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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 23, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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the authorities promised to unblock the border for military and humanitarian cargo heading to ukraine, and the checkpoints themselves on the border with square will be included in the list of critical infrastructure facilities. thus, protests there will automatically become illegal. the situation is even more deplorable: moldovan agricultural producers were left without fuel on the eve of the sowing season. tractors at protests have to be pushed to avoid wasting precious fuel. the protesters demand the provision of fuel to them, which was previously allocated to chisinau by the romanian government. but before farmers did not get it; in greece , the protesting farmers were joined by beekeepers who are dissatisfied with the increase in imports of cheap honey from eu countries. about 900 farmers gathered at the parliament building, demanding higher prices for produce to cover high production costs. the international monetary fund announced the likely problems that could result from protests by european farmers. according to the director of the imf communications department, farmer riots could have a significant impact on the level.
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the administrative building of the arshan forestry enterprise, where station number 36 is located, contains information about candidates for deputies, spacious voting booths, and transparent ballot boxes. there are 2,794 registered voters in the precinct, mostly young families who live in the new microdistrict. parents with many children, elena and alexander rovdo came to cast their votes together with their children, they say that the future of the younger generation depends on everyone’s choice. we
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live here in this area, we vote constantly at this site, i have a work shift on the weekend, saturday is sunday, so we decided to come and vote early as a family, every time we vote for the fact that we would have a good future for our children, so that children, following our example, yes, in our example, they looked up to us and did not ignore them, they constantly participated in elections and voted and made their choice, from the point of view of how voting takes place in general, and you know, actively.
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will pass in most areas, with strong winds up to 20 m/s during the day. possible light fog on some sections of roads, icy conditions, at night +1 +6, during the day up to 14 degrees celsius. this temperature regime is more than a month ahead of the climate norm and corresponds to the second ten days of april. on sunday , february 25, the weather will again begin to be determined by frontal sections, as well as a warm air mass coming from southern europe. most of the territory will be rainy, the wind
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will become southerly, moderate to gusty. at the beginning of next week, the weather will not change significantly, comfortable temperatures will be accompanied by short-term rains, and on tuesday-wednesday february will take a course towards spring, at the same time, frosts are still possible at night. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best and have a nice weekend. happy holiday, our dear defenders of the fatherland. good evening, this is the economic environment in belarus, one of the satellite tv channels belarus 24, more than 60% of goods in stores.
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domestic production. according to the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade, in the food sector the figures are even higher, about 78%, and for some groups of food products it reaches 100. the goal for the twenty-fourth year is to increase the total share of belarusian goods in the domestic market to 62%. the gross domestic product of belarus in january 2024 increased by 2.8%. according to the initial estimate of belstat , the volume of gdp in current prices amounted to 18 billion rubles, or 102.8% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. israel's economy fell by almost 20% year-on-year in the last quarter of last year. experts connect. decline in gdp with a large-scale call-up of reservists, increased funding for construction for evacuees from border areas of the country of israelis and labor shortages. in the twenty-third year, belarus and azerbaijan increased exchange trade turnover by 4 and a half times. this is data from the belarusian universal commodity exchange. the amount of concluded exchange transactions over
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the past year reached $44.6 million. the growth in volumes is associated with active exports of products from the belarusian woodworking industry. in belarus, over the past year, within the framework of the program , one district, one project, the implementation of 19 investment projects was completed. as a result more than a thousand jobs were created. according to the ministry of economy, in 2023, the rate of investment in fixed capital amounted to almost 115% year on year. the volume of construction and installation work increased by more than 8%, and costs for the purchase of machinery, equipment and vehicles increased by almost a third compared to the level of the twenty- second year.
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what is the role of nuclear energy in the economy of belarus, how is safety ensured, can beloes be considered a driver of the technological development of our country? these and other issues of using the peaceful atom let's discuss it with competent experts right now. today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in nuclear energy issues, sergei bobovich, general director of the belarusian nuclear power plant, olga lugovskaya, head of the department of nuclear and radiation safety,
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ministry of emergency situations, state atomic supervision, maria germenchuk, deputy director for scientific work international state ecological institute named after sakharov,
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it is clear how to train personnel to work with this energy, yeah, well, i must add that nuclear energy is sustainability, there is wind, there is no wind, nuclear energy, the nuclear power plant is working today, tomorrow it will work under constant conditions, there is wind, there is no wind, there are hydrocarbon supplies, there are no supplies, yes, this is also a dependence, and so on, but issues of import-export relations also cannot be discounted, right?
