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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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the skin has a home, the skin has a heart, and let’s love and share our native language. grodno schoolchildren presented the research project "victory bread". its authors restored more than 20 recipes, including those from besieged leningrad. the development was highly appreciated by the jury of the regional stage of the republican competition 100 ideas for belarus. the project will continue to compete in the final for the main one. from the competition, the authors plan
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to expand the list of recipes and ready-made samples for sale in the retail network. there are wide, clean streets here, it’s as if i can breathe well, i don’t know, i really love coming here, it’s true that some people are special, there’s no such fuss as ours.
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all over the world have access to watch the projects of our tv channel, so what kind of belarus is it, business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival-like.
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generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team. we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different to to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. the tv channel belarus
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24 is on air, watch us every day, because we are making belarus closer. hello, the sasuplenomochen program is on air, its host is nadezhda sas, i greet you. let me remind you that this is a program for those who want it.
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the head of state is accused of storing secret documents. the prosecutor's report says biden is an elderly man with good intentions and a poor memory. the us president was outraged by this point. and he stated that his memory was fine. in the report also said that biden could not remember several moments during communication with investigators, for example, when he served as vice president when his eldest son beau died. he died of cancer in may 2015. let me remind you that 2 years ago , secret documents from biden’s time as vice president were discovered in a think tank. by law, he was required to hand them over to the national archives after leaving office. as a result, biden avoided charges of violating official secrets laws, but trump and others his opponents received the first official recognition of the elderly president's mental problems. hungarian president katalin nowak
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announced her resignation, forty-six-year-old nowak announced in a televised address that she was leaving the post she had held since may 2022. outrage in hungary has been growing throughout the week. after it was revealed that novak last april granted a presidential pardon to a man convicted of covering up a series of cases of child sexual abuse at a state-run orphanage. i announced a pardon that has caused bewilderment and excitement among many people,” novak said on saturday. i made a mistake. the countries of the middle east, despite the intervention of external forces, continue to pursue a settlement. egypt, turkey's president is visiting egypt for the first time since the overthrow of egyptian president morsi in july 2013. murcia was considered a protege of ankara. following this
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, both countries recalled their ambassadors. in march 2021, the then head of the turkish foreign ministry, mavlud chevashaglu, announced the resumption of contacts with egypt on... ical level. in november 2022, at the opening ceremony of the world cup in qatar, a short meeting between the presidents of egypt and turkey took place, after which there was a significant warming in relations. at the end of february last year, the head of the egyptian mit visited the earthquake-stricken city in southern turkey. on july 4 , 2023, the countries fully restored diplomatic relations by appointing ambassadors to ankara and cairo. all these steps are reinforcing. as the british writer george bernard shaw once noted, the secret of success is to call outrage from as many people as possible.
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and in this sense, american journalist tucker carlson definitely succeeded. his interview with putin shook up the entire western elite and gained unprecedented numbers in history. billion views, and what newspaper does he represent , carlson, or maybe some tv channel, but none at all, he represents himself, and this is a fundamentally new reality for the media, when the media itself in its classical sense is no longer needed about is the victory of new media over the traditional press final ? irrevocable, and how, with their help , anti-western forces achieved a turning point in the information war, we will talk in today's program, i...
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the audience, i heard how many times, television will die there, newspapers will die, all this has not happened and will not happen, people are watching and television , information flows are redistributed, but of course, we must admit that the role is certainly not traditional media, as they can be called, although for many people they have already become traditional, this is social networks, this is the internet, this is internet television, and any other platforms, bloggers everything else, of course theirs...
