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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 20, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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a 150-kilogram machine with some elements of artificial intelligence, that is, the operator will not control it through a joystick and try to command this complex, so to speak, it will be an autonomously operating device that will resist very powerful strong competitors from china, from india, from many other countries, representatives from belarus will perform in the competence of the robot battle on... is one of the most anticipated and spectacular areas of tournaments in the field of technology, where teams must demonstrate their skills in design, management and programming. the competition will bring together engineers, designers, programmers and robot fine-tuning experts. the goal of which is to defeat a combat opponent. the games will last until march 3. the belarusian athletes immediately returned to their homeland with medal results on a flight from istanbul to minsk late the evening before. european championships.
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the athletes were met at the national airport, including our film crew. freestyle wrestlers arrived from the continental championship in romania with one reward. magomed khabib kadi magomedov won silver. two more belarusians, alexander gushtyn and denis khromenkov , fought for bronze medals, but lost. every start is like this for me, it is important in itself, a little. it didn’t work out, one might say, in the finals, i made such mistakes, but i think it’s to maintain such, such a hunger to win licenses for the olympic games, and i think that’s beneficial. in transit through istanbul, but from bulgaria, where the european championships are still ongoing, parts of the weightlifting team returned, including continental winners.
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for the last month it’s been going a little downhill, that’s why. with the result, with the one that i showed, i am, in principle, ready to accept, only because, well, there was such preparation, and so, of course, i wanted to show more results, but we have what we have, on the eve of the european championship gold was won by evgeniy tekhantsov in categories up to 102 kg. the kamelian also received two small awards: silver in the snatch and first place in the clean and jerk exercise. today i am the last of the belarusians at the continental forum.
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eduard zezyulin will join in the heavyweight title. the rest of the team will return to their homeland tomorrow evening. new information at 13:00. see you.
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review of the most important sporting events. exclusive interviews with athletes, and if previously the national teams were mainly represented by children from minsk schools, now we can already see how children from the regions are beginning to dominate, bright moments , real emotions, i myself came - great, that’s why we’re all, we’re all trying, we all want to reach the highest places, no matter what, the result that i have today showed in its current state , i’m really pleased with this result, i have such a preparation strategy, i’m preparing for the olympic games, probably it’s even
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the athlete’s duty to believe in it and prepare, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. belarusian winter, all of it little things, all the details, some are so beautiful that they take your breath away, some are awkward, but together they are one whole, together they are harmony. looking at them, you feel aesthetic pleasure, you feel that belarus is closer.
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history of the country. the history of belarus in the fifties and sixties, a time that would later be called unique: new industries and giant enterprises, millionaire collective farms, achievements in the field of culture and science. about all this here, in the film repository of beltelradiocompany. old films, on them our history, the history of peaceful, creative belarus.
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on a january morning in 1952, the minister of foreign affairs of belarus kuzma venediktovich kiselyov, as usual, arrived at work early, walking through the corridors of the ministry, now he was alarmed by the unusual silence, even a feeling of some emptiness. entering the reception room, he found a strange picture. a very frightened secretary sat at the table in tears. nearby, as if petrified, is the cleaning lady. apparently, she never started cleaning. when asked what happened, she just
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nodded her head towards the office. the special officer was already waiting for the minister there. without waiting for questions, he silently handed him the order. israeli, american spies. at night, all the employees of the apparatus were arrested, only the cleaners and secretaries were at work. the minister quickly left the office. there was a hurry. for a long time without thinking, kuzma venediktovich bought a ticket and went to moscow. they gave me 15 minutes to talk with stalin. stalin's verdict is unequivocal. we
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have no complaints against you. go to minsk, recruit new employees. we believe you. kiselyov, understanding how disagreement with such a decision could end, nevertheless expressed his opinion. i vouch for these people, they are honest people, front-line soldiers, otherwise they will die. he was given a ticket to minsk, and he returned home. when he came to work in the morning, all his employees were in place. belorussian the leadership will again and again demonstrate unity in defending the interests of the republic. this was confirmed by june. in 1953 he was captured by the central committee of the communist party of belarus and was urgently gathered in
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minsk. on june 12, 1953, the central committee of the party of the soviet union adopted a resolution on issues of the belarusian ussr. according to this resolution, potolichev was removed from his post for making a mistake in pursuing national policy in the republic. following in the footsteps of this resolution.
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but also representatives of local party and state bodies, including, for example,
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vasily korsh spoke out and supported the candidacy of patul even mazurov, that is, there was support not only at the top, but at the local level, and this despite the fact that the all-powerful bere was still in power, after stalin’s death he suddenly became concerned about the problem of nomination. “this was the first time in the history of the communist party of the soviet union, when the central
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committee made a decision to remove the secretary of the party, local people met with bayonets this resolution and adopted a resolution to cancel this resolution of the higher body. at all stages of development, the republic demonstrated a principled position on issues that concerned the interests of the bssr. the beginning of the fifties became a difficult period for the bssr. it would seem that the successes of the bssr are obvious, but
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the right to its further development as an industrial region, the belarusian leadership led by mazurov had to defend at the highest level.
