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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 21, 2024 9:45pm-10:46pm MSK

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yes 500 thousand words. belarusian language may have three alphabets: the most raspyudzhany kirylichny, from the 14th century. yes, there is a lapel and a navat belarusian language in arabic script, so the tatars wrote, like asel in belarus, after the raids of the ards. i yashche tsikavy fact, let’s do it for the hungarian mathematician.
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what is this terminology and how do we not have the highest adzin of the belarusian and russian languages? story by volga myadzvedz. bi-lingual language, in other words, is a literary translation of the term bilingualism in may at the university of latvia. і ў getim sense, superbly magchyma different stereotypes, one can say that the situation is bilingual. for belarus it is not unique, because the principles of such a path have traveled to many countries of the world. for the past few years we have been multilingual. a family of peasants, belarusian and russian, were polish and idesh. so it's time. just like in the old days of life, we often turn to russian gavorki. this is how the city developed , the apologies of several centuries floated, not seeming that it was my wear and tear and mystical parasitism. national the ussr, and some
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pakul nekatorya unaducavany fugitive treatment of this world our machynay, padshturkhovvayuchy belarus, and the conflict. astatine light is a practical method for mowing and thus making the skin worse. the swiss, for example, have german, french, italian and romanian. cyprus is printed in greek and turkish, india in english and hinji, and in south africa, 11 months ago, and such statements are more than 60% of the hell of the world. in my opinion, it is important for the prince's padreslіts our dzyarzhaўny status abedzvіkh my may on it is not the priority of one over the other, but rather the free supply of the necessary information on the streets of the specific conflicting situation that we are witnessing this year, the learned process, development and other...additional meaning on the hutchey. freedom is
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important, it is not easy to dig out 20 important words. you need to learn the same professional vocabulary . this is the mission of the beldzyarzh university. my calculations are based on biolagams, chemists, lawyers and geographers, using a terminology to create important sound connections for belarusian vultures. for example, shonnya. the ancestors of the faculty of law of jewelry are translating our laws into language, here respect the skin literature. at the physics department , there are such tsikavay attacks: and the price of greening is presented as profitable, but not so, as required, not the price of greening. all taxama, of course, acres of lexical sanitation is required to devote money to marfalagic assemblies. as a matter of fact, well , the students are just like that, because, for example, the words
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fractions in the belarusian language are a name of the male race, and not as a woman, as a matter of fact, in the russian language. belarusian language dzyalіtstsa on the old and daily, this ўmoўnaya mjaja pamіzh 19 and 20 stagodzh, so called the hour of the busy. the menavita literature began to farm the farms here, 100 years ago, all the youngest people of the non-slavic people, and the support of the meeting is important, because in all of our lives there will be a lot of people alive. red hutka. little test: do you know what a lady's pet is like in the world? who is khrushch? prank: that same cockchafer. according to belstat data, more than 54% treat the belarusian native mowai. the other month is at home, among the russians. kali look at the figures, the highest indicators in braskai are 77%. and the little ones themselves.
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yak adesyli student, coat of arms, flag of i gimn dzyarzhava, gally simvals nezalezhnastsi, yakai paradyutsa gistoryk-cultural padkreysliyvyan nasyanal spirit i dethanasyskiyki gramazhinan. let's sit down and sit down. the only thing that hasn’t died is the singing of the anthem. today we will sit down with the student's supolnastsya and go for a walk at the intellectual feast of what dze kali, which is celebrated on the day of our native language. tomorrow we will be in contact
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with outstanding cultural groups, for which native language - geta is not just a word spaluchenne, for yakyh geta sens zhytstya. well , i know for sure that everyone from us knows and learns our native language, as well as learns culture, for sure. adzinae, unique, as well as respecting our history, promoting our heroic sales, and not allowing rewrites. the main purpose of such flash mobs is to show respect for the belarusian language as the guardian of national culture and the world’s view. please love belarus. my dear, we need to forget about the different heavens, i mean, why the cranes are gathering, it’s obvious what the pagodas are,
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daytime. 21 lutag informative evenings on our channel pratsyagne project ekanamichnaya serada. syonnya ў centers ўvagі experts ў nuclear energy. i drink for respect and develop. good evening.
