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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  February 24, 2024 2:30am-3:11am MSK

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hello, i'm vasya chekhov, an ordinary resident of a big city. i can’t imagine my life without high-speed internet, an electric scooter and coffee in the morning on the terrace of a coffee shop. patching machiata. every week i will try to understand why more and more people are changing their life in the city to the countryside. once, having bought and restored one plot of land with a house, our heroes could not stop. now they... together with their two children are torn between family plots and seem to get tremendous pleasure from this, let's get acquainted, hello, hello, i vasya, alexey, lyosha, it’s nice, vasya, katya , it’s very nice, and you are the same family who once in their life bought one piece of land, restored a house there, couldn’t stop anymore, yes, yes, yes, we are just crazy about beautiful places, that’s why we are rooting for these places and want to create as many as possible... now you have them, now we have
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about seven of them, something is under construction, something has already been launched, something... then in the process we think about what projects to implement there, so well, we are moving forward, there are no plans to stop, outside it looks very, what is called expensive, rich, i want to see what it’s like inside, welcome, let’s go, of course i guessed that there would be a lot of wood inside, but to this extent , absolutely everything is made of wood, well, the stove just isn’t made of wood, but it’s understandable, it looks , well, not overloaded, it’s very aesthetically pleasing, very appropriate, very cool, you have two floors here, yes, let’s start from the first, such a short tour, here are two rooms, here are two living rooms, two bedrooms, this common room combined with the kitchen, as well as on the ground floor we have a shower and toilet. and this
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house still implies one family, probably, or one company , one family can live here, that is, we provide such conditions, well, we don’t have such a thing that we rent there room by room, that is the house goes and is strictly in one hand, be it a couple, a family, a company, and so on, but there are four isolated rooms, two on the second floor , a very cool format also comes out when three or four families, yeah, let’s say, come there with children depending on quantity here... that is, in the rooms there is a different number of beds, somewhere there is a double bed, a single bed, a crib, we even have cribs, that is, and accordingly we already negotiate with them which rooms, where, what is convenient for whom, and people settle in, at the same time, companies, such a cool format for a company to gather in nature , to be just one...
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because to wake up in the morning to this format. the main thing is that these three or four families are familiar with each other, something else, that is, or a recreation center, that is, the screams of strangers and children unfamiliar to you, such enjoy yourself. as i understand it, this house was not here when you first took on this site. well, it stood, we finished it a little, reconstructed it, redid the roof, well, in principle , it already had its outline. ate when we bought it, what kind of house is this, what is it for? this is a house , a warm heated gazebo, a gazebo, a kitchen , that is, there is a washbasin, and a refrigerator, a stove with an oven, and a table for gatherings, and all kinds of dishes that can only be, that is, this is a very convenient format, yes, then eat not in the house, it’s like closer to nature, when you can cook, set the table and relax; there is also a stove where you can light a live fire.
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uh-huh, that means sitting in a warm gazebo, having dinner, chatting with friends, admiring the live fire, now an attentive viewer will look at this, as you called it, gazebo, and say, wow, you have gazebos, but compared to houses , which can be seen somewhere, how much would it cost for a mere mortal to organize such a gazebo on their property, well, i think about 25 thousand dollars, approximately turnkey, here i think it’s something like this, how much does it cost for a day here for a day here well...
