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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 21, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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our dear need for the roses to be forgotten, i mean, because the cranes are flying around , because they are taking away the pagoda, the fallen ones.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events. from the scene of events,
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information and analytical project current microphone on air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus 24, with you the presenter andrei sych, as well as our guest. head of the department of public administration of bsu, vadim mikhailovsky, candidate of political sciences, hello, andrei, hello, viewers, hello tv viewers, we are discussing important points, those things that previously remained in such an academic circle, terminology, and so on, have now entered a wide public discourse and are quite actively discussed in belarusian society as a whole in the world political arena, is increasingly being discussed. new world order in this
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context , the terminology about neocolonialism and what it is sounds quite active, because many listeners viewers, i don't think they understand about this. well, at least they hear it more and more often, especially in the context, i think, of some african stories, the strengthening of the role and importance of various states in this continent, strengthening their interests there, what do you say about this ? neocolonialism is the order in which, unfortunately, the whole world has been since the middle of the 20th century, yes, the middle of the 20th century, the end of the second world war, the creation of the un and the lens.
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as temporary, yes, we were convinced that supposedly the whole world was collectively striving for such highly developed, for this, individual countries must accept, carry out various reforms, modernize, gradually we will gradually bring such collective high development in the words of francis fukuyama , we will be able to declare the end of history, but in parallel with this it has always existed.
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fortunately, and thanks to the highest level of development, certain political experience does not fit into the periphery and is actively resisted. so these countries, this system is valuable peripheral, it is not accidental, it is not temporary. for these center countries
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, for the hegemonic countries, it is very important to preserve this system , and precisely in order to secure for each country its place in this center-peripheral system, certain reforms were imposed on them, certain... for the last 30 years in relation to russia, belarus, china, venezuela, iran and other countries, then the shortest question, the answer is this, this is a reaction to the fact that these countries did not want to carry out these reforms that were brought to them, they said their clear no about
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the place to which they were allocated in that in the global order, of course they reacted differently, but china is traditionally quiet, calm, the middle east is very radical, bright. russia, unfortunately, retreated in the nineties, followed this path of shock therapy, then during putin’s time it came to its senses and took the path of independence, a very striking example, by the way, with belarus, yes, i still have these chronicles in my eyes , when bill clinton and hillary clinton came to minsk, it was 1994, if i’m not mistaken, at least part of the society that is now is in poland, trying to present the time as the blossoming of democracy in belarus, you look at the white people in pith helmets who come. we were told how to really become good, better, and so on, yes, democracy was effective in the sense that he was greeted cordially, accepted, seated at the negotiating table and they really gave him the floor to speak out, but for some reason he left and did not return, well, the answer is clear, we just showed him clearly what we think
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about all the reforms that he brought with him brought brought in this briefcase, so yes, indeed this word neo-colonialism, perhaps it seems too much to some... happens in the modern world, how the current order is reproduced, your opinion is also interesting, you know, i periodically meet with such, with such argumentation, let’s say, when a person, defending his position on this or that issue, says that in the civilized world they have it this way and that way, and not like ours, that is, you are openly putting yourself in a dependent, oppressed position , just like colony in relation to the metropolis...
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no, and is also now being actively discussed , perhaps these days not as actively as literally a month ago, when the french military, well, openly capitulated from the territory of many states where anti-french revolutions took place, moreover, revolutions, they tried to present them in the very civilized world as coups d'etat, but they were precisely directed against the colonialists, against the french occupation forces, against the nato soldiers who... are standing there and using it, well simply by the enormous support of the population, even
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when the question arose openly that this coup d’état, as they called it, needed to be reversed, people simply came out of their homes en masse and said, well, we won’t allow it, in fact, we just found some kind of then freedom and so on , now you want to return us to the same position, in this context , such a concept as french africa has begun to sound more and more often, please tell us about...
