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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 23, 2024 8:00pm-8:51pm MSK

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this is a panorama, a live broadcast about the main events of the holiday friday, february 23 , i, sergei lugovsky, will tell you, hello, for service to the homeland, military valor and courage, the president presented awards to the defenders of the fatherland. our first gold at the games of the future, belarusian cyclists, the first in a virtual race and hits for the soul, today at 20:45 on... belarus is alone, the only show in the country in which age is a plus. factor byy 60+. the most sincere and sincere television project. well, while we are preparing for the folk show, we look at panorama. for military services in peacetime. the presentation of state awards and military ranks is taking place today in the palace of independence in a solemn atmosphere on february 23. we’ll tell you how it all happened and show it in panorama.
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the country celebrates the day of defenders of the fatherland, on this occasion ceremonial events were held, we honor those who gave their lives for peace and tranquility on earth, and also congratulate our men. open election campaign, assessment of foreign missions, joint plans of the center of election commissions, we will tell you the details of bilateral meetings the fourth day of early voting. to call or not to call is a matter of electoral sovereignty. why are observers from the osce not invited to the elections in belarus, why are they observing meekly? let us recall the so -called security missions under the heading katyushin’s calculation. what are the nato military afraid of, what is the difference between our soldiers and the alliance, what is the strength of the belarusian officers and soldiers? answers in the new issue according to the form. presented
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state awards and general's shoulder straps to representatives of senior officers. this is a decades-long journey. to earn such recognition, you need to go through everything. from training in his youth, through dozens of different positions, investigations and combat missions to positions of responsibility. these people protect belarus, control the internal and external security of our country, as they themselves say, 24x7. this is february 20. 3, a landmark in their service. katerina krutalevich will continue. these are rare moments when they give interviews to themselves. major generals of the armed forces of the ministry of internal affairs, colonels of justice, as a rule, due to ensuring the security of the state or thailand the inheritance rarely comes out to journalists, such work. but today is a special case, there is a reason to remember how it all began. you know, i remember, of course, the first criminal case that i took part in , my career path, i began in the authorities. internal affairs and was an investigator
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of the oktyabrsky rod of the city of minsk, and of course, like every investigator in life, he remembers exactly that first case, the first investigative action that he carried out on his initial path. but there was also a competition of 16 people for a place at the academy ministry of internal affairs. today's colonel of justice will smile, then it turned out that he was seconds away from failure. but everything worked out, then work, a lot of work in different ranks and positions. investigator, senior, investigator for particularly important cases, drug trafficking, crimes against the person, against. in information security, if translated into civilian language, these people catch scammers on the internet. the latest high-profile case is the cessation of work of a network of call centers in belarus and the detention of 50 people who lured gullible citizens money, as supposedly representatives of investment companies. this is work within the country, the security that you and i see and can feel, not to mention those who protect our external contour, what efforts they make. every day
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it’s hard to imagine the efforts of civilians, this is also such a job, officers say, state awards for such work, well-deserved thanks, their people... so i’ll be frank, the president will start with this. it is indeed very difficult for the siloviki today. alexander lukashenko will speak a phrase that will very clearly define why the officers are so highly commended, you and i do not see this. we reward true defenders of the fatherland for military merits in peacetime. and it remains peaceful for us, because our soldiers stand today in the path of the real enemy, like an obstacle. they stand like an insurmountable wall. promptly identifying, detaining saboteurs , clearing explosive devices, we have peace and quiet, because our guys are infiltrating terrorist groups, at the risk of their lives, blocking channels
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supplies of lethal weapons and ammunition to the country, and suppress the espionage activities of foreign intelligence services. our people sleep peacefully because officers and generals take part in military operations, sometimes at the risk of their lives. today, the best of them have been awarded high state awards of the highest military ranks. thank you, dear friends, for your service, for preventing the hybrid attacks on belarus from developing into a full-scale hot massacre. thank you.
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everything is interesting, we went, passed the medical examination, passed the exams with excellent marks, became suvorovites, that’s it, my eyes lit up , somehow i couldn’t even imagine life in the army, so with one impulse, in one spirit, we walked, walked, served, not looking back at the difficulties, not looking back at all the other issues, but it was hard, yes, there were difficult times, but we served, and to be honest, i never regretted it, i am very grateful to my... family, first of all, that they supported me in these moments, absolutely, well, let’s say, they did not prevent me from serving. today, these men themselves are an example; responsibility for the future is placed on their shoulders. and more than ever, your participation in educating the younger generation is important. you are a living example to this generation.
