana shined to the karal mindaug, to the first karanavanam karal, to whom our present land appeared belarus. did you know that the most popular musical instruments are the piano and the guitar. here, unfortunately, you are not a student, but you can take a look at... in the old polish principality of polack, the cathedral
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of st. saphia was published, as in the byzantine tradition , there were ancient educational centers at the same time in our land. and let’s also remember folk traditions. in belarusian traditions, bread is nil. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with
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famous belarusians, fascinating travel around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan , turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia , turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcast. open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.


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