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at the same time , i don’t remember the last french president who would not said that everything is over with french africa,
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yes, but nevertheless, in parallel with this discourse, as you rightly said, we see some kind of invasions, then some kind of operations, then in mali, then in central africa . african republic, and , in principle, everything that happened with libya, with gaddafi, yes, including also the result of the fact that people did not want to play the role that was assigned to north africa in this center-peripheral global world, really gradually. this withdrawal of troops from niger in in 2023 and burkina fasso there is a really huge number of incidents with the military there, because they began to be openly beaten in various french -french-colonial, say , african countries, and in the same bukinawso they went to demonstrations with russian flags, immediately the french side, as they say, it blamed russia for shaking the situation, but the situation is changing and france is starting to set its positions a little and... in principle, new players are emerging, the same russia, the same china and the same usa,
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china has such an interesting advantageous position, it is determined by the fact that it has chinese preferential billions against american non-preferential millions, which are burdened with both the traditional requirements of a tough economy and a reduction in the state, well, you know, there is another subtle point, as far as i understand, when. .. china comes with its loans, it does not impose any additional requirements, unlike, for example, the same civilized world that comes to an african village and says that we... you let's give it, but lgbt propaganda should, well, you should join this important movement for the entire civilized world, and there is a person who, especially the last time he saw bread a couple of days ago, with open eyes does not understand at all what you want from him with his lgbt community, absolutely true, it’s not just about lgbt, but about such more mundane matters as state intervention in industry, in
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agriculture, and in general some kind of social responsibility of the state for the fact that takes place in his country, the usa. there is no money to compete with china, but there is a desire, because the americans spent all their money on the war in afghanistan, iraq, now in ukraine in the middle east, so they act traditionally, they are trying to establish their military presence in africa, if i’m not mistaken, there, in the seventh year , the african military command of the united states of america was created with two goals, the first goal is, of course, such strategic deterrence, and the other goal is operational intervention in certain countries for national security purposes. americans know, this is a very interesting understanding of national security, when our countries russia and belarus talk about international relations, they first of all mean peoples who have formed into sovereign states, between which some kind of relationship arises, and a real right to defense , yes, that is, in our countries security is understood to a greater extent as defense, but in the americans security is understood as
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establishing order, that’s how the american the president comes out and looks at the servant in front of the white house, and so he looks at... such a good trick about this by the americans - this is terrorism, yes, you and i do not deny that this is a real problem, our countries have faced terrorism, unfortunately, but the americans manipulate this topic a little, and why? because terrorism is a very good and easy excuse for intervention, why? firstly, terrorism, it does not have any national connection, that is, it can be found on any map of the world, wherever you want, at any point
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on the world map. on the other hand, terrorism is ideologically undefined in order, for example, to fight communists or... fascists, it is necessary that the fascists be communists and broadcast some kind of discourse, and you can call any discourse terrorist, in any way, thereby revealing this terrorism anywhere, and indeed in african countries, well, they must keep in mind that by deviating from this or a new course, they have the danger that the americans will turn on their long-standing strategy, already known to everyone, and supposedly find there terrorist formations will decide to carry out some kind of...
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the states are not going so smoothly in establishing order around the world, the same yemeni houthis who are now nightmares in the red sea, bulk carriers are violating international trade defending their demands, so they can also be called terrorists, although people are actually calling for peace in the gaza strip, fulfill these demands, talk to israel, stop the fighting, stop some kind of violation of international trade, after all, with what viewpoints? in international relations, but just a lot was ensured in such, say, global dominance of the collective west, in particular the united states, at the expense of those very petrodollars, which, well , enough, i think, almost the entire population of belarus actively heard, that is , before energy resources were all traded only for
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dollars, well, at some point the americans became sad that they also started using the euro, but today... this discourse about the transition to national currencies, and one can recall the same framework agreements between china and brazil, and the united arab emirates, saudi arabia, between india and russia, even there germany and
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new zealand, and so on. and the question really arises whether the hegemony of the american dollar is ending. it is quite possible, quite possible, that the world is moving towards the state it was before the first world war, before the second world war, when there is a reckoning. in the national currency were, in principle, commonplace, it is clear that the americans will resist and objectively resist, the american dollar is indeed a liquid currency to some extent, but what they do not take into account is that business loves silence, or let's say, money loves silence, and the dollar has become a very noisy currency, why? because it is used by the americans as a weapon in geopolitics, so when there is dominance in world finance, there is the opportunity to punish. or other countries with the help of the dollar, but other countries that are not punished yet, they are thinking about maybe they remember that zhemengue, his phrases that don’t ask the bell tolls, because in
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the end it rings under itself, begins to look for some alternative options, but for now it remains such a main reserve currency and in many ways, in general, here is the distribution of money in the world and the movement capital depends on economic cycles in the usa, i’m not an economist in general, yes, but... in order for americans to buy goods to countries, the american currency must be outside the united states of america, for this they must pay each other in dollars and it is necessary that they have these dollars , that is, in other words, they must exchange goods in dollars, yes, but in order for americans to buy goods, they must be doing well in their consumer market, it turns out this is very...