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so the location was chosen, probably, i think, also taking into account the fact that lithuania and poland will buy, by the way, when they are now they raise the question that our station, well, supposedly causes environmental damage, in fact , poland entered into an agreement with the united states under their credit, they will build in this northern part, but mind you, in 20034, but we know perfectly well that there is an objective need for...
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.. and these will buy if it’s cheaper here, this way and that, look, power will change in america, politics in europe will be completely different, so everything is changing, we need to look not 10 years ahead, but 50-60, look forward half a century, and this is a look into the future, this is a station, so they will buy, the station is a look into the future, but let's discuss security issues, they are very important for our people.
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the power plant is modern and safe, what level of technology was used in its construction ? let’s tell them how much our nuclear construction is and what safety systems are provided there? well, i would like to say that the first thing is that we have a reference block in front of us, the reference station is las2, when we planned, when we built our facility, the station was already operating, which is completely... gave its security, that is, we did not build some kind of pilot project, yeah, but as for
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the vvr 1200 project itself, we have it 3+, that is , with additional protection systems, security, security channels, it should be noted here that it was born from vvr 1000, that is, this is a project that proved itself to be excellent in the nineties and eighties, and this project was developed, by and large they say that vvr 1200 is...
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egypt, today work is already underway in hungary, so we seem to have very good ones references for our station and for security systems, it should be noted that we have passed more than one, not one test, not one mission, we have passed both magat and you, that is, these are the ones ... there is absolutely a shortage of failures, that is, we seem to have no there are no contraindications, that is, we would have seen and known this, therefore, but very often such theses are heard, we understand perfectly well that they, of course , have no basis, that supposedly there is some operator there, but if he falls asleep there , presses the wrong button or, god forbid, wants something there
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do something bad, that is , something terrible can happen in manual mode, but tell me, does it exclude the human factor?
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are there norms of the nuclear safety convention and are there any assessments from international structures? i want to say that this industry is very high-tech, it is essentially in our country, and we can already clearly see it, it has worked like a locomotive, from the point of view of the development of related industries, from the point of view of the development of interaction in science, in educational systems, then there is , in fact, she pulled development along with her very many directions. in our life, returning to the issue of supervision , ensuring supervision, i want to say that the construction of the first nuclear power plant is actually a grandiose project, very carefully monitored at the level of international structures, well, first of all, of course, in terms of organizing this process, that is, we just we are not only talking about the fact that
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a new facility is being created, it is being built on a turnkey basis, not on a turnkey basis, a completely new industry, a new infrastructure is being created. and the point is that when various missions, they do not check construction specifically, because checking construction means millions of different systems, equipment, a long process, they check how such a system, an inspection system, a control system, a system for implementing the project itself, is created in the country, so we are talking about the creation nuclear radiation safety infrastructure, in this case i can say that starting from the first moment when the site was selected, when...
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for one year, which means a full country report is being prepared on the fulfillment of all requirements, there is for each of the conventions they have slightly shifted the corresponding forms, forms that we fill out, a national report is prepared , it is posted on the magathe platform, it is carefully studied by all our colleagues, friends, countries along the perimeter, our opponents, so we have all our friends there , since everyone is worried about safety , of course, and then this is...
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a power plant, perhaps it emits something, perhaps there is water around the air, a fox, perhaps they are polluted, you can pick
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mushrooms there or fish there, you can’t, a lot speculations in this regard, maria grigorievna , here’s a question for you, as a specialist, the environmental monitoring system in the area of ​​our nuclear power plant has been organized and...
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in real time, that is , online, measurements are being taken in the observation zone around belarusian nuclear power plant, the presence or absence of radioactive iodine is monitored, if any information appears, when measuring that iodine appears, all emergency, emergency protection systems are turned on, emergency planning, the main actor is the nuclear power plant, that is, the whole question of organizing control.
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in fact, there is absolutely no reason for concern , even for people who live next to a nuclear power plant, there is no reason for concern, neither in terms of the frequency of air, soil, water pollution, everything is handled under control by respected institutions under control, yes first, second, that yes, the nuclear power plant carries out monitoring according to its program, but there is also such a thing called state control, little what a nuclear power plant measures, it also measures... another one will work,
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this one won’t work, another one will work, that is, there is such a system of supposedly backup, backup support, i’ve heard such assessments that even at a time when in japan , yes, this is fukushima , yes, events happened, they actively cited the belarusian experience in combating it in scientific publications, that is, we have studied all this, we have work, we know how to overcome these consequences of pollution, take them into account, and so on. irina vasilievna, these are very interesting your economic assessments, but this is very important, please tell me, here you are, as a doctor of economic sciences, professor, this is how the construction of the belarusian nuclear power plant affected the economy of our country, directly, indirectly, and which industries received additional impetus, it means that if we are developing, this means that
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production increases, which is required accordingly.