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by their own tribesmen, their compatriots, their politicians, and were forced to literally be squeezed out into the social
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network x, the former twitter and so on, but of course they remain approaches to creating content, because big television, quality pictures, good sound - all this influences, all the popular social networks, on which we also broadcast now, we meet, unfortunately they are mostly western, and what should we do with domestic platforms? of course, we need to pay attention to this. and so non-traditional media will not go anywhere, approaches in classical media will not go anywhere, because the same thing that tucker carlson did with the head of our russian state, he took a classic, essentially interview with vladimir putin, the same interview was taken there for 20-30 100 years they will take it back ahead, the question is how it was delivered to the audience, they counted a billion views on social networks, indeed social networks, firstly, have the tools to count the number of viewers, the number of views there. see the reaction the only thing is probably what very clearly separates them from classical media, but
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they, of course, will not die anywhere. konstantin , please stay with us, and you know , of course, i would like to ask, yes, there really is power in the truth, and this once again proves that journalism is, first of all, pro-objectivity, and tucker carlson behaved like a real journalist , it’s just that we already live in such a sophisticated world in a false truth, fake news, that’s why. his position in this case is respectful, no matter how you did you answer our next question? well , i think that traditional media will still remain strong and you can even pay attention to the fact that many traditional channels that we are used to are moving to the social network, and the same federal channels, people, they simply do not have time to watch it on tv channels, but they don’t have time to watch the broadcast and open it, they watch it on telegram. as for the interview, of course, i think, in the case of the united states of the west, trust in... traditional media, why is it falling? because , as you rightly said, they cannot there hear the truth, right? that is, putin is always
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presented in profile, and tucker carlson decided to show him in person, yes, that is , to really find out his opinion, because for the rest of the media, they already had their traditional position, for them even taking an interview was considered something - something so wrong, yes from their point of view, because they believed that this would be a justification for the war, and we saw these comments, but about the introductory part. this interview, that putin talked about the story for almost an hour, but tucker carlson showed that he can patiently listen, and he really didn’t do it in order to play along with vladimir putin so that he wouldn’t interrupt the interview, he was really interested, and i think there are actually a lot of such americans, and i know that many americans, not only history, yes , they don’t even know on the map where ukraine is, so in this sense the interview became so encyclopedic, probably knowledge for ordinary americans who...
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twitter, now called x, again received such key attention after interview with the russian leader, that is earlier, roughly speaking, but oleg sergeevich, we remember the events of the twentieth year in belarus, the telegram channel, the social network that was created by the russian federation, yes, it played an important role, then western forces tried to shake up the situation here, using the russian one.
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the president of russia, and before the president of belarus, an interview, i can remember the bbc, his interview was also very resonant for the western audience, when a bbc journalist came here and tried to bring the president out. out of myself, but it turned out that i looked stupid, then, what is happening in the west, there are two reasons why there is such a resonance, first, it is really a breath of fresh air - in this propaganda of lies and cliches that pour into the ears of the western man every day, but there is a second reason: americans and europeans are tired of politicians whom done
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by marketers, look at western politicians, he has prepared questions and cliche answers in advance, he is not alive, he answers with cliches, americans already know everything, in principle, what a politician will say, there is only an exception, why is trump so popular with some us audience, because he doesn’t speak in cliches, but lukashenko and putin sat down and have a lively conversation, there are no marketers behind them, neither putin nor lukashenko, these are leaders, this is the difference, for example, from macron, who they will write a whole speech , give answers in advance and he... when he was appointed president of france, he was blinded by those corporations that stand behind him, and those information focus groups that worked with them, with putin, lukashenko, no one works, this leaders of the nation, so they go out, sit down and calmly discuss how
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leaders, western tv viewers, western citizens, they dream of such politicians. too, they are tired of living in the world of marketing, this resonates so much, when in europe there were real leaders, and there was such a time, then, remember kohl, remember, then, italy, remember in general the leaders who were before, then they heard them , now they only see the product of marketing, so there is such resonance and the voice of truth, you name those leaders with whom joe biden met not so long ago, based on his words on... they are sitting, envying, look how scholz was sitting, that means this bald comrade , that means he was sitting on a chair and discussing putin’s interview, he himself is jealous, because all his interviews are the latest, ridiculous, the germans laugh, not that we, the germans laugh at him, because he doesn’t can connect two words and speaks with some learned clichés, democracy, freedom, everything can be said for them, so i close my eyes for every leader
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of europe, i put forward, we are for democracy, for freedom, tolerance, forward, and they ask me the question: why are you you supply missiles and you can’t think of anything better, it’s necessary, it’s for the sake of democracy, for the sake of democracy , that’s it, everyone spoke, yes konstantin, we agreed on a short inclusion, i know that you are limited in time, but in the end i will allow you to ask a question that worries many, this is what the media of the union state needs to do to consolidate the trend and don’t rely solely on interviews with state leaders, well, you’re really sick.