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everything to the world, they said that we would not be able to avoid these regional characteristics, and indeed what we are seeing today is only a surge in original activity, and it is very interesting, it does not even fit into any traditional civilizational approach, because that it is difficult to say that, let’s say, brix is ​​one civilization, no, this is strangely clear, everything is so different from each other that it is difficult to understand how so many states integrate their own, including cultural ties, because this is one of the main ones. such issues are problematic in my opinion in integration, well, here we can consider this situation this way, again, returning to this center-peripheral structure of the world, and the brics are countries that at one time were assigned the role of semi-periphery, and these are those countries who said that they do not want to put up with this role, and in order to still oppose this will imposed on them, it is clear that it is best to unite, it is best to unite, because a collective subject is always stronger against the so-called collective west , in
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any case, all these conversations about... about regionalization, glocalization, they boil down to the fact that we are experiencing a very interesting moment, the transition from unipolarity to multipolarity, a lot is said about this, but i still urge our listeners, viewers, do not harbor the illusion that the transition will not necessarily be easy, because the same countries of this center, the same countries of the hegemon, they will actively resist this process, and countries like russia, and even more so such small countries in the geopolitical dimension as belarus, they will be increasingly exposed to
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belarus. the country will become new. global leader, then, in principle, the sum will not change by rearranging the terms, in principle we can talk about the most negative scenarios when this whole struggle for multipopularity will stretch out and turn into a war of all against all, and we will simply get stuck in it. there is another interesting option , which i also often voice in public. from my point of view, it may sound very strange, but i still bet that both
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russia and the west can emerge from this whole crisis as friends. now, if you take this, you know, this synergistic approach, such a seemingly atypical scenario can come true, we fought to some extent, yes, we found out relationship, then how they became best friends , and on the other hand, it is also a very interesting option, but will we have an alliance between the usa and china in the future, why, because, of course, there is a political discourse between china and the usa, but there is also an economic one really. indicators and china is indeed the main supplier of goods to america, america is the main buyer by the way, the usa is somewhere else at the beginning of the 21st century, there in 2005-7 they very actively imposed on china such a model as g2, such an alliance, two global powers that yes , divide the world. the chinese refused then , they said, they understood that there was some kind of catch here, but now, when the united states may feel that it is losing its geopolitical power, it can a
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second time...
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it is better, of course, to evaluate what is on today we have, regarding these scenarios that you voiced, it is indeed now widely discussed in the socio-political space that the united states will one way or another come to, i think, these two states mentioned above, to russia and to china with proposals, but many are inclined , that they will really come to moscow with proposals, because china is much stronger at the moment, they will have to give in much more if...
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the conditions that i think that after all, countries must reach a certain threshold of demonstrating their strength , there would be no yalta 1 if there had not been the battle of stalingrad, yes, if there had not been a red banner over the regstag, no one would have invited stalin to this yalta, so i even allowed myself to express such a thesis, perhaps ambiguously, from my point of view, here it is the cold war, it’s also a smoldering war, it didn’t end when...
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in france, in italy, in germany, who to talk to, he says, no one is responsible for their words, absolutely true, and also the usa, there is some kind of certain expectations about trump, yes, after all, such a person is more serious, but again, this
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is the american political system, a very unique one, all the scandals that unfold around him show us that they don’t really want such a strong, charismatic person to effectively came, and about europe, definitely, but there today... it’s hypothetical to think and imagine what could still be discussed at such a meeting on all 2, then first of all, of course, the question of respect. no matter how trivial it may sound, the world needs respect, respect for other people’s interests, respect for the interests of all countries , we can of course say that it is impossible to strengthen the interests of all global players, well , for this now, by the way, there is artificial intelligence, you can download various
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options, yes he will give some point of view such a resolution, the second, of course , international law, they often now say that law doesn’t work, it doesn’t work not because it’s bad, it doesn’t work because thank you very much for your participation, the information and analytical project was an actual microphone. on the air on the belarusian radio, tv channel belarus24, with you the presenter andrei
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sych, as well as our guest, head of the department of public administration of the bsu, candidate of political sciences, vadim mikhailovsky. see you. review of the most important sporting events. perhaps the next sharangovich will soon be born here. loud statements accompanied the opening of the forty-sixth ice rink in belarus. we are confident that future hockey champions will grow here. exclusive interviews with athletes. if previously the national teams were predominantly represented by children from minsk schools, now we are already seeing how children from the regions are beginning to dominate. bright moments , real emotions, i myself came from molodechno,
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that’s why we all try, we all want to reach the highest places, no matter what that the result that i showed today in my current state, i ’m really pleased with this result, i have such a preparation strategy, i’m preparing for the olympic games, probably it’s even the athlete’s duty to believe in this and prepare, all this is in sports projects on the tv channel belarus 24. unfortunately, we have returned to a time when military force became the main argument in building interstate relations. who started the escalation first, nato is shouting about war through the cover of the build and is preparing to start the biggest teaching. we lived quietly and peacefully until it turned out that they were serving probation on us. "we are not playing games in europe because we
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are waging a war against russia. the russians are dying, and this is the best thing we have ever spent money on. we must be ready to support our troops who will conduct the operation against lukashenko. the belarusian cordon is to blame "control kiev, vilnius and warsaw. belarus may be occupied and divided into three zones. in the name of the future of our peoples." in the name of peace, we will preserve our civilization, in you can be sure of this, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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