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live before the state planning staff materials on each proposed facility, before the state planning committee of the bssr sergei malinin argued that it would be advisable to locate oil refining and a number of other enterprises on the territory republic. the conversation at the meeting is more than emotional. ukraine is a priority; it was personally lobbied by khrushchev and the buryansk region. as a result, the republic received an oil refining plant, a decision was made to build it near polotsk, which will later go down in history as the novopolotsk oil refinery, a decision was made by the ussr state planning committee to locate other
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large industrial enterprises in belarus, mechanical engineering, defense significance, new developing... the economy of the bssr developed at a rapid pace. a strong state that could provide? this is a strong economy, industry, the development of scientific potential, intellectual potential, creative potential, culture, sports, that is, in that period of time, regardless. no matter what, the main slogan was not only the restoration of the state from the ruins, but also the creation of a new, progressive one. it was then that the story of the birth of industrial giants in the bssr began. in the fifties
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, 307 large enterprises alone will be built. and 2.5 billion rubles were invested in all sectors of the belarusian economy, one and a half times more than for the entire previous history of soviet belarus. the republic was turning into one big construction site. as a result of the successful implementation of the fourth five-year plan, the pre-war level in terms of industrial production was achieved, and not only was it achieved, but also...
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the centralization of management in the soviet union, however, this generally played a decisive role in that post-war period, they, thanks to this administrative apparatus that existed then, which worked for wear and tear, managed to achieve those the results that were achieved, the numbers were impressive, the foundation of the economy,
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industry not only reached its pre-war level, but also... a breakthrough in its development and made it in the most difficult social conditions. what were
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these conditions? in the memoirs of those who raised the republic from the ruins. when my grandmother came to conduct the next meeting of the supreme council after the evacuation in kazan, it was gomel. it was november-december 1943, grandmother was a very strong woman, she never cried at all, but she told me said that she came to gomel and burst into tears, because there was not a single whole building at all , there was simply physically nowhere to hold a meeting, and such a situation throughout the republic, incredible, but after a few years the bssr was summing up not... just restoration, but performance of the economy as a whole. at the congress in 1952 , the results of restoration were summed up, after the military
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restoration of belarus, large reports were made, summing up that belarus had, well , risen from the ashes, so to speak, that is, large giant factories were built. a large number of enterprises... well, for example, the minsk bicycle factory, confectionery factories, spartak, in gomel, in minsk, this is a communal factory. reparation supplies played an important role. directly related to them was army general mikhail sergeevich molinin, chief of staff of the first belarusian front, one of the developers of the famous bagration operation for the liberation of belarus. subsequently. defeated germany chief of staff of the occupation forces. this is all production that was transported from
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germany and launched as soon as possible industry. when my grandfather was in berlin, any request that came from the belarusian government, any, that’s all that was required, that is, factories were supplied, equipment was supplied, they were supplied.
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woodworking, energy, large enterprises producing building materials. industrial production alone has doubled here. how could such a thing be imagined just recently, during the period of the polish occupation of belarusian lands. in general, belarus has achieved undeniable success in restoring the national economy. at that time there was a unique phenomenon when the positive image of the future among the country's leadership basically coincided with...
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minsk, early fifties, spacious
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streets surrounded by greenery. the capital, its main avenue, solemn, unique, in the beauty of the pompous buildings built here, brand new buses on the routes, people rushing about their business. it was in the first post-war years. a basis was created for further increasing the economic potential of the bssr. why is minsk such a beautiful city and so correct, why such wide sidewalks? few people think about this. grandmother said that two women should walk with a stroller, and someone else should sit on the bench at that moment, that is, it turns out that they were already thinking about people. grandma told me that they
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were sitting down. with panomarenko, and also with members of potelmon kondratich’s team, they directly drew the street. the republic entered the new decade with new plans, among the priorities was the construction of enterprises in fundamentally new industries. a period was beginning in the ussr economy that would later be called a period of grandiose achievements of scientific discoveries. at the twentieth congress of the communist party of belarus , the development of belarus in the post-war period was summed up and directives adopted for the further development of the republic’s economy, including the creation of new science-intensive industries. there was a very difficult choice, either to restore and try to return people to normal life.
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or think about the future, and this is probably the first post-war five-year plan, and further development, further plans that were created, they were aimed at the future. on july 4, 1954, a grandiose event took place in minsk. in the center of the belarusian capital, the grand opening of the victory monument. it was timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. a holy date for every resident. the terrible memories of...


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