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i wish good luck to all those who are applying, we already remembered the interview, there is steve rosenberg, a bbc journalist, because what could be the coolest thing for us journalists, publish an interview without cuts, without editing , to show your interlocutor as he really was, but the bbc publishes 20 minutes in an interview with lukashenko, to which everyone is surprised by journalists who know that the interview
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lasted about an hour, which is what the belarusian press service of alexander lukashenko is doing , she publishes the entire forty-minute, forty-minute. conversation, the bbc journalist really looks like some kind of limited kid, and we have not yet conveyed to our western partners that alexander lukashenko periodically has big press conferences, open conversations, vladimir putin can practically answer for 5-6 hours without papers, which is impossible to imagine at all in the united states of america, they joke there that joe biden doesn’t remember what he had for lunch, so it seems to me that he’s an allied our union state, our union media, this format of openness, format of access. that is, the format of readiness to answer any question, without a piece of paper, openly, frankly and honestly, this must be carried, of course, i’m planning to come to the elections in belarus to see how it’s it will pass, i don’t know, maybe luck will turn up. somewhere, either oleg sergeevich or alexander lukashenko himself, and how it was, for example, during the referendum, because i asked him the questions that interested me, and alexander lukashenko answered
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absolutely frankly, the specification was already underway, several days had passed since it began, then there were a lot of painful topics, he replied, this openness, it is of course very important for us, we are actually that very democratic, open, probably pro-human union state, because well, what we say is absolutely correct. was heated up in advance so much that the social network x became the most downloaded application in the world and the number of elon musk’s subscribers increased sharply, his account became the most popular
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among all social networks in the world, and a number of trump fan pages and republican congressmen pumped up the topic by writing : do you support interviews, yes or no, multiplying your audience reach. this and more will be discussed in more detail in our story. takir carlson's interview with vladimir putin breaks records for views, the video was appreciated by tens of millions of social network users. the conversation between the american journalist and the russian leader was watched all over the world. the main topic of the meeting , as expected, was the ukrainian issue: possible ways to resolve it were discussed. mr. president of ukraine issued a decree prohibiting negotiations with us. well, let this decree be cancelled. we have never refused negotiations.
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ukraine will not be able to win a war against russia, he said. even taking into account western assistance. an american journalist noted that continued support for kiev from western countries will lead to great casualties. among ukrainians and the degradation of the western economy. vladimir putin once again drew attention, including from the political elite, to the fact that it is impossible for russia to lose strategically in the confrontation. the so-called partners of kiev have already begun to realize this, and due to the inability to provide the armed forces of ukraine, they are reducing support. however, it is still convenient for the states, the main beneficiaries of the conflict, to portray moscow in a negative light. this allows you to switch americans' attention. from internal problems to issues outside the country, i repeat, we have contacts through various departments there - and uh, i’ll tell you what we say about this
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and what we convey to the us leadership, if you really want to stop hostilities, you you need to stop the supply of weapons, everything will end within a few weeks, that’s all, and then you can agree on some conditions before you stop it. the president of russia noted that the country is not going to attack the state nato. there are no territorial claims either to poland, or to latvia, or to other countries. warsaw has already commented on similar statements by putin. such words do not have a lulling effect, but on the contrary, said the minister of defense of poland. it is not surprising that the interview spread across the world's leading publications and occupied the front pages of newspapers; it was published at a turning point for the states. crisis in congress. aid to ukraine is slowing down, meanwhile the ukrainian armed forces are complaining about a lack of ammunition, and russian troops are moving forward. against this background, a conversation with putin was perceived, to put it mildly
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, negatively in the western media, and carlson was accused of working for the kremlin. this is how they commented on the situation at the journalist’s former job. tucker carlson is in russia to interview putin, already following the kremlin's orders. newspaper. also published several materials on this topic criticizing the american journalist. observers of the publication also suggested that the kremlin is trying to establish contact with the republicans. there is also an opinion that tucker was in moscow as an unofficial envoy of trump. the american himself, already at the world government summit in dubai, summed up, perhaps, the key result of the interview. the very work of the leaders of any country, except perhaps the united states during the period of a unipolar world, makes one find. compromise is what is called diplomacy, and putin is one of them. the united states in the west will continue to make russia an aggressor, in the information and
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political fields.