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who, if not you, should become an example of exceptional devotion to the fatherland. who, if not you, can be an example of courage and valor, an example. which educates without words, because no matter how the modern technological direction and modern technologies develop, no matter how the means of combat are improved, without the fortitude of a fortress, the spirit of a warrior, there are no and cannot be victories, again, as always, in the center of human attention. order for military valor. the award goes to those who distinguished themselves by courageous and decisive actions that ensured the completion of combat missions. and a medal for courage, no need to explain here. alexander lukashenko’s meeting with the military the day before determined a clear list of tasks for the system; last year alone , 25 military
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conflicts were unleashed and continued in different regions on different continents. belarus is constantly trying to drag its neighbor somewhere into the hot ukrainian conflict. poland hopes so much, quote: to change the belarusian regime and declare its legal. our army must be equipped, mobile, priority is given to combat training, the military commander-in-chief has been heard. today we congratulate everyone who wears an epaulette, this means that this is not only a men’s holiday, it has already become a national women’s and men’s holiday, because many... of our good , valiant women wear the epaulettes of a military serviceman today, so once again with i want to congratulate you on this nationwide, bright holiday, good luck to you, your loved ones
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, health, success in your service for our good homeland. traditionally, a symbolic glass of champagne for the officers begins their day off, as they themselves say with a smile, with a high degree of probability, this means that if everything goes well, if everything goes according to plan, so for this plan to work for the country, they do not belong to themselves, the homeland comes first, this is the meaning of the phrase serve the fatherland. and these people consider such difficult work a great privilege. katerina krutalevich, veronica buta, ivan martynovich, andrey ivanenko, telenews agency. ceremonial events on the occasion of defenders of the fatherland day covered the entire country. flowers in memory of those who died for our freedom were laid at hundreds of memorials. the leadership of the armed forces of belarus, led by the minister of defense, viktor khrinin, laid flowers at the victory monument in minsk.
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congratulations from the fair sex on the day of defenders of the fatherland went to the fighters of the information front and the bel tv and radio company. news tension is growing, provocations, fakes towards belarusians, journalists are always on the front line, ready to repel any information attacks, of course, to intercept the agenda. everyone says that fortunately, we are not participating in the real one.
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uzbekistan, tajikistan, kazakhstan, russia. the meeting took place with observers of the shanghai cooperation organization. what assessment do they give to our elections - material by vladislav bonder. the way the flags were changed at the central election commission and protocol photos were taken with the delegates is an indicator:
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we are holding elections openly. yes, the speech is not biased by the osce, although more than two european observers are accredited dozens. let us emphasize that the independents, this is a matter of transparency, our cec chairman greeted his foreign colleagues at bilateral negotiations as partners and friends. in uzbekistan, last year was a double electoral year. amendments to the constitution in the spring, early presidential elections in the summer. belarus, among the observers and representatives of the electoral body, already said then: “we can cooperate more.” we accelerated rapprochement at the leadership level during our president's recent visit to the country. age of the majority. uzbekistan voters up to 35 years, they saw how we are improving the electoral culture among young people and offered cooperation, and the development of our it sector is not a reason to together modernize the electoral process. people want to use their voting rights as quickly, efficiently and without any external interference as possible, this is also a great achievement
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of today’s development of it technologies, in belarus it technologies. has a very high development, as soon as we landed it was immediately clear that there were elections in the country, so the delegation of tajikistan already noted the city banners with one day and operational notes on television, in addition to information work, the entire election campaign was carried out according to high international standards, as we were convinced of personally at the polling station. all conditions are being created for people to go to the polls, vote freely, express their will, and from...
