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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 20, 2024 9:30am-10:36am MSK

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only in our leading pedagogical university, in this admissions company, half of the medal winners of successful graduates of pedagogical classes were accepted on a full-time budgetary form of education. separately, i would like to note that those children who study in basic classes do not go unnoticed. this year alone , 30,000 schoolchildren are undergoing labor training in blue-collar professions, 90% of whom receive the appropriate document and the corresponding blue-collar profession. annually. we expel about 800 students from of our universities, half of them are for poor academic performance, we welcome this, there is a strict demand for the quality of education, but half of them are at their own request, and this suggests that we are not significantly improving our career guidance, and this is an unrealized potential for the economy of our country. an important topic for the union state, according to the minister, is that belarus is solving the problem of attracting students from russia. starting this year , applicants will be accepted based on their unified state examination results. at the expense of the budget, but on condition that
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it will be necessary to work, thus they will attract up to thousands of russians, here you can add 30,000 students from other countries, in 2023 alone this is 90 million dollars in profit, the important issue here is the quality of the teaching material, the curriculum, whether you update them in a timely manner , introduce the latest technologies in training, they report that you are not keep up with technology. young specialists complete their studies in production, but we require the customer to guarantee the first job for those who need such specialists, but on the other hand, if the specialists do not respond to the request customers, then where is their participation in the process of training these same customers, why don’t they come to universities or take their future specialists to their assembly line, why don’t production workers themselves go to the classroom?
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the desire of graduates to get higher education abroad, there is such a trend, not catastrophic, but there is, what kind of fashion is this, or is this an objective choice? i would like to hear an explanation about this, we must understand that those we are preparing for universities are the future elite of the state, our state, like you are you fighting for them, a specific question that i would like to hear, a specific answer, of course, they can return these... people, but with a completely upside down consciousness, why bsu, bntu, medical universities, guir are not a priority for our students, prodigies for admission, or maybe there is no such problem? opinion polls show what is there and how you work with schools, how you present yourself to graduates, how you interact with enterprises that should be customers of personnel. and one more important one. there are textbooks in belarus
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talented teachers and writers, but the granite of science sometimes turns into an intractable brick. reported to the president about the state of the scientific and academic environment, there is also something to change, no formalism, only clear steps to improve education at all levels. after our meeting today, all the problems were voiced, we need to shovel them, we need to look, this problem exists, it needs to be solved,
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this is the main thing for belarus, we continue. diplomats play an important role in establishing and deepening relations. ambassadors of foreign countries this week they presented their credentials to the head of the belarusian state. eight countries: azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, turkey yeoman, japan, nepal, uzbekistan and the republic of guinea. official minsk is ready for dialogue with all countries without exception, but on conditions of equality and justice. this is the principled position of belarusian foreign policy.
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projects, exchange of experience and improvement of the achievement of these goals in terms of modern acquisition of the latest developments. we proceed from the fact that improving the quality of life of people possible subject to the maintenance
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of security, a just world, fair distribution of resources and labor results. this can be achieved if we work together and not. only through peace and stability will we be able to guarantee a decent future for our children and grandchildren. the partnership with kyrgyzstan will have to be intensified, the volume of mutual trade is growing, but we are capable of achieving more, however, the situation with azerbaijan is similar. assistance in the implementation of breakthrough projects and the development of interregional relations, about which agreed during a recent visit to tashkent, lukashenko and mirziyoyev are waiting for the ambassador of uzbekistan. we are also ready to move in the same direction with our japanese partners. africa has become one of the main guidelines of belarusian foreign policy. belarusians can work in the republic of guinea. we are ready to begin intensifying cooperation with nepal in the agricultural sector, industry, and energy complex. they are implementing joint investment, logistics and
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industrial projects with oman. minsk and ankara share the priority of national interests, the importance of the traditional family and the preservation of historical memory. cooperation between belarus and russia in the energy sector is the focus of attention of union parliamentarians. during the week in vitebsk , the principles and operating conditions of the unified electricity market, as well as the consistency of approaches within the framework of integration in the gas sector, were discussed. by the way, belarusian specialists today are actively involved in the gasification of the regions of the smolensk region. and the rapprochement of economic conditions of the subjects of the two countries strengthens the energy sovereignty of the union state. and so a few quotes about the main thing. and russia have made significant progress in the formation of united markets for electricity and natural gas of the union state ; a draft interstate agreement on
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the formation of a united electricity market has been prepared, agreed upon and passed the internal procedure; in the development of this agreement, rules for the functioning of the electricity market will be adopted and work on its preparation is underway almost at the final stage and the greater the competition, the lower the price and the higher quality is the main goal, it is clear that the level of development of competition - the republic of belarus is its own in all directions, its own specifics have developed over a certain period, so our task at the first stage is to create the so-called, as was said, united markets, that is, with minimal reform changes, the next stage is, of course , deeper integration. belarus and russia discussed the preparation of a model legislative act on cross-border cooperation in the union state. during the meeting, priority areas were identified
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cross-border cooperation, which will give maximum effect to the socio-economic development of the regions and the well-being of citizens. towards priority areas of cross-border interaction.
