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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm MSK

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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes. today my route is built into a region of picturesque landscapes, crystal clear lakes and impregnable swamps. we meet with knitting, we all know that the wife of kupala, uladzislava franzaina, worked the knitting, who was born here, when the museum was built here, when people came here and were given this right meat, for the work of the first s.
6:31 pm
khatsyab ne atrestsi gety tsud, shto varyў nayvyalikshi masters. mil elevich.
6:32 pm
trzeba natychmiast doprowadzić do likwidacji tvp, brawo, wszystkich funkcjonariuszy i pracowników sługb sądownictwa, skazał, wlijania.
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the fact that you promised that everything would be anonymous, now everything has turned out in a completely different way, it turns out that you are deceiving, deceiving, who, i personally promised you, in connection with the war in the east, it is necessary to increase the polish army, but soft power in the countries must not be lost of the former soviet union, such a role is played by belsad as an instrument of foreign policy influence, this is a quote from lawyers-defenders of belsat, without intelligent metaphors, where do they get information from, how anonymous it is, and how then they throw away those who collaborated with them.
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the polish tvp has long been considered exclusively the mouthpiece of kaczynski’s government policies, or more precisely the pis party. they made fun of tvp, and sociological studies showed that about 26% of the polish population believed that polish state television showed the real picture. natychmiast doprowadzić do likwidacji tvp. oh, bravo! today poland is overtaken by a battle for television. tusk came to power and distributed portfolios, however, he did not forget who, throughout the entire election campaign, even earlier, watered his buckets of mud, or how public television suddenly became tame, piss-like. the essence of the claims, among other things, was that there were guys in this holding who earned 4 million zlotys a year. the knees of ogneshka romashevskaya guza began to tremble. who doesn't know, she is the creator and does not move.
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what can i do to at least somehow touch alexander lukashenko, because it is impossible to hide that with their decision the belarusian authorities destroyed all my plans. can a polish journalist, even if she is very offended by upset plans and vindictive, sitting at the airport waiting for a deportation flight, open her channel to pinch, i quote, the leader of another state, only if she is the daughter of influential parents. with a very strong influence in the polish state, her mother is an adviser to the president, her father, who is no longer alive, was also a very influential person, her husband is now the polish ambassador to ukraine, so we are talking about a very influential family, an untouchable family that he just can
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do anything. so, in 2007, the polish state holding tvp entered into an agreement from mit poland, they say they will broadcast to a structure based on tvp, but since... the interests there are foreign political, the polish mfa will pay about 20 million zlotys a year for this miracle. but meade, of course, does not have his own money; it will still have to be taken from the country’s budget, which is formed from people’s taxes. therefore , every year in the sejm, when the budget justification takes place, the deputies make a decision: there is the eastern partnership program, we need to go there, and then there is belsad, which will not survive without money, and this is an important foreign policy an instrument of poland, the purpose of which, as romoshevskaya herself says, is to influence certain changes in consciousness. and in this sejm, which distributes the budget, including what belsad will receive, i will remind you once again. romashevskaya’s father sat as vice-speaker until 2011, that is, there was no
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conflict of interest, no nepotism, not even once. this channel should broadcast in belarusian and for belarusians, the polish leadership is new, and the employees have polish salaries. this is a fragment of an interview with a russian. komsomolskaya pravda from 2021 year, it is financed by the ministry of foreign affairs, yeah, and television, polish television, that is , just part of the money that the state allocates, allocates to you, your channel, that’s right, that is, this is a state channel that broadcasts in the belarusian language, yeah, dry numbers, according to open data , over 10 years from 2009 to 2019, more than 300 million zlotys were spent on maintaining the tv channel, over all subsequent years... polish society calls on tens of millions that are allocated to the maintenance of useful idiots to donate support and treatment little poles suffering from oncology are not heard, so especially devoted dudi pis journalists from the extremist editorial office rent apartments in warsaw for $600,
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open their own stores, and hang out in business in the very heart of the polish capital. they drink, pour it down the collar, by the way, a lot and a lot of belarusians, hey, anishka, you’re mine, you’re just generally crazy , you’re an asshole, you’re so talented, so fucking tough, so, so fucking, belsad is truly an independent channel, it’s independent of belarus , they are not here journalists, independent of the country’s information, he is independent of the opinion of belarusians and independent of freedom of speech, and free journalism itself, because again he is subordinate
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to the polish government and its aggressive foreign policy from the party of law and justice, indeed belsaat has been implementing a search for seven years. but in general, is it possible at the first independent one to allow yourself to doubt the decisions of the authorities, not belarusian, polish, just a little, remember, the famous photo that became
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a meme, this is the official photo from twitter whoever didn’t laugh at trump, they say , look at the position in which polish politics stands in front of american politics, but for the caption to the photo in his personal account. the employee paid with his position, and, by the way, he is not a journalist. on the left, the president of poland, it was not the president of poland, of course, employee ivan schill, who was fired, facebook said in a message.
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the source of imposing polish interests on the belarusian population, however, the profitability of maintaining such an instrument of soft power has always raised questions: 3% of the regular audience, oh, this is a sacred figure, this became the reason that the polish ministry of defense at the end of 2016 decided to shorten the funding gap, significantly three times. the head of the department in those years, it was vitald vashchakovsky, explained: the effect on the population inside belarus is modest, himself.