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he took an interview, asked the questions that he considered necessary, he did his job, he is under sanctions for this, so this is not enough, someone says, he should be held accountable they say criminal in europe, but why is it not surprising, because in fact, over the years, how many journalists have been repressed in europe, how many have been deprived of their profession, there is no freedom of speech even close, there is no democracy anywhere near, and the countries neighboring us, ukraine, the baltics, have killed there journalists were simply killed. because they wanted to do their job, they tortured, killed, destroyed, so there is nothing surprising, we should have gotten rid of it a long time ago, if anyone still has this myth about freedom of speech in the west, a long time ago we must understand, thank god, belarus understands this, ideology, propaganda, a good word that we must use, use and bear our truth, because otherwise
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others will do it for us in relation to... our citizens, therefore the fact that they want to repress him , ban him from entering, uh, someone will bring him to criminal responsibility, the only thing that saves him is that he is still a citizen of the usa, europe, he is afraid, they can shout as much as they want, but they are afraid of america, the whole europe, which means it is already very popular, including in the usa, after all, he belongs to the republicans, one way or another , despite the contradiction of his views, so i think that no one will attract him yet, but the conversation itself about this... it is not surprising in the modern realities of the information war and the lies that the west tells every day. kamra, well, it’s really important to note that after listening to the interview between putin and tucker carlson, voters are the same in the european union, why did they get such an angry reaction from the eurobirocrats, or in the united states of america they can do better voters can better understand the background of the conflict that has developed today on
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the territory of ukraine. and this understanding for many can significantly influence their choice, because the european parliament is holding elections in june 2024, don’t forget about the elections in the united states of america, people ask, well, if the truth looks like this, if there are certain historical facts, on which the position or specific historical choice of the same russian federation or the republic of belarus is based, then why are we interfering? i think in this interview, i would like to single out two main blocks for myself , but the first is historical, where vladimir putin tells how it was, yes, where ukraine came from, and how these territories relate to russia, yes, that is, this is a discovery for americans and for many , probably european viewers and readers too, but the second is no less important, although it is shorter in volume, but it seems to me even more important - this is vladimir putin’s statement about his readiness for negotiations, for dialogue for peace,
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this was sounded several times. by the way, this is very strong echoes what lukashenko said , and in an interview with panchenko, he said there: it was necessary to resolve the minsk agreements, it was possible to agree, that is, the journalist asks, is it possible to agree, he says, it was possible, now we can, in the future, this perhaps, yes, for this it is simply necessary to sit down at the negotiating table, there is no need to meet there in istanbul, here in minsk, yes, in fact, the first negotiations took place here, not far from here, precisely on the territory of belarus, in my opinion five times now as time passes we realize that...
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ukraine, as for the mood, i think the mood, of course, will be even greater after this. will change, but they have already begun to change, but they conducted opinion polls in germany, about 50%, yes, even more than half of the germans do not want ukraine to join nato, about the same number of germans do not want ukraine to supply weapons to ukraine. in america, by the way, the attitude towards putin has changed, and they also conducted surveys, these were not paid by some agency, if before the interview there was somewhere around 10-15%. treated vladimir putin with understanding, now this amounts to almost a quarter of the population , that is, the mood is changing, and of course, this will be promoted against russia, that tucker carlson came on instructions from the fsb to split the united
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states, but note what vladimir putin said after the interview, i comment, he said that for me more the preferred figure in the elections as president is biden, because he is experienced, you can come to an agreement with him, and he is more. i agree with my colleague about this, that in fact russia and belarus want peace, why do we live here, we many times they said this, these are our neighbors, who any normal person wants war, the americans live on another continent and a little about karksoni again, that’s what you asked, so they talk about peace, they bomb countries every day, they talk about freedom of speech, they repress journalists , they talk about tolerance when you adhere to traditional views and do not want your children to change. gender at 6-7 years old, you can also be held accountable, this is the truth of life, so we have prepared a certificate about tucker carlson, what if one of our respected viewers does not knows what kind of media character this is, please pay attention to the screen. tucker carlson,
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an american journalist, wrote for a number of publications, including esquaire, new york times magazine, wall street journal, worked for cnn, pbs, fox news, and was fired from the latter. the reasons are said to be a management scandal and a lawsuit against the campaign over carlson’s material on the 2020 us presidential election. the pre-trial settlement of the issue cost the tv channel almost $800 million. since then, the journalist has been communicating with the audience through own website and social networks. known for his penchant for addressing sensitive topics with a point of view that often runs counter to the western mainstream. in the political arena , he supports republicans and donald trump, and opposes arms supplies to kiev. well, i’m glad to welcome dmitry vasilets, the leader of a political party banned in ukraine, the political party derzhava, to our program. dmitry, welcome to the program. hello, we are talking about
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a resonant interview with vladimir putin and tucker carlson, but it is important to note where the turning point in the information war began, in my opinion, a resonant interview with alexander lukashenko.