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buzin, doctor of military sciences, professor, graduated from the minsk suvorov military school, the kharkov guards higher tank command school, and the command and staff faculty of the military. academy of belarus, the military academy of the general staff of the russian armed forces in 2022 , he completed his military service as deputy chief of the general staff for scientific working with the rank of colonel, specialist in the field of state and military administration, expert in the field of geopolitics and national security, author of more than 220 scientific works, since february 2022, assistant to the chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of belarus. nikolai. what is the main purpose of the adopted documents? in short, the purpose of adopting documents
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is to adapt their content to modern realities, in short, if in more detail, then, probably, for the period when they function, especially concept of national security, very serious changes have taken place in the world, around our state, around the russian federation and the union of russia and
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in the military sphere, but in other areas, this concerns the political component, this concerns the economic component, well , probably the most important thing that needs to be discussed to say, both russia and belarus today are under unprecedented pressure, and in russian terms, the destruction of the entire sphere of security at the international level, there are no checks and balances, there are no opinion leaders and technical... who is really interested in peace, in the european region, in general on a global
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scale, on a global scale, there are more and more wars, well, as an example, in 2023 there are 193 conflicts, of which 53 have actually entered the military phase, what is this about? says that we do not have to live in peace, and the russian federation and the republic of belarus need to solve the problem of ensuring their own.
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helped us to become more mature and start making decisions and taking responsibility for our decisions, i mean society now belarusian, you know, we probably need to talk not only about belarusian society, i would talk about the russian federation and in belarusian society, we are now going through such an interesting stage of rethinking the events happening around us
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, probably the maturation of society, this phrase, which is in full force. ..describes the processes that are taking place both in belarusian society and in russian society. just look how negatively the same party held in moscow caused negative responses in russian society, because if it had been, say, 2 it was done years ago, and they didn’t even notice, but today society has rallied and no matter what we say, they often say: yes, this is not there, it is, people are aware of their place in... in this world they understand that today you cannot be ordinary, today it is necessary to take part of the responsibility for the future of the country for the future, well, for the future of your people, for the future of your family, for your own future, if you miss this, then we will lose our mentality, we will lose our, so to speak,
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component, as russians, as belarusians like slavs,
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covering all spheres of society, and i would say that probably... one of the most important components within its framework is the political component, the economic component, the demographic component. you see, often our listeners and people in general think this way: if there is security, then it is the military, in no way, security is each of us, it is our own understanding of our place in this world, our activities are each of us
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in our own place, we each contribute our own contribution to... to ensure national security, well, i said about the economy, because they wanted to destroy us in 2022 precisely economically. at this moment there should have been no longer a normal belarus or a normal russia, the economy should be destroyed, these are real plans that were drawn up and which were implemented before our eyes, we stood up, but we stood up only thanks to what, thanks to the support of each other, thanks to unity of views, and most importantly - thanks to the political will of our leaders, no matter what we say, the role personality in history, it is, was and will be, in this, at this very important moment for our states, it was the unity of views on problems, the unity of approaches and mentality that allowed us to solve many problems. here’s what also concerns the demonstration of our military strength,
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including, let’s take the joint exercise of belarus and russia, these are the moments. help us hold the defense? you know, with regard to military strength, this is probably this, or military security, this is the direction that has never, throughout all the years of the existence of the union state devalued, that is, we have always been involved in this component, despite certain political problems, certain economic disagreements, the military component has always... developed dynamically and to pay tribute to our leaders, our representatives, so to speak, the military leadership, we have managed over these years form.