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this means russia, it was russia that built our nuclear power plant, helped to build it in any case, it is now about the same as france, well, at the same level, yes in terms of technological level, and america is behind, so when it starts projects at a lower level, so we can charge the poles if they start building with such technologies.
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this is mechanical engineering, this will also require, and we are developing these industries, so first of all , these industries will develop and accordingly will require additional energy capacity, but here we must add that transport, electric transport, we see in minsk, yes.
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energy consumption, the second is an improvement environmental situation, because up to 80% of the contribution to air pollution is transport, it must be stated. dear colleagues, that for us the belarusian nuclear power plant is not just the development of high technologies, it is not just a clean source of energy, it is a project for the generation ahead, yes, it is not the first, but so far the largest in the modern history of our country,
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of course, the development of peaceful atom is a confident step towards our economic independence. what does a nuclear power plant mean for the economy, energy and quality of life of belarusians, how safe is it? just over 10 years ago it was difficult to imagine that belarus would become a nuclear power; today it is a fait accompli, the most important milestone in the history of our country. the reality is this: nuclear energy has no alternative in terms of its efficiency. the project has undoubtedly strengthened our energy security; it is one of the most large-scale, complex and technologically advanced projects that we are implementing together with russia. beloyas has already produced 25 billion hours of electricity, this is the first and second unit in total, the station has replaced almost 7
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billion cubic meters of gas, again saving hundreds of millions of dollars on purchases of blue fuel. the project became a good stimulus for the growth of energy consumption in the country, both for the real sector of the economy and for the population, almost plus 7% over the year. modern multi-apartment electrohouses are being built; over the last 3 years, over a million square m2 have been put into operation. yes, blass works stably and pragmatically increases its capacity despite the once loud protests of our european neighbors, which we sometimes hear to this day. western politicians are speculating as best they can on the topic of the station’s safety, while not paying attention to magat’s unequivocal verdicts. belarus strictly follows all regulations. advisory missions come to the republic every year. moreover, our country itself. invited experts, thereby demonstrating openness and willingness to take into account the competent opinion of specialists in this field. but as they say, the dogs bark, the caravan moves on, minsk does not concentrate on sabotaging others, but on its work on a complex project important for the country, ensuring safety and every stage
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of implementation under control at the highest level. the nuclear power plant is not only a guarantor of energy security, but also a contribution to the common cause of mitigating the consequences of climate change. thanks to bilas, carbon dioxide emissions will be reduced annually by approximately 7 million tons. for reference, before the construction of the nuclear power plant began , 8,500 people lived in ostrovets. counted. now the population is almost twice as large. the city has grown with three new microdistricts. schools were built kindergartens, hospital and other important social facilities. this is how the northwestern region of belarus is gradually moving towards a modern industrial center. and we are also developing our scientific school, looking at energy-efficient housing and electric transport from a different angle, reducing dependence on blue fuel and fluctuations in energy prices. belarus will receive a source of affordable and clean electricity for decades to come. i think
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this is a worthy conclusion to our discussion, and in essence our conclusions resonate with the theses that we heard in the story, there are no objections, but dear colleagues, no, please tell me, sergey olegovich, here. different modes , it produces more, less, different power units, it is difficult for an uninitiated person to understand this, but how much it is capable of generating at its peak, and the question is, this same power needs to be somehow absorbed in the country, that is, consumed, how do you think our power supply and distribution infrastructure is ready to accept such an amount of energy? you know, i think that to your question, we are already living in the future,
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because what you say, can we accept, we already accept it all today and are working, the nuclear power plant today operates in the winter in the most favorable mode for production and daily output from two units us in the range of 56-57 to 57 million kilowatt-hours, and be that as it may, today this electricity is in demand internally. countries, that is, we don’t sell, we only work for ourselves, we generate about 40% of the country’s electricity, yeah, that’s in this year we plan to generate more than 16 billion kv in two units, our nuclear plant does not have a peak, that is, we are always in the base mode, it is always peak, that is, we have no unloading, that is, we always work at maximum and the fact that today we are getting the effect that we get, it is precisely connected with the fact that for almost all nuclear...