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problems available, how did you two meet? this is a very interesting and romantic story, so i worked in a private company, we had an office on timeryazev, there is such a complex tetris parking lot, well, once again, when i had to move the car, alexey stood in the traffic there and in another place and just i noticed someone passing by... at that time it was my first car, my grandfather gave it to me, it was very bright, noticeable, old, in good condition, and then here he was when i saw that there was a girl driving, well, in short , yes, i ran, but didn’t have time to catch her, she had already gone to the offices, parked, went to the office and i left a note that i wanted to get to know
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my phone number, just without a photo, just a note, hey, hi, let's get acquainted, yes hi, let's get acquainted with your mobile phone, well, the next day. wrote a message with the same content that let’s get acquainted, on the same day we met her, now we ’ve been together for 9 years, and well, we meet every day, that is, from that moment, well, maybe to be there at the very beginning, there was another day when we didn’t see each other, that is, from that moment we saw each other every day, that is, from the moment of the note to the moment of our wedding , only 2 months passed, even less, here we are... we met in september, we already had a wedding in november, but did you propose with a note or not? no, there was an offer, katya will tell you better, then i lost my head, of course, i’m sorry, i can’t go with you, that is, we started a tradition that we are here alone for the weekend,
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the second one is going to my parents, he says: i’m sorry, i can’t go with you , i have something going on, we seem to be together every day, well, that ’s all work, okay, i went alone, and then he came, that is, this is more it was like this. yes, i arrived and there i took my sister with me, my sister, my sister took her husband with her, and we went to propose, that is, i took such a large speaker from the toastmaster, color music, she lives in a private sector, so i drove right up to the road and stood , took out a speaker, this one means they turned on music, fireworks, so katya went out into the street with her parents and i... what i mean is that now in my life i wouldn’t attempt such a feat, it’s just that then you lose your head, well, what can love do with people, let’s put it this way we are in such
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a very interesting place, i have a font next to my back, as i understand it, this is a furak bathhouse, a whole aeromassage complex under a clear sky, the stove heats up the water to 38 to 40°. right on the bank of the old bed of the islach river, it’s now frozen, 50 meters from here you run through a small forest, there we have our own beach directly next to the islach river itself, directly our own, yes, well, we call it our own, of course it is common, but we look after it, we look after it, there is simply
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no other way there except through our territory, therefore, i immediately remembered that very fairy tale in which for that to rejuvenate, you had to jump into changsha. cold water, then into a vat of hot water, well, it seems like magic should happen. our guys have this magic within walking distance. do you live outside the city? yes, you travel quite often, because now even in this as a matter of fact, you have many active points, yes, there are points that still need to be developed, built, completed, that’s right, all this time you almost always travel with children, yes, you have two children, what are they, four. and 7 years old, 4 and 7 years old, girls, what is it like to introduce such a fairly nomadic lifestyle with children? well, at first it may be unusual somewhere, somewhere there are some moments, you think, oh, it would be easier like this,
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but it would be like this when you have, say, some kind of goal, you need to go there, you are no longer you think about these everyday moments , it’s inconvenient, you just go, collect your bags, gathered the children, packed them there, and so on, one moment that... i personally emphasized for myself that i noticed that children, and besides, let’s say, standard, home, school, clubs, yes, he sees the process, he sees something else. in addition to this standard life, they already begin to absorb from this age, yes, that is , the eldest already, and we go there, and we go there, she names the name, she is already oriented, she is already delving into the process, she is getting involved. that’s all, well, other children, communication with peers, because it turns out that you pick up there, roughly speaking, the eldest from school there from the kindergarten, you took them to your place and took them here, for example, no, well, we have them from monday to friday. the youngest doesn’t go to kindergarten , the eldest doesn’t go to school for an after-school program, it’s very convenient that
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we have such an opportunity at school, yes, that is, i don’t feel it’s true that one child can still stay in kindergarten, the second one has to be picked up at lunch from school, plus she goes to clubs there, and even if necessary, after all of this, we can quickly go here and there and then go home in time and go to bed, yes, conditionally, there are such cases, but as a rule, our travels begin, this is the candle. friday on sunday evening we are already at home, that is, the most popular days are here for rent, yes, well, our parents also help us there, sometimes we don’t have time there, sometimes it seems like we think that we will be back there before school closes, we don’t have time, the parents there help us pick it up sometime, it’s very important that i have katya, she has it, we have it, as it were family probably still comes first, we are quite comfortable, we do n’t somehow bore each other. and we’re comfortable, we can be there with the four of us, we just