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i asked for materials about these candidates, but i thought about it because i know these people personally, they are all worthy, on this at the site in minsk one could even meet santa claus, albeit without a fur coat, gray beard and makeup, the main performer of the role in the country, honored artist of belarus vladimir radevilov also voted early. i vote in advance because i have a big
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traveling concert on the 25th, but the 25th is the deadline. will criticize, criticize, so the decision of the belarusian leadership not to invite western observers is quite logically justified, well , there is no point in coming here to look for some fictitious, frankly speaking, pitfalls in the organization of elections, violations, that the campaign in the country is taking place in normal mode, the cec chairman notified representatives of all
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delegations, and observers from the sco emphasized that the mission will be impartial and objective, starting yesterday. all members of the mission have already arrived in minsk, we have already held the first organizational meeting, defined tasks, a work plan, distributed all members of the mission into groups, assigned them the areas that need to be visited, and i would like to note that the areas are determined by us ourselves, the mission observers, without any influence or pressure from outside, and also a meeting with observers from russia, kazakhstan, in a word all day in the spirit of the belarusian...
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however, to invite or not to invite an organization that has become essentially defective and promotes the interests of the nato military bloc is a matter of electoral sovereignty. so why are observers from the osce not invited to the elections? why are they observing meekly? ekaterina tikhomirova has the answers.
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for whom are elections held? for the people, not for europe, not for america, it is belarusians who go to the polling stations to choose who will represent them. who will solve their problems with garbage removal or entrance repairs, for example, and european and american jackets, for example, from the osce, are not involved in this process in any way. andrei savinykh explained to european parliamentarians why belarus did not invite international observers to the elections through the osce monitoring committee and the osce parliamentary assembly. political trends in the west make us doubt the preservation of democracy.
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to be honest, i have tired myself out for a long time, there are plenty of facts here, the minsk agreements, we are somehow bypassing another important signatory, this was the first package from 2014, and the mission was supposed to be a neutral party, monitor the implementation of the peace agreement and prevent further conflict, but the peace organization coordinated all its actions with kiev, which means indirectly with nato, did not react to the killing of civilians in donbass. here are the shots from 2014. the mission
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was already working, come on, run here, come here, moreover, this organization, neutral on paper, was spying and transmitting intelligence data to the ukrainian armed forces to adjust the fire, they were already bombing. one of these cameras was discovered with the beginning of the nwo, and it's far away not all, the beginning of the end of yugoslavia was also laid by the osce, not directly, of course, but the head of the mission in kosovo at that time was william walker, closely associated with the cia. today he is called one of the perpetrators of information provocation, which became the reason to ironize belgrade. kosovo village rachek entered in 1999. information that serbian police allegedly executed 45 albanian civilians. the head of the osce verification mission in kosovo and metohija, american william walker, suddenly came to the village,
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making a statement widely reported in the world media statement about civilians shot. without trial or investigation, the blame was placed on the serbian police. after 78 days, nato aircraft bombed belgrade and other areas of yugoslavia. the western press will call it.
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no matter what the paid western politicians want, who certainly have not heard anything about what it means to love your people, apparently these are beyond their boundaries of european values, which they are trying in every possible way to impose on the world and thereby weaken the moral foundation, divide society and destroy traditional values, as they were in the twentieth. remember how destructive portals and communities called for people to take to the streets, as they promised mountains of gold for... personal data of journalists, people in uniform, how they tried to put pressure on people who stood up to defend the country, but in fact, these same administrators from abroad supervised
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protest movements. and, of course, all this is not for the well-being of our people. what do those who believed them regret now, why is it so important not to repeat the mistake? report by marina romanovskaya. and when this mass mailing began, all kinds of posts there. now i understand that you are stupid to leave comments, but people react. it was all a storm of emotions, now having control over them, marina clearly understands why stuffing is needed, who benefits? even if they cannot provide their european citizens with basic food and working conditions. the interest in our people in the twenties was different: to shake up the situation , sow a seed of doubt, then continue according to the script while it’s hot. i made a mistake and i want to.
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tell people how to protect themselves from unwanted actions, warn against rash actions that cause harm and bring destruction, think about the future of our country, understand that you need to be responsible for every action you take, think, evaluate correctly everything you do, and if for someone the support of extremist resources, well, for example, a capacious commentary, a temporary clouding , as they themselves now say, then for some a conscious choice in favor of destruction, all these leaders and portraits of a hanged rebel from the home interior of those who, even by virtue of their profession, should know our history, but in fact, the substitution of concepts and the magnet on the refrigerator with the image of the flag under which belarusians were killed is also about incredible patriotism. they offered to subscribe to some groups that distributed extremist materials and caused some kind of destruction.