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good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus one satellite tv channel belarus 24. more than 60% of goods in stores in belarus are domestically produced. according to the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade, in the food sector the figures are even higher - about 78%. and for some groups of food products it reaches 100. the goal for 24 is to increase the total share of belarusian goods in the domestic market to 62%. according to the initial estimate of belstat, the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 18 billion rubles, or 102.8% in comparable prices compared to the same period last year. israel's economy
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fell by almost 20% year-on-year in the last quarter of last year. experts attribute the sharp decline in gdp to the large-scale call up of reservists and increased funding for construction for israelis evacuated from the border areas of the country. and labor shortages. belarus and in the twenty-third year, azerbaijan increased its exchange trade turnover by 4.2 times. this is data from the belarusian universal commodity exchange: the amount of concluded exchange transactions over the past year reached $44.6 million. the growth in volumes is associated with active exports of products from the belarusian woodworking industry. in belarus, over the past year, within the framework of the one-district-one-project program, the implementation of 19 investment projects was completed. as a result , more than a thousand jobs were created. according to the ministry of economics, in the twenty-third year the pace simple investment in fixed assets amounted to almost 115% year on year. the volume of construction and installation work increased by more than 8%, and costs for the purchase of machinery, equipment and vehicles
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increased by almost a third compared to the level of the twenty- second year. magatt assessed the financial losses of the european union from reducing the use of russian nuclear energy. according to the director general of the agency, dependence is reduced. russia's nuclear sector will cost the region billions in losses, and this will not happen instantly. let us remind you that belarus has joined among the few states possessing peaceful atoms since the discovery of the belarusian atom. the implementation of a large-scale project made it possible to make the energy industry more independent and secure, and the national economy more competitive. what is the role of nuclear energy in the economy of belarus, how is safety ensured? can beloes be considered a driver of technological development in our country? we will discuss these and other issues of the peaceful use of atoms with competent experts right now.
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today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in nuclear energy issues. sergei bobovich, general director of the belarusian nuclear power plant, olga lugovskaya, head of the department of nuclear and radiation safety of the ministry of emergency situations. its advantages over other types of energy? you know, i want to say that if in
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the 2000s there were some other options, a lot of attention was paid to green energy, the so-called, which concerned specifically the generation of solar energy, wind energy, yeah, then taking into account factor in the development of the economy itself, the resources that today need to be invested in the economy, everyone understands perfectly well that without nuclear energy there will be no movement forward, that is, it is... more environmentally friendly, that’s right, this type of energy, it is powerful, environmentally friendly, it is understandable , and the most important thing, that is, it is absolutely clear how to train personnel to work with this energy, yeah, well, i must add that nuclear energy is sustainability, there is wind, there is no wind, nuclear energy, the nuclear plant is operating today, tomorrow and will work under proper conditions constantly, there is wind, there is no wind,
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now they are raising the question that our station, well, supposedly causes environmental
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damage, in fact, poland has entered into an agreement with the united states under their credit, they will build in this northern part , but note, in 2034, but we know perfectly well that our neighbors have an objective need for an additional source of electricity, and the statements that come from these...
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nearby, lithuania, latvia, but most importantly, we we’re missing out, we won’t get away from ukraine, we’ll have to work in ukraine, no americans, the west won’t help them. for help, there is a huge amount of work, we will have to help the ukrainians, and these will buy if it’s cheaper from us, this way and that , we talk a lot on this topic, they will come to us , look, power will change in america, politics in europe will be completely it’s different, that’s why everything is changing, you don’t have to look 10 years ahead,
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you have to look 50-60 years ahead, half a century ahead, but this is a view of the future, this is a station, so they will buy. "the station is a look into the future, but let's discuss security issues, they are very important for our people, why, because we all remember the chernobyl tragedy, that is, this historical memory is preserved in people, and if we carefully analyze the statements of our opponents, they all skillfully speculate on security issues, they claim that the site is not right, and the foundation is poured incorrectly, and there..." they dropped something, it ’s wrong, it’s wrong, whatever, well, sergei olegovich, let’s answer, let ’s convince people, tell them , that's how much our nuclear power plant is modern and safe, what level of technology was used during its construction and what safety systems are provided there, well, i
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would like to say that the first thing we have is a reference block. the reference station in front of us is las-2, when we were planning, when we were building our facility, the station was already operating, which fully confirmed its safety, that is, we were not building some kind of pilot project, yeah, but as for the vvr 1200 project itself , we have it 3+, that is, with additional protection systems, security, security channels, then it should be noted here that it was born from the vvr thousand, that is, this is a project.