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don’t need anyone else, whether it’s good or bad, it’s not for us to judge such a lifestyle for children , it seems to me that it’s very important that children see passionate parents immersed in work, who are always together , and for children there is space, in winter there is a lot of snow in which to play, in summer there are flowers, grass, beautiful views, a very interesting bridge and, as far as i understand, this bridge wasn’t here, that is, this is your design, yes, it’s... it’s a very interesting , very budget bridge, actually, that’s because we had a lot of attempts to make some kind of crossing to the other side, but there were always uh trees , that is, as soon as you get hooked , you understand that they can bend, or maybe we wanted to make a crossing there , like some kind of floating bridge - movable, but one day i woke up in the morning and came up with this idea to make from barrels like these, simple oil barrels. which, in principle, are given away for free , as a rule, they are welded, you can simply twist
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a frame from a corner and just lay boards here, that’s it, it’s so stable, so cool, so we also tied it to the trees just in case, but it turned out, here we are we have been using it for more than a year, no complaints at all, cool, floating, and if, for example, the water has arrived, there is more of it, then accordingly the bridge has risen, accordingly the bridge has risen, the current passes from below - under it, so if you wish, you can take it to the shore , there to serve somehow, if this is necessary, and so it seems to move up and down with the water level, then i’ll give you another idea, i saw it from other guys, when i was filming from the village, they have a small river like this , but naturally less than yours , it’s so straight here and everything is very densely wide, they made themselves a skating rink here, it’s just a few pairs of skates to fit different sizes and i don’t know, put some kind of hockey goal, give a couple of sticks, no i know the puck. this is where you can really have a great time, besides the bathhouse, fonts, and other leisure activities that exist, with
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barrels, by the way, is a very interesting solution that can easily be adopted by those who have a river on or near their property. katya, what were you doing before this whole story with houses, with plots and with lyosha, who sees goals and does not see obstacles? i’m in my last year of study at bntu, i’m an engineer, oh, how? education, yes, but i worked in a private company, we design, well , this company now designs security systems, access control systems, cards, turnstiles, video surveillance, everything related secret police, there’s a fire safety system, in general it’s like this, again , i’ve seen a lot of house projects , i can read documentation, i understand it, that is, well , somehow it helps now, i worked there for about 2 years. i went on maternity leave from one
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maternity leave to the second, and then the second maternity leave was ending and i was faced with the following dilemma: either go back to work because, well, the work was really great, the team was great, that is, everything was fine with everything , or somehow implement it on a larger scale further and what seems to be the most my opinion? and specifically in this business, this is that my husband and i have some kind of common business, a common point of contact, yes, common interests, that is, what is important, that is , in addition to everyday life, home, children, that is, there is more. .. some kind of topic that and lyosha , what have you been doing and, as i understand it, you continue to work in addition to these projects, because well, if i understand everything correctly, here katya is such an ideological inspirer of all sorts of little things, subtleties, delicacies , this coziness, that’s right, and you’re something like an investor, i probably act somewhere as an investor,
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probably in our couple, so i’ve been involved in cargo transportation for a very long time. that is , probably for 10-12 years already, that is, even before katya, yes, even before katya i was engaged in cargo transportation, probably there i strengthened my character, that is, i had this speed of development, and somehow, i probably wanted a little, well, i ’m developing there at the same time, but i probably wanted something new, to try to realize myself in something else, if it weren’t for cargo transportation, you wouldn’t be this, not this a business that brings you the main source of income, would all this be real? i’m afraid not, because, as we already said, even the same font costs 15 thousand belarusian rubles, to build a bathhouse 25,000, so quickly in 2 years there will be three operating estates, there are also seven plots for construction, this would be impossible,
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definitely, because, well , you know, it requires a lot of money. is your performance in cargo transportation deteriorating due to the fact that this is how i see you now? with all my heart and soul here, you know, in business the people you work with are very important, this is probably the most important factor that influences the development of your company, that is, if you have people, you can buy reliable people, on which you can rest your shoulder, let’s say i ’m here with you now, everything works there for me, yeah yeah. if there are such people, then you can develop global companies, you can open thousands of estates in belarus, that is, the main thing is that you have a well-coordinated team, you have with whom to work, the human factor is very important, especially since in our country there are all the conditions for the development of business, cargo transportation, there are all the conditions for the development
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of estates, holiday homes, absolutely all the conditions, that is, zero... in in general, in short, yes, that house, it ’s so modern, a wooden cottage, yes, a mansion like that, yes, in the forest, in the village, and this is more of a village fairy tale, a village house, a hut, which we try as much as possible with such objects antiquities that
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many already know to us, and they themselves bring, offer, they give it away, sell it, in general, we are all happy to come here.