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allowing us, without the use of a real element of strategic deterrence, weapons, to solve the problem of ensuring stability and preventing the escalation of the conflict, or the degeneration of the conflict into other stages in ours.
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he lost his essence as security, he moved into the category of forming plans to destroy russia, to weaken it. and, accordingly, in terms of military pressure on our state, on belarus and russia. i would probably add to this point, you noticed, the special importance of the
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media, well, probably, the special importance needs to be emphasized in working with young people. during the week, when the head of state spoke with university rectors, the topic was ideology, about the need to work more with young people people, sounded and probably became the cornerstone theme. as far as you think. today we need to work with young people, whether we are improving or not in this area, and can we say that through ideology, this is also ideology one of the elements of our national security? you see, we still haven’t fully formed, let alone the foundations, a full, complete ideology, our own ideology, yes, there are its individual elements, but today we are not ready to offer... to the world, the ideology of, say, the slavic states, work is underway on this, as for youth, if we don’t deal with it, others will deal with it, accordingly, youth
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is the future of any country, it is the future of not only the country, it is the future of the people, it is the future of the generation that must solve those problems which we did not have time to do, if we do not work with them, accordingly we will lose not only... this generation, we will lose our own future, namely working with the younger generation, forming those values ​​that we have been proud of for many years, observing them, strengthening them - this is the way, exactly path, the main grain in ensuring national security, not the military component, i want to emphasize this again, it is at the level of consciousness that it should be formed...
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it is necessary to work, it is necessary to work in this direction and as specifically as possible, as directed and reaching every person, to the consciousness every young person, and family, society, and all kinds of state institutions should be involved here. probably, including elements of party building, that is, the history of ideology is the basis on which ours should be built
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understanding your own future. i want to draw your attention, the rector is of course good, but the rector will not reach every student, there should be hundreds and thousands of people here who, having passed these concepts through their own souls, having formed their own worldview, carry it to the younger generation, the best option in in this case, not only films, not only the internet, but it is impossible not to use it, because most children now live on
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the internet. this is all a toolkit, the most important thing in this whole process is the living communication, let it be via the internet, and live communication is possible there, no matter what we say, artificial intelligence will also be used in the near future, but all this should be aimed at constructivism, at development, and not at destruction and destruction, and the most important thing in this agenda is in the context that is aimed at the younger generation. the consciousness of children and youth should be precisely an element of statehood and an element of national interests, does this mean that this internet, artificial the intellect must also first be taught to think correctly, i mean, probably, to regulate its work, again , to pass some legislative acts in the union space, but somehow influence
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this... artificial intelligence, and not artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, that’s the first important word , artificial, it cannot become alive , no matter what we say, that is, it is given commands, just like that, it is given a paradigm, certain ideas are put into it, which it can generate and further develop, but a generator of ideas is definitely a person, a reasonable person, and these reasonable people... in our community there should be as many as possible, those who can generate ideas, those who can create new knowledge, those who can defend national interests today all areas, including information. thank you very much, doctor of military sciences, professor nikolai buzin was in our studio. this is belarus , the main thing, next in the program. examples of courage.