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society, the state, how can you call for the destruction of your own home? i still want to preserve and build something for the future of my children, to direct all my efforts to preservation, and if for an opinion, no matter how they try to twist the meaning and tell the facts destructive resources to please their masters are not provided for, but for extremist activities, we are talking about distributing publications and financing extremist projects, the punishment is real, and so on throughout the... civilized world, if that’s what you like, examples about democracy. belarusians have passed a difficult exam, where patriotism and common sense are stronger than the incredible plan. i already assumed that those structures that work on the internet, for some reason, are awake at night. well, the answer, in fact, is simple, they like to sleep overseas, why does she came to break our system , everything is also obvious, i don’t like the acquisition of true sovereignty, i don’t like the fact that we... don’t
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need boats from the west, those ordinary people who believed in emotion saw and did not see a broken chain, yes they really are now they repent, they sincerely repent, but those who were at the helm, in my opinion , they must be judged as traitors to the fatherland. belarusians clearly remember the twentieth, how they tried to control their consciousness, took them out onto the streets, promised an incredibly bright future, and then drove off closer to the feeding trough, fugitives traitors are trying to shake up the situation now on the eve of the single... voting day, because the dollars and euros invested in their tour of europe need to be worked off, here is one of the proposals from extremist formations, to install hidden cameras at voting stations, here is about the correct angles about the natural camouflage of a video camera about the video format. the instructions clearly outline how to help extremists; follow the link, click, and the person is trapped.
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of our state, experts and guests in the new edition of the editors’ club discuss the fundamental reasons for the bloody conflict, from which someone is simply profiting. by the way , speaking about land, we mostly forgot about it, but this law on the sale of land
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to foreign companies to foreigners, it was adopted by zelensky one of the first, this is what they actually brought him to, they bought it, they actually own it, this was before the svo, they will defend it. rodents and mice literally ate western military equipment. this unexpected information is published by the french newspaper figaro. the fact is that some wire sheaths made from edible corn fiber.
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this decision was made within the company for environmentally friendly technologies, and the cars are intended as a technology demonstration. but on the battlefield , the green agenda is no good. and now, thanks to ordinary gray mice, western technology has been chewed off and completely immobilized. the belarusian army has definitely become stronger over the past year, new polonaises and communications systems have been put into service, and attack drones and small arms are next in line. our military is learning from real combat experience from russian colleagues. what can we say about our training grounds, where there is a fiery glow day and night, but behind the defensive citadel, first of all, there are people. about their fortitude, courage and unshakable strength in the new issue on form with anna chish, litash. nato soldiers refuse
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to fight in bad weather conditions. this statement was made by the commander of the british allied group, lieutenant colonel james fern. we are talking about exercises in estonia. i, as a military journalist, cannot even imagine that our military personnel refused to carry out a combat mission due to the weather. this applies to both officers and soldiers. we military correspondents actually live at the training grounds and see how combat
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training takes place and how the military behaves in certain conditions. you can say in one word, worthy. now you will see everything for yourself. november 23. arrival of the uec leaders. summit of the organization, snowstorm airport. the military personnel of the honor guard company stand motionless on the landing strip for more than an hour, waiting for russian president vladimir putin. from the wind, the faces of the military are crimson colors, and the shape is covered with snow. nobody even moved. the protocol was followed perfectly. these shots were taken in march 2023. classes on. training with cadets of the military academy of belarus: rain alternates with snow, high boots are buried in the mud, the guys don’t pay attention to it, they have training, they are outside all day, they are no strangers, they forge not
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only professionalism here, they create new themselves here. late november on the thermometer +1, military divers dive under water. according to information, they can be found in this area. not in physical training. august is overboard +33. the same number of kilometers must be covered by special forces soldiers at a time. and also break the clouds with a parachute, save the wounded, empty the clip of all small arms. i spent a couple of kilograms blowing up, swimming across the lake and sparring with three wrestlers. this is not an excerpt from an adventure novel. this is an annual award for a badge. valor and skill, a five-day test for the
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strongest in both body and spirit, and this is not footage of natural disasters, just june pouring rain, territorial defense exercises, the military, soaked to the skin , continue to carry out their assigned tasks , no one even thinks of going to wait out the bad weather, and then, when the clouds clear , they will continue training, no, the brothers are working, the following shots are not: training of blue berets - this is a training exercise for belarusian military journalists. every year, correspondents in uniform go through fire and water, and also refresh their knowledge of fire, tactical, psychological, and medical training. a five-day survival marathon to be able to stand up for the country, not just with a pen. they are different, our military, they are sure that they are cold, hard, and sometimes tired, but no one... whines, does not give up, does not complain about the vagaries
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of nature, there is a task that must be completed, and the personnel that you saw on the screen - this is only 1% of the events that happen every day in the army, our military defend the border, carry out combat duty, train day and night, they often do not have oxygen or fuel in their lungs , they put time with family and rest on the altar of service . attraction is buttoned up every morning jacket buttons, lace up ankle boots, go to defend the country. these are not pretentious words, i see this truth with my own eyes every day. interest in developing interstate contacts was reaffirmed today.