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the structure of our country, after all, it is subject to modernization, it needs to be improved in order to transfer more electricity to the end consumer, we need this infrastructure, well, expand , expand, modernize, right, well, right, look, we are now talking about populated areas and a specific ordinary consumer who lives in a private house or apartment building, well, it could be an industrial consumer, it could be a private consumer, for industrial consumers there are no problems, that is... the networks that go to them today completely satisfy them, that is, they
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seem to completely satisfy their needs, today we are talking about populated areas points that can get electricity today, people need it, that’s where it will be necessary to have plans developed to increase consumption there, that is, practically this means that the cross-section of the cable needs to be repaired somewhere along the street, somewhere a transformer , which is there de 04 needs to be put more. powerful, and those applications that are coming today, a very high percentage of people who apply receive permission, and we even see that many people still have a desire to add, and i i think, over time, that is, all these desires will be realized, as you think, irina vasilievna, well, this is, well, modernization, by and large , of our power distribution network, yes, who should finance it, these are expenses.
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and representatives from these
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countries were present there, they are very afraid of this, they even came to moscow and asked to carry out an experimental shutdown to see what would happen, because the remaining industry and energy sector in general, which, so to speak, is taking place, could go down in lithuania, and what they say is that they are against our station, lithuania, latvia, estonia there, we won’t buy, but they will just... correct, it says, purely technically, these distribution systems, they’re kind of like do not fit together, and there , in my opinion, there are five rings, so electricity in europe today is expensive, and accordingly, if all this goes from scandinavia to the baltic states, then the entire industry , including small businesses, will finally suffer, listen, it will be
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the same as with the supply of liquefied gas to germany, they refused russian supplies, and are now purchasing expensive ones. dear colleagues, this is a very capacious topic , i would like to ask a lot of questions , we probably won’t have time to do everything, but i can’t help but raise the issue of personnel, here is staffing, maria grigorievna, dear colleagues, how are things going with the staffing of nuclear energy at all levels of management, this includes the operation
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of the station, and the organization of proper control and analytical and scientific support. there are four basic universities, these are bsu and the sakharov institute, this is bntu, and this is bguir, these main basic universities, 49 graduates of our institute, work at the nuclear power plant, today, they are distributed and
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work, how many specialists with higher education do we produce in the country per year for the needs of the nuclear energy industry of our country, well, approximate. to us lithuanians, who helped us here in the implementation of our project, without them a lot of us probably wouldn’t have worked out , maybe not so quickly, but it wouldn’t have worked out, so many thanks to them for the work that they did and are doing, that is, of course they their level, their experience of working at operating stations was very important for our country, uh
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, besides this, it must be said that a very large layer, a very large number of our people, and they were retrained at the sites of russian universities, namely those traditional power engineers who we had already formed, a lot of, well , let’s say, a cry was thrown out, a lot of specialists responded to this cry, who went, underwent retraining from conventional power engineering and today work great at our station, and all these things seem to be in coupes are given to us the result is that today we are fully staffed with operational personnel, these are the most important approaches and the first and second block, that is, we are almost complete.
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two swimming pools, an ice palace, that is, that is, things that are four schools, well, one lyceum, three schools and another one is being built, that is , a city that is developing today, well, probably, the level of wages at the station is not the lowest in the country, that is, a strategic object yes. it is necessary to maintain a high level, that’s why specialists also come, many by vocation, but it’s always very important, but wages are what can hold a person back. six months a year, yes , it is very important to create conditions where a person is interested, where he is needed, where his opinion is important, that is, when a person understands that he
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belongs here, then the salary is high, but not at the highest level, but this is very important when a person can think about his generations, he knows where to live, he knows that his children have access to kindergartens and schools, the prospect, of course, i think that in the near future ostrovets...