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these days, the soldiers of the internationalists are remembered. several important ones at once events within the framework of the all-russian spartakiad of the strongest, what are the successes of belarusian athletes? we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. you are looking at belarus, the main thing. an example of courage and perseverance. throughout belarus these days , internationalist warriors are remembered. in minsk. the conversation was not only about the heroic feat, but about the importance of preserving peace. almost 10 years of fierce battles for peace on afghan soil. they fulfilled their duty to the end. on february 15, 1989, the last soviet soldiers crossed the amu darya river along the druzhba bridge, which connected ussr and afghanistan. after 35 years
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, there are veterans in minsk, all the families of the victims. representatives of authorities, ministries and departments, public associations and youth, in their hands are photographs of those who gave their lives in the struggle for a peaceful sky for future generations. in belarus, at home, they waited for 771 soldiers, flowers at the foot of the monument and a minute of silence in memory of them. on february 15,
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we hoped that a miracle might happen, that we would see our own face, did not happen, of course, to the exploits of veterans of the war in afghanistan, we are educating our youth. we show that no matter where it happens, belarusians will always provide assistance, and so it was in those distant years when our troops entered afghanistan in order to provide assistance to the afghan people, and today this memory is alive until the path here to this is overgrown monument, it will never be overgrown, the names and surnames of those who were awarded the order of the red star, posthumously, and those who worthily fulfilled their international duty, were immortalized on the obelisks at the entrance in the mogilev region. the monument was unveiled on the river bank. this year an open-air museum of military equipment will also appear next to it. it’s scary to talk about what those who faced the war had to endure. war has always been suffering, it has always been destruction.
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the afghan war left an indelible mark on those who survived but remained disabled. no one is left alone with their pain. in vitebsk , a rehabilitation center for disabled people and veterans of military operations on the territory of other states was modernized. after renovation. opened two floors with comfortable rooms and a completely renovated hydropathic hospital for patients, a department with 40 beds, where veterans from all over belarus undergo rehabilitation. wonderful rooms are opening where you can undergo rehabilitation. well, the most important thing, as i said, is the attention of the staff who surround our patient here. for our institution, this is of course reaching a new level, on the one hand, on the other, we are expanding the range of our therapeutic capabilities, because medical. they talked about the heroic feat and how important it is to save the world today during meetings with veterans and military families
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at the minsk city hall. combat veterans in belarus are supported at the republican level; benefits and social support are provided for them. you need to know history, you need to know the feats that our people performed.
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our fighting friends who have not returned and those who have already passed away in peacetime, to everyone who is in need, we have a part of afghans who need something, have not found themselves in this life, and this happens, so we try don't let me out either fields of view, to provide assistance, the soldiers and officers of the fortieth army honestly carried out the order of the homeland, carried it out with dignity, we defended the interests. their country, the interests of ordinary people of afghanistan and left afghanistan with dignity. 9 years on the brink of life and death, afghanistan, which has never been a hot
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spot on the map, today is one common pain for all the peoples of the commonwealth countries. almost 15,000 soviet soldiers fell on afghan soil, but they remained loyal to their homeland and families to the last. who better than them to teach this loyalty to young people. afghan war. was first of all in a brutal battle for geopolitical interests, soviet soldiers became an obstacle to the ambitions of the west. our days and history are repeating themselves, just as 35 years ago the fraternal peoples stood shoulder to shoulder against the international. on terrorism, it is also the task of the current generation to preserve peace together. there will be more countries this year. the friendship of the younger generation of fraternal peoples will be strengthened by the third season of the memory train project, from photographs to postage stamps and envelopes. a unique space collection was presented at the business cultural center embassy of belarus in moscow. and the great relic of the christian world from the cathedral of st. petersburg in...