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like or, accept, accept , uh, well, probably, i would still choose this wilder style, well, with you, as i understand it, how is it in the average family, the wife comes running and says: look what you came up with, and you already, yes, yes, that’s exactly what’s happening, yes, that’s exactly what’s happening, every year katya decorates the house and the surrounding area in different ways, she decided for herself that nothing should be repeated. new year, new style. why at home, why this is exactly the case, why buy a plot of land, restore a house, then buy another one, restore a house, and not, well, i don’t know, some kind of city business, i don’t know how... the main thing is a lot of skills, but since you managed to cope with such a colossus, why exactly
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this? i love gifts, receiving and giving , so on one of my birthdays katya gave us a visit to one of our belarusian estates, but honestly somehow we still couldn’t get there, somehow it didn’t work out there, but that’s all - we were postponed, but we got ready, i... arrived and uh, i realized that i generally liked this business as a business idea, yeah, that’s the thing , that is, i understand that it’s clear to me, because there are a lot of businesses around, but you need to understand it and you need to understand it and so that you have the desire to deal with it, and we conferred, we began, one might say, from that very moment to look for some place of our own, and that is, we have a location, yeah. we haven’t yet talked about a network of atmospheric houses, we were just talking about at least one place there to try to realize oneself in this business try yourself, try to give people
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a buzz, yes, so that we get feedback and understand that yes, we are doing everything right , let’s move on, but fortunately or unfortunately i have such a stormy character, i need it here now, i need it quickly that's it, i don't like it for long. fence, there’s a fence on the right, uh, there’s a metal profile everywhere, people come, let ’s say, just there, let’s say, to sit with the company , that’s all, we have a different theme, we wanted exactly
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that at the first - let’s say, step on our site, people there was an immediate wow effect and our guys also have an interesting feature: after they restore another house, they move the whole family into it as guests and test their brainchild on... continues to study, develop, scale, still tell me the question, here you've lived your life when you need to stop
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, one rich man said that lyosha, as soon as you jump out of the car, the train leaves, yeah, that's it, that's why he's 60-70 years old, but i think the same thing awaits us our very fate, as long as people need us, as long as our services will be interesting as long as we have the strength, we will only move forward and... there is no such thing here that here we are, 10-15 houses are all there, we are finishing, we don’t have such a goal, god willing, god willing, opportunities we need to develop further, we will only move forward, but what about peace, i don’t know , a calm old age here in an armchair with a cup of coffee and life is good, well, i think that i won’t be able to just sit like this for a long time, i think we’ll rest there for a month and then go into battle. plus - we really like it i want our children to probably take over and continue our work, because well, the child there is 7 years old - coming of age is just around the corner,
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like 10-12 years old, so i think that they will still pick up this topic already there they will continue to scale , surprise people, give them emotions, that is , well, of course, it’s too early to think about this, while we are still in force, well, there are no plans to stop, as long as we are interested in this, even if your children... plot and four more new houses that will give joy to people, may everything it will work out.
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we will bring the viewer closer to science. and today we’ll figure out how science, and specifically biotechnology, helps turn grain into gold. lysine hydrochloride, we are the only one in the post-soviet space that produces this. amino acid in this form. let's tell you how talented scientists changed our lives. and today.
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today it is difficult to imagine your development from the first minutes of the presentation without competition, watch the scientific project, science is nearby on our tv channel, they were born in different parts of the world, hello everyone, my name is sing kaijen, i from china, now studying for a master's degree in journalism, and i love belarus and everyone found something for themselves here. belarus is one word for me, it is very important. opportunity, i can realize my idea , which is related to art, i found the most important people for me here, i also found my favorite job, belarus is now my second home, each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i noticed that belarusian students always have a lot of new ideas, they
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organize different events themselves.
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the day of defenders of the fatherland and the armed forces is celebrated in belarus; president alexander lukashenko congratulated his compatriots on the holiday. the ceremony took place at the palace of independence, the president presented state awards and general's shoulder straps to the senior officers. these people are doing everything to preserve the country, clear skies over their native belarus. the head of state thanked them for their service and ensured that hybrid attacks on belarus did not escalate. full-scale hot massacre, our people sleep peacefully, because in combat operations, sometimes officers and generals participate at the risk of their lives. today, the best of them have been awarded high state awards of the highest military ranks. thank you, dear friends, for your service, for preventing the hybrid attacks on belarus from developing into a full-scale one.
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thank you to everyone who stands shoulder to shoulder next to you, protecting peace and quiet in their native land. i appeal to everyone who has chosen a noble profession, to defend their homeland, to everyone who already now dreams of someday putting on a military uniform with honor to serve their country and their to the people.