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egypt, today work is already underway in english, so we seem to have very good references for our station. regarding security systems , it should be noted that we have passed not one, not a single test, not a single mission, we have passed, and magate ivas, that is, these are the organizations that accompanied us, from the moment of construction until the moment of inclusion, and will continue to accompany us, and we understand perfectly well that if we had any comments, but we have a deficit in terms of
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refusals, and there is an absolute deficit in terms of refusals, that is, we seem to have no contraindications, that is, we would see and know this. therefore, but very often such theses are heard, we understand perfectly well that they, of course, have no basis, that supposedly there is some operator there, but if he falls asleep there, presses the wrong button, or god forbid wants something there do something bad, that is, in manual mode something terrible can happen, well, tell me, the human factor, it is excluded with such a station, so when designing, we have such an automatic system at the station, automatic control system, so automatic. technological control system, which, in principle, in many modes, which may be some kind of extreme, will not allow the staff to come for 30 minutes to manually correct something, so everything is set up, and what’s more, that is, in contrast from many projects with which, well, ordinary power engineers, which many encounter, all the modes that work for us, they were tested before turning on the unit in
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operation, that is, all systems were additionally tested, that is, the human factor. excluded, i think yes, of course. olga mikhailovna , please tell me, here you are, as the head of the state nuclear supervision authority in our country, yes, a serious agency that, in general, oversees such issues, tell me how serious the control over the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant was, whether the standards of the convention on nuclear safety and are there any assessments from international structures? this industry is very high-tech, it is, in fact, us in the country, and we already obviously see this, it has worked like a locomotive in terms of the development of related industries with...
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a safe project, high-quality, tested on reference blocks, as sergei olegevich said, these are competent personnel, and of course, the construction of this project, that is, all construction, commissioning, commissioning and operation work, everything is under control from the point of view of fulfilling all safety requirements, so we have been building this entire system over a very long period of time, and we are not talking about control and supervision at platform, we are talking about global...
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convention documents presuppose a certain responsibility of the country, which is formalized, this means that with a periodic cycle, the cycle is 3 years for each of the conventions, they are slightly shifted by one year, which means that a full report of the country is being prepared on fulfillment of all requirements, there are appropriate forms that we fill out, a national report is prepared, it is posted on the magathe platform, it is carefully studied by all our colleagues, friends, countries along the perimeter, our opponents, we have all our friends there, since everyone is worried about security, of course, and then this national report
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is defended after receiving all these questions, we prepare answers, and it is defended at the mogate site, where every country that has signed up to the convention has we have the right to ask questions, therefore, from this point of view, we are under full and close attention from all our colleagues, opponents and friends, control is on...
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but we will talk about staffing later, here we were talking about the fact that these are speculations , yes these statements are unfounded that maybe we did something wrong, built something wrong, didn’t finish checking something, that we need to take into account that this is not a dacha or a country house to build there, this is such a serious process, in there are so many responsible government bodies involved in it, i recommend reading the decree. number 62 of the head of state, where everything is spelled out in detail, and if the respected head of the state nuclear inspectorate olga mikhailovna tells us that everything is in order there, well, that means everything is fine there
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ok. in the area of ​​our nuclear power plant , the environmental monitoring system is organized and what elements it consists of, this is how often air measurements are taken, i don’t know, soil, water, and so on , what is the situation around this station, is it possible to pick mushrooms there or not, well, the last question the immediate answer is, yes, you can pick mushrooms, and you can catch fish, and you can
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even catch fish. you can eat, not only catch and collect, but the question of monitoring is a question that is very painful for our country, because we have very extensive experience of the chernobyl events, and accordingly we have gained very good experience on how to organize proper surveillance around such rationally dangerous objects as the belarusian nuclear power plant, what we know from chernobyl, we have implemented everything around the belarusian nuclear power plant, in the chernobyl events here. ..
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the main character is the nuclear power plant, that is, the whole issue of organizing control of radioactive contamination or potential emissions discharges there, this is the full responsibility of the nuclear power plant, tell me around the station, you fish in general, you are a fisherman , you pick mushrooms, i am a fisherman, but i haven’t been working that long, i haven’t had time yet, i’m not a winter fisherman, so as soon as in the summer, yes, that is, but our staff, who...
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what yes, the nuclear power plant carries out monitoring according to its program, but there is also such a thing called state control. not only does the nuclear power plant measure, it is also measured by the belhydromet, which, as part of the ministry of natural resources , independently, not only double-checks, but conducts independent control you can always, if not one system will work, another will work, this one will not work, another will work, that is, there is such a system as if there was a backup backup support.
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lithuania, latvia, estonia, we expected to supply poland, and , in my opinion, they still buy electricity from us to this day.