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prime minister of the country roman
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golovchenko once again recalled during the first meeting of the republican organizing committee for the preparation and conduct of the 7th national assembly. in its new status, it must meet no later than april 25. compared to the parliament, the all-belarusian people's assembly will be a larger institution consisting of delegates from all levels of society from senior officials, parliamentarians and deputies of local councils to representatives executive and judicial powers. the memory train starts on june 21 in brest, the participants will be 200 children from the union state, as well as armenia and kyrgyzstan. this year azerbaijan joined and is being considered. the question of the participation of uzbekistan and kazakhstan. the guys will spend the first 2 days in
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the city of nad bug, visit the brest fortress, the museum, and also see the first battles of the 1941 during the reconstruction. we have decided on the cities that the guys will visit here in belarus. local authorities are currently developing a program for children this is, of course, a visit to historical places and the events that took place during the great patriotic war. but besides this, these are also events. the memory train will be held for the third time; the project was created on the initiative of the council of the republic of the national assembly of belarus and the federation council of the federal assembly of russia. an exhibition of the orbit of friendship was presented at the business and cultural center of the belarusian embassy in moscow. the exhibition opened on the eve of the flight of the crew of the soyuz ms-25 spacecraft. it consists of two
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belarusian, commander, native of cherven, minsk region, hero of russia, cosmonaut pilot, oleg novitsky and belarusian marina. levskaya is the first woman from a sovereign republic to go into space. the heroes of the occasion themselves were unable to come to the opening of the exhibition ; they are constantly training for the flight. instead of them, cosmonauts arrived, the hero of russia anton shkaplerov and oleg artemyev, whose parents, by the way, are from belarus. well, first of all, it’s very cool to join the club from those states that have an astronaut, who flew into space. this, well, well, this is important for the prestige of the country.
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with a piece of the belt of the most holy theotokos and the relics of her parents were brought to the holy spirit in the cathedral. a line of hundreds of believers lined up outside the temple to venerate the shrine. speaking about those prayers and petitions that they offer while standing in line to the blessed virgin mary, who is one of our very first, most sincere petitions to her divine son about our needs, about...
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what they brought, there is no need to go anywhere. a piece of food to the blessed virgin mary arrived in belarusian capital from the kazan cathedral of st. petersburg. not only menchan residents were able to see and touch the shrine with their own eyes; the relic went to the dioceses of belarus. the week is full of emotions from the fans. the spartakiad of the strongest was held in several cities of russia at famous sports events. objects of sochi, krasnoyarsk, chelyabinsk region and others. belarusian athletes were invited to the multi-sports winter forum as guests of honor. this not only significantly diversified the spartakiad, but made it more competitive. instead of exciting sporting events, our next material.
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the spartakiad of the strongest, even though it took place in such a wintry and somewhat frosty environment, became a great sports festival. most importantly, she clearly emphasized that belarus and russia can hold joint launches of the highest level. this concerns, of course, the training of high-class athletes, but most importantly, the level of spectator support. soviet sport, and belarus - its most important part, became an integral sphere of life for all citizens by the 1980 olympics. someone cultivated in everyday life, but whoever you ask, everyone followed the achievements of soviet athletes as spectators, admired, empathized and were surprised as children. but for the moscow olympics, i hosted the games competitions, let me remind you. already within the framework of the olympic games , three-time olympic champion in wrestling alexander medved took part in the dynamo stadium. and we’ll put together the path to the top, it’s difficult for leaders today, we know that we can win if we perform a miracle, but
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the sports competitions flared up especially brightly at the dawn of their holding in the twenties of the past centuries, because at that time a revolution in the culture of one’s own body took place in soviet society. a well -prepared physical person, man or woman, it doesn’t matter, became a talent, which immediately manifested itself in various types of art, cinema, sculpture, architecture.