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to the victory monument in minsk. during the great patriotic war , the best features of the belarusian people most clearly manifested themselves. courage, resilience and heroism. the holiday of february 23 is inextricably linked with the struggle of belarusians for sovereignty and independence, for the right to live freely in their native land. belarus is approaching the main political event of the country, a single voting day. these days , belarusians form the composition of the house of representatives and local councils of deputies. 3 days ahead of schedule. according to the central election commission, voter turnout was slightly less than 24.5%. sunday is the main election day. those voters who cannot come to the polling station for health reasons or other valid reasons have the right
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to vote at home. to do this, you must contact the precinct commission in advance. the cec information center is ready to open. already on saturday there will be a press conference by the chairman of the central asian committee for international observers and journalists. belarus and zimbabwe are developing cooperation. in harare , foreign minister sergei olenik held meeting with the minister of foreign affairs and international trade of zimbabwe, frederick shawa. the parties examined in detail the progress of implementation of the agreements reached during the state visit of the president of belarus to zimbabwe. the mutual desire for mutual support on international platforms and strengthening the interaction of regional integration associations, of which belarus and zimbabwe are members, were emphasized. program. the accelerated development of a territory with a population of 80,000 or more in orsha gave impetus to both industry and the social sphere. about it prime minister roman golovchenko said, opening a new clinic, high-quality equipment for children and adults, the ability to receive at least 650 patients per shift,
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positive trends are noted in production, the main indicators of the effectiveness of the measures taken have been met. tax incentives and preferences, i think there were 16 of them in total, were actually provided. maintain the results of the implementation of the regional development program for the country as a whole and in detail for each enterprise. for the next winter season in belarus they have developed a new line skis prototypes are already ready. the only ski production facility in the country is located in
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telekhany, ivatsevichi district. by order of the president, it was modernized several years ago and now up to 20,000 pairs are produced per year. today, domestic producers own 80% of the market. we have improved. wedge, that is, it has become lighter, much lighter, we have made it so that the design of the ski is more correct, we have increased the angles so that the materials inside the ski are positioned correctly, that is, an improvement passed all geometric parameters, which allows us to obtain a higher quality product. domestic skis have quickly occupied the massmarket segment, which is in demand among both belarusian and russian consumers. the production capacity in telekhans is. 75,000 pairs per year, which means higher sales potential. today, skis from the telekhana branch occupy approximately 80% of the belarusian market. uh, the release of a new line of skis under the snow wave brand allows us to take a small step
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forward in terms of promoting this products on the russian federation market , including starting negotiations with a large russian network that distributes sporting goods. including with a division of this network, which today imports skis to belarus under other brands. belarusian cyclists put the first gold of the game of the future into the country's treasury; athletes of the fidzital cycling virtual race scored 522 points based on the results of four stages, which is 53 points more than the pursuing quartet from russia. in the team consists of members of the national team anna terich, taisti naskovich. evgeny sobol and mikhail shemetov. in total , athletes from 107 countries participate in the competition, and the total prize fund is $10 million.
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review of the most important sporting events. perhaps the next sharangovich will soon be born here. loud statements accompanied the opening of the forty-sixth water-diving site in belarus. we are confident that future ones will grow here. hockey champions, exclusive interviews with athletes: if previously as part of the national teams were mainly represented by the children of minsk schools, but now we already see how the guys... moments of real emotions, i myself came from the regions, they begin to dominate, bright young people, that’s why we all try, we all want to reach the highest places, no matter what that the result that i showed today in my current state, i ’m really happy with this result, i have such a preparation strategy, i’m preparing for the olympic games, probably it’s even the athlete’s duty to believe in it and prepare, all this is in sports projects at
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... the sights, how beautiful , thank you very much, thank you, ciao, ciao, can i touch the device, yes, that's it, let's go, ah, gaila, how beautiful she is, her head is very round, even he just screams like that. watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show , cheat sheets will not help participants. this was the first time i had heard of such a person, but i intuitively answered: no, it seems to me that he is mexican. mexican, how interesting. it seems to me that he is italian. here you can only rely on your own strength. this is the boriso-gleb church, it is located in grodno region, who would doubt it, victor, it simply lives for everyone, a game that will not leave anyone indifferent, what is the one-thousandth part of a meter called, a prokhor of 1 km is 1.0 m, that is, it does not fit the definition of a thousandth part, an exhaustive answer of a prokhor, thank you thank you very much and the smile at the end is like an exclamation point. dmitry, what do you think? well, granite is kind of like
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a brown-red stone. what type of minerals? i can't give an answer. i understand, it seems to me that prokhor can answer absolutely any question. this is a mineral that burns he? no. watch an intellectual and entertaining project. i know on the belarus 24 tv channel . i believe that the main task of a teacher is to raise a worthy generation so that our country can develop in peace and creativity. i was born in the city of ivanovo, brest region, graduated from school number one, and entered the pushkin brez pedagogical institute. and after graduating from the institute, i returned to my city, because i
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love it very much, it will always remain dear to me. i have been a teacher for 30 years, and if i could rewind time, then, i probably chose the same professional path. the most interesting part of the profession is promoting a child, that’s when they come to us in fifth grade, and we study their abilities, their needs, mentally imagine how this child... can develop. a teacher must be demanding, be able to be happy for children, and instill in them confidence in their abilities. the most valuable thing for a teacher is when his students reach heights. this is a great reward for me. how do i feel about this? of course , pride and joy. working with modern children, i would like to instill responsibility in them first of all. before himself, first of all, and... before the world around him, while a person


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