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an interim review of the implementation of our agreements in order to prepare
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a meaningful agenda for the upcoming visit of the president of zimbabwe to our country. sergei oleynik also conveyed an invitation to the first lady of zimbabwe to attend the slavic international arts festival market in vitebsk. one of the symbols of our sovereignty and stability, state system, the palace of independence. today employees of integral enterprises visited. and agat management system, the guests were told how the builders and architects passed the exam for speed and quality during the construction of the building, what materials were used, and here, 90% of everything marked was made in belarus by belarusians, which means conscientiously. the integral enterprise, which celebrated its sixtieth anniversary in december last year , follows the same principles in its work. anniversary. the holding employs more than. for
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microelectronics, strengthening the country's industrial potential. integral was declared a significant contribution to the development of the president's gratitude. integral is currently actively developing, two innovative one investment projects are under implementation. the projects being implemented cover, one might say, all cycles of production stages, starting from the production of monocrystalline kremnevo wafers, ending. crystal production, assembly already control tests, final products. from the first minutes of our visit - the initial hall, we see the power and greatness of our belarusian people.
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our predecessors did a lot of things, that we went to export, we work with more than 20 countries of the world, so we have a large circle of contacts outside the republic of belarus, now we are developing, we came here with great interest, those who came, well, here we are the first impression, of course, it really is... beauty, this is history, there is not a single centimeter on which the voice does not stop, everything is interesting in the life of the palace, this is the life of our state as a whole, it takes place here, the most fateful decisions are made in international terms, and in domestic
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politics, the participants of the excursion, more than 100 people, got acquainted with the stories of the halls, the palace of independence, with those events. formation, veterans of special forces, we show the younger generation that we must always be in
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, we must always be, play sports, sports are health, it is not very hard, because we have been doing this since childhood and love it, so well, for us it's the other way around. a little high, in honor of such a holiday, we went out to run in this form, it seemed that it was a little hard to be, but in principle we managed, so thanks to the organizers for such an event, it was very interesting, i need to show my son a good example, suddenly, a plus i also have a wonderful wife and daughter, who later on march 8 will also take part in the women’s race, the race of real men was held for the seventh time, the belarusian athletics federation holds it together with the minsk city executive committee and ministry of sports and tourism of belarus. our cyclists demonstrated the best sports qualities today. the belarusian team won the first gold at the games of the future in kazan. the virtual cycling race consisted of four stages: an individual time trial, a
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knockout race, and a 30 km scratch criterion. our team took the lead after the first type of program and did not slow down. until the very end of the competition. let me remind you that athletes from 107 countries are participating in the games of the future, the total prize fund is $10 million. well sit down comfortably right now. the most sincere and sincere television project in the country begins in belarus. let's watch factorby 60+, enjoy your tv evening.
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and this hot spot is precisely our state border , the militarization of the nato bloc, what poland is doing today, concentrating its forces, this is
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first of all known to everyone, this is already a safe underworld, where special detachments of snipers are already concentrated, what the baltic countries are doing today near their state borders paramilitary units, the war is now going on, including for resources, because the west cannot live at its own expense, they live by robbing their neighbors. east, africa, post-soviet space, they don’t want us to live on our own in peace, that’s why the president says peace and sovereignty is expensive. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch our projects
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tv channel, so what is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, sports and team.
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we tell you not only about significant events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it.
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it encourages you and your leg goes even higher, i just thought that’s how it works, he’s already a millionaire right away...


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