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i don’t remember millions or billions of cubic meters of gas, which means that a nuclear power plant only replaces five, that is, practically remember, the president said, i can still build two or three nuclear power plants, that is, if we are talking about completely replacing hydrocarbons, then this is really required. also the construction of at least one or two nuclear power plants, but economic calculations, i have seen estimates, are that nuclear power plants are tens of times cheaper, so generating this volume
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of electricity than importing this amount of energy through hydrocarbons, it is necessary to supply them, they need to be burned, this is all the infrastructure, depreciation, wages plus co2, plus emissions plus environmental consequences. what kind of sectors of our economy are there, maybe the types activities, which of them will receive an additional impetus, well , well, first of all, i think what is connected, for example , the metallurgical plant in the gombel region, it is energy-consuming, energy-intensive production, plus we have, well, the main types of... activities, this mechanical engineering, this will also require, and we are developing these industries, so first of all , these industries will develop and accordingly will require additional energy capacity, but here we must
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add that transport, electric transport, right here in minsk we see, yes, yes, yes, in minsk we see this at every step, we discussed it with respected experts in one of the previous issues:
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just a clean source of energy, this is a project for the generation ahead, yes, it is not the first, but so far the most ambitious in the modern history of our country is, of course, the development of peaceful atoms... a confident step towards our economic independence. what does a nuclear power plant mean for the economy, energy and quality of life of belarusians, how safe is it, in the story of alina loppo. please. just over 10 years ago, it was difficult to imagine that belarus would become a nuclear power. today this is a fait accompli , the most important milestone in the history of our country. the reality is this: nuclear energy has no alternative in terms of its efficiency. the project has undoubtedly strengthened our energy security. one of the most... large-scale, complex and technologically advanced projects
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that we are bringing to life together with russia. belos has already produced 25 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, this is the first and second block in total. thus, the station replaced almost 7 billion cubic meters of gas, again we save hundreds of millions of dollars on... purchases of blue fuel. the project became a good stimulus for the growth of energy consumption in the country. both for the real sector of the economy and for the population. almost + 7% year over year. modern multi-apartment electric houses are being built in the country. over the past 3 years, over a million square meters have been put into operation. yes, belois is working steadily and pragmatically increasing its capacity despite the once loud protests of our european neighbors, which we sometimes hear to this day. western politicians like they may be speculating on the topic of station security. not paying attention to magat's unequivocal verdicts. belarus strictly follows all
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regulations. an advisory mission comes to the republic every year. moreover, our country itself invited experts, thereby demonstrating openness and willingness to take into account the competent opinion of specialists in this field. but as they say, the dogs bark, the caravan moves on, minsk does not concentrate on sabotaging others, on its work on a complex project important for the country, ensuring security and every stage implementation under control at the highest level. the nuclear power plant is not only a guarantor of energy security, but also a contribution to the common cause of mitigating the consequences of climate change. thanks to bilaes, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced annually by approximately 7 million tons. just for reference, before the construction of the nuclear power plant began , 8,500 people lived in ostrovets. it is estimated that the population is now almost double that. the city has grown with three new microdistricts, schools, kindergartens, a hospital and other important social facilities have been built. like this the northwestern region of belarus by...
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well, that’s how much it is capable of generating at
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its peak, and the question is, this same power needs to be somehow adsorbed in the country, that is , consumed, do you think our power supply and distribution infrastructure is ready for in order to accept such an amount of energy, you know, i think that according to your question, we are already living in the future, because what you say, can we accept, we are already accepting and working on it all today. the nuclear power plant is operating today in winter period in the most favorable generation mode and daily production from two blocks is in the range of 56-57 to 57 million kilowatt-hours, and be that as it may, today this electricity is in demand within the country, that is, we do not sell, we only work ourselves, we generate about 40% of the country’s electricity, yeah. this year we plan to generate more than 16 billion kv
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in two units, our nuclear plant does not have a peak, that is, we are always in the base mode, it is always peak, that is, we have no unloading, that is, we always work at the maximum and the effect we are getting today is precisely due to the fact that for almost all nuclear power plants in the world, these stations operate in the base, this is also one of the safety elements about , that there is no unloading or set of loads.
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i can’t help but raise the issue of personnel, here is the staffing, maria grigorievna, dear colleagues, how are things going with the staffing of nuclear energy at all levels of management, this includes the operation of the station, this and the organization of proper control, analytical, scientific support, because fundamentally new competencies are needed here, this is how these issues are resolved, well, i already said. that we had a base and it was quite good; on this base we were able to create a fairly effective operating system for training personnel. there is a state youth program and policy in this regard. here in this program there is a special section for training personnel for nuclear energy, within the framework of the implementation of this program
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specialists are trained, there are four basic universities, these are bsu and the sakharov institute, this is bntu and this is bguir, these are the main basic universities, 49 graduates of our institute work at the nuclear power plant today.