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and as if those people who stand behind belsat, perhaps the answer to this question is the fact that, as rumashevskaya herself admits, belsad is partially financed not only by the polish foreign ministry, but also by the american state department, perhaps it is the american gasdeb that provides certain -
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absolutely any nonsense, if it corresponds to party policy, will end up on the resources of this media without verification. november 2020 the belsat editorial office receives a message: stuffing. security forces shoot people, believe it or not, with a child’s pistol with suction cups. detentions have begun on pushkinskaya, a company of military men is standing near mcdonald's, shooting at people from a plastic children's pistol with sticks with suction cups, aiming at the face. the mind leaves the chat. the message is published in the telegram channel of the polish editorial office: incompetence, soft
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to put it more precisely in a conversation with a journalist and editor of an extremist channel, they are absolutely idiots, that means they are narrow-minded people, but they are diligent, they somehow learn at least these, they are assholes and do not know how to work and do not know, and most importantly and they are not going to learn that it’s shit, that it’s shit if you don’t see it. everything else, lyuba, well, what kind of news will take it if they don’t have journalists here, although i haven’t heard anything, well, they don’t have
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a single journalist here, there are no belsat journalists in belarus, the headquarters in minsk is closed, and the resource is recognized as extremist, here is the main and main question: is it possible to give information about belarus while in poland, how can you broadcast about belarus from here, and why not, that’s where you get the information from, you’re a correspondent there? where do you get the information, it will be found, it’s located, well, how it’s found on the internet , or why it doesn’t quite work out, so the information that you’re not in place, we’re in place, well, as if in place, that is, because after all for me a person who works, that is, i i don’t i can broadcast, for example, from here i can tell you what’s happening in belarus, i haven’t been there, uh-huh, uh-huh, i can’t trust that i’ll just call my friend,
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say, well, how are things going there, she’ll say, you know, here so and so, that’s not it, i have to check the information.
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so i kind of decided to write, i thought that i would remain anonymous, well, in fact, they don’t even smell of anonymity there, i wrote a letter saying that in principle i wanted to talk, you had such and such a program about disabled people, i can , that's when she i called, we started talking and somehow i, uh, you know, i was wary, she
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was like, yes, what exactly do you not like there, and i was wary of something and decided, you know, well, i’m probably not ready for this interview yet , there’s no answer here or there, well, usually you write there for a while or somewhere else, but we’ll figure it out there, we’ll see, that is, well, i think that’s how it is drowned in a heap of information, any person who can watch this story will already draw conclusions about, say, the level of anonymity, let’s spare the broadcast, not anonymous, there are enough surnames, in latvia, for example, only for watching our tv or russian. the censorship would fine each of them up to 14,000 euros. within the framework of the law on the quality of freedom of speech for the protection of national security. freedom of speech, it turns out, has a quality in democracy. it's time to remind about responsibility. article 361.4 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. promoting extremist activity is punishable by restriction
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of freedom for a term of up to 4 years or imprisonment for a term of two to 6 years. we actually we called there in poland to find out what they are now proposing to do, we didn’t exactly call, those who were promised anonymity, but abandoned the sailors, we called the management, the vice-director of belsat, your employees, i don’t know what to call them, guaranteed me anonymity, and that no one will know about it, now i have problems. firstly, first she offered to speak in polish, we made a deal in english, secondly, you can say delete it, but in general write letters in small handwriting, hello, hello,
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hello, talking with your journalist like last year um last year in 2023 and they promised me to be anonymous uh so they will not give to
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anybody my name and surname and um yesterday hi had issue with that and uh they know all the conversation all details that i gave to your journalist and i want to understand - what i can do with this okay? i will ask you to send me the links or first of all the date where when these video interview was who are you talking with just in case just understand where is this video is it public now or not i'm not working with videos that's the problem it wasn't video
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it was written it was written on i'm telling you, i don't want them to register a stump there, however, they can introduce themselves not as journalists, but simply as regular concerned clients, and then broadcast it on the
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air, put it on the website, taxi , hello, hello, this is service 158, yes, but i wanted to ask you, i just read the news, i constantly use your service, that in our city there will not be 158 and... 152, that some checks are going on, well checks are going on, work is also going on, that is, everything is working, you can order, it’s safe, everything is fine, don’t worry, it’s definitely safe for you, i understand, so why check what they want, should the journalist introduce himself, name, surname, media, warn the person that he will be on air , and in general, that according to the law of the republic of belarus, the media is recognized as an extremist resource, and a person may get into trouble, the entry with...
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freelancers will be counted, but for the sake of fairness, there are still big questions about the promised anonymity, they are still leaking, bitch, bitch, this video is in the public domain, by the way, it wasn’t either, it was for internal use, so, the bottom line is that on january 12, romashevsk and her deputies were deprived of financial powers, later the power of attorney was restored, but only for a month... in significantly reduced amounts. polish mit reported that the channel will operate for political reasons, but drastic changes await it. every penny will be checked for effectiveness, that is,
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was it worth it? the filling in 3% of the audience comes from the polish budget. the belarusian satellite will no longer be belarusian, or rather belarusian-speaking, it is good to remember russian, learn english and german. there is panic in the belsat editorial office, because only 10% of employees have registered for romoshevskaya state; not everyone will be able to jump into the satellite on the new polish rails. in other words, as in that song, a drink from belsat employees. suitcase, station.
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adventure of foreigners in belarus. hello. hello. i'm tatyana. and then all that remains is to just make a hole, for which we hang it later. yes. and so it turns out to be such a pellet. well, do you think that i will trust you? well, of course, so that i don't cried. an ecuadorian lives here.
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they said that it dries very quickly, then when i wanted to remove this too, i thought it would be so simple, but it wasn’t easy, wow, in short, yes, it’s a krak savet, look at the travel project belaya rossa on the belarus 24 tv channel .
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