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our personnel supplier is the same as that of nuclear power plants, that is, there are also four universities about which marya grigorievna said, yes, they trained specialists for us, we have signed agreements with all our universities, yeah, we think it’s necessary to prepare a person, not only just to assign him to us, but to prepare him from the first, from the second year, that is, so that a person understands that, after all, it’s one thing to work at a facility, all the responsibility is there, but the regulatory body... it’s actually in what there must be some parts somewhere a little ahead, and we believe that our specialists should be, well, maybe a little bit stronger than the specialists, yes,
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working at the station, although of course, there is a very high level of qualifications there, so we work with the same universities, here is maria grigorievna, literally we hold discussions every month, every month, in the near future master’s and graduate students from the faculty of chemistry of bsu are coming to us. now here is the question of training specialists with precisely this specialization, radiochemistry, chemists, because for the chemical regime for atomic chemical stations, there is water treatment there, but now i’m just speaking in development, our nuclear power plant began to produce radioactive waste, that is, such is life, that’s how such systems work, that’s why our immediate tasks are so global within the country, this is the construction of a point burials. spent nuclear fuel,
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well, all the waste that we have in industry, in medicine, everything that is now coming to an end, the life cycle of all these sources, they will also be, they are buried in the appropriate, well, appropriate places, yes, in storage facilities, irina vasilyevna, we have already approached this aspect so carefully many times, so... i want to ask you this question directly: can the belarusian nuclear power plant be considered, well, a kind of driver of the technological development of our country, here some kind of core of a new cluster, and if so, what types of activities will undergo changes in the near future? the fact is that in general all countries, especially technologically developed ones, are entering the sixth economic structure.
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economy, including, we must have a good energy base, including agro-industry and rural areas, and not just an energy base, there are windmills spinning, and winter has come, everything is frozen, and nothing is spinning, but we must have sustainable energy, this kind of stability , nuclear energy creates such a basis for us , so when you talk about a cluster, you can talk about... that means our station will be the core of some kind of cluster, but in fact, i want to say,
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it needs our economy, i emphasize once again, as the numbers show, yeah. but those who are engaged in repair , maintenance, diagnostics are already belarusian specialists, the experience that they gain here is actually in demand all over the world, and the dynamics that, if the personnel working at the station work at the station within belarus, then this is the prospect for those who serve us today, and every year, with every preventative repair plan, we increase
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the influence and volume of work of belarusian specialists, our competence...
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the sachenko spouses cannot get used to the weather in the house, electricity has completely changed life, it’s more convenient to cook food and heat the apartment , there’s more time for hobbies, painting pictures is much more pleasant than stocking up on firewood, look how beautiful it is, how warm it is, and it only costs a minimum, and if only before in the end i turned it on, comfort with benefits for the family budget, the use of electricity also allows for good savings, equipment, by the way for live bait...
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self-reconstruction of subscriptions for individuals in each agricultural town, if we consider the general comprehensive measures taken at the level of the head of state, government, and in general. made it possible to reach the volume of electricity consumption in the country by 41 billion to 41.1, which is an increase of 6.6%. and here there is significant growth, there is in the real sector of the economy , there is also growth in population, thanks to belaes, new opportunities for using electricity are being added, over the past 2 years the volume of reconstruction and construction of electrical networks in the country has almost doubled, the electrification of the housing stock will continue, and means life... do you think our people are ready for nuclear electrification, are the preferential tariffs for
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electricity consumption attractive enough for people, or is something else needed? well, i think that the conditions are now being created very good in order to make decisions, well , electrification solves a lot of problems, this is the delivery, for example, of firewood, which... is not necessary, it makes life much easier, and the very operation of electrical appliances, which we are in every residential building, that is, people quickly get used to it, and electrification allows you to make a choice, either it’s a boiler or a convector you install , that is, a very good choice, today many people even think, if heat pumps weren’t such an expensive equipment, all these things are even more convenient, so if someone today i would decide to produce good, cheap heat pumps in belarus, this would also... significantly improve the conditions for electricity consumption. it’s a good niche, we need to use it, our entrepreneurs or industrial organizations need to actively use it, well, a heat pump, air, air, you mean, yes, air conditioning
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, they come in different different designs, they can be, and at the same time, they can work with water, that is, depending on what is available on what possibility is there either air air or still with water, yeah, underground water, do you think our people are ready for nuclear electrification, are there enough incentives for consumers and society? well, we are not experts here as a supervisory body, but purely from a human perspective, i think that of course this is very attractive from the point of view of environmental friendliness and convenience, that is, especially we saw that yes, environmental friendliness, and here they showed the territories of the khoniki, these are our chernobyl territories according to the chernobyl program.
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so to speak, there will be co2, well , there will be significantly less co2 emissions if there is electric transport, but not only the environmental parameters here, but also the economic parameters are also very important. tariffs, but they exist, where we are talking about heating electricity, there are preferential tariffs, and life shows that they are attractive to people, of course, when a person has.


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