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the spartakiad in 1979 for the first time expanded its borders and moscow invited foreigners for the first time, this was part of the preparation for the imminent home olympics . in total, athletes from 84 countries competed at spartakis. with the collapse of the ussr , the history of the spartakiads also ended, but the current winter, which took place, including in the urals, there is a great opportunity to give the audience several. bright days to take the first step towards returning such a competition to our fan calendars. but before the main sporting events of the sports games,
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i suggest you listen to what the spectators are saying here, why they travel so far to the biathlon , why they root for their native biathletes, and why they value our native belarus. everything needs to be done. not going to, not planning on it somehow? somehow, well, why not, why not, well done guys, let them run and win, belarus, well, we love this republic very much, look, you stand out competently on the podium, with our flag, why, because we ourselves are belarusian, we have always rooted for dasha dobrocheva, now we are rooting for solu, we’re waiting for olimbekova, it’s interesting here, it’s just like they say, now the vibe is cool, there’s just such charged energy. very fun, let me remind you once again that we are in the city of zlatoust, where a first-class ski and biathlon stadium has opened, so the belarus biathlon team is here
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were invited as very honored guests, anton smolsky again took a leadership role in our team, and in biathlon the individual race is a test of sportsmanship and strength, of character, it’s nice to know that belarusian men at the olympic games always prove themselves in this... the station is long and exhausting. alexey aidarov, olympic medalist nagaan sergey novikov vancouver. finally, anton smolsky took silver in this event in beijing, almost 2 years ago. one of the heroes was at the spartakiad it was the belarusian captain. star is key for his opponent on the russian national team in the season, hence even more pressure, but anton coped. 20 out of twenty. all closed targets and a silver award based on the results of the individual race. can be compared to the world cup without any problems. and today, yes, in fact, in zlatoust there is a very good organization, organized. for everything and food, biathlon family, transfers, accommodation, routes are organized, prepared, that is,
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if someone even needs to rest, we have a certain room in which there is a bed and you can rest between races if necessary. after the podium ceremony, anton was immediately congratulated by his wife dinaara, who was soon to run her first race after returning to the sport; a little more than 4 months ago, she became a mother. dinaro started, the audience greeted her accordingly, did the olympic champion give up... the first shooting, then she covered all the targets, the final twenty-first place is not so important, the main return to the sport has already taken place, with today we can say that i’m already a full-fledged player, i’m very happy, i was very bored, and there were such exciting emotions, as if for the first time, damn it, i’m very happy, these same days our freestalists were forging awards, collectively four medals, climbed to the pedestals, our speed skaters, now national... the team in this event is quite even, finally, the skiers tried to impose serious competition on the olympic champions from russia, and this school is perhaps the best on the planet. at any facility our team
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accepted without attraction as if they were their own. nowhere today. you can’t get away from sports , you can’t get rid of sports, today on earth, belarusian athletes are traditionally strong in winter sports, so we believe that their arrival today will push for good, kind competition, it is very important for us that athletes from belarus are competing today our competitions, as you have already noticed, our chelyabinsk... and fans are rooting not only for their own, but naturally, our belarusian friends and colleagues will receive the same share of support from chelyabinsk fans. the spartakiad is coming to an end, but this year we will also have a number of big events, including joint belarusian and russian ones, so there will be a lot of information reasons, there will be a lot of victories, well, in the end , i’ll emphasize once again that following sports is of course great, but the most important thing
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is to do sports yourself; in our country absolutely all conditions have been created for this. this concludes our episode; we will tell you about the main things in belarus next sunday on the belros tv channel. all the best.