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in addition, it must be said that a very large layer, a very large number of our people, who underwent retraining at the sites of russian universities, namely those traditional energy workers that we had already formed, a lot, well, let’s say, a cry was thrown out, this cry responded there are a lot of specialists who went and were retrained from conventional energy and today they work great at our station and all these things, as if in a compartment, give us the result that today we are fully staffed with operational personnel, these are the most important approaches, and the first second block, that is,
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we have almost completed the equipment as a whole stations , and the number of people that we are now recruiting , we are, to put it mildly, very selective, that is, we are not in a hurry, yeah, because we need to select, choose from the best, the desire to work at the belarusian nuclear power plant among the younger generation of young people very specialists big, in order to understand this , you need not only to come to the station, for this you need to come to ostrovets and see in what conditions people live, i mean housing conditions first of all, how they are surrounded, social infrastructure, what powerful social infrastructure , that is, almost everything, a small town, everything is within walking distance, two swimming pools, an ice palace, that is, things that include four schools, but one lyceum, three schools, and another construction site, that is, a city that today develops. well, probably the level of wages at the station is not the lowest in the country,
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that is, it is a strategic facility , it is necessary to maintain a high level , that’s why specialists also come, many by vocation, but this is always very important, but wages can do that keep a person there for six months a year, but it is very important to create conditions where a person is interested in where he is needed, where his opinion is important, that is, when a person... understands that he belongs here, then the salary is high, but not at the highest level, but this is very important, when a person can think about his generations, he knows where to live, he knows that his children can go to kindergartens, to schools, the prospect, of course, i think that in the near future ostrovets, well, a lot, it is already changing a lot, but in the near future these positive changes will increase. everything is for the benefit of our people, but tell me that with personnel of the highest scientific
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qualifications, specialists with higher education, it’s clear that scientists in the field of nuclear energy are being trained very seriously, we have a postgraduate school, well , a master’s program is a postgraduate course, in this graduate school there are specialists who specialize, well, that’s what concerns us in the field of nuclear national security. now a new council for dissertation defense has opened at the academy of sciences in sosny, we at bsu have a specialized council in which one-time defenses can be carried out in these areas, so the training of highly qualified personnel is an issue that is constantly, constantly growing. ulga mikhailovna, how is your staffing situation, how do you resolve this issue? our personnel supplier is the same as that of nuclear power plants, that is, there are also four universities about which maria grigorievna said, uh. yes, they trained specialists for us, we have signed agreements with all our universities, yeah, we believe that it is necessary to train a person, not
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only just assign him to us, but...
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two or three nuclear power plants, what do you think? needed? well, i think that in the near future, until we calmly work with one station, that is, until time will tell, the experience that today to work, he will not go anywhere , that is, we will calmly work and develop, the competencies that the staff is acquiring today, not only ours, but those who are engaged in repair, maintenance,
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diagnostics, these are already belarusian specialists, the experience that they here... receives, it is actually in demand all over the world, and the dynamics that, if the personnel working at the station will work at the station within belarus, then this is the prospect for those who serve us today, and we every year, with every plan with preventive repairs, we are increasing the influence and volume of work of belarusian specialists, our competencies are growing, very soon, that is, our specialists will be in much greater demand, namely repairmen, adjusters, that is, by and large.
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241 subscribers have already appreciated the comfort and economic benefits. on the rational use of energy resources for the benefit of the family budget. in the report by ilona volynets. let's get a look. the sachenko couple cannot get used to the weather in the house. electricity has completely changed life, making it more convenient to cook food and heat the apartment. i have more time for hobbies; painting pictures is much more pleasant than stocking up on firewood. look how beautiful it is, how warm it is. and this is only for...
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heaters where water is filled independently, well, as it heats up, you could use it, this is the know-how, in the gomel region they plan to switch 19 agricultural towns to electric heating by 2030, obviously
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that this will give impetus to the development of their industrial and social potential. 19 agricultural towns that were not transferred today for gas supply, they will be electrified, the sequence of these agricultural towns, i think we will finalize the next... few months, because we need to lay new energy mains in order to gradually power up the same reconstruction of subscriptions for individuals in each agricultural town, if we consider general comprehensive measures , which were adopted at the level of the head of state and government, in general made it possible to reach the volume of electrical energy consumption in the country by 41 billion kilohours, 41.1, this is an increase at 6.


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