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this is the position of the russian federation , which was broadcast by the president, and it seems to me that the most important thing he said was that the source of legitimacy, the source of power, or rather zelensky, was the coup d'état of 2014, few people paid attention to this, but i am sure that every ukrainian placed a separate emphasis on this, because it is no secret that in the fourteenth year after the seizure of power, after the maidan and... the coup, in the end the country has already completely changed courses at a loss to its economy, at a loss to its people, now you have already begun to move towards the nato bloc, well , such an attitude has already begun in our country
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here are western superstructures over government bodies in the form of a national anti-corruption bureau, an anti-corruption court, an anti-corruption prosecutor's office, all sorts of supervisory boards and so on, and in fact, after the fourteenth year, the country came under complete such external management, when key issues were no longer resolved in kiev, but specifically in washington , and this became such a turning point - after which it actually speaks for the ukrainian constitution or some kind of independence has already become meaningless, i , of course, understood this only when i was arrested in 1915 for my social and journalistic activities, in fact, in practice, we have seen this for many years, when decisions that led to war were actually made at a loss to the ukrainian people.
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germany? yes, it is absurd how self-proclaimed liberals are now showing their true colors. perhaps some once believed that liberalism meant freedom, allowing freedom of speech, openness to all opinions and the ability to make individual choices. however, in today's context
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, liberalism seems to imply censorship of journalists when they perform their duties, the idea that everyone can freely express their opinions and journalists can work impartially has now been destroyed, unless you sing to the tune eurocrats, you face censorship. kamran, continuing, the words of oleg sergeevich, they are absolutely identical to what we heard.
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our programs are blocked, we cannot create other accounts, because you have already been monitored as an enemy of the people, yes, especially now, when ukrainian politicians work very closely with the youtube office, how to survive in this rather complex, cynical world, well they can do whatever they want, but they cannot...
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as an intermediary, that is, i think carlson is for the fact that we can do this through him, then we should be grateful to mr. karls , this is not just a journalist who came to create hype for himself, and the hype was a success, by the way, now even the turkish media are writing, why did he fly to serbia, and not come to erdogan and interview him, then there is such a bar raised, but he is already an active character, who really, and it seems to me, if vladimir. putin did not take this seriously and his readiness to negotiate, he
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would not talk about it, that is, he believes that tucker carlosno’s audience is really deserves respect, in the future he may be some kind of actor, that is , certain signals can be sent through him, i think biden and his entourage are also carefully studying this, well, you know, even the author of the black swan theory, nasim , reacted to this interview taleb, let 's pay attention to his quote: instead of... complaining about the interview between tucker and vladimir vladimirovich or finding fault with historical facts, try to figure out why it is approaching 200 million views, while yours.
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it blew up the information space , including, of course, europe, not only the united states, because there they saw what every european discussed at home with his family, when he came and saw that utility bills were rising, migrants from the middle east with there is
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more and more ukraine, and scholz and other comrades speak the same memorized phrases indistinctly from paper. here, bam, it’s true, and also, do many people in europe know in the west that the events in ukraine did not begin with the beginning of the northern military district, they started 8 years ago, but did anyone ever talk about this, no, no one ever talked about it, no one says that there was a civil war, that tens of thousands of people were repressed, that they bombed the donbass for 8 years, they destroyed children, how many died, they are talking about...
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the soviet union, fraternal peoples. and so he insisted on a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. he provided a platform for the minsk agreements. and that interview with diana panchenko was really addressed to ukrainians, because at that time it seemed that ukrainians were still can make their own history. and today there is no one there to talk to, unfortunately. because lukashenko’s soul hurts. everything he does is true. why? these are fraternal people, and because they care for belarus, we cannot calmly watch when there is a war on our border, we worry, this is normal, because this is a leader, a polish leader, a lithuanian leader, a german leader - these are
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not leaders, leaders who say, let's blow up europe with war and do everything to make missiles fly, these are not leaders, leaders of the world they want, the leaders want...