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i’ll tell you, as a sister and a future psychologist, you need to leave for the city, why are you sitting here in the village, there are no men left here, if i hadn’t left, i would still be dressed as a girl, ir, and i’m on my parents who will i leave behind? oh, oleg levovich, this is not far from a hypertensive crisis, so , bed rest and no hassle , including chess, you got this aneshchenko, i don’t just like him today, i don’t like him at all, so i wanted to tell you that i like you not only... as a colleague, but also as a woman, girls, i ask you, meet our new doctor igor romanovich, eremeev, eremeev, please love and favor, why so officially, you can just igor, love and favor, this is a must, well, in any case, you’re great, colleague, you can safely go into intelligence go, there was love, love has passed, that’s enough,
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it’s over, but don’t, don’t look at me with such sad eyes. by the way, i didn’t promise you anything. igor, i ’m pregnant, but you’ll still get tired of him soon, she loves him, and the child needs a father. hello, no way with your girls you can't break up. yes, it’s just from work, they brought the documents. watch the series rare blood type on the belarus 24 tv channel. it’s easy to explore belarus. to live a non-trivial route , today adventures await us, but in general horses love it when you look after them, pet them and comb them, the horse has no hands, no fingers, she cannot scratch herself, in order to scratch herself she needs to rock somewhere in the sand , in a snowball, the most important thing is to be open to the amazing secret facts, i put the question to a vote, who is in favor of accepting
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bogatyr maria ivanovna in the penis? this is just delight, this is the first thing, what is this cup, what is this? well, these are water lilies, this is the first jug made with your own hands from clay. sergey , thank you very much, look at the project route built on tv channel belarus 24. “may you love, like a flower in the field, like a young fruit, like a flock above a crayfish, like a patched
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bird, who lives in the wild, may you love, may you love for the song that i smell, for the srebny guchny." laughter, what a frequent call, for clear eyes, for a young soul, may you love, may you love the bright hours that you give me every time, for the most intense, dear daughter-in-law, let me love you. this is an understandable policy. hello, exactly 10
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years ago the whole world watched the terrible footage in the center of kiev. dozens of people died under sniper bullets. there have been no such precedents in history; massacres on the maidan were broadcast live. a terrible drama will be the result of another revolution in ukraine, and will once again show what happens if a country is thrown into the abyss of chaos, what happens if a coup d'etat wins, what our country escaped, and also how it is possible to collapse the state in such a short time.
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those who died then in february, supposedly for european values, will be included in... the list of the heavenly hundred, their terrible death will become one of the crowds of cults of post-maidan ukraine. but the questions of who really loved the protesters, and who benefited from it, will remain gathering dust far on the sidelines, until now
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. the reasons for the maidan itself, i think, are well known to everyone. they really wanted to see ukraine in line with the european vector. but yanukovych , having considered everything, decided to refuse at the last moment. and received. the west has an extremely simple message: we don’t need such a president. the protests in kiev began back in november 2013. everything was done beautifully according to a well-established scheme: social networks with calls to come out, a tent city, a stage, art and lots and lots of revolutionary romance and promises. but by february of the new year, it became obvious: the revolution of dignity had passed its peak, and from sharp’s training manual we know that at such moments escalation is needed in order... to stop protests and discredit the current authorities. the spark was struck 2 days before the mass shootings. on february 18, militants from the right-wing freedom sector and other radical groups seized and set fire to the office of the party of regions. then
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they tried to storm the verkhovna rada. they attacked the tent camp of maidan opponents. law enforcement officers managed to hold off the onslaught, but dozens of dead and wounded appeared on the streets of kiev. at the same time, maidanovites began storming other administrative buildings. and military units in different regions of the country. thousands of weapons ended up in the hands of militants and protesters, and in just 24 hours the citizens of ukraine received 100 loads of 200 each. by the way, according to the official legend accepted in kiev, during the execution of the heavenly hundred, only people with accounts, generally harmless guys, came to meet with the security forces, and berkut members allegedly killed protesters point-blank with particular cruelty, familiar narratives, right? on that side, there really
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was lethal fire from the very beginning, and the number of victims among law enforcement officers is generally also known, and it is clear that these victims were not limited to the events on the maidan, we know what a wave of repressions then swept against the officers law enforcement agencies throughout ukraine, and many had to hide, run , including taking refuge in russia, so it is clear that there were no defenseless sheep on the other side, in the end we understand that it was not law enforcement officers who started shooting, the shooting began from the building of the conservatory, which was controlled by maidan supporters.
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the mercenary brigade was located in the conservatory at the ukraine hotel. the coordinators of the group were pashinsky, parubiy and the sotnik of the maidan self-defense, vladimir parasyuk. the instructions were given by the former american soldier christopher bryan and the commander of the so-called georgian legion, mamuka mamulashvili. the georgians expressed their readiness to testify via video link at the trial of ex-berkut employees accused of shooting up maidan, but were never questioned. they paid for working as a sniper.


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