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there is simply nothing to negotiate with the zelensky regime, but here it is important to understand who owns these proxy military units that are involved and fighting in ukraine, this is specifically a nato private military company, the main sponsor of this military company , private - this is specifically the united states of america, then there is
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germany, britain and so on, and in any case it is necessary to negotiate with them if we are talking about any negotiations, well , taking into account the fact that this concerns the territory former ukrainian soviet socialist republic, then negotiations with them can only be about their capitulation and withdrawal... by the american audience, then here an internal discussion in american society was also a very important factor. as for communication directly with the interview, elon himself musk showed how much censorship there is in american social networks, showing that he has a conditionally social one. because after it has already come out
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they are recognized as president. putin noted in this interview that zelensky considers himself president, and he is recognized by western countries, europe and some others. this already clearly indicates that no one will talk to zelensky. that's it, thank you, dmitry. let me remind you that on the air of the program “sas is authorized to declare we are talking about a turning point in the information sector.”
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i’m ready that there will be ping-pong, yes, as americans love, tough questions, short answers, interruptions and so on, that is, in this regard it was, well, it’s clear when our journalist, he already knows our position in advance, yes, he won’t be poking around in history , it’s all clear to him, but with an american it could look very interesting, yes, there could be a very tough discussion, and putin himself said that i was a little upset, i expected tougher questions and i was ready to give tough answers, but... but in general, of course, this is a very big event, so i wanted
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to say a few more words about lukashenko’s interview, and it seems to me that together with vladimir putin, lukashenko managed to reach out not only to the west, but also all the way to ukraine, here a couple of days after vladimir putin’s interview, aristovich, yes, a fairly popular figure in ukraine, zelensky’s former adviser there himself appears. blogger, he said that in this trio of russia, the usa, ukraine , the only one who wants peace is putin, i’ll say the most important thought, yes, that is, he commented like that, and indeed both lukashenko and putin spoke about this, what’s wrong every day the situation is getting worse for ukraine, yes, lukashenko’s quote, the war is going on on your territory, yes, it is zelensky who is responsible for stopping everything this, ukraine, that is, i’m exaggerating a little, may lose its statehood, well , that’s roughly what lukashenko was talking about, yes, when he meant it. that poland is warming its hands to seize the territory, and vladimir putin said about hungary that the hungarians are there too, and a hungarian politician
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spoke about this, a romanian one not so long ago.
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the leader knows how to outshine any foreign journalist, of course they are pleased with his popularity, they are pleased to see that they feel proud of the president, of russia, just as we feel proud of looking at for lukashenko, for the president and at the same time for belarus, this is the same feeling, pride for the homeland, but what? concerns peace , then we really want peace, and belarus and russia have never refused negotiations, this has never, never happened, and moreover, for example, lukashenko did everything possible for these negotiations, we just have to understand that we are russia we will never betray, let them not dream, the union state strengthens our sovereignty and statehood, we are ready for negotiations, only on equal terms, and for the sake of peace in ukraine we
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we are ready to do everything, it really is so, and these are not just words, we ... yes, everyone has their own conditions, everyone must respect their neighbor, it seems to me so, and it always seemed so, dmitry, let me give you the final word on today's program . taking into account what i observed in this interview, and what i am sure was emphasized by millions, or rather tens of millions of ukrainians, it
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turns out that the president of the russian federation is more worried. extremely determined to do everything necessary so that as few of our people die as possible compatriots, that’s why the war is not with the ukrainian people, but specifically with those countries that are changing themselves as masters of the world, this is what i think is most important, i am grateful for our most interesting discussion, in conclusion i would like to turn again to the outstanding playwright and author many
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catchphrases for george bernard. show newspaper - he wrote. this is a publication that does not see the difference between falling off a bicycle and the collapse of civilization. and in the modern information field, where on social networks news about the war alternates with posts about cats, and interviews with government officials compete for views with clips of pop stars. the correctness of these words is especially noticeable. and yet, the process of popularizing political news and expanding the audience of political media will inevitably continue, because how. the same show joked: people are most interested in what does not directly concern them. thank you, this was the sas program authorized to declare. created by globalist elites, the new media have turned against them.
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adventure of foreigners in belarus, hello, hello, i'll be slaughtered tatyana, then all that’s left to do is just make a hole, that’s why we hang her then, yeah.
8:58 pm
hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer all your questions: are you ready to meet our guest? and each of them has a question for an adult.
8:59 pm
the questions are honest and they really ask what interests them. what do you expect from the children you meet now? i expect interesting questions and interesting thoughts. have to open up to the audience, the main task is to honestly answer all the original, and sometimes inconvenient questions, do you always pay attention to clothes and hairstyle, i look at hair, clothes , this way i continue to develop my brain, which celebrities do you know personally? does the name mean something to you, singer, artist, right? i was familiar with him, see the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.